๐ฎ๐ง๐ข๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ๐ž ๐จ๐ง๐ž - as bright as emerald.

: memory loses and confusion.

(y/n) woke up in an unknown school, even in her dreams school was still hunting her. waking up on the desk, the teacher seemed to discuss something about a school trip on a part of (destined location).

shaking her thoughts off, she noticed that the classroom was full of people she didn't know, unfamiliar faces that she hasn't seen all her life.

her eyes roaming the room, she spotted a blonde mop of hair, it also seemed like the person was sleeping.

"mr.agreste" the teacher called out.

"agreste?" the name sounded very foreign when it came out of your lips. after you had muttered that to yourself, you saw as the said boy waking up and surprisingly has his eyes locked on yours.

pretty emerald eyes.

they were as green as the emerald gem and as bright as a cat's green eyes. you were captivated, it dragged you to be curious about him more.

"please pay attention and try not to sleep on my class again." the teacher scolded "agreste". "as i was saying, i will be handing out parent permits and we will be staying there for a week. be sure to pack enough clothes" we all nodded, the bell rang.

you found yourself hanging out with girls who has their faces blurred in your perspective. the only person who didn't have his face blurred was the agreste boy.

who seems to be hanging out with someone who has a cap on his head, which his face was also blurry to your perspective.

it's as if the universe only wanted you to see the pretty boy.

and it was torturing you.
