| The Demon Weapon |

The same expression that Yuuichiro held on his face must be the same as mine-just as if we had seen a ghost alive for the first time.

"Arisa..I-is that you?"

I couldn't hold back anymore,my body intuitively lunge onto him and the tears that were sitting on the corner of my eyes are now poured out.

Yuu is here,he's here.

With his own flesh and alive.

Yuuichiro Hyakuya is here.

I felt both of his arms wrapping tight around my smaller form and not even care if i can't breathe,

"It really is you," i said breathlessly against his shoulders,muffled by it.

"You're alive.But--how?" i pulled away just to see his face but much more closer now,

"Glen there saved my life and move me in," he smiled although his eyes are breaming with tears too as he motioned with his head to point at the older male behind me.

"Mika.." i muttered,

"I-if you're here,Mika is here too isn't he? Where is he?" my smile lit up more,eyes darting the classroom too hoping to catch a certain blonde head in my sight.


"Come on,we're gonna talk somewhere else." With that,Yuu tugs on my hand and pulls me along behind him,leaving the classroom and the people in it bewildered with the small turn of event.

We stayed quiet along the way and with me still trying to convince myself Yuuichiro is really here with me.I tightened my hold that intertwines with his-feeling the warmth of his heat radiates.

Turns out that he had brought me up to the school's rooftop and judging with the quiet atmosphere,it was only the two of us here.

"Yuu,what's wrong?"

I looked at his back,noticing his sudden oddly pensive kind of aura emitting from him.Yuuichiro whirled around and fully face me,but no longer had the smile he flashed for me earlier,but only a scowl written on his face

"Mika..couldn't make it." Just with those words,my whole world crumbles upon me.

"S-stop,what are you--saying? Mika,he couldn't have--"

I wish Yuuichiro would have laughed and said 'Ha! You're it!' as usual when we were small kids.But then again, he only set his gaze onto the ground instead of me and no reaction came,

"No..no," unconsciously i took a step back and my head was spinning all of a sudden.

Mika didn't survived?

He didn't survived.

Mika is..


"I'm sorry!" His sudden outburst caused me to look back at him,and i see Yuu just to balled his fingers into a fists on each of his sides and how he trembles greatly.

"I-i ran away,i've failed to saved him! And yet i--" My heart torn apart as i saw a single tear drop strolls on his cheek,never i have seen in my life Yuu is being this..vulnerable.

"I'm sorry,i really am,i shouldn't have run but i did! It was all my fault to put blame on--They should have taken me instead of Mika--!"

"Yuu Stop!" i hurried over him and places both of my palms to cupped his cheeks,making him fully face me again

"Don't,no more. It's not your fault.." My eyes search for his.

And the next thing i knew,i was pulled into his embrace,his fingertips trembles and how his shoulders shook.

I can't cry,and i can't be clingy anymore.

We,who were still weak back then couldn't do anything else.

But this time,for sure i..

"I'm sorry Yuu,i'm sorry."


"By the way,i noticed you grew your hair long now." Yuu said beside me as we were walking back from the rooftop down to the class where the others were in.

I let out a giggle, "I decided to change looks,that's all."

This is what Mika wanted.

The Mika that i know if he is watching us now, i am sure he wouldn't want us to keep on mourning over him.

"Yeah,and you look so much of an old hag more." he teased,earning a punch from me on his shoulder-quite hard i must say.

"And damn! You hit harder than back you were a kid! What did you punched,a tree trunk?" The male groan in pain and his hand rubbing on the spot where i hit.

"Yeap,and next shall be you."

We joked along the short distance and when we had just reached the classroom,we were greeted by the Lieutenant grin,

"Ah,there you are.Come in,you two are just in time."

Yuu and i took a few steps closer to the older male ahead of us,clearly perplexed by what he just meant, "In time? For what?"

"To put you all's abilities to the test." he replied;his fingers tugging on the sword hanging on his waist.

"What? Seriously,Glen-sama!?" The brunette woman beside him seems surprised by his answer instead of us who is still so lost.

"Is he--is he really going to attack?" The sound of a chair being pushed back with the fraction against the floor caused me to look at the side,a girl with a purple-haired holding the same expression as the teacher does.

"Yeah,if someone doesn't make it,they should blame themselves for not training enough." I saw him draw out his sword from its sheathe before lifting it up into the air and swung it across swiftly within his fingers.

Straightway, he stabbed the tip of its sword onto the floor and the sudden feeling of heavy pressure came upon us,as if we were impinge by the heaviest anchor on our being-it is so strenuous to the point of our energy being drained out.

And weirdly enough,i'm able to coupe up with all of that.

But still, it is such a heavy feeling

The sound of body fell onto the ground was heard across the classroom and i look at them just to see couples of the students had fallen unconscious.

"Eh!? What's going on!?" Yuu yelled out loud.

Before long the tension stopped instantly the moment he pulled his sword up again from the ground.

"Enough." Lieutenant Glen slipped his sword back to its original place.

"Now,those who didn't lose consciousness have potential. Keep training and maybe one day you'll contract with a demon weapon." He pointed out across the class.

And that is when we all noticed almost half of the students in the class has failed-lying like a doll on the ground.

"Those who are still standing,are superior. I'll immediately let you challenge a Demon weapon of the Black Demon series-the same rank as my own." His gloved hand patted the black sword on his side,

"So,who's still standing? Yuu,Kimizuki,Yoichi and Shinoa--"

I followed his eyes as he mentioned the name of the people one by one; assuming myself,

Yuu obviously is the one beside me,

Kimizuki is probably the young man in his red hair and glasses,

Yoichi,the other who looked rather nervous,

Shinoa,the purple -haired girl that i noticed few moments earlier looks like the tension of the power did not bother her at all.

My eyes bored back to Lieutenant Guren but only to see him starring at me back,

"What?" i spat,

"You should have blacked out!"

"WHA--Excuse you for not falling unconscious!" i frowned;

"You maintained your composure even without amulets.I can see why Kureto still decided to babysit you.Hmph,not cute at all."

A vein mark pops on my head; "What? You must be joking! I'm terribly cute!"

"Just die." he sighs deeply.

"Uhm,Guren-sama,i don't mind risky tests since they are pretty common place,but--Are you sure it's a good idea to let Yoichi challenge a Demon Weapon of the Black Demon Series?" The brunette woman came up,

"Are you questioning my decision?" The Lieutenant asked back,

"I'm not but--in spite of his physic resistance Yoichi isn't strong enough to form a contract with a demon."

"So what?"

"If he's not strong enough,he'll die.That's the kind of world we live in."

"Stop mothering him."

"But demons hate weaklings,Yoichi will end up being possessed." This time,it's the girl called Shinoa speak up.

"Enough.Hey Yoichi,you want to avenge your sister who was killed by Vampires right?" Our eyes all looked to the young man who only stood in silence,


"You're willing to put your life on the line for it right?"

"M-my life..?" and this time,his face went pale by the Superior's pressure question.

"Or would you rather give up? If you're afraid to die,you better leave."

My forehead creased by,although we all clearly know the world is cruel and by the name of death is not to be feared now,but i know how does it feel.

"Wait a--"

"Yoichi,leave." But Yuuichiro's voice had interjected me firstly.

"This isn't a good place for someone as kind-hearted as you."

"Eh? Uh--"

"I agree,you'd better leave." Kimizuki-walked up to the both of them.

For a moment of silence,Yoichi looked down and his eyes are hidden beneath his fringe;and i noticed he had clenches the abdomen of his uniform shirt as his teeth grind.

"Lieutenant Colonel Guren! I want to do it! I want to become stronger! I need power to protect the people i care about!"


People to care about.

"Good,shall we go,then?"

The older male was about to lead us outside the classroom but stopped dead on his track before looking at me,

"You're not coming."

"WHAT!? WHY!?"

"As i said,i don't want Kureto to start a new drama with me for stealing his apprentice."

"Him? Pft,i won't say a word to him.It's fine it's fine~" i sang nonchalantly,and he only rose an eyebrow at me.

"What? I swear! Cross my heart!"

Eventually he gave in as he lets out a deep sigh; "Fine,just don't cause troubles or i'll kill you myself."


"Huh? Who's Kureto?" Yuu nudged my elbow as we began our journey to where Glen is leading us.

"Just another superior of mine." i shrugged.

"Screw that,we have a lot to catch!"

"Ha! You bet!" He slings an arm around my neck just like how a buddies does.

But the feeling of being watched intently from behind bothered me. I slightly scan my back and to see the Shinoa girl gazing at me rather in interest.



"Then let's get started with the ceremony."

They stood upon the huge gigantic double-doors-the mansion that the Lieutenant Colonel Guren has brought them in seems cold and dark.

He pushes the door open and only to reveal multiples statues of a humongous demons stands in a semi-circle in a form of a kneeling position,

"What is this place?" Arisa asked,

"This room hosts the objects you've been ardently wishing for.The weapons enclosing all the most powerful demons," Guren explained,

"The most,powerful demons.." Yuuichiro perks his ears up,as if he had gotten right into the track.

"So,with one of those i can finally hunt down vampires?"

"That depends on how strong you are." Guren's lips curved into a small triumphant smile-knowing full of the little kid in front of him.

"These weapons are the same as the one hanging by your side,right?"

"Here are gathered the extraordinary weapons belonging to the Black Demon series.But enough about this--Let's get started,i don't have enough time on my hands to fool around with you."

"Yosh! Let's get this thing burn!" Arisa cheered,earning weird looks from the others.

"Seriously,if you guys are planning to keep on starring at me like that whole day long,be my guest." she huffed.

"Well,what are we supposed to do?" Yuu cleared his throat and went back to the actual subject.

"Choose the weapon you like the best and step inside the ritual circle.The ceremony will start automatically as soon as you lay your hand on the weapon.If you defeat the Demon,its power will be yours."

Each of their eyes searches the various of ritual circles drawn on the floor right in front of each the statues are standing mightily at.

"What if we lose?" Kimizuki asked before he could fully stepped into it.

"You'll either be turned into aΒ  man eater,or succumb to the overwhelming power of the Demon.In both cases,you'll die."

"Well that sounded more dangerous than i thought." Arisa uttered out loud,but despite that a calm expression flashes on her form.

"Oh really? Then what's with that face of yours?" Guren smirked at the brunette,

"This? It's called excitement,Lieutenant."

"Anyways,if you're turned into a man eater,i will kill you myself."

"Ha ha! All right! This is exactly what i was waiting for!" Yuuichiro announced with rage of spirit.

A cold of sweat ran down the brunette girl's temple andΒ  before she knows Yuu could move away from her to the weapon he was about to choose,she grab his sleeve making the raventte young man to look down at her,

"What's wrong,Arisa?"

"Just--be careful,alright?" The way her eyebrows were furrowed down,he still knows that she still cares about him and the feeling of losing someone-he did not want to feel that again anymore.

"Yeah,you too." His large hand plopped on the box of her head and a flashes the female an assuring smile.

"I will save Mika,and i'll protect you." With that said and one last grip on her hand the male continued his way and straightway walked into the ritual circle-watching a sword floats in the mid-air right upon him to grab.

"I'll be able to destroy the Vampires who milled Mika and the rest of my family! That is,my only reason to live!"

"Arisa," Guren called out. The brunette girl nodded and did the same thing as the others as well. The long rod with double scythe on its ends.

"Draw the weapons,and the ceremony will start."

"Got it.Here we go." Yuu answered,reaches out and grabbed the weapon on his choice into his hand.

"Give me your power,you damn Demon!" Suddenly, the bright light illuminates from each lines of the drawn circle underneath blinding both of his visions.


The once dark and lifeless room turns into a bright and white light and his surroundings are nothing but only a contrast color of dead bodies lying around him-not just any lifeless corpse,but the old family that he once had.

"Hey Yuu," called a voice that is way too familiar behind him.

"You ran away,leaving us behind."

The ravenette male turn around to see the blonde young boy smiling at him,

"Don't speak my name so lightly.You're a demon right?" His glare hardened;

"Stop trying to use my family against me,or i'll kill you."

"Eh? I wanted to take advantage of your soft spot for them,you're not the lease bit affected.That's weird." Answered 'little Mika'

"I'm familiar with the scurvy tricks of you Demons,give up and relinquish your power to me."

The illusion of Mika grins,and that is when Yuu notices a black smoke drifted from his mouth and forming a large dark cloud leaving the body to stagger and eventually fell onto the ground like a lifeless doll.

"Ah--!" Before he could react, the black smoke swiftly swished down and lung towards him-pierces itself right into his chest and lifting him up above the air,


"Oh i see,you've already touched a demon once."

Two pairs of blank white eyes appeared looking straight into his emerald ones,

"Do you think that just because you were touched by a low rank Wisdom King,you can defeat me? I can toyΒ  with your heart in any way i want." it continued,

"Shut up! I told you to relinquish me your power! Your power belongs to me!" However, being the determined person he is,he showed no fear and continues to glare menacingly at the figure upon him.

"Hmph. Why do you crave power so much? Is it revenge you're after?"

"Exactly!" Yuu spat.

"Because you lost someone dear to you?" It clearly hit straight right into his button,making the ravenette male to clenches his teeth together.

"All right,i'll lend you my power.I like strong boys with a strong will. If it's revenge you are after,i'll grant you infinite power."

Inside his mind,this is much easier than he thought-with the Demon actually giving in and lended his power for him.No fights ad no struggles.Or so he had thought.

"But that's not enough,Yuu," This time, a much more softer voice appeared a few meters from his side.

"To obtain that power you must devote your life entirely,to your revenge." There,stand the one and only brown-haired girl with her hazelnut orbs starring straight at him.

"Arisa.." he mumbled,

"So forget about Love. We can't stand Love,we like desires but hate love." she continued to stand in her small little form which the Demon decided to play a little things to messed up his mind.

"Yoichi,Kimizuki,Shinoa? Comrades? What're they? Do you want to make friends and live a happy life?"

"I-i..-" The young man stuttered,clear enough his mind is almost reaches at its limit.

"It's not fair that you were the only one that survived,we all died--" said the little Mika and a terrifyingly grin flash across his mouth.

"AAHH! DAMN YOU!! Will you ever shut up!? I NEED TO PROTECT EVERYONE!!" Feeling the frustration bottled both inside his head and heart,he finally lets out a yell

"Give me your power already!! I NEED THEM!!"

At that second,a bright and scorching light aglow emitted from his body leaving the black figure catches off guard-the bright light shone vividly that is blinding eyes.

It finally pulls its smoke from his chest and making him to fall right on his bottom,back onto the ground.

"Oho..A synergy of love and desire,Ridiculous!" It laughs,floating above him.

"That's precisely why humans will destroy the world."

Yuuichiro stared at the black form in silence;

"All right,i like you.As long as your heart will remain strong,i'll do as you say."

His eyes lit up and couldn't help but to grin endlessly,


"But,if your will were to ever waver,even if only for a second,i'll take control of your body..Agreed?"

And without any second thought,Yuu nodded; "Sure,fine by me."

"Then i'm at your service.My name is Ashuramaru-call my name when you need my power."

"Ashuramaru." He repeated to make sure.

"Oh,one more thing." The black figure continued,

"Since now you're my master,i should probably share this piece of information with you."

This leave a sign of a question mark pops above his mind, "Information?"

"Yes.You see, you're mixed with something strange,at least part of you isn't human.Could it be that those humans have altered you in some way?"

"Eh? What're you talking about?"

"Don't trust humans,Yuu. Humans are worse than Vampires,worse than Demons.Believe me, it feels weird having to tell this to human."

"Wait a sec-! What the hell are you talking about!?"

Without even bothering to answer,he notices the smoke began to fade away ever so lightly,

"The contract is done.I'll lend you my power and become your sword.Open your eyes,Yuuichiro Hyakuya. Let me fuel your strong will and slice the world open!"

Finally of all, another smaller figure appeared as a hand reaches out into the air,a red ruby eyes glow within it.

Yuuichiro woke up with a jolt and now he is back to the dark hall,starring into the dark ceiling was the first thing that he saw.

"Oh! Did it go well,Yuu?"

He heard Guren's voice and went to sit up straight on the hard cold ground,but on his palm he felt an object shifted and a metal clinked. He sees the black sword placed underneath his hand.

Immediately his smile lits up, "Of course it did!"

"Wait," like a bulb lightened in his head,he remembered something-or rather,someone.

"Where's Arisa?"


"Tch! Why you have to be so damn stubborn about it! Does it really necessary to require my blood for the contract!?" The brunette girl swiftly did a double salto backwards to avoids the maroon red gigantic smoke floating around and about in the air.

"Stay still and let me see it" It said,slamming another of its giant hand-look-alike and although it seems light and fluffed with all the curves,it produces a loud slamming hammer onto the ground.

"For what!? It's not like you're a Vampire!"

"That blood of yours,i would be more than please to gulp it all up but for now,i can see the ability of yours to use them."

"Ability to use,my blood?" Her eyebrows quirked up,


"Cut your flesh,make a wound and let the blood flow out-soon after that,pull them out just like a string out from your body-use that as a backup weapon whenever the enemy had you cornered,"

Arisa looked down to her wrist,trying to digest the processes it had just told her about.

"Why are you telling me this?" she looks up again,


"Haa,i see no answer now?"

"Despite that,you do know i won't let you get out of here easily right?"

Her eyes remain open still and unwaver as a pile of smoke flows down onto the ground ahead of her and faded away silently,but behind those is a smaller figure appeared within it

"The fact that you left me and the others,how cruel of you,Arisa."

A small audible gasp slipped from her lips and both of her eyes widened,she never did forgot his angelic form but for his presence to appear right now caught her off guard

"Mika..." she breathlessly whispered his name,

The smaller form of Mika smiled triumphantly at her,

"You let all of us died and yet you still didn't turn onto us,to help us.You Liar."

She knows this is just an illusion,but the fact that this seems so real almost wavered her heart and mind for a moment there.

And so,the torment continued "Hey Arisa?"

This time,she quickly whirled around in alert knowing another presence is in this other dimension with her.

How his brown fringe falls on his forehead and eyes similar like hers stares right into her being,

"Big brother..?"

"You've grown,Arisa.Shame,i'm not there to see you,growing each day and let the world sees your beauty."

She gritted her teeth,her gaze fallen onto the smoke figure and though she sees no features on it other than its eyes,she knew he must have been smiling victoriously right now.

"You damned Demon! Like i would really fall for that!"

"Oh? But your heart did waver for a little there,didn't it?"

She clicked her tongue in annoyance, "Just lend me your power and i'll demolish all those Vampires until then,i'll set you free."

"...Fair enough.Until then,i am your tool and you-are my master.However,if your will has wane,you will no longer yourself,"

She rose an eyebrow; "What do you mean?"

"It means i will take over your mind and soul-possess you.Is that a deal?"

"Don't weakened your will,got it."

"Alright,the contract is sealed.I'll show you the real meaning of despair,cruel fate and death-is in your hand,Arisa!"

The smoke facade begin to disappear within the thin air-but rather another small figure re-appeared right after the form jumped down and landed on their feet on the ground.

He had green hair tied into a small braid,two horns on top of his head-wearing of what it seems to be a white smart suit;not to mention a pair of golden yellow eyes.

"Huh? And who're you!?"

"It's me stupid," the person scowled,

"...You're that smokey thingy?"

"My name is KamiAgari-but i would prefer Artemis,not 'smokey thingy'." He glided across until eventually she finally got a closer look of his face.

He extended his hand and reaches out on her elbow,but only to purposely scratches her flesh with his long slender and sharp claws unlike human beings has.

"Ouch! What was that for!?" She yelped in pain,looking down at the scratch he had just made and soon a red liquid starts to ooze out bit by bit from it

"Relax,it's not like i dig my nails inside your flesh." KamiAgari or Artemis examines the blood stained on the tips of his claw,before inching it closer to his mouth and licked it clean,

"I knew it," he uttered lowly,but still be heard by the female in front of him.

"Your blood--is not fully human's blood.There's something else,deep inside of you,Arisa."

He raise a finger,placing the tip of his point one upon her chest,

"Remember this,Arisa, despite you mingling with those humans--don't ever trust them."

"What?" she breathed out,her forehead creased;clearly perplexed by his words,

The green male began to take a step backs, "Call my name,when you need my power,and i shall give forth of it for you."


But the moment she blinked for the last time in the other world dimension,she woke up with a start,back to the dark hall;trying to reminiscence of what just happened.

She looks at her surroundings and to see the gigantic Demon statue still stand all mightily above her,as if its eyes are starring into the depth of her soul.

She then heard a foot steps echoes seeming to inching closer,

"Never knew you would make it, Arisa."

Her sight was meet by his figure stood a few meters away from her ritual circle.Instead of answering, she pull all her strength back together but rather,feeling something heavy and moving on her lap is she does so.

"This is--"

There,laid a rod that that seems like a spear-but the moment her hand touches it,it shot up on both sides producing a metal sound fraction against one another; each of its end forms a blade,like a scythe;or rather,a double-scythe.

"Wow.." she breathed out,subconsciously a grin dances across her lips.

"Lieutenant,look!" she cried with a glee like a child would do when they got snacks or candies.

"Hmph,i can see." Was only what Guren replied,but a cocky grin flash on his form.

She stood up with the now weapon in her hands, "Amazing..I never thought i would--"

"Got it? Why,you should still see why Kureto sees the potential in you."

Ignoring the fact,she turns to look at him,"Where's Yuu?"


The sudden explosion rumbles the whole building and they felt the trembles,

"H-huh!? What was that!?"

While Guren only looked up to the source of the loud sound came from,

"Aha,so it's true," he uttered with his back facing her.

"What's true?" she eyed him.

"Arisa!" The mention of her name make the female to whirled around and to see the ravenette boy and the red one running towards them.


"What happened? Where is that coming from!?" Yuu asks frantically,

"Yoichi wasn't strong enough.Oh well,three out of four challenged and defeated a Black Demon,so i really can't complain."

"Would you please tell us what the hell is going on!?" This time,it's Kimizuki's turn to shout.

"Now that you've earned the Demon Weapon i will assign you,your first mission as members of the Vampire annihilation Force Moon Squad," Guren continued,

"Kimizuki,Yuu,and Arisa,"

The three disciples stares at him,waiting for another words to be out from the superior.

"Take a look up there,a man eater has appeared.You three,will get rid of it." He rose a hand up,pointing to the ceiling above.

"A man eater?" Yuu questions. The three of them looked up and to see a figure moving on top of the high walls-seems to be holding some kind of a bow and an arrow.The feature of its face is the same as the familiar person they are with earlier,but what makes it different is the two tiny horns appeared on the box of his head;grinning endlessly ad the sight of his eyes looks distance and dull.

