"𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍 '𝙴𝚖 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚙"
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘶
𝕥𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘

     "WELL, IT LOOKS LIKE WE'RE GOING TO BOSTON," JJ huffs as Hotch storms out of the bullpen.

Everyone is sitting around Emily's desk beside Penelope and Rossi, who comes out of his office.  They all watch in confusion as Hotch leaves with his go-bag in hand.  Emily stands from her chair and picks up her go-bag as everyone else mirrors her actions.

The team quickly makes their way to the jet, still confused as to why Hotch did not wait for the request.  They also had no time to talk at the round table and Emily had no time to warn Noah that she may be leaving.  After shooting a quick text to her daughter, Emily sighs as she takes a seat on the jet next to Reid.

As the plane takes off, Hotch immediately starts explaining their case.  He tells them about going to Massachusetts to visit an old co-worker, Tom Shaunessy, who is on his deathbed.  Hotch tells the team about a deal that Shaunessy has been given.

When Hotch was working on an extreme serial case ten years ago, he was sent away after the killings stopped.  Shaunessy got a letter from the unsub they were investigating.

"If you stop hunting me, I will stop hunting them.

For as long as we both shall live.

Til death do us part."

A deal with the devil.  Tom waited to send Hotch away all those years ago.  Aaron is uncertain about the contract, not understanding how Tom knew the killings really stopped.  Nonetheless, Tom says he kept watch and the killings really did stop.

With Tom on the brink of death, the contract would be expired.  And sure enough, the day Tom went was the day The Reaper made his reappearance.

"The Reaper is driven by a need to dominate, control, and manipulate," Hotch explains as he reads from an old file of his.

"So, then why would he offer a deal that would stop him from doing that?" Emily asks.

"Well, killing gave him power, but after so man, the payoff began to diminish," Hotch replies, "So, he decided to switch tactics.  Offering the deal gave him the ultimate power, better even than killing.  He manipulated the police into voluntarily surrendering."

"He even got it in writing," Spencer adds.

"He won," JJ says, "Why start killing again?"

"Well, because the only person who knew he'd won, the person he made the deal with, just died." Derek answers and looks over to the blonde sitting next to him.

"Narcissistic killers need other people to recognize their power," Rossi says, "That's why they contact the media."

"So how did he stop for ten years?" Emily asks.

"In Night of the Reaper," Reid begins as he picks up a book, "The author suggests he had been arrested for an unrelated crime or died.  Perhaps he's trying to correct that misconception."

The team discusses the details of their early theories.  Hotch splits them up into small groups as they prepare to land in Boston.  Emily nods as she listens to Hotch's orders and feels a buzz in her pocket from her phone.

𝐧𝐨𝐚𝐡 <𝟑

We had to leave for a case in
Boston.  I'll call you tonight!

ok :(

hope you solve ur case...
love u

Love you! :)

𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘱 𝘢𝘤𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘺

Noah smiles sadly at her phone as she reads Emily's response to her text.  The teen walks into her chemistry class as she stuffs her phone in her backpack.

"Hey, what's up?" Liv asks as Noah sulks in her seat in chemistry.

"Emily left for a case," Noah sighs.

"Shit, I'm sorry," Liv says, "But don't you get to stay with that Penelope lady?  Didn't she have to come to the school and she didn't even tell your Mom?"

"Yeah," Noah shrugs, "It just sucks when Emily's away."

"Well, I can distract you by paying you to do my homework after school," Liv chuckles.

"I may take you up on that," Noah giggles as well and turns to Mr. Holden trying to get the class to quiet down.

"Alright, let's turn to page 206 for our warmup questions!"

Noah scurries down the hallway, trying to stop by the library before study hall.  She hears the minute bell ring but continues into the library nonetheless.  She searches the bookshelves, looking for Jess, who helps out the librarian during study hall.  Once she sees the familiar face, she quickly goes up to grab her.

"Hiya," Noah quietly chimes as she grabs Jess' hips from behind.

"Oh my God!" Jess squeals as she jumps.  A librarian shushes the two of them, making Noah pulls Jess towards the end of the shelf.  Out of the librarian's sight, Noah is able to whisper to the blonde.

"Emily's on a case," Noah says, "Can we have a sleepover?"

"Only if I can pick the movie," Jess compromises.

"Really?" Noah asks out loud.

"Shh..." Jess shushes Noah with a giggle.

"Fine, but we have to play MarioKart too," Noah beams and sees Jess grin.

"Will you eat lunch with me in the commons?" Jess asks.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Noah agrees and grabs Jess' hand.  She backs away, smiling at the blonde, allowing their hands to naturally pull apart.

Noah's blue eyes sparkle as she struts out of the library.  She finds her way to the study hall, apologizing to the teacher for being late.  A slight smile lingers on her lips as she pulls out her homework.

"Hey, red," Noah jokes as she looks up to find Liv walking up to the picnic table.  Jess and Noah had been talking about all sorts of nonsense, but stop their chatter as Liv plops down next to Noah.

"What's up?" Jess asks as she notices Liv's frown.

"Have you guys talked to Ronan or Tate?" The redhead asks as she pulls out her lunch.

"No, why?" Jess asks as she takes a bite of her sandwich.

"I saw them in the hallway and they completely ignored me." Liv huffs and rolls her eyes.

"I don't know what their deal is lately," The blonde sighs as she shakes her head.

Noah seems to zone out as she peers off into space. Ronan and Tate probably know about Noah and are avoiding the girls because of it. Noah hates to think that she is the reason their friend group is now crashing down. Once again, Noah comes in to destroy a good thing for everyone else.

"Hey, you okay?" Liv asks as she pokes Noah's arm with her elbow.

"Yeah, just worried about Emily," The teen lies.

"I'm sure she's okay," Jess sweetly says and smiles sadly at Noah.

"Yeah," Noah agrees, "Hey, I did the homework for chemistry if you want me to help you." She tells Liv, who seems to brighten up at the offer.

"Yes, please!"

Jess watches the two with a smile. She loves her friends dearly and would not trade them for anything or anyone. Nonetheless, she saw how Noah zoned out. If anyone can tell when something is wrong with Noah, it is Jess.

"Did you guys see that we're getting a new uniform next semester?" Liv mentions.

"What?!" Noah asks.

"Yeah, we have to wear blazers."

"You're joking," Noah groans, which makes Liv pull out her phone.

"Read 'em and weep," The redhead sighs as she shows Noah the email.

"It won't be that bad," Jess says and looks down at her book.  Noah and Liv share a look, knowing only Jess would be able to pull off the blazer.

"Hey, Chess, read this while she helps me," Liv says and hands a piece of paper to the blonde.

"What is this?" Jess asks.

"An article I have to read for my other class," Liv shrugs.

"Why am I reading it?"

"Because I need you to summarize it for me before my next class."

"This is due next period?!" Jess exclaims.

"Yeah," Liv says obliviously and turns back to Noah explaining their homework.

"The things I do for you..." Jess mumbles with a small smile as she begins reading the article.
