Christmas Special

Italic and underline means that you're talking in your mind

Italic and Bold means sound effects

A/n: This has nothing to do with the original story so don't be confused about how Franky or Brook are already in the crew.


You decided that you wanted to give everyone you cared about presents. So, you bought some gifts, some are even handmade, and wrapped them.

First stop.

Red Haired Pirates


Shanks and his crew were just chilling in their ship, the sun was shining brightly, and the sea was calmly rocking the ship. Not until a yell was heard far away in the horizon. Anyone could recognize that voice in the crew. It was obviously (Y/n).

You hopped on their ship, without even asking for permission, as you didn't need to ask anyways.

"I brought presents for everyone!"

You yelled and out of no where, you brought out a huge gift that could even be the size of Whitebeard.

"Dang (Y/n), what's the occasion?"

Shanks walked up to you, chuckling.

"It's Christmas dumbass! How could you not know Christmas?!"

He awkwardly laughed and scratched his neck.

"I guess I forgot?"

Yeah right. I bet you didn't even know Christmas existed.

"Whatever, just open your present! It's for the whole crew!"

You left before they could even open it, but the present was full of sake and food. They were obviously very happy. When you were sailing away you could hear them yelling out a shaky thank you.

I bet they were crying. Shanks would definitely cry because of how much 'kindness' I have given him.

Their gift was easy to do, the Whitebeard Pirates could honestly get the same gift, but you decided to give the commanders different gifts.

To the Whitebeard Pirates next!


It took about 2 weeks to get to their ship, but eventually you made it. Actually, it took two weeks, but you weren't in the current time. So you were technically still in Christmas, as you used your Devil Fruit to help you.

"Permission to board?"

You yelled, knowing that they would immediately attack you if you jumped on their ship. Even if you were a (Y/n), Marco and Thatch would probably scold you while Oyaji would laugh over the commotion.

"Permission granted!"

Now with their permission, you hopped on board leaving your boat tied to the Moby Dick.

"So, (Y/n), what brings you here?"

"I came to give everyone presents! The whole crew could have booze, sake, and food, but I brought some private gifts for some certain people!"

You whispered the last part, as you didn't want anyone to feel bad about that. You decided to get Oyaji 4 barrels of what you thought was the best sake in the New World.

Sneaking into the commanders rooms were easy. Just go in and immediately get out. Marco got a coffee maker, as you know that their coffee maker usually breaks down due to all of the troublemakers breaking it on 'accident'.

Thatch got a whole kitchen set of knives. He was really happy about that too, as he wanted to buy a new set soon anyways. Ace got a bunch of food, and you decided to give him a fireproof necklace that says ASCE with the S crossed out. Even though you know Sabo is alive, you just didn't have the guts to tell Ace.

You gave Izou a bunch of kimonos with each one having a different design. He was so excited to try them on, so he rushed out of room, not without thanking you of course, and tried them on. Jozu got a Diamond bracelet. Even though he could turn himself into Diamond, you honestly just didn't know what to give him.You gave Haruta a whole collection of new sabers, as you never really asked him what he likes.

They all enjoyed your presents, judging by the faces they made. Ace even cried when you gave him his gift. You thought it was hilarious, even telling him, "Who's the crybaby now?"

Their reactions were amazing and you left it at that.

Next stop is the Straw Hat Pirates.


The Straw Hats were easy to find. They were all over the news, and their location was known everywhere due to the Newspapers.

You didn't need permission to jump on their ship either, so you just entered without any of them knowing. Except Luffy. He somehow knows whenever your there. It creeps you out a bit.

"(Y/n)! What are you doing here?"

Luffy popped out of nowhere, and you just got onto their ship.

"I'm giving you all Christmas presents!"

Luffy, being the oblivious child he is, did not know what Christmas was. So you explained it to him, and gave him a mountain full of meat. His favorite.

Zoro was horrible at directions, and you honestly wanted to give him a log pose, or a map. But he would still get lost either way. So you gave him a bunch of booze and sake.

Nami was easy, she just wanted money. So you gave her money. About 200 million berries you gave her. You robbed a pirate ship on your way to their ship so you didn't lose anything.

You gave Ussop a fancy looking slingshot, although he said he was only going to present it in his room. He was never going to use it, as he thought he wasn't worthy to use it yet.

Chopper was happy with whatever you gave him all the time. But that didn't stop you from getting him lots of things too! So, you got him lots of medical supplies, some equipment too since he'll need that, and also some rare ingredients that he might need for medicines. He was so grateful he almost cried. (Poor Baby 😭)

Sanji was a cook like Thatch. But you didn't give him a knife set, you gave him a whole bunch of ingredients that he might need for cooking. You also gave him some of Makino's recipes because her cooking was obviously the best. Yes, you've tried her cooking before and it was heavenly.

Franky was a robot, that needed Cola. So you gave him cola. Gave him about 10 barrels of cola. As it takes 3 colas for a Coup De Burst, and he needs cola just to drink it.

You honestly didn't know what to give Brook, but obviously didn't want to give him panties. Just no, so you gave him a new looking violin. But you said he didn't have to use it, as the other violin he had he used it when his friends were still alive. :(
So he just put it in a case in his room, making sure it doesn't get damaged.

Robin was easy, she was your friend ever since you were little. So you have her a bunch of books, even though they already had a lot of books, you guessed that she already read them all.

Jimbe was a hard one. You didn't really know what he liked. But you worked very hard, and with your own crafts work, you made a little model that was similar ship to the Sun Pirates ship that they sacrificed during their journey to Big Mom's territory.

They all appreciated your generosity and waved goodbye to you, as the Marines were close by about to see you both together.

That was a fun trip, maybe next year they'll star giving each other gifts if they remember that it's Christmas.

A/n: Merry Christmas! I hope you get presents that you've wanted, and I hope that you're still enjoying this Fanfiction. Thank you for reading!

(1219 words)
