chapter three, noisy neighbours

It had barely been one hour. The two had shared a desk for approximately forty-nine minutes and sixteen seconds, and Barty was already fantasizing about wringing Jake Peralta's neck.

"Can you stop chewing so loudly?" The blonde's jaw flexed as he looked over at the chair that was practically right next to his. The two were side by side now, both of them busy with different things, Jake on the computer and Barty busy with some more paperwork; the paperwork didn't seem to have an end to it.

Jake glanced over with a mouthful of sandwich, completely oblivious to his obnoxious eating habits.

"What? I'm just enjoying my lunch, man." He had mayo on his cheek, something that was driving Barty out of his mind. "Besides, it's my desk too. I can chew as loud as I want!" He continued to chew with an exaggerated smacking sound, just to annoy Barty further.

The blonde knew he could play that game, and then his foot started tapping on the ground, something he noticed didn't sit well with his desk partner.

Jake immediately groaned, annoyed by the sound of Barty's foot tapping. He shot him a glare, trying to concentrate on his work. "Dude, seriously? Can you please stop tapping your foot? It's driving me insane." The bastard's mouth was still full when he spoke. "I'm trying to focus here." His gaze went back to his work, his mouth sounds getting worse somehow.

"On your sandwich?"

Jake shot Barty a playful glare, feeling called out. "Yes, on my sandwich. I'm multitasking, alright?" He let out a playful sigh, placing the sandwich in his mouth to hold it while he started cracking his fingers, yet another annoying sound.

"Eating and working at the same time, like a pro." He took a bite of his sandwich, then continued. "But your foot is making it very hard to do both simultaneously." He looked down at Barty's thigh as it continued to move up and down. It took everything in Jake not to grab the man's thigh to stop it.

"I could stop," Barty was not planning on stopping, not that he could. "But you're spitting ham all over my desk and it's really annoying, and tapping seems safer than murdering you in a police precinct."

Jake glanced down at the desk, realizing the extent of the food massacre he had caused.

"Oh, come on. I'm not that bad." He rolled his eyes at the blonde. "It's a bit of ham, that's all." He picked it off the desk, ate it, and smiled at Barty, whose face was clear of any kind of emotion. "And you're overreacting with the whole murder thing. Tapping like a madman is not that much better, you know?"

He took another messy bite of his sandwich, intentionally trying to irritate Barty, seemingly his sole life goal. In response, Barty began tapping louder, prompting Jake to crack his fingers even more. This escalation led to Barty squeaking his chair, ensuring their desk was the noisiest spot in the precinct.

The noise didn't get the Captain's attention yet, but it did get them attention from Terry, who marched over angrily, looking at the two like they were his twin daughters who were getting into a petty fight.

"Peralta! Renoux!" The man's voice boomed over them, making both parties fall silent as they looked up at him, like children who had been caught doing something they weren't supposed to be doing.

"Get off your sorry asses!" Terry didn't have to ask twice because suddenly both of them were on their feet. "Now you," He pointed at Barty first, "Sit with Diaz, you two seem to get along."

"Yes, Sarge."

"And you, sit with Charles!" He pointed at Jake, whose face was contorted with shock. "Then no one will be at my desk." He gestured dramatically at the desk behind him while Barty walked away; he was not going to get in trouble because of a desk.

"Exactly, if you wanna act like kids; I'm gonna treat you like kids!" Then Terry pointed to Charles' desk. Jake tried to open his mouth to argue, but Terry just pointed harder before the man's shoulders slumped as he walked away, glaring at the blonde from afar.

Barty hesitated for a moment before settling into the chair beside Rosa's desk. He glanced over at her, noting the meticulous arrangement of files and the serene focus on her face as she reviewed a report. The precinct was quieter here, away from the chaotic energy that seemed to follow Jake Peralta wherever he went.

Rosa looked up briefly, acknowledging Barty's presence with a nod before returning her attention to her work. Barty took a deep breath, appreciating the calm atmosphere that surrounded Rosa. He cleared his throat softly, unsure of how to break the silence.

"So... I guess we're desk buddies now," Barty remarked, trying to ease into conversation.

Rosa raised an eyebrow, her expression unreadable. "Looks like it," she replied curtly, her voice low and steady.

Barty nodded, feeling a sense of relief in the quiet exchange. "Terry wasn't too happy with the chaos over there," he admitted, recalling the stern look on Sergeant Terry Jeffords' face when he'd ordered them to relocate.

Rosa smirked ever so slightly, her eyes flickering with amusement. "Peralta does have a way of causing a ruckus," she commented dryly, her gaze returning to the document in front of her.

Barty chuckled softly, finding common ground in their mutual understanding of Jake's antics. "Yeah, he does," he agreed, realizing that Rosa's quiet demeanor was oddly comforting amidst the bustling precinct.

They lapsed into silence again, each immersed in their respective tasks. Barty glanced at the stack of paperwork on his desk, feeling a bit overwhelmed. He admired Rosa's efficiency, noticing how effortlessly she seemed to navigate through her workload.

"Hey, Rosa," Barty started tentatively, breaking the silence once more. "Do you ever feel like... there's just too much going on?"

Rosa paused for a moment, considering his question before responding. "All the time," she admitted quietly, her eyes meeting Barty's with a hint of understanding. "But you get used to it."

Barty nodded, grateful for her honesty. "I'm still trying to figure it all out," he confessed, realizing he could be candid with her in ways he couldn't with others in the precinct.

Rosa regarded him thoughtfully for a moment before reaching into her drawer and pulling out a spare stack of paperwork. "Here," she said simply, sliding it across the desk towards him. "Help me out with these. It'll make your pile over there look less intimidating."

Barty smiled gratefully, sensing a newfound camaraderie with Rosa. As they worked together in comfortable silence, he couldn't help but feel that maybe, just maybe, being separated from Jake Peralta's antics wasn't such a bad thing after all.

But Barty should have known better than to think Jake wouldn't bother him again because five seconds later he jumped up from his seat. "Guess who's going out to lunch today with his FBI bestie!" Jake was mostly just looking at Barty, like he was rubbing it into the blonde's face. "No offense, Charles." He whispered to Charles who was about to say something about it.

"You're friends with the feds now?" Rosa leaned back into her seat, looking up at how proud Jake was of himself. "Just one!" He smiled, "Very Special Agent Nova Carrey." The name was what got Barty's attention.

"And she'll be here in two minutes!" Jake was wrong about that because five seconds after he said that, she walked through the elevator.

Jake couldn't tear his eyes away from her. She walked towards them in a denim skirt paired with a red polo neck and a sleek black leather jacket that matched her boots. Her hair flowed in the wind, adding to her undeniable coolness. Jake felt a mix of awe and anticipation, knowing Barty would be insanely jealous.

He was a great detective, but then something happened that he couldn't have imagined in his wildest dreams. His super cool FBI best friend ran into Barty's arms before she even looked at Jake.

His mouth fell open when the blonde picked the woman off her feet, swinging her around slightly as she laughed. "You didn't tell me you were gonna stop by!" He smiled down at her, brushing a simple girl out of her face. "I wanted to surprise you," She placed a hand on his chest, slightly pushing him away as she turned her back to him.

"Hey Jake." She approached him, a subtle smile on her face. "Nova." Jake was putting the pieces together at that moment. "You didn't tell me you knew my girlfriend Jake." Barty's words gained an uncharacteristically loud laugh from Rosa.

"Jake's best friend is Barty's girlfriend." She was stating the obvious but she did it on purpose; she was throwing salt on the detective's already raw wound.

"Yeah, we can tell!" Jake didn't mean to yell as he looked over at Rosa. He looked back at the couple in front of him and he couldn't deny it, they were really hot together. God, he hated Barty. Why did he have to do this to Jake? The bastard!

"Maybe Barty can go to lunch with us, what do you think?" Nova, having made the plans with Jake, only felt it was appropriate to ask him about letting Barty join. Before Jake could answer, Barty did. "I don't think that's a good idea, Jake chews with his mouth open and I don't want to see that again." Barty cringed at the memory. "Maybe you two should go alone," That was the first thing he said that Jake could agree with.

"We'll take my car and we'll bring you nothing," Jake gave Barty a grand smile and before Nova could kiss her boyfriend goodbye, Jake grabbed her hand. "Let's go, best friend." He didn't want to pull on her too hard but she didn't seem bothered by it. "No offence, Charles!" Jake yelled out and he and Nova got into the elevator. Nova waved at Barty while the man next to her just glared at him.

"Barty, do you wanna be best friends to get revenge on those two?"

"No, thank you, Charles, because now I have my desk back." Barty smirked to himself and Charles' eyes widened. "You tricked Jake?" He put the pieces together immediately, why else wouldn't Barty want to go with Jake, Jake was awesome (as far as Charles was concerned).

"It was like taking candy from a baby." Barty finally got his seat back, taking the next thirty minutes to himself.
