I love you too.

The battle at the Starcourt Mall was finally over.

The party was able to save Dustin, Steve, Robin, and Erica at just the right time once they left the store to see what was wrong.

Will threw a car at the Russians, seeing as that they were after dustin and his friends, and almost everyone reunited once the danger died down a bit.

But it didn't last for long, will started to hear a faint ring in his ears, leaving him collapsing on the ground. It wasn't soon before they realized that there was still a chunk of the mindflayer in his leg, and they had to take it out soon or he'd die.

Jonathan tried, burning a knife and cutting a bit of will's leg to try and take it out, it was disgusting for everyone to watch. Will screaming and biting into a wooden spoon while Jonathan practically dug his fingers into his leg in attempt to take out the chunk, only it just kept crawling inside the skin on will's leg.

It didn't help, only hurt will more than he already was. So the boy decided he'd take it out himself, using his powers, everyone watched will take the gross chunk out of his skin. It hurt him so much, he had let out so many cries of pain to the point where he broke one of the store's glass windows.

Eventually he was able to get it out, flinging and throwing it into the air until it hit the ground.

It was still alive even then.

'Till hopper stomped on it.

The battle began somewhat after that, with the mind flayer coming to mall along with Billy, both arriving with the same intentions.

Taking will, and destroying everyone.

Luckily that didn't happen, Joyce and Hopper were able to shut down the gate before anything else bad happened, even if bad things already did happen.

It was terrible.

Billy died.

Hopper was gone.

And will lost his powers.

Fast forward to 3 months later, where the byer's are moving away.

Will was devastated the moment he found out hopper was gone.

He didn't know where to go nor who to turn to.

Joyce was able to take him in, if hopper were to want will with someone he trusted the most, it was Joyce. So it meant that will would have to move away too.

Will was in jane's old room, which was now empty as he started to gather last minute items for him to put in a box. He grabbed the last few shirts that hung in the closet for him to put in the box, hanging the hangers up again once he was done with all of them.

He searched the closet one last time before he left, seeing that there was a teddy bear sitting on the shelf that hung in the closet. He noticed it and tried to reach for it, but the bear was to far for his reach, he huffed and put his hands on his hips once he realized he wouldn't be able to reach it.

He gulped, unsure of what to do, he slowly lifted his hand in attempt to grab the bear with his telekinesis. It didn't work, the usual ringing in his ear whenever he used his powers was more faint, he tried harder, but they bear just never moved.

He panted when he gave up and put his hand down, his powers really were gone.

"They'll come back," will turned his head to the voice at the door, "I know they will."

Mike stood near the door way and walked up to the closet, reaching for the bear for him to give to will.

"Thanks." Will took the teddy and hugged it to his chest as mike stood in front of him.

"You packed your walkie right?"

"Yes." The brunette confirmed,

"Because y'know that I'm gonna call you so much 'till you're gonna have to turn if off right?"

A/n: I literally could not make out wtf mike said in this scene so I changed it someone plz explain :((

Will flashed a toothy grin and chuckled, looking up at mike with his blushing cheeks.

"Did you talk to your mom? About thanksgiving?" He questioned,

"Yeah! yeah, yeah I got the 'OK', I'll be there." Mike smiled while confirming, receiving another smile from will and a light nod.

"And then I was thinking maybe you could come up here for Christmas, and jane too! You can come before or after Christmas or whatever Mrs. byers wants, but I was thinking Christmas day could be super fun because we'd all have cool new present's to play with and uh.."

Mike scoffed, shaking his head while looking at the ground, "Sorry, I- that made me sound like a seven year old.."

Will shrugged, "I like presents too.." he said softly.

"Yeah, cool, yeah, I like- I like presents too!" The ravenette rambled, blushing as the conversation was awkward and they didn't know what to say.

"Cool.." Will breathed out and laughed, hugging the bear in his arms tighter.

Since the silence grew, will didn't know what to do except slowly walk away. Mike stood in the same spot shaking his head at the amount of rambling he had been doing that probably scared will away, but the brunette stopped mid way before walking out the door, shutting his eye's before hesitantly turning back around.

"Mike.." He called out, "Yeah?" the other boy answered while turning around to face will.

Will sighed, "Remember that day.. at the cabin. You were talking to max."

Mike's eyebrows furrowed, "Um, I don't think I follow.."

"You talked about y-your feelings.. your heart.."

Mike's eyes wondered to the ground until he finally caught on to what will was saying,

"Oh.. Oh! Yeah, that, man that was so long ago.. um, I don't know. It was just heat at the moment stuff and.. we were arguing and.. " He scratched the back of his head nervously, "I don't really remember.."

"What did I say exactly?" Mike asked looking up at will,


He walked towards mike until he was just a few inches away from him, and caressing his cheek with his hand, while mike looked down at him speechless.

"I love you too.." he told him softly, and leaned in.

He lightly pecked mike's lips before kissing him again and again, they were light yet long kisses and he fluttered his eyes shut as he kissed mike passionately.

Will pulled away after, smiling softly up at mike before turning around and walking towards the door.

He shut his eyes and smiled brightly to himself as he realized what he had just done.

It left mike stunned, standing in the same spot he was with wide eyes and a gapped mouth.

Will said I love you.


It finally came to the part where everything was packed, and it was time to say their goodbye's.

It was emotional for everyone, the one's that were crying the most were will and jane, as they were the one's leaving their friends behind and leaving the place they called home.

They all hugged and said their goodbyes, crying into each others shoulders as it was the last time they were going to be seeing each other in awhile.

Mike and will shared the longest hug, with will crying and burying his face into mike's shoulder while mike rubbed his back and kissed the top of his head. They leaned their foreheads against each others and stayed in each others arm's for just a bit longer, they just couldn't accept the fact that they were going to be leaving each other.

They shared so many memories this past summer and these past 3 years that they weren't ready to leave each other, from the moment they first saw each other in the forest to when they both shared their first kiss, they knew they'd mean a lot to each other in the future.

Everyone shared a group hug, and will and mike shared a last hug before jane and will got in the car.

It was the worst thing for the boys.

They looked at each other one last time, remembering the beautiful memories they shared together.

Their first kiss.

Seeing each other again since will's disappearance.

Going to the snowball together.

Spending their summer kissing in will's room.

Having their first breakup.

Mike protecting will.

Saying I love you.

And finally saying goodbye one last time.

Mike watched the car drive away with sad eye's and a pain in his heart.

He loved will, and watching the one you love go was the by far the worst pain a person could feel.

Mike looked back at the byer's old house one last time before hopping on his bike and biking back home.

The party would start high school soon, not all together but alone.

The summer of '85 was over.

The byers left.

And will was gone.


dam bruh im done I hope this didn't suck too much and yea, HOPPERS LETTER had me crying on the floor like wtf that shit hurted πŸ₯Ί Fr hoping byler happens in s4 bc milevens cute n all ngl but WHERES THE FLAVOR?? They also better give will a bitchin makeover with sum cool powers bc who else is gonna save everyone?? but yea that's all I gotta say idk whats gonna happen to this book it'll probably flop pero we'll see ig ily if u managed to read the whole book ur a brave soldier :))

