Chapter 5: Will you?

The next day in school Denki was talking to Hanta

"We kissed! He kissed me!" Denki said happily

"I told you he likes you" Hanta said

"But I can't believe it! He kissed me! Monoma from class b kissed me!" Denki yelled

"Don't be too loud Kami someone might hear you" Hanta said

"Oh I forgot about that" Denki laughed slightly

The next bell rang and Denki started walking to lunch with Hanta, Denki and Hanta went to their usual spot with the Baku squad

"So you said you're asking him out today?" Itsuka asked

"Yeah, but what if he says no?" Neito asked

"You can't be serious. do you not see how he looks at you? he looks at you like you're the prettiest man in the world." Itsuka said

"I guess you're right," Neito said as he stared at Denki

"God he's so handsome.." Neito mumbled as Itsuka watched him

"I guess you fell for the 'class A trash' " Itsuka says

"Mh.." Neito mumbled

Few hours later, Denki's dorm

Neito was walking to Denki's dorm. Denki was sitting in his dorm reading as he heard a knock

Denki went and opened the door and saw Neito

"Hey Mono!" Denki said

"Hey Kami, well I was wondering if you wanted to go out you know like a date..?" Neito asked

"I'd love to Mono." Denki said

"Okay! Great, how does 5:00 sound?"

"It's perfect, I'll see you outside the school at 5:00" Denki said as he waved to Neito as Neito left

Once Neito got to his dorm he automatically started picking out his outfit, a blue sweater vest, a white shirt and jeans with white shoes

Denki had picked out a yellow sweatshirt with a striped shirt under it, beige pants and yellow shoes

After Neito got dressed and got everything ready he went outside the school waiting for Denki

Denki went outside and saw Neito

"Mono!" Denki called out

"Kami!" Neito said as he ran over to hug Denki

"Also Kami you know you can call me Neito or Nei if you want?"

"I'd like that, but if you want you can also call me Denki or Denks."

"Okay! But cmon I got a fun night planned for us" Neito said dragging Denki with him
