

Happily swinging from tree vine to tree vine, was Y/n, Kiri and Tuk was on her Y/n's back holding on tightly.

"HEY! WAIT UP!" a voice that belonged to spider yelled as he and Lo'ak ran on the ground.

"Nah uh, Keep up!" Tuk yelled back at the boys who were running out of breath. "Hold on!" Y/n said to Tuk, before leaping off the vine and grabbing hold of another vine.

"Wooh!" a cheer erupted from Tuk as she held a hand out, to touch a branch of leafs. A laugh erupted from Y/n and Kiri at the girl's curiosity and excitement.


"Alright, we're here." Lo'ak declared as he held his knees catching his breath, a few feet away was spider all sprawled out on the grass out of breath.

"Hehe, one more for the darlings." Tuk and Kiri said in union, looking at each other in shock.

"Yup us darlings are the best." Y/n proclaimed with a wide smirk as she stood in front of Lo'ak. "Now the guys need to give us a sweet fruit tomorrow. Like they said." her smirk widened when she saw the look on spider and Lo'aks face.

Laughs caught the two boys of guard, "H-hey! It's not funny." yelled a frustrated spider as he stood up.

"Sure, whatever sits in your boat." a mocking Kiri spoke as she walked ahead of the them all. Y/n shook her head as she let small giggles escape.

Lo'ak and spider soon lead the way with Tuk and Kiri in the middle and Y/n at the end, to make sure Tuk didn't get left behind.

Passing by a handful of different flowers, Tuk stopped by one and stuck her hand by the stems. It tickled her hand making her giggle, but soon stop when Lo'ak yelled at her to keep up.

"Bro, why did you bring her and Y/n with though?" asked spider as Lo'ak stopped and turned around.

"I'm gonna tell mom and dad you went out to the old war zone, that we aren't allowed to go near." Lo'ak mocked in a high pitch voice, "Don't make fun of her." Kiri sighed at the her brother.

Tuk stuck her tongue out from behind the two teen girls, "And Y/n was walking by when Tuk and me we're getting ready to go, so Tuk being Tuk made Y/n come with us." Lo'ak hissed in annoyance, Kiri rolled her eyes at the boy's attitude.

"Don't lie Lo'ak, you just wanted me to watch over Tuk." Y/n taunted the blue boy who flipped her off, before getting ready to climb up a tree.

Sighing at the boy, Y/n's attention was directed to something else, the Pandora's natural beauty. "Hey little one stay with Lo'ak or spider, I'm gonna go walk abouts." Y/n bent down to the girl's eye level.

"Okie I'll tell Lo'ak." Tuk exclaimed happily, Y/n nodded and hugged the girl quickly before she walked into the wilderness.

Walking away from Lo'ak shouting at Tuk and, Tuk shouting at Lo'ak. Y/n's smile widened in excitement when she saw a stunning flower, one flower she had seen one too many times.

The flower she would see when she visited her mother, father and other family members who were no longer alive.

A soft smile was placed on her face as she sat down in front of the flower, its beautiful lavender color that would shine ten times brighter at night, made her mesmerized.

She had asked her mother before why that flower was so important to her family. All she got as an answer was that the flower meant a symbol of Sorrow on her planet.

But also a symbol of celebration of life. Here in Pandora it was bigger and more vibrant, there on earth it was smaller and less vibrant.

Humans called it Hyacinth. A symbol of Sorrow but, also a celebration of life.



A symbol of Sorrow is also a celebration of life.
As we mourn a loss;
the fragrant and beautiful
Hyacinth reminds us to take in all the blessings our loved ones would surely want us to see.


"Ai moon, Kiri!" two well known voices called in the distance, Y/n smiled as she stood up. She looked up at the sky. 'All most eclipse.' Y/n thought to herself.

Shaking her head to herself she called out to the group. Tuk ran over to her with a disspointed smile, "Hiya Wee one, what's up?" the older girl asked as she picked the younger girl up.

Tuk shook her head as an answer and nuzzled her head into Y/n's neck, Y/n gave Lo'ak a look and her dramatically sighed.

"She's upset she didn't see any dead bodies. And spider called her out for being creepy." Lo'ak sighed knowing well how Tuk was going to deny what he said.

"I did not!" Tuk yelled at Lo'ak, forgetting about the fact she was right next to the older girls ear. "Ow, wee one.. That hurt" Y/n hissed as a soft ringing rang through the one ear.

"Ah, sorry Y/n.." Tuk apologized as she went back to nuzzling her head in the side of Y/n's neck.

"Soo, we just going to stand her and get in trouble with Miss Sully or?" Spider started with a teasing tone, "Shut the fuck up." Y/n hissed at the human boy, who was snickering as she walked in front of the three other teens.

"Oh by the way, next time don't eye fucking Kiri." Y/n replied sarcastically, as she heard Lo'ak stop in his tracks.

"Bro! That's my sister!" Lo'ak exclaimed as spider kept on denying anything Y/n had said. Kiri just awkwardly walking beside her best friend.

"You had to say that. Didn't you?" Kiri whispered sarcasm dripping from her tone. Y/n smirked adjusting the young na'vi in her arms. "Yes," Y/n smirked at the flustered girl.

"Go fuck with neteyam." Kiri spoke to the girl who stopped in her own tracks, now being the flustered one.

Lo'ak who was behind Y/n heard what Kiri had said and was laughing his ass off, with a confused spider next to him.

"What happened?" spider asked looking at Lo'ak who was crying with how hard he was laughing.

"Kiri told Y/n to go fuck with Neteyam. And now she's flustered." Lo'ak said between laughs, soon spider was also laughing along with Lo'ak.

"Assholes." Y/n hissed softly, as she was looking down. Tuk shifted in Y/n's arms, "Don't worry N/n, neteyam would help you anytime." Tuk tried to encourage but just made spider and Lo'ak laughs louder and Kiri soon started to laugh with them.

Tuk looked around confused at why everyone was laughing, "Did I say something wrong?" Tuk asked a little bit sad.

"No Tuk, these three are just being meanies." Y/n replied to the younger girl who nodded, "Now can we please get going, mom's going to kill you three if we aren't back soon." Tuk stated, and soon all of them were off.

1215 words.

Thank you all for almost 200 views! Enjoy the rest of the book.
