After lunch,
Me and my mom was watching a movie, one of our favorite American shows "home alone", it always makes me and my mom laugh, we was eating some seaweed wrap with cheesy corn dogs. It was delicious haha.
"I'll get it." Your mom said.
"Okay!" You said.

YOUR MOM'S POV: I got up from the couch and went over to the door. I answered and....

"Hello." Jaemin's aunt said.
"Ummm, hello." Your mom said.
"Hi!" Jaemin's mom said.
"I'm Jaemin's mom." Jaemin's mom said.
"Hello." Your mom said.
"Hi!" Jaemin said.
"Hey Jaemin, How did you find out where I live?" Your mom asked.
"I live a few houses down from your house." Jaemin said.
"Ahhhh." Your mom said.
"Ah, we bought some food so all of us could have dinner together." Jaemin's mom said.
"Uhhh, actually, me and my daughter was having movie night." Your mom said.
"Oh! Sorry to interrupted." Jaemin's aunt said.
"JAEMIN!" You yelled.
Jaemin looked at me.
"Is this your daughter?" Jaemin's mom asked.
"Mmhm." Your mom said.
"Mom, let them in." You said.
"Ummm, Okay come in." Your mom said.

MIN Y/N'S POV: My Mom let Jaemin, His mom and his aunt in. My mom and Jaemin's aunt was cooking Tteobokki for us. It smelled delicious. Me, Jaemin, and his aunt was sitting at the table waiting for the food....

"THE FOOD IS READY!" Your mom said.
"YAYY! FINALLY!" You said.

During dinner,
"Jaemin's aunt and Jaemin, I'm really sorry of the way I acted when you guys visited me and my daughter in Daegu." Your mom said.
"Don't apologize, it's all good." Jaemin's aunt said.
"Why? What happened?" Jaemin's mom asked.
"It's a long story." You said.
We all laughed.

After dinner,
My mom was busy washing the dishes with Jaemin's mom, Jaemin's aunt was sitting on the couch watching tv in the living room... me and Jaemin was upstairs....

"How have you been?" Jaemin asked.
"I've been great." You said.
"Great!" Jaemin said.
"Listen, Jaemin I'm sor-" You said but you got cut off.
"What was that for?" You asked.
"I've wanted to do that a long time ago." Jaemin said.
"Really?" You asked.
"Mmhm." Jaemin said smiling.
We kissed again, this kiss was passionate.....
"I like you a lot." You said.
"Me too." Jaemin said smirking.

After dinner,
Jaemin, his mom, and his aunt was leaving, I waved to them bye, and my mom did too. I'M FINALLY DATING JAEMIN!

this is the end to my story, it wasn't a great ending but i wanted to be Jaemin confessing to Y/N! i hope you enjoyed this FF!
