chapter 11

"How long are you gonna take?" [y/n] sort of yelled and Gally's head popped out from behind the door of the bathroom.

"You can go on. I will be there soon." Gally answered and waited for the girl to reply back before she curtly nodded, waved and walked out of their shared room.

She strolled through the slightly cleaned corridors and walked inside the kitchen to get something to eat.

The two of them had been granted permission in some areas though it felt like Lawrence trusted Gally more.

Was it because she was a girl or was it because she used to work for WCKD. Well.. used to.

Whatever though, she couldn't care to care less.

She grabbed an apple and walked out of the kitchen.

"Going somewhere?" a husky voice whispered in theΒ  [y/n]'s ear before someone grabbed her arm and turned ner around.

"Dallas." she greeted, formally but then smiled.

"Hi." Dallas greeted back and gave her a goofy smile causing her lips to stretch more in bigger smile.

Dallas was a friend [y/n] had made in the two months she had been here.

He was also a friend she saw very less of since they both had different jobs to do.

Dallas was a friendly guy, he was a little flirty but [y/n] didn't mind as he never did anything to make her uncomfortable.

Actually far from it. He always found ways to make her laugh and smile.

"I was wondering if I could along with you and sandface today.." he asked and have her puppy eyes.

[Y/n] had a little hesitation in agreeing for his request since him and Gally didn't get along well.

Dallas had given him the ridiculous nickname because according to him 'his hair and skin colour didn't have much difference.'

While he had said that Gally was glaring daggers at the boy.

"Um, how about no. You can't come with us." Gally came in and interrupted their conversation before it could go any further.

He pointed his index finger at the boy and furrowed his brows.

Dallas rolled his eyes and replied, "I wasn't asking you."

He didn't say it in rude tone or anything it was just a normal denial opposition.

"No."Β  Gally then grabbed [y/n]'s hand and started dragging her.

"Gally, come on. It's me and you every single day. Can't we have a third person for one day?" [Y/n] cooed.

Dallas, who was standing behind the [h/c] haired girl smirked a little, resistant to Gally's view.

Gally grinded his jaw and glared at the boy before exhaling through his nose and muttering an inaudible 'fine'.

[Y/n] bit her lip, resisting the small smile and turned to Dallas giving him a quick wink which he returned with a two finger salute.

Gally who had already turned around was oblivious to the little exchange of gestures between the two.

Dallas put a hand on [y/n]'s back and pushed her lightly, gesturing for her to start walking.

Β  Β  Β  β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”

"You do know your driving is absolute shit right?"

Dallas teased when Gally jumped over a small rock cliff and the jeep stumbled.

"You know if you ran like your mouth you'd be in better shape."

Gally snapped back and bit back a smirk when [y/n] an inaudible chuckle.

Dallas in return only rolled his eyes and puffed through his mouth.

"Both of you bickering is like a source of free entertainment." [Y/n] stated, a small knowing smile playing across her lips as she leaned back in her seat.

It was gonna be a long day..

a/n : sorry for such a small chapter after such a long time because i was writing something else but then i need like more motivation for the chapter i was writing so instead enjoy these few more fun chapters and i hope u guys like the playlist i worked on it for atleast a month i think but it's worth it, byy

oh and you can if you want, picture Chris Wood for Dallas. But u don't have to do as i say.
It's just because I'm literally addicted to Kai Parker rn and no one can help me :)
