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Flipping the lighter open, (Y/n) switched it on as she neared the lit flame towards the end of the cigar, igniting it soon after as smoke floated up and around her figure as she inhaled deeply, haltingly drifting away from the lit cigar as she huffed out a ring of smoke, her finger tapping against the stick as ashes fluttered down upon the ground.

"Mitchy... just what the hell are ya' sayin'?" Staring straight ahead towards the determined Takemitchi, (Y/n) uncaring (e/c) eyes blazed perilously in the shadowy corner where she stood, her stance imposing yet sloppy as she dragged out another smoke with a tight line on her tender lips. Discarding the jittery feeling that started fluttering around his stomach when (Y/n) addressed his name, Takemitchi continued:

"I can't tell you how I know, but someone's secretly pulling the strings behind this conflict." Receiving his proclamation (Y/n) patted her cigar once more, watching as Pah jerked him by the hair as he flung him aside like a weightless rag doll with Takemitchi groaning in pain, rolling on the floor before stopping himself, holding his head in agony whilst grappling to get up.


"Who the hell do you think you are? Right, Pah-chin?" Quizzing the lankier male in front of him, the man didn't seem fazed as Pah scowled down at the struggling Takemitchi with no other sentiments in his eyes but that of which were malice and disgustโ€”with a drop of bloodlust. "Get lost. Say another word, and I'll murder you." Turning around to talk with his superiors, Pah dismissed the in-pain Takemitchi as he soothed his throbbing skull.

"I got it, Draken. I won't rush into anything."

"So, what's our plan of attack?"

"You can't!"

Gazing mindlessly down at the strand of smoke that continued to waft up from the lit end of the cigar, (Y/n) sat down on the wooden low table as she leaned against the thinking Sano without as much as a second thought. Why would she think of Takemitchi's words when the answer had already been established and set into motion? Besides, you never mess with anyone out of your lane; that's just common sense.

"You can't fight with Moebius. It's a trap for Toman!" Watching as Pah coolly strolled towards him, Takemitchi stared right into Pah's beady back eyes as he bent down to stare straight towards the collapsed crybaby hero. "Get up." Following his words without hesitancy, Pah didn't exhaust any time as he started jabbing Takemitchi, all of his exasperation towards the male evidently appearing with every thrust of his fist. "The hell?! We can't fight them? You can't tell us why?! Then who the hell beat the shit outta my friend and his girl?!" Rage spewed out of every single word Pah shouted as he continued to repeatedly beat the shit out of our protagonist with (Y/n) not so much as batting an eye as she returned to inspecting the scene that was playing in front of her jaded eyes.

"I don't know! But-"

"Takemitchi. You've made your case." At once the senseless fighting halted as everyone looked over towards the serious Sano, the hair in front of his eyes preventing anyone from noticing the rages in his orbs as (Y/n) leaned closer to his ear, muttering something secretly before withdrawing away as she took another lengthy drag of her cigar as a disappointed and grieved Ryuguji stared.

"We're gonna fight Moebius. You don't understand anything. Once I've made up my mind that Toman and Moebius are gonna fight, it's gonna happen. Besidesโ€”who are you to question my authority? A plaything at most, but nothing more. Right, Taiyo-chan?" Pointing his question over towards the chilling female (Y/n) peeked over at the rigid Takemitchi as she only nodded her head, looking away as she plucked out a pack of gum and popped one in her mouth, releasing the cigar to the floor as she crushed it under her foot. "Nothing more, nothing less."

Finally, being let go by Pah, Takemitchi stared in incredulity at the twoโ€”mostly towards (Y/n)โ€”as he crashed to the floor. For what? (Y/n) wasn't absolutely sure, but perhaps he had gotten much more of a rough beating than she originally thought. Takemitchi was formidableโ€”more mentally than physically, but he could still hold himself properly long enough in a fight if it were to ever call for it.

Hearing her compliance, Sano turned his head down to look at the resting (Y/n), his eyes mellowing as he grasped her hand, soothing circles on her palm which clearly appeased the chewing female.

A plaything? Was that really how (Y/n) viewed him? Not even as a friend as she said she did? He really was a fool, considering that he could win the favor of a cold-blooded monster such as her so simply without toiling much more than a sweat. This was the Tatsuo (Y/n)โ€”the most ferocious biker the entirety of Japan has ever known; the woman who cared about nothing more than to satisfy her desires while also being one of the greatest and most cunning co-leaders of a biker gang that has ever graced the planet. To secure her favor would be like to win the favor of a god who despised allโ€”and even that would be easier.

However, in order to make sure that Toman doesn't go down the sinful path, he requires having her trustโ€”no matter what it takes. This mission no longer centered around Hinata, but for his current friend who looked up to him and cared for him, for the Toman gang who he knew as an eccentric familyโ€”and for (Y/n). Takemitchi preferred for her to finally wake up and recognize that there are more things in life, better to live by and for than just fighting. He needed to save her, no matter what.

He was the hero of his mission, after all.

"I can't back down! If you guys fight Moebius, Toman's finished! I just became friends with you! I just can't accept Toman ending like this!" He cried, tears falling from his eyes as they stained the dirty ground below him, darkening its grey color. Takemitchi was well aware that just stripping (Y/n) away from everything she thought was worthwhile would do more bad than good, so if the Toman that he was to know now were to end... then maybe he would be able to figure out why the future (Y/n) had been hiding in the shadows behind Sano for all those years. Too much is at stake here; and while he might not know the full extent of personal meaning this has on everyone, he did know what this would mean in the future, and that was something that mattered to him more than someone's feelings.

That's it! If he truly wished to save everyone, he would first have to save (Y/n)! Turns out that the person that he saw as an extra when he first started this mission is now his main concern. Hell, while he is doing all of this, he might actually figure out what exactly does (Y/n) stand in his heart; first before Hinata, or after?

"What do you keep blubbering on about?!" Nearing the crying Takemitchi Pah was reeling back his fist, about to hit Takemitchi only for the sudden back-hit to throw him off, pushing him away as he skitted on the floor, his body colliding against the nearest wall as he groaned in pain, blood seeping from where (Y/n) footprint was now imprinted onto his skin with a red color.

"Mitchy said he wasn't gonna back down, so why bother? Besides, wouldn't hurt to look deeper into this shitty mess before risking the lives of our men, doncha think?" Turning her head towards the two staring two, both Sano and Ryuguji stared at her with different emotions in their complexions. Sano seemed irritated and a bit hurt whilst Ryuguji was more confused and surprised.

"Taiyo-chan? Are you goin' against Toman?"

"What shit is clogging up your hearing?"

"I don't think my hearing is faulting me, Taiyo-chan."

"Sir, I don't think-"

"Shut it, Ryuguji-Kun."

Deafening silence filled the once hectic deserted building as both (Y/n) and Sano glared at one another, their eyes narrowed with both challenging the other to see if they would dare go against their words; who would win? The president, or the commander?

"Sorry to interrupt your little catfight." Not bothering to turn her head to stare at the one who was approaching them, (Y/n) instead walked to the other side of the wooden table and sat down, pulling out her GameBoy as she turned it on. "Moebius this... Moebius that... would you mind keeping our name outta your mouths?" Combing through his hair with a comb, a puff of smoke wafted out of his mouth as a wide grin spread across his face. "You middle school pissants."

"You're... Osanai!"

The man in regard had what looked like bleached blond hair combed perfectly to look like barfed-on broccoli with yellow-ish ranch, his eyebrows sharp and curved with a deep scar on his big-ass forehead. "Pipe down, dick cheese."


"Why the fuck do I smell burnt sewer shit?" Getting up from where she sat (Y/n) hauled out a bottle of Febreeze, squirting it as she neared Osanai before spraying it on his faceโ€”and unthankfully he could close his eyes in time, but not his mouth. "Ack! You bit-" Grabbing Osanai by the throat (Y/n) slammed him down on the ground, picking the lit cigar from his mouth before pressing it on his temple, leaving a burn mark on it.

"I would refrain from calling me "bitch", you pompous bitch. Pissants like you can only call me as either 'Sir' or 'God', but sir will do just dandy!" Pressing the lit end of the cigar deeper into his temple strangled screams came out of his mouth as (Y/n) slammed his head against the floor again, her bored eyes screaming 'now what?'.

"You hear me, you fuckers?! Call me your fucking god!" Lifting the dazed Osanai by the neck, (Y/n) awarded him to all the members of Moebius who were hiding outside, ready for the signal.

"Run away now, or die!"

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