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As I sat on this comfortable couch I couldn't help but think how much I had accomplished. Soon I would be singing live in front of thousands of people. Something I've always wanted. Soon I would be on stage with none other than Pitbull and Claudia Leitte. I will be singing live at the 2014 World Cup being held in Brazil.

The past couple of years have been like a movie to me. I didn't just only land a spot in the World Cup main song but I also got my first ever award. Small but it was well earned. I released my album that went golden. I even had a tour around the U.S. My manager was already planning another one.

"Evelyn could you please focus." I heard someone say from beside me.

I looked up to see William, my manager crouched beside me.

"I am focused." I said as I sat up on the couch. "Look Will, we went over this already, I understand." I added getting him to nod and stand back up.

"Do you really?" He asked as I stood up and made my way back into the studio.

"Yes. We have our first live performance during the opening of the Brazil and Croatia game. After we have interviews. I get it." I said as he walked close behind me as I smiled at the photographers in the studio.

"Now if you'll excuse me I have to finish this photoshoot 'before noon'." I said, quoting what he had told me earlier.

"I hate you." He said with a chuckle before walking back out of the studio.

"And I love you!" I called out before nodding at the photographers for us to begin.

The photoshoot went on for an eternity. Afterwards I was hungry and in need of a good rest. We would be flying out to Brazil this afternoon, but first we needed to get some food.

As I got out of the car a storm of paparazzi awaited. It was now the usual to have a bunch of cameras shoved in my face. With different people behind them asking different questions. All questions mostly about my private life. The one thing I hate about this, the fact that people knew everything about me.


It was still sunny outside as I stepped off the plane. It felt good to be back home after a long season of being away. I missed being here with my family and most importantly with my son. Being in Barcelona and being away from him wasn't easy.

"Son, I thought you would be flying in tomorrow morning." I heard my father ask as I made my way towards the car.

"Yeah I was, but I decided to come early and get some time with Davi." I told him as we both got into the SUV that he arrived in.

"He will be happy to see you. Carolina said he wouldn't stop talking about you coming home." He said, getting me to smile at the thought.

"Could we stop at the nearest toy store, please?" I asked the driver, only getting a nod in return.

"Toy store?" My father questioned me with a confused look.

"Yeah, Carolina told me about Davi's new obsession with SpongeBob." I said with a chuckle.

"Quick question, son." My father said getting me to give him my undivided attention. "How are things with Bruna?" He asked, getting me to sigh and look out of the window.

"Things between me and her are finished." I said, not taking my eyes off the passing cars.

"Well what happened? You two seemed to be in love with one another." My father said as I averted my attention over to him.

"Yeah, well sometimes love isn't enough."


"I can't believe you're leaving me." My best friend, Madison, said as we stood right beside the plane.

"I'll be back before you know it." I said resting my hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, like what, 2 months?" She questioned getting me to chuckle.

"That's not that long. Plus, I'll even fly you out." I said with a smile.

"Fine." She said with a groan. "It better be first class." She said, getting me to chuckle again.

"Of course, I'll send this bird back for you." I said pointing over at the private jet behind her.

"I can't believe you own this." She said with a smile, looking at the aircraft.

"Yeah, me too. Will made me get it. Said it would be better not to fly commercial." I said looking at the aircraft behind her.

"Well Will was right. But anyways, I'm so proud of you." Madison said, pulling me in for a hug.

"We're ready to go!" I heard William say from the plane's doorway.

"Alright, that's my cue." I said pulling away from the hug with a smile.

"Right, but before you go there's something you need to know." She said, getting me to furrow my eyebrows.

"What is it?" I asked, seeing how she kept quiet.

"Mateo called me." She said, getting me to roll my eyes and nod.

"What did he want this time?" I simply asked.

"He heard over the gossip sites that you were going to be performing for the World Cup. He wanted to say good luck, but you were busy, so he called me instead." Madison said, getting me to sigh.

"If I declined his call, it was for a reason." I said shifting my stance.

"Eve, you can't keep ignoring him. You two have to talk it out sooner or later." She said before William poked his head through the doorway once again.

"Seriously Evelyn, we have to go!" He called out, getting me to roll my eyes and sigh.

"Look Madison, he cheated and I've moved on okay. There's nothing to talk about. Now I have to go, I will call you when it's time for you to join me." I said with a small smile towards the end.

"Okay fine." She said, sending me a small smile.

"Love you." I said before walking over to the doorway to board the aircraft.


"Dad!" My little Davi said as he ran to the door.

"Hey there big guy. Oh I missed you so much." I said as I picked him up in my arms. I also handed him the new Spongebob plush that I bought him.

"Ay ay ay, aye. Just can't stop dancing." Davi started singing, getting me to furrow my eyebrows with a smile.

"He has a new favorite singer." Carolina, his mother and my friend, said as I made my way into the home.

"Oh really?" I asked as we all took a seat in the family room.

"Yep. Evelyn Ramos." Carolina said as I scrunched my face not knowing who the artist was. "She's an American singer." She said, getting me to nod as she saw my confusion.

"I can't believe you don't know who she is." Carolina said as Davi went to get his toys.

"Am I supposed to?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Duhh. She's performing at the World Cup opening game. Hint: Brazil vs. Croatia." She said getting me to give an 'ahh' in understanding.

"Where's Vinicius?" I asked before she got up to grab us something to drink.

"He went for take-out, should be back soon." She said from the kitchen.

"So this Evelyn Ramos?" I asked, wanting to know more about who my son was listening to. "Is her music child appropriate?" I added as she poured some wine into two glasses.

"Totally." I heard her say, yet there was a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Her music is great, myself, I am a fan." She said coming back into the family room with a smile on her face.

"Family! I'm home!" I heard Vin, Carolina's husband, say from the doorway.

"Hey man, it's good to see you." He said after placing the food on the table.

"Same to you, bro." I said as I reached and shook his hand.

"So, what are we talking about?" He asked, taking a seat with Carolina on the couch, as Davi came running down the stairs.

"Vin, my dad is home!" Davi called out running into my arms with his toys.

"We were talking about Davi's new obsession with Evelyn Ramos." Carolina said getting Vin to nod and have a huge smile on his face.

The remainder of that afternoon that went into night, we spent talking about things that had changed. We ate, played with Davi, and we even listened to Evelyn Ramos' music. She has a good voice, can't wait to see her perform at the opening game.


"Esta se la hice a ella, ella...
Que se cree que por bella, ella...
Puede robarme todo lo que nunca tuvo ella.."

"You're really serious about introducing Spanish to your fans, huh?" I heard Will ask me as he walked over and sat across from me.

"Yeah, more than half my fans speak Spanish so why not?" I said with a small sigh as I played with the pen in my hand.

"Well can I hear it?" He asked me, getting me to smile and sigh.

"Okay it's a rough draft so please don't judge." I said before flipping to the previous page that held the intro to the song.

"Hey, Steve!" Will called out to our social media guy.

Steve was the one that was in charge of anything related to the media. He's the guy that makes sure my image is clean and nothing dirties it. He is the one that interacts with the fans the most to satisfy their needs.

"Come check it out. Eve is about to sing me the new draft she has for her Spanish album." Will told Steve as he made his way over to us.

"Are you really going for it, Eve?" Steve asked me with a smile.

"Yeah, hopefully it doesn't flop." I said getting them both to look at me with and roll their eyes.

"Please, anything you come up with is pure gold." Will said, getting Steve to nod, before taking a seat beside Will.

As both men sat across from me in the aircraft I straightened my posture and cleared my throat before starting.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Ella jugรณ a darte todo lo que mรกs querรญas...
Yo juguรฉ a creerte que nunca lo harรญas...
Ella con un beso, yo con mil razones...
Para estar confiando en tus explicaciones...
Ella te dio algo, mientras tu te arriesgabas...
Yo te lo di todo, tu no quisiste nada...
Ella es un segundo y yo era para siempre...
Algo pasajero, te condeno a perderme...
Esta se la hice a ella, ella...
Que se cree que por bella, ella...
Puede robarme todo lo que nunca tuvo ella.."

Without even realizing it my eyes were closed as I sang out this song with the beat in my head. When I opened them I noticed that not just Steve and Will were listening, instead my whole crew was listening. My makeup artist, Jenny, had a bright smile on her face. My clothing designer, Raul, had also joined us. Even Luis, my grumpy security guard, was listening. They all had smiles on their faces.

"Seriously, Eve, this sounds great." Jenny said as she had a bright smile on her face.

"I agree and it's only a draft, imagine when it's complete and recorded." Will said, getting me to smile.

"I'm really excited about this new album." I said as they all sat around me.

"Are you almost finished with it?" Steve asked me.

"Yeah, this is actually the last song that I have to finish. The rest are ready to be recorded." I said, getting them all to nod.

"Evelyn, that was amazing. My co-pilot here won't shut up about how excited he is about you creating this album in his language." I hear through the intercoms of the plane getting me to smile. "I hate to cut the moment short but we are about to prepare for landing. If you all would sit tight and buckle up." He added getting everyone around me to move to their seats and do as told.

Right after landing I grabbed my small bookbag and headed towards the door. I was honestly excited to see what Brazil felt like. As soon as I stepped onto the doorway of the aircraft a fresh breeze welcomed my face. I couldn't help but smile. I walked down the small stairway and made my way to one of the SUVs that awaited, to take us to the hotel.

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