I was super nervous as I walked down the hall, following the stream of students, that were Harding to the entrance to leave school for today.
Yeosang was waiting for me there and I felt my heart pounding like crazy.

"Hey, Hwa!" Yeosang waved from the side of the room, to get my attention. "Hey hey. How was your last lesson." A small high five as a greeting before we continued to leave the building.

"It was soooo lame. I had physics and I didn't understand a word..." he whined. "Same. That's why I didn't take physics class, haha. So I won't be able to help you with that."
"I had to take that class. Otherwise I'd had to take philosophy and I hate, hate that subject to death."

While we were walking back to his house we continued to talk about school stuff, which was really entertaining.
We arrived at his place, so the smaller unlocked the door for us to walk in. We obviously took our shoes off before we entered.

"Hi Dad. I'm home and I brought a Seonghwa. We'll study a bit together." He yelled from the hallway I to the living room.
"Yeah." Mr Kang answered.

"Come on. You know my dad's not the nicest." Yeosang said, so we went up the stairs to his room. I closed the door behind me, but down my bag and sat down on the bed. "Your room is always so messy."

"Yeah. I probably didn't clean it properly since the last time you were here. I'm just to lazy and my das doesn't really care." He sighed as he takes a seat at his desk. I immediately joined him, because there was already a second chair standing at the desk.

"When's your mom coming back? Do you have any news?"
His mom was a popular model, who was currently in China for a few fashion shows.

"Nope. We called yesterday, but she said that she still doesn't know how long it'll take. Probably another month or so." Yeosang seemed to be rather sad about it so I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Don't worry, Yeosnagie. Time goes by so fast. She'll be home soon! And if there's something I can help you with, text me."

"That means a lot to me. Thanks, Hwa." His face brightened up.

"Alright then. Let's start with some espaรฑol so I can at least get a C on my exam."
