🌺 Another Quick Author Note 🌺

So I have a few things to say about a few different things. So first about my Oneshots, I am carrying them on, I'm just on a little bit of a writer's block at the moment so you'll have to forgive me but I have all your requests' plots written down and ready to write! Second, I'll be changing the icons next to the chapters depending on what the season is so I'll have a little key for that here

Spring - 🌺
Summer - β˜€οΈ
Autumn - πŸ‚
Winter - 🌨️

Next, I'd like you to all be aware that I'm gender fluid and I use the neopronouns pix/pixself so please use them correctly ^^
Also, now I'm going to be labelling the Oneshots with their genre (angst, fluff ect.)
And last, I love you all so much and thank you for the continued support it really means a lot and I don't see you as readers but I see you all as friends who help and support me so thank you so so much! πŸ’•πŸ’—πŸ’•πŸ’—
That's all for now, I love you all!
