Home decor/places

Hello againπŸ’•

So I've decided to make a chapter where I can show u guys some home decor that I would like to buy when I'm older or just to buy for my room for now because I'm planning on having a cute vintage house and to invite my mom so live with me because it's my dream to buy a house with my money for my mom and IπŸ’•

It's not like anybody would care but just wanted to add that hahaπŸ’•

Here u goπŸ’•

I would like to buy some fake flowers and do thisπŸ’•

These are cuteπŸ’•

I've always wanted to go on a carousel like that and I've gone on one before but that was at a mall and at amusement parks but I wanna go on one just like that oneπŸ’•
