CHAPTER 26 - "you really don't know?"

i wake up, feeling the bed shift around. "are you up, y/n?" kate asks quietly. "yeah..." i mumble, opening my eyes. "i need to go, i didn't realize i had an archery competition in..." kate says, checkin gthe time on her phone, "an hour." she continues. "can i come?" i ask, rubbing my eyes. "sorry, no spectators allowed this competition. i'll text you when my next competition is and you can come, yeah?" kate says, standing up from the bed in a slight rush. "just go back to bed, i'll lock the door on the way out." kate says, leaning down to me. she places a kiss on my cheeks, starting to walk out my room, turning around. "sorry, i-" "it's alright, you can go." i say, closing my eyes. i hear the door shut, and i sigh.

after about 11 hours of doing literally nothing, my phone buzzes, seeing a text from kate. my heart jumps from all the possibilities of the text. "finally..." i smile, opening the message.



bishop <3

hey you home?

sorry i'm so busy rn

can i come over? i know you said you're

busy but it's pretty important

yeah sure i guess


my eyebrows furrow in confusion, turning off my phone. 'i guess'? what does that mean? it's our 6 months! i get ready, driving to kate's house. 15 minutes later, i arrive, knocking on her door. "hey! come in," kate says, opening the door as she wipes sweat off her forehead.Β 

we sit opposite each other on kate's bed. "sorry we couldn't hang out today, i know you said you had something planned with me." kate says, "how about we do something tomor-" "do you know what day it is, today?" i ask, looking up from her bedsheet. our eyes meet and kate furrows her eyebrows, thinking. was she joking with me?

"it's saturday." kate says, and by her tone i could tell she was being serious. my eyebrows widen, and kate opens her mouth, thinking harder. "are you kidding?" i ask, and she looks at me even more confused. "wait what? what's wrong?" she says, reaching for my hand. i move it away before she can reach it and she pulls back, looking at me.

"you really don't know?" i ask as my voice broke, feeling a sting in my heart as i switch between her blue eyes, trying to find if she's joking. "no... i-" "it's our 6 months. today." i say, and kate's eyes widen, mouth slightly open. "y/-" "how could you forget? i had everything planned out, i had a restaurant booked, date planned, gifts bought. and you forgot." i say, starting to stand up from her bed. "i was waiting all day, for a text saying you were free. but you said that you're busy. am i thatΒ  unimportant to you, kate?" i scoff, kate not sure what to say as she's taking everything i spill out in. "you've been so busy this past few weeks, i was dumb enough to think that you were doing something for our six months..." i say as i walk to the door, kate standing up quickly. "y/n, i'm really sorry." kate says, clearly holding back tears. "don't tell me you're sorry..." i trail off, opening the door as i walk downstairs.Β 

"can we just talk about this?" kate says as she quickly follows me down. "there's nothing to talk about!" i raise my voice slightly as i reach the front door and turn around. "you forgot our anniversary because you were too busy for me, there's no excuse for you to turn on." i say, clenching my fist slightly. i open the door, walking out. "y/n wait!" kate yells behind me, but i don't stop walking. i swing open my car door, getting in as i start up the car. kate jogs to me, standing in front of my side window. "i'm sorry y/n!" her muffled voice says, and i roll my eyes, gripping onto the steering wheel tightly. "forget it, kate." i say, reversing out.

kate's pov

fuck fuck fuck fuck! how could i have possibly forgot! shit! i slap my face as i run up the stairs to my room, letting tears fall down my face. i pick up my phone, going onto y/n's message. i start to type, but delete it in case she gets distracted while she drives home. i facetime mj and a few rings go through, and she picks up. "shit, what's wrong, kate? aren't you meant to be out with y/n at dinner?!" she says, panicked as if it was her own relationship. "i forgot, mj." i say, tears streaming down my face. "forgot wha- oh." mj says, realizing what i mean. "how did you forget?" she asks. "i've been so busy with everything else around me, i totally forgot about it." i say, sighing as i wipe my tears with my sleeve. "you know y/n's been planning this for a month, right? like a literal month." mj says, and i look up to my phone. "what?" i say, shocked at how long she's been planning it. "she booked this restaurant a month ago because it's really busy there, she ordered you stuff online a month before so it comes in time. she had a lot of stuff planned out for you, kate." mj says. a massive wave of guilt washes over me, and i grab a tissue, wiping my tears. "how did i forget?" i mumble to myself, and mj sighs. "i'm gonna go." i say, hanging up before she could answer. i pull the blanket up, waiting another 10 minutes until i text y/n.

y/n's pov

i walk upstairs to my room, closing the door. how did she forget? tears fall down my cheeks, and i don't even bother trying to stop them. i lay in bed, walking into my closet, looking at the large basket of gifts i was supposed to give kate. i pull out my phone, calling the restaurant's number. "you can cancel y/n stark's reservation tonight. sorry for the inconvenience."Β 



bishop <3

im so fucking sorry y/n


can we talk??


i know i screwed up big timeΒ 


y/n i'm actually so sorry

i can't stop thinking about you


please just call me

or text me back

or facetime

literally anything please y/n





y/n's children

peter parker

how was the date? πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ’‹β€πŸ‘©


peter shut up

peter parker

uh why tf🀨


answer your dm


a/n - what're my stories without some heartbreak? heheh please remember to vote
