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"I can't believe Sonic ditched us... again!" You yelled from the backseat for him to hear you between the engines.

"I don't know what you expect from him. And for the millionth time, Mint, I can hear you just fine, please don't yell."

"Oh, sorry... But he could've waited for us before we took off!"

He glanced back at you, "Really? Sonic and waiting? Please." he scoffed playfully.

You grumbled, leaning on your elbow, "Well, he's gotta learn to slow down at some point... What a guy."

Tails sighed, "Well, I gotta admit, he can be reckless sometimes and act without second thought, but... he always think of his feet and he always there for anyone. He saves the world at the right moment."

"Even though it's his fault that Mobius gets destroyed all the time?" You chuckled.

"And with our help, we're unstoppable!" Tails cheered, ignoring your remark.

You laughed, "Oh, I can't even imagine him without us. What would he do?"

Tails snickered at the idea, "Probably run around without any purpose."

You hummed in delight, but your smile dropped. You leaned back in your seat, looking down at your gloves. Something doesn't feel right...

As the aircraft soared through the sky, you couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that Sonic would make a mistake. Throughout the years, you and Tails had become an integral part of his adventures. You fondly remembered the countless battles you had fought side by side, always emerging victorious against Dr. Robotnik's forces. Sonic may have been impulsive, but his heart was in the right place.

"Ah. We're here." Tails' serious tone helped you to come back to your senses. Leaning over the edge of the plane, you squint your eyes from the wind. Is that...? Eggman's robot and Sonic were fighting just a little far away from our spot in the sky around some kind of a mountain. Tails starts to lower the plane to get more on their level.

Biting back a grin, you wiggled in your seat, "Finally! Some action!! I was tired of sitting!" Tails announced, "We gotta help Sonic."

"Roger that!"

"And no jumping down the plane this time!!!" He warned quickly.

"I... wasn't going to do that..." you grumbled, getting back into your seat.

After watching them fight for a little while, you start to keep glancing between them and Tails' nervous figure. The tension in the air was palpable, and you couldn't help but feel the weight of the situation. As the battle raged on, you could see Sonic's determination and agility, dodging every attack with ease. Eggman's robot, on the other hand, seemed relentless and powerful.

"What do you think? What do you want me to do? What can I do?" You questioned, feeling a mix of frustration and concern.

"Justโ€”just stay there," he replied, his voice filled with urgency.

Huffing out in annoyance, you crossed your arms and reluctantly agreed, "Finee..."

Looking around his seat, he began to panic, realizing that something was missing. "You can't do anything about thisโ€”Just help me find my gadget!"

You raised a skeptical eyebrow. "How could I know where your gadget is? Look where you left it before."

A light up as he leaned down. "Okay, found it. Thanks a lot for the help..." he muttered sarcastically, rolling his eyes. He quickly looked back at his gadget, analyzing it intently.

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted as a voice echoed through the room. "One scrambled egg, coming up!" It was Sonic, sounding smug and confident as always.

Curiosity piqued, you leaned over to see the action. Sonic stood on the hand of Eggman's robot, spin-dashing the machine and causing it to nearly topple off the edge.

Glancing towards the unamused fox, you knew he was sharing the same thoughts with you. "There's something odd about this whole thing, don't you think?" you asked, feeling the need to voice your concerns.

Tails nodded gravely, realizing it was time to be more serious. "I was going to say the same thing. I don't like this at all. Eggman's too smart to not realize how terribly positioned he is."

His gaze shifted to his gadget, his expression thoughtful. "It's almost like he'sโ€”"

Before he could finish his sentence, you both gasped in realization. "He's not in there!" you spoke in unison, both shocked by the same horrifying thought.

You quickly bit your tongue, hoping that this revelation had nothing to do with your recent nightmare.ย 

"Eggman and his endless tricks are going to make me go nuts." You groan, leaning on your seat with an aching pain in your head. "I'm sure we can handle it," Tails said.

"Quaking in your tiny shoes at the might of my Eggcrasher?" Eggman taunts.

Leaning back in your seat, you continue to watch the fight unfold before you. Sonic, the hero of Mobius, is standing tall and defiant, ready to take down his arch-nemesis once again.

"It's understandable; I am rather outstanding," Eggman smirks, his voice oozing with a wicked sense of superiority.

"Heh... In your dreams..." you mutter under your breath, rolling your eyes at Eggman's inflated ego. The spectacle before you continues to play out like a thrilling movie.

Sonic clenches his fist, determination evident in his glowing emerald eyes. "You bring it, I break it, Eggman!" he exclaims confidently. "That's the game, and I'm still the undefeated numero uno!" Sonic punctuates his remark with some small jazz hands, adding a bit of showmanship to his bravado.

Unfazed by Sonic's taunts, Eggman retorts, "Then put your quills where your mouth is unless you're scared."

You turn to Tails, concern etched on your face. "Oh no... That's not going to end well, Tails," you warn, desperately trying to think of a way to help Sonic.

"We gotta do something! Now! Let me help him!" you plead with Tails, your grip tightening on the back of his seat.

Tails pauses, contemplating your request. "Whatโ€” No, no. We need to warn him. You stay here. Iโ€”" Before he could finish his sentence, you interrupt him.

"Just let me! I can help! Why don't youโ€”" you insist, your voice filled with frustration.

"I said no, Y/n!" he snaps, his frustration mirroring your own.

You paused, and clenched your hands, an angry outbrust rising within you, "Why?! You never let me help in the fights! I don't understand! I'm fully capable of protecting myself!" you protest, the words pouring out in a cascade of emotion.

"Just stopโ€”" Tails' voice trails off, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and something you can't quite read.

You repeat with a hiss, "Why?" your frustration boiling over.

He sharply turns to you, his expression serious. "You. are. not. ready... not yet," he says, his voice laced with concern.

What the heck? Not ready? Is he for real? You can feel a mix of anger and confusion swirling within you as Tails turns back to his task at hand.

He mutters, "I need you to be here where it's safer." As he pilots the plane toward the menacing Eggcrasher, Tails fires a barrage of shots at Eggman, mostly to take Sonic's attention on himself.

"Safe?" You mutter to yourself in disbelief, the word heavy. As you watch Tails bravely take on Eggman, you can't help but question whether safety is truly worth not sacrificing the chance to fight alongside your friends. Or that is what he truly think for you. Does he believe that you areย incapable and incompetent?

The desire to prove yourself burns deep within you as anger and dreariness bubbling like a hot soup in your chest. An idea lighten up inside your mind. Gritting your teeth, you make a silent promise to yourself: next time, you won't let anyone hold you back. You will become stronger, ready to face any challenge that comes your way. And maybe, just maybe, you'll have the chance to show Tails and Sonic that you are indeed capable of standing by their side in battle and not on the sidelines.

As the weight of past near-death experiences bore down on your shoulders, a voice echoed in your mind: "It wouldn't have happened if you weren't a human, Y/n. You risked your life before, and if you step in once again you would put their lives in danger again. You're not capable of helping because you're not like them."

The internal struggle intensified as you clenched your fists, battling the doubts that threatened to consume you. Meanwhile, Tails, tried to get closer to Sonic with his plane. He urgently shouting above the roar of the engines, "It's a trap, Sonic!! It's a trap!"

Sonic, ever confident yet perpetually aware, glanced around. "I don't see a trap, though I guess by definition I wouldn't see a trap if there was one..." he pondered aloud, his voice revealing both curiosity and skepticism.

The sound of Eggman's wicked laughter pierced the air, further fueling Sonic's annoyance. "Something funny, egghead?" he retorted, fixating his gaze on the mad scientist.

Eggman wasted no time in mocking Sonic's intellect. Pointing a robotic finger at Sonic, he sneered, "You are! Watching you try to think with that two-cent brain of yours is hilarious!"

Tails, growing increasingly frantic, shouted, "Sonic! You gotta listen! It's a trap!"

Eggman growls. Eggcrusher shoots beams at the plane to shoo him away and out of his plans.

He turn to Sonic, fueling him with his words, "You're as stupid as your mutant, two-tailed fox friend is ugly."

Enraged by Eggman's insults and driven by the unwavering bond with Tails, Sonic grit his teeth and clenched his fists. Determination gleamed in his eyes as he declared, "Oh, you're really asking for it."

Eggman chuchkled, "Yes... I am!"

Sonic bellowed with unyielding determination. "You can mess with me, Eggman, but no one messes with my best friend!" The tension reached its pinnacle when Sonic let out a fierce battle cry.

Without hesitation, Sonic unleashed his incredible speed and spinned towards the colossal Egg Crusher. The world around him blurred as he charged forward.

Tails stared in disbelief as Sonic, furiously spun down, colliding with the Eggcrusher and sending it hurtling off the cliff's edge, pushing it down as they crashed on the ground. The impact was so powerful that the ground shook violently, forming a deep crater and cracks that snaked up the mountain's rockface.

As the shockwave spread, you were caught in its path. A sharp pain surged through your body, leaving you dazed and overwhelmed. The excruciating headache that followed only added to the chaos swirling inside your mind. Desperately, you pressed your head into your palms, hoping for the discomfort to ease, unaware of Sonic's jubilant shouts in the background.

Groaning in anguish, you opened your eyes and surveyed your trembling hands. They trembled. "Oh god..." you whispered, your voice filled with fear and pain.

Tails, his normally positive and happy nature subdued, hovered the plane towards his workshop. You barely noticed, lost in your own thoughts, as you examined your gloves carefully with your head spinning a bit.

The explosion... Crashed your gloves...


You picked up one of the toolboxes from the ground and walked far away from the entrance, where Tails was sitting nearby. You sighed and put down the box on the table, your eyes fixated on your broken gloves. If they hadn't broken earlier, you wouldn't be standing here for even a second. Opening and closing you fingers, it became evident that it was harder for them to move them now.

Glancing back, the red doors opened to reveal Sonic's arrival. "Yo! How's my genius friend and amazing pal?" he nervously greeted. Tails replied with a flat tone, "Hey, Sonic," while you acknowledged him before going back to the task you were working on, rolling your eyes in mild annoyance.

Sonic, sensing the tension, tried to lighten the mood. "I brought you both some comics," he said, offering a small token of... apolagy? Tails responded, "Thanks, Sonic. You can put them over there," pointing somewhere off to the side without even facing him. You didn't bother to look, instead picking up a screwdriver to examine the surface of your damaged gloves, trying to figure out what had gone wrong.

Sonic chuckled sheepishly at his failed attempt to diffuse the tension. "How about a little break from the big brain stuff, you two?" he suggested, concerned for their well-being.

"I can't. Something's not right. I gotta figure out what Eggman is up to," Tails replied, his focus unwavering.

Sonic frowned, stepping closer to Tails and turning his chair around to force the fox to face him. "Sorry, Tails, Y/n... I didn't mean to upset you. In fact, I've never seen you two so upset before. I just kinda got caught up in the moment and..."

Tails raised his hand, interrupting Sonic's explanation. "Sonic, it's cool, really. But thanks. I appreciate it." Sonic looked at you, who hadn't said a word since his arrival. That was unusual because you were always cheerful and bubbly, no matter what. Sonic frowned, concerned for his friend's uncharacteristic silence.

Sonic turns to Tails when he starts talking with a concerned look on his face, "Don't you think it was weird that Eggman wasn't in the Eggcrusher?" he asked.

"Uh, not really," Sonic replied nonchalantly. "I mean, he is a total chicken." He shrugged, grinning mischievously. "But I did find a hunk of junk in the cockpit where his big butt should have been."

"Hunk of junk, huh?" Tails pondered, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Wonder if that was all part of the trap? Tell me you didn't toss it in the pile of badnik parts."

Sonic scratched his head, realizing he might. "Uh..." he hesitated for a moment before zooming off and returning swiftly, holding the mysterious part. "Junk speed delivery! You smash it, we dash it!"

Tails eagerly took the part from Sonic's hands and examined it closely. "It wasn't a trap; it was a trick," he said, a realization dawning in his eyes.

Curious, you glanced up from your work and observed the pair.

Tails continued, worry evident in his voice. "You've never created a blast that destructive... I think that this device was some sort of speed amplifier. Long story short, he used your speed against you!"

"The fox is onto something," Rouge declared with a sly smirk, her smooth voice melding with the gentle buzzing sound in the workshop. You sent a weary glance at her way. Another person? Great. You sighed in frustration, hoping for a brief respite from the chaos that seemed to follow you wherever you went.

Her sudden appearance surprised Sonic and Tails, causing them to stammer in disbelief. "Rouge?!" they both exclaimed, their voices laced with surprise.

"How did you get in here?" Sonic queried, his skepticism evident. Rouge chuckled, ignoring his question. "He played you for a fool, Blue."

Sonic scoffed, his arms crossed defensively. "Pfft! Please! What would he need a massive explosion in that area for?" he questioned, referring to Dr. Robotnik's doings.

Tails, pondered while Rouge spoke, "Well... I have a hunch."

Rouge gracefully spread her wings, hovering above the ground before fluttering down from the top of the door. Her gaze met theirs as she flied infront of them, captivating their attention once more. "You see," she began, "I've been searching for years for a super rare and shiny gem called the Paradox Prism."

"Paradox Prism?" Tails repeated, his curiosity piqued. Rouge landed in front of them, her presence commanding as she delved deeper into her explanation. Sonic leaned in, unable to resist being drawn into the intrigue.

"Legend speaks of untold power, and it's buried deep within the Green Hill bedrock. My guess is that he used your power against you to try to find it," Rouge revealed, her eyes shining with a mixture of anticipation and determination.

Sonic and Tails stood in surprise of this revelation. "Fascinating. But what I really want to know is, how did you get in here?" Sonic asks with genuine confusion. Rouge looks at him with an 'are you serious' face, "You left the door open."

She pointed to the door that was still open, which they leaned in to check out. "Gather your crew and meet me at the top of the loop-de-loop. Let's find out what Eggman is up to."

The trio flinched when they heard a pained yell. You yelped and groaned, falling on your back with the chair. You shook your tingling hand after getting electrified. Damn it.

The day can't get any better, does it? You grimaced at the sight of a white glove in your view, Sonic's grin unsettled you. Sighing, you reluctantly reached out and grabbed his outstretched hand. He effortlessly pulled you to your feet, his green eyes filled with concern.

Observing your torn and damaged gloves, Sonic raised an eyebrow curiousity and worry rising inside him, "Wow, nasty. What happened? Is this the reason why you were ignoring me?" You sighed deeply, feeling a mixture of guilt, frustration, and weariness, and looked away, unable to meet his piercing gaze.

Just as you thought you could escape the impending conversation, Tails approached the two of you, his cautious eyes resting on your gloves. Muttering under his breath, he warned, "You should have told me before you tried to mess with those. Electric shocks are the only thing you'll get if you don't know what you're dealing with."

Rolling your eyes dismissively, you replied, "Yeah, sure..."

Tails sighed, clearly disappointed. "I didn't want this to come to this, but..." His voice trailed off, causing you to hold your breath nervously. Panic began to course through your veins as you silently prayed, hoping he wouldn't ask you to stay behind. Please, please, not that.

He paused for a moment, before finally continuing, "We need to change your gloves. But, I need to warn you, they're not finished. They're still prototypes, not tested. So you'd need to be careful."

Relief washed over you as you realized that staying behind wasn't part of the situation. Tentatively, you glanced at Tails, giving a grateful nod. The possibility of improved gloves instilled new hope within you, pushing away your doubts and fears.

As he carefully retrieved the gleaming, technologically advanced gloves from his workspace, he motioned for you to come closer.

Sonic, whistled in admiration, "Cool gloves, buddy." Rouge, couldn't help but smile, "Nice work there, fox boy."

Y/n, while appreciating Tails' craftsmanship, pressed your lips into a thin line, still harboring some skepticism. Nevertheless, you allowed your curiosity to get the better of you and approached Tails as he held out the new gloves.

As Tails took your hands in his, he leaned closer, whispering words meant towards the gloves. Despite finding his antics unnecessary, you rolled their eyes, secretly enamored by his playful nature.

With a click, your old gloves opened up, and Tails deftly removed them, prompting a sigh of relief from you. They reveled in the sensation of opening and closing your freed palms, reveling in the newfound freedom.

Tails' smile grew wider as he held out the elegant new gloves towards you, confidently stating, "Hopefully, you like the new features I added," accompanied by a wink.

You hesitated for a moment, but the infectious warmth of Tails' smile finally convinced you to surrender to his efforts. Sliding the new gloves onto your hands, you heard a satisfying click as the gloves locked around your wrists, securing them in place.

Eagerly examining the gloves, you noticed that they were not just an upgrade but an innovative masterpiece. The new gloves were not only fancier but lighter and smoother, just built for her, erasing any burden from the past.

Blinking in disbelief, you questioned Tails, "What do you mean by new features?"

Tails chuckled, scratching his cheek, "Well, I don't have time to explain everything now. We've got Sonic and Rouge waiting for us."

You nodded, your smile now beaming with gratitude and excitement, as you force your doubts and upsetting thoughts behind like morning mist. They need you by their side. You are not gonna let some thoughts overwelm you. "Alright... Let's go," you said, ready to embark on their next adventure, armed with Tails' creation.

On the loop-de-loop, You, Sonic, and others, including Rouge, stare at where the shockwave was caused by Sonic as they see the smoke along with the crack on the rockface.

"I think Rouge is right." Tails announced.

"Eggman picked that spot for a reason. Why else would he hide a power amplifier in his own Eggcrusher?" You muttered.

"So; we start at the scene of the crime." Knuckles stated.

"Exactly. Let's go investigate and see if anything might lead us to this Paradox Prism you guys are talking about." Amy spoke.

"Let's stick together and we'llโ€”"

Sonic chirped in, "Perfect! I'm gonna ring up. Meet you there!" He jumped down and ran away.

"Sonic!" Amy shouted to him.

She mutters, upset, "I guess he didn't hear the 'stick together' part."

You rolled your eyes, "Classic Sonic."

"Does he ever listen?" Knuckles piped in.

"No." Tails added, "But he also hasn't let us down when it really counts."

He glanced at you with a smile, you returned the gesture by sticking your tongue out at him.

"You know Sonic. He'll catch up at some point."

Agreeing with him as you look towards the horizon, your smile turns into a sour sigh.

Please, let this end well.
