
𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛. 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐀𝐞𝐫


"alright people, lets do this one last time."

my name is peter b. parker. i was bitten by a radioactive spider. and for the last 22 years, i thought i was the one and only spiderman.

i'm pretty sure you know the rest.

you see, i saved the city, fell in love, i got married, saved the city some more, maybe too much, my marriage got testy, made some dicey money choices. don't invest in a spider-themed restaurant.

then like 15 years passed. blah, blah, blah, super boring.

i broke my back, a drone flew into my face, i buried aunt may, my wife and i.. split up.

but i handled it like a champion!

oh, who am i kidding, no i didn't.

but anyway!

cause no matter how many times i get hit, i always get back up.

and i got a lot of time to reflect and work on myself.

did you know that seahorses, that they mate for life?

could you imagine? a seahorse seeing another seahorse.. and then making it work?

she wanted kids and.. and it scared me.

i'm pretty sure i broke her heart..

flash forward, i'm in my apartment doing push ups, doing ab crunches, getting strong.. when this weird thing happened.

and i gotta say, weird things happen to me a lot.

but this was real weird.

things started glitching and floating, and frankly, i didn't know how to handle it.

you see, i was in new york, but things were different. also, i was dead. and blond. i was kind of perfect. it was like looking in a mirror. (no it wasn't)

i have a feeling that the thing that brought me here was the thing that got him killed.

you wanna know what happened next?

me too.


"what are you doin' over there?" a voice called out, scaring me. i turned around.


i put my hands up.

"freeze! pdny."

i couldn't get arrested, so i did the only thing that came to mind.


but it wasn't easy because the web was still attached to me, meaning that the possible spiderman guy was still attached to me.

"are you kidding me right now?!" i groaned. i couldn't believe i was about to do this. i got up, and started carrying the guy. but despite of how heavy he looked, it wasn't really that bad.

perk to having spider powers i guess.

"hey kid, drop the body!" the officers called. i was too busy trying to get away. despite all their attempts to get me to stop, i continued to run. then i got an idea.

since this guy was apparently spiderman, he can swing!

so what did i do? i used the web shooter on his wrist, even though it was still on his.

but it didn't work the way i wanted it to.. and we both hit a wall, then fell into the snow.

the two officers caught up to me.

i put me hands in the air, but the guy was still behind me, and i hit the web shooter. the web itself attached onto a passing subway.

"uh.. adios?"

then we went flying. and a whole bunch of other stuff i don't wanna get into.

by now, we were laying in the cross walk and passerby were just walking past like nothing was happening.

so i got up, and picked up the guy, trying to figure out where i was going to take him.

then i remembered. uncle aaron wasn't gonna be at his place for a little while, so i took this there, and tied him up on the punching back with anything i would find. by the time i was finished, he was starting to wake up.

he was mumbling before finally coming to his senses.

he squinted, then his eyes, i should say eye, one of them was black and bruised, widened. "you're like me."

i made my voice deeper. "i got some questions."

he tried to get out of the punching bag prison, but it was to no avail and he gave up.

"why do you look like peter parker?" my voice was normal now.

he turned the bag around to face me again. "because i am peter parker."

"then why aren't you dead? why's your hair a different color? why are you older? and why.. why is your body a-a different shape?" i asked.

"pretty sure you just called me fat." he deadpanned. the punching bag was turning, so i walked around with it.

"no! no."

"you don't look so hot either, kid. most superheroes don't wear their own merch."

"are you a ghost?"


"are you a zombie?"

"stop it."

"are you from another dimension? like a parallel universe where things are like this universe but different? and you're spiderman in thar universe? but somehow traveled to this universe, but you don't know how?" it sounds like i pulled that out of my ass, but that was actually a guess.

"wow. that was really just a guess?"

"we learned about it in physics."

"quantum theory."

then it clicked. "this is amazing! you can teach me like peter said he would!"

"before he died?"

"yeah, exactly."

the peter in front of me scoffed. "yeah, right."

"don't." my voice was firm. "i made a promise to him. and i plan on keeping it."

the punching bag spun around to face me. "here's lesson number one, kid." he spun the other way.

"don't watch the mouth. watch the hands."
