xl. Awkward Beginnings




✧·゚: *✧·゚:* a wanted (inhu)man *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
date: November 30th, 2015
location: The Playground, Classified

━━Clara just felt pain; a burn in her heart, running to her fingers and limbs and to her head. She didn't know whether the pain was real, or every suppressed memory and grief returning to the surface, but she used it. She looked up and saw her mother stare at her, surprised as she began to stand. Clara took a deep breath, and glared at Launa. "No," she told her. "Stop it."

Her mother faltered, and the voice of her angelic singing fell away. Clara took this chance to grab her hand that had been outstretched towards her, and the pain grew. All of her anger, betrayal, despair and desperation━the feeling of lonliness, of drowning in a sea of emotions she could never control, that sometimes consumed her with its chaos━all of it into one, single point of heat. Clara didn't know what she was doing, but she didn't want to heal her mother. Her cheeks were wet with tears, and the pain grew so much that she started to scream━or maybe it was the anguish finally coming out. Her mother gasped out a, "No━" and Roy's vision was clouded in a blast of golden-bronze light━

Eyes snapping open, Roy's hands reached up to the searing headache that pounded against her forehead. For a moment, she thought she was still there, in the corridors of the Illiad until she recognised the feeling of her bed in her bunk back at the Playground. She sighed and relaxed, but her mind━it was on overdrive.

She dreamt about what she did to her mother all the time, wondering whether it had been right, to put her through what she put Leith and Clara through. Had it been the right thing to do? Or did it make her just like her, or even worse? Roy didn't want to be like her mother, that was for sure, but she had a feeling that she was more like her than she realised.

But that dream was different. She didn't remember the screams, or the golden light━that was new, and she had a feeling it had to do with what happened when she and Fitz had brought Jemma back from the alien planet.

Clara had no idea what had happened; what that light was. It was the same one that flooded her fingers when she healed someone━but she hadn't tried to heal Jemma. All she remembered was feeling pain, and desperation to have her back and then, it was like she did have her back, and then ... everything had exploded.

She wondered whether she had imagined it, because Fitz had said nothing, and neither had Simmons (not that she said much recently). Roy wouldn't put it past herself to imagine something, but it had felt so real. She wanted to tell someone about it━maybe Leith, but she was scared, because what if it hadn't been real? Fitz would have said something, surely━he would never leave something so scientifically astonishing to be forgotten ... and so, Clara didn't say anything, even if she had a feeling deep down that it had happened━and it scared her.

But she had far bigger things to worry about. The biggest being Jemma Simmons. She had just come back from months being on a foreign planet; a foreign solar system. She needed Clara now more than ever, and so, Roy pushed aside her feelings into the drawer in her room, and got up, readying herself for the day.

━━"Simmons didn't have to go through quarantine, which is good, all things considered."

Mack frowned at Coulson's words, "What exactly are these things that we're considering?"

The group of them discussed Simmons's return in the lab, huddled in a small circle near Fitz's desk, away from everyone else. None of them knew how to help her, not even Fitz and Roy. She kept things very to herself even before surviving on an alien planet, and the things she told them were very little (and only to Roy, Fitz and Bobbi).

"Everything that comes with being on another planet for months," said Bobbi and Roy nodded in agreeance.

"Yes," she added. "She's gotten used to a different atmosphere, different levels of oxygen, microgravity━"

"Every system in her body's out of whack," Fitz continued her thought path, holding a hand out in her direction. "Cardiovascular, inner ear, respiratory━it all got used to being ... not here."

"Medically speaking," went on Roy, "tests show oxidative stress, vitamin D deficiency, upper-respiratory irritation..."

"Any mention of life, intelligent or otherwise?" asked Coulson.

"Some flora," said Bobbi, "no fauna."

"She said she was being hunted," muttered Fitz.

Mack tensed, "Wait. What? What does that mean? Hunted by what?"

"She didn't say," sighed Roy. "Honestly ... I don't know if she even knows..."

"My god..." murmured Coulson. "Imagine her having to go through all that alone for that long."

"Well," Bobbi sent a smile towards Clara and Fitz, "thanks to these guys, not anymore."

Roy didn't take the compliment, for her stomach was on the verge of churning to a brew of a mix of worried doctor and worried best friend. She's seen the issues going on with Jemma's physical, she couldn't begin to imagine what her mental state must be going through━and the worst part about it, she didn't know how to help. Roy wished she could just fix it all for her, take all the pain away, but her powers didn't work like that. They only could take the physicial pain, not the deep and dreadful mental pain ... and that was possibly the worst sort of pain there was. They got her back, but Simmons was out of it, wanting to be alone, not really socialising at all. She stayed in her room. Clara tried to keep her company, bringing her work down and seeing whether she could slowly get her back into the routine of things, brought down their favourite game of scrabble ... but her mind was always wandering━off in space ... and perhaps it was.

"Monitor her physical health," Coulson told Clara, and she nodded. "I've got to call in to Doctor Garner. Her mental health is just as important..." he faltered in seeing Daisy and Leith enter the lab, both looking ashen. Leith's gaze flickered across their group as if just realising what they were talking about, and his step lost it's driven nature. "But don't push her. She'll open up when she's ready."

(If at all, Clara couldn't help but add to herself. That music box must be quaking on her drawer surface).

Coulson walked up to Leith and Daisy with Mack at his tail. As soon as he was close enough, Daisy announced, "Lincoln's in trouble."

The conversation continued in the hallway, the air between the four of them suffocating and tense. Leith had a lot on his mind, and usually that meant for more annoying jokes and flirting than usual, but at the moment, he felt no need to do any of that. Which was strange, yes, very strange━for him more than most! But he managed to be the most serious out of all of them, and it told Coulson, Mack and Daisy that something was up with him; something bad, and it wasn't just the whole situation with Lincoln.

"The ATCU issued a nationwide BOLO," continued Daisy as they marched their way through the corridor, "... FBI, Homeland Security, local police ... all notified. Sent them Lincoln's resume and headshot."

Coulson frowned, leading the way into the commons room and up the stairs to his office. "Sounds like the ATCU's getting desperate."

"What are they gonna do when they find him?" Daisy handed over the tablet. "Leith and I━we're guessing that it's not gonna be awesome. He needs help."

"Look," Mack crossed his arms, "we went to Lincoln more than once. He didn't want our help."

"Yeah, but Mack, it doesn't mean he deserved to be hunted like this," said Leith, gesturing to the tablet in Coulson's hands. "Not only that, but there's this weird, giant blue monster with a grudge looking to burn a hole in his chest."

"Which is why we need to bring him in," nodded Coulson, "now."

"That would be the plan," said Daisy, "if we knew were to find him, but he's not messaging either of us back, and I ..." she stopped at the look Mack and Coulson shared. Leith himself frowned. "What?"

Mack sighed. He watched Coulson pointedly. "You want to tell them?"

"Tell us what?" Leith demanded.

Daisy stared at them in disbelief. "What do neither of you want to tell us?"

Coulson pursed his lips. "We know how to find him."

✧·゚: *✧·゚:* a wanted (inhu)man *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
date: December 1st, 2015
location: The Playground, Classified

━━Things only got worse from there. The ATCU leaked Lincoln's photo to the public through the media. Seeing his face plastered all over the news brought immediate action. They now had to find Lincoln through the public eye, since he blew his tracker that Mack had placed on him━without Daisy, Leith and Clara knowing. Roy didn't know Lincoln that well, but it still angered her, because now Lincoln trusted them even less; but it was something they now had to deal with.

Either way, Clara was hired to help with the search, considering she was part of Daisy's team, even if she was the doctor. But this meant that she had less time with Simmons, and that frustrated her. She just got her friend back, and she was terribly worried━more than worried. Jemma had been alone for months on an alien planet, Clara wanted to be there for her as much as she could without it being smothering, and now, with an all nighter up her sleeve searching for Lincoln, she hasn't been able to spend any time with her at all.

"Daisy," Coulson led the group of the down the hallways of the Playground from his office in the early morning, "take Clara with you and monitor all law enforcement near Lincoln's last known location. Leith, I want you searching for Lincoln with your powers, see if you can convince him to come in that way."

"How about we take a team?" Daisy instead suggested. "Go look for ourselves?"

"No," Mack immediately disagreed, and Leith frowned, "the ATCU's on a witch hunt for powered people."

"I'm not afraid of them."

"No," agreed Coulson, "but they're terrified of you, which makes them dangerous. 'Till we know where he is, none of you━" he eyed Clara and Leith as well, which Roy was surprised to be included in, "━are going out there."

"Permission to speak freely," then said Daisy, matching Clara's pace beside her.

Coulson sighed, "Do I have a choice?"

"I could have talked him in if you didn't put an unsolicited tracker under his skin."

Mack was quick to point out, "If you didn't call to alert him, then we━"

"Why weren't Leith, Clara or I told?" Daisy cut him off.

"We thought the three of you were a little close to the situation," explained the Director.

Roy frowned, "What? Because we're Inhumans?"

Coulson looked like he might say something, but Daisy let out an angered, "Of course, we're close to the situation!" (Well, you more than others, it would seem, Roy thought to herself). "You asked me to assemble a team, and I accepted. I didn't expect any of us to be underminded and━"

"Do you know what I didn't expect?" Coulson stopped her, giving her a stern look. "A global outbreak. The ATCU, their Inhuman manhunt ... I didn't see all that coming, to be honest. I wanted to assemble a team to get ahead of the problem, but that didn't happen."

"But━" Roy tried to argue, but Coulson cut her off with a stern gaze for her, too.

"So, Daisy, Clara━" he began, and they realised there wasn't going to be any negotiation.

Annoyed, Daisy and Clara sighed, and muttered together, "We'll scan for law-enforcement channels."

"Thank you," he turned to Leith, who rolled his eyes like a child.

"I'll go off day dreaming to find Lincoln."

"Good. Mack," he finally said as the three of them went off on their way, "you were able to identify Rosalind Price's phot. How about getting me her digits?"

"You got it. "

Clara and Daisy passed the lab, and Roy faltered in her steps. Daisy stopped, frowning to see her not by her side anymore, until she looked back and understood.

Roy watched Fitz lead Simmons through the lab, and for a second, her chest rose with pride that her friend was well enough to step back into the workplace ... until she saw Fitz who held her hand right by her side.

She felt stupid, and guilty, and vain to feel a pang of jealously. It's nothing, Clara told herself, but her stomach was still boiling in seeing the gentle steps Fitz took, and the look on his face, and the way his other hand was there to help Jemma if she stumbled. It was so wrong to be jealous━Jemma had just come back from surviving alone on an alien planet for six months! Fitz was just trying to help! To be a supportive best friend! But Clara couldn't help it.

You're acting like a child! She scolded herself.

But look at them! her mind and heart argued.

Roy didn't say anything, but just watched, and hating herself for wishing that it was her hand that Fitz was holding, her being the subject of that gaze, and her he made sure didn't stumble as she walked. What's wrong with me?!

Daisy placed a hand on her shoulder, and Clara jumped. "Hey, you okay?" she asked her friend, but she knew exactly what was going on, even if Roy didn't want to think Daisy did herself.

Clara blinked, and with it, she pushed away the negative feelings boiling in her stomach like a kettle on the fire. "Yeah, yeah..." she glanced back at Fitz and Simmons, biting the inside of her cheek. "I━I'm fine. Come on, let's go..."

Inside the lab, Fitz took Simmons's arm as she stumbled again, clutching the side of a desk to catch herslef. Embarassed, she muttered, "Still acclimating to less gravity."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Fitz just rubbed her arm. He scanned the lab, looking for Roy, knowing she'd be delighted to see Simmons back up and walking around, but she was nowhere to be seen. He ignored how his spirits fell slightly, and instead focused on his friend beside him.

Seeing the two of them, Bobbi made her way over with a great big smile on her face. "Well, now, this is a sight for sore eyes."

Jemma managed a weak smile back.

Fitz spoke for her, "Thought it would be good to get back in the lab, see the old workplace. Hey, you haven't happened to see Roy anywhere this morning have you?"

Bobbi frowned, shaking her head. "No ... she's working the case on Lincoln's whereabouts. But I'm sure she'll be back soon."

Jemma pursed her lips, looking a little upset that her other best friend wasn't around━until her eyes caught something else. It made her stomach drop. They had told her the Monolith had been destroyed, her only way of getting him back. But now, she could see it, on the able━pieces of space rock. No... "Is ... is that it?" she decided to ask.

"It was the portal," said Bobbi. "Now it's a pile of space rocks."

"Roy and I have run a complete and exhaustive set of diagnostics," Fitz told Simmons. "So, I can assure you there's no need to worry━"

Buzz. Buzz. Simmons jumped, stepping in closer to Fitz. Her head snapped towards the sound coming from Bobbi's pocket. No one else seemed to hear it, but to her, it was blaring in her ears like a World War Two siren. Glancing down, Bobbi picked up her phone, and Fitz touched her arm gently, frowning, "You okay?"

It's just a phone, Jemma sighed, and shook her head. "Y━yeah," she managed. "Fine."

"Just a sec," Bobbi held the phone to her chest as she spoke to them. "It's Hunter. He's on a Ward Hunt."

Simmons tried to hide her strange bout of disappointment━because that disappointment not only frustrated her, but also made her feel guilty. Don't be upset over your silly crush on Bobbi, she's in love with Hunter, and you have someone else now. Someone you need to save.

So, Jemma pushed a smile on her face, "Say hi," she muttered, and Bobbi nodded, giving her a pretty smile herself.

"You know it," she winked before leaving. Jemma watched her walk away, and frowned. Stop it, she told herself.

Grabbing her hand again, Fitz muttered, "Hey, look," and Jemma's attention was changed. Together, they rounded the aisle and towards her desk. Simmons felt her heart squeeze to see that not one bit of it had been changed. "Just as you left it ... Roy and I made sure not even a post-it note was moved, 'cause we know how particular you can be about it━"

Jemma's focus was lost, and instead zeroed-in on someone who walked past the lab. Her chest tightened, and her heart raced in watching Leith march on his way━driven. He had changed since the time she had helped him back to the quinjet after she and Clara found him in Afterlife. But she knew that━his appearence had been the same as it had been in her dream, where he had found her━and saw her sleeping next to him back on Maveth; without any clothes on ... which made a very awkward air whenever they saw each other. She was sure Leith hadn't said anything, which she was grateful for, but he had seen her in such an intimate position. He didn't see anything, but he still saw her in a situation that was intimate to her and Will ... and she was sure that Leith didn't know what to say to her, just as much as Simmons didn't know what to say to him.

"What is it?" Fitz asked her, and she jumped slightly, turning back to him. Jemma went a little red out of her embarassment. She must seem so weak and useless and like a damsel in distress ... like usual ... oh, how much she hated it.

"Um ... I just ..." she swallowed back her nervous bile. She just wanted to go back. She just wanted to be alone, in her dark room, in her bed, safe ... "I'm not accustomed to this many distractions ..." it wasn't exactly a lie now, was it?

"Yeah," Fitz's voice was usually easy to focus on, but right now, there was just so much going on in her head, so much around her, and all of her thoughts on the awkward situation between her and Leith that he sounded rather muddled. "Well, I imagine you must have had quite a lot to take in ... extraterrestrial materials and specimens to examine."

"My━my curosity faded once the fear set in," she told him, and the excitement in Fitz's eyes faltered.

"Right," he realised, and rubbed his eyes. Stupid, he told himself. "Right, yeah, of course. Sorry."

I just want this to end ... Jemma felt the lump in her throat. She tried to swallow it down again and said, "I ... I have to admit it's all a bit much. Would you mind?"

Fitz realised, and he quickly nodded, eager to help in anyway. "Uh━yeah. What ... should I get Bobbi?"

"No," Jemma perhaps had said that too fast, but right now, Bobbi was the last person she wanted to be around. It made things all too confusing. "Um, it's just a little disorientation, attributable to oxidative stress."

"Okay, yeah, I'll take you back to your room," Fitz smiled at her kindly. He took her hand again and slowly led her out of the lab.

"I hope you're not too disappointed," Simmons murmured, suddenly feeling guitly.

"No, on the contrary. You're self-diagnosing, which is a sign you're on the mend..."

━━Clara finally found the time to visit Jemma today. She ignored the childish feelings she had gotten in seeing her and Fitz hand-in-hand in the lab, and brought over their favourite scrabble board to play while she had a break from scanning law-enforcement channels, which was quite a new job in Agent Roy's list of roles done in this agency.

Knocking on the door, she opened it up gently and peeked her head through. When Jemma saw her, her face broke out into a relieved smile as she breathed out, "Clara..."

Clara smiled shyly, holding the scrabble game close to her chest. "I still can't believe your here ..." she closed the door behind her and Jemma's head tilted gently, pleased to finally see her best friend. "We spent so long trying to find you."

"I can't thank you enough for it," said Jemma, and Clara's smile grew. She joined her friend on the bed, sitting opposite her and placing the scrabble game between them.

"I'm really sorry I haven't been around as much as I want to be," Clara then said, frowning. "And━and I can't stay for too long. Daisy and I are tracking law-enforcement channels ... it's ... there's just a lot going on."

"And I've been sleeping," Simmons tried to joke, and Clara breathed a small chuckle.

"Which is good," she told her. "As a doctor I can assure you of that. We need you━I need you back in the lab," Clara sighed, "It's been lonely without you to talk to..."

"You have Fitz..." Jemma gave her a knowing smile and Roy rolled her eyes.

"Yes, but you don't annoy me as much."

She chuckled.

"And besides," went on Clara, pulling her legs to her chest. "He's been out a lot in the search for you while I've been stuck on base with Coulson's new Inhuman team. Kind of feel like the odd one out, you know? They all fight and can do amazing things, and I'm just the doctor."

"You're more than just a doctor, Clara," Simmons told her, and they shared another small smile.

A silence settled between them as Roy tried to think of how to word what she wanted to say. She reached out a hand and took Jemma's in a tight squeeze. "I get that you don't want to talk about what happened yet, but I'm always here, you know that right?"

Jemma squeezed it back, the look in her eyes becoming distant, "I know━but right now I'd rather listen," Clara nodded, understanding. "The Terrigen is spreading?"

Roy pursed her lips, "Yes, and so is the paranoia. The ATCU is hunting Inhumans down, they have Lincoln's face all over the media, making him seem like some sort of blood-thirsty killer. We found one of the first Inhumans to be affected by the fish oil, he's down in one of the containment module rooms━oh, my gosh, I can't wait to show you those. Fitz and I created them..." and Roy went on to talk about the modules, and Jemma was happy to listen, to have a distraction from the war that was going on inside her head.

But it was interrupted by the Buzz! Buzz! of Clara's phone. Jemma jumped back, pulling her knees closer and Roy let out a soft curse of apologies.

"No, take it," Jemma assured her. "It's probably very improtant."

When Clara looked at the number, and saw Daisy, she realised that Simmons was right in it most likely being very important. She answered, "Hey, what's up?"

"Lincoln called," Daisy said, sounding distressed. "He needs help."

✧·゚: *✧·゚:* a wanted (inhu)man *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
date: December 1st, 2015
location: The Playground, Classified

━━Lincoln gave Daisy his location, which was good until the tides turned. Miss Rosalind Price had a few tricks up her sleeve, or rather, two photos of another two Inhumans who were seen at the hospital incident that caused for Coulson to make a harsh decision. Lincoln, or Daisy and Leith, and when Lincoln had no choice but to go on the run again, to protect them, Coulson gave the ATCU him━or rather, gave them an alliance, and Roy didn't know how she felt about it. These people were hunting innocent people like her, people who had no choice in being different━some who didn't want to be different; but that didn't matter, because they were still hunted like fugatives.

Clara wanted to complain about this to Fitz, but he wasn't at the Base. Neither was Simmons. It made her purse her lips ... don't think too much about it, she told herself, but she just couldn't help it! Her stomach immediately went to a boil, and her mind to the worst situation━and it was terrible, horrible and selfish.

She travelled across the hall into the commons room, and stopped in seeing Mack on the couch, playing a game of━well, Clara wasn't too sure, she was never a game person. But, she believed that if anyone knew where Fitz was, it would be Mack, so she made her way over.

Hearing her footsteps, he looked up and arched a brow, "Hey, kid. You all right?"

Clara pursed her lips and shrugged. "Honest? I've been better ... have ... have you seen Fitz, anywhere? I can't find him."

Mack sighed, giving her a small look that made Clara's stomach drop. "He took Simmons out ... something about getting her away from all the distractions."

"Right ..." murmured Clara, and she hated the bitter taste on her tongue.

Mack frowned, as if knowing exactly what she was thinking about. Clara glanced down to her feet, shuffling them awkwardly. Her and Mack never had a close relationship━she guessed it stemmed from their terrible beginning with the whole situation about Fitz. Maybe that was why she was suprised to see Mack let out a sigh and sit up in the chair. He shuffled over and removed the cushions next to him.

"You know what?" he said, reaching for the second controller. "I sure could use some backup━" he held the controller up to Clara. She stared at it for a second, unsure on what to do. Does she take it?

"Uh ... okay ..." she decided to grab the controller and flop down onto the couch beside Mack. "I warn you, I've never played this before."

"What?" Mack looked surprised (and if not a bit offended). "No━no━we gotta change that. Come on, new game, new game. You're missing out, Rapunzel."

Clara Roy chuckled, shaking her head. But she held the controller up and with a purse of her lips, started to figure out how to play.

Leith didn't know Simmons had gone out until he saw her back in the lab. He had been doing his nightly training, because May decided to go on vacation just as she picked him up as a student (and not come back, which was great). And now ready to have a shower and head to bed, he found himself faltering to watch what it looked to be Simmons shuffling around the table of debris from the Monolith.

He frowned. That's odd ... Throwing the towel of his shoulder, Leith entered the lab and approached Simmons. He felt his throat close up, because the last time he really talked to her had been in a dream and ... well ... it wasn't the most normal of situations ... Get over it, he told himself, and pushed through the feeling in his stomach and throat.

Simmons didn't notice he was there, her gaze fixated on screwing the lid of the vial closed. Leith decided to speak up, "Simmons? What you doing?"

She jumped and spun around, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. They stared at each other for a second, and Jemma opened and closed her mouth, startled until she managed a hoarse, "Trying to understand."

Leith arched a brow. Crossing his arms, he leant against the glass wall. "Trying to understand broken Monolith debris ...?" he reached out and tried to pick up one of them, but Simmons snatched it away, scurrying back.

"It's possible it's not intert," she said quickly, holding the rock close to her chest. Leith blinked, what does inert mean again? "Alien metals have different properties. We━we don't know for sure."

He might not know science gabble, but he wasn't stupid. Leith knew what she was doing. He had seen the other person, and he hadn't said anything about it━in respect for Simmons, but also because it was not the best thing to bring up, like━oh, hey, yeah, so, I don't know where she is, but I saw her naked under a sheet with another guy so ...

Leith pursed his lips, "You're trying to get back to him, aren't you?"

Jemma met his gaze, a little tearful━or maybe it was because the rim of her eyes were red from already crying when he wasn't here. Once again, she was taken-aback, and Leith sighed. Pushing off the wall, he walked closer to the table and picked up one of the debris himself, chucking it between one hand and then the other. "I don't know why Jiaying was so scared of this thing, but ... but I understand if you're trying to get back. Leaving him all alone there, it can't be easy."

Simmons held her rock tighter. "You ... you're not telling me to leave it alone?"

Leith frowned at her, "Jemma, believe it or not, I saw you and that guy━which is really messing with my head and just so awkward, but ... if there's someone else on that planet. We gotta save them━and especially when you have the fact that you and him are like ..." his brows furrowed even deeper, just feeling the awkwardness in the air, "... you know. Even more important. But the thing is, Simmons, I know I'm not like a genius, but the Monolith like━blew up. There's no way back."

Jemma continued stare at him; so much that Leith was getting a little uncomfortable. Finally, she let out a small, "Can you help me?"

He blinked, "Huh?"

"Help me get Will back," she said. "Help me find a way to open the portal again."

Leith pointed at him in disbelief. "You want me to help━me who has no idea about any of this science stuff, whatsoever. You want me to help you bring this guy back?"

Jemma nodded, a pleading gaze upon her face. "Please, Leith━I━I don't know how to tell everyone. Fitz and Roy━they spent so long trying to bring me back when I just want to return ... and Bobbi ... she just ... she'll just try to protect me ... no one will understand. But you saw him. You have to help me."

Leith would admit, his mouth was agape a little bit at how much trust Simmons was suddenly putting on him. Because if anyone knew him, at all, he wasn't someone to trust. He just uses people, loses them, leads them on ... Jack was proof of that. His mother was proof of that. So why on Earth would Jemma trust him? Him of all people ...

It kind of made him want to prove to her that she was right in doing so.

So, he guesses that's why he said, "Yeah, sure. I'll help you."


Β  Β  a/n: Mack and The Nickname Chronicles.

Β  Β  Oh, and also, jemma and leith's friendshipβ€”i love. it's only at the beginning but ... hehehehe

Β  Β  And not Roy being jealous over Simmons like come on girl ... you're better than this ...
