A Mistake

smut in this chapter

The next night finds Hayley and Eliza leaving Jake's Diner after being tired of waiting for Klaus to show up after texting him and making their way back to Eliza's car in the restaurant parking lot

As we passed two 18-wheeler, we heard a metal clanking sound. We both stop and turn around to see where the noise comes from. There was nothing there.

"What was that?" Hayley asks. "I don't know."

Hearing the sound again, we turn around to see a man in all black with black hair and eyes to match.

Recognizing a vampire, I place myself in front of my sister, asking, "What do you want?"

Instead of answering, he vamp speeds toward me, pining me to the size of the truck and choking me to death with Hayley trying to pull him off of me.

Just when I thought I was l done, the pressure lifted, and I was on the ground looking up at my savior, who I wasn't expecting, Klaus Mikaelson. Hayley leans down, checking on me to make sure I'm all right.

"Are you okay?" Hayley asks me worry."Yeah, I'm fine."

I told her while rubbing my sore throat. Looking back toward Klaus, he was looking at the vampire on the ground like he was meat. The vampire guy stood back up after being thrown off of me, and Klaus vamp speeds toward him.

He lifted the vampire off the ground while vampy out with this hybrid feature saying, "Have a care, mate. That's no way to treat a lady."

Klaus hisses and bites into the vampire's neck. I move away from the vampire and Klaus, trying my best to get his screams of pain and trying to stay out of the way of Klaus's wrath.

Backing away from the vampire, he throws his body against one of the sides of the 18-wheelers, and he lands on his side on the ground.

Klaus looked down at me with a little smile on his bloody lips as I said, "You came."

"Well, you did say it was urgent." Klaus reaches his hand down to me and pulls me off the ground. I dusted my pants off and straightened my leather jacket as Hayley came to my side saying, "Thank you for saving my sister."

"It was no problem, love." Both Hayley and I look over at the vampire that attacked me, who was moaning in pain on the concrete ground, and suddenly, he vamps away.

"Oh, don't worry about him, love. He'll never make it thought tomorrow night."

"What if there are more out there?"

"You two were foolish enough to make a deal with Katerina Petrova."

"She used you two to find the cure, and now you're nothing but a loose end. You'll be lucky if she lets you live. "

"Klaus, you said you would protect us." I said through greeted teeth as I bumped my shoulder up against his walking away from him with Hayley trailing behind me.

I stop and turn toward Klaus as he says, "And I will just as soon as you both tell me everything you know about Katerina."

I stand there thinking for a while if I should tell him anything. Looking over at Hayley, we communicated with our eyes.

Should we tell him anything or not? Hayley gave me a look, saying to play along, and that's exactly what I did.

Deciding to play along with Klaus, I told him I would tell him everything he needed to know, but not here because we both were tired and hungry.

So Klaus, like the gentlemen he is took us back to the Mikaelson mansion. Where he offered to feed us. It was huge. It was about the same side as Tyler's mansion. These people sure know how to live in style. Eliza thought.

They had a long driveway. There were trees surrounding the house and windows everywhere. From the top of the house to the bottom. And the inside was breathtaking it was furnished very modern.

Hayley and I were sitting at the dinner table eating and drinking fine wine with Klaus watching us suspiciously. Pushing my plate away and picking up my glass of red wine, I sit back in my chair and get comfortable as I hear Klaus say, "So you're both rested, and you're fed. Tell me about Katerina."

"Most men get their power kick from torture and intimidation. " With you, it drinks and fine dining." Eliza's smirks with Hayley laughing into her hand with a small smile.

Klaus chuckles a little saying "Well in your cases. I favor hospitality over unpleasantness, but I have been known to change my mind." Where is Katerina?"

"You seriously think we know where she is. We're not her go-to people, Klaus."

"Both of you tipped her off as to what we were up to. Set her on a course to find the cure, and in return, she sent her lackey to snuff you two out."

"Tell me, what did Katerina promise you two?" Klaus asks us. I looked at him and placed my wine glass back onto the table and placed my arms onto the table, and said to Klaus, "We were in New Orleans trying to find information about our real parents. Katherine found us and told me she could help us find the info we needed."

"Two orphans? Eliza and Hayley nod at his question.

"Well, that does explain your charming bravado." Abandonment issues will do it every time."

"Sounds like you would know." Eliza says very bluntly

"I'm the only one that can protect you two. I'm happy to do so, provided you two cooperate."

After dinner, Hayley told me she was going to the library to try and decode the info on the flash key Professor Shane gave us to see if she can get any more leads on our parents. While she was gone, it was just Klaus and Me. With my wine glass in hand, Klaus and I walked into his living room. I looked around his living room.

Seeing some painting on the floor, I walked toward them, shifting through them, saying, "I hate this one, too much." Pushing the paintings back against the table. Turning toward Klaus, who was entering behind me, I said, "I don't get that."

Turning back around, I continue to look through his painting on the table "Hmm I don't care. Hmm. Eliza picks up another painting and places her glass down. "This one. She turns toward Klaus. "It doesn't make me want to puke." Eliza smiles at Klaus, and he chuckles at her comment.

"Why'd you paint it? Painting is a metaphor for control. Every choice is mine. The canvas, the color. As a child, I had neither a sense of the world nor my place in it, but art taught me that one's vision can be achieved with sheer force of will.

The same is true of life, provided one refuses to let anything stand in one way." Klaus steps closer to me, and I sign and roll my eyes.

"So this is your thing. I move closer to Klaus and then move to the side, saying," Show a girl a few mediocre paintings, whine about your childhood, and I swoon and spill all my dirty secrets I took a sip of the wine while looking at Klaus. "I felt I had many charms, but uh, regardless, I'm enjoying myself."

"And you do whatever you enjoy, up to including hunting my friend Tyler for the next century." Eliza says, getting into Klaus's face.

"Oh, surely not the next century. Only until I kill him."

Klaus walks away from me, and I chuckles "You talk a good game, but the truth is you let him go. Klaus pours him some whiskey as I said "My guess. You know if you kill him, Caroline will hate you forever."

"If I simply killed Tyler, my revenge would be over in a moment.

Sentencing him to a lifetime of paranoia and fear, that's Tyler true punishment. But come now. You never really thought there was a future for you two, did you?

Eliza rolls her eyes. "I don't know. He might have left Caroline for me if I'd used the cure to kill you."

Klaus chuckles and points his finger at me, saying, "You know if Tyler has even half your resolve, he may actually make it through the year."

Taking another sip, "It doesn't take resolve.

It takes allies, a network of people willing to do anything for you, including chasing down loose ends to their death. That's how Katherine escaped you all this time."

"Perhaps you know the names of Katerina's special little helpers."

"Maybe I know one or two. " Maybe I'll even tell you." Eliza smiles, finishes off her glass.

Back at Mikaelson mansion, Klaus comes back into his living room after getting off the phone with his sister Rebekah telling me "My sister informs me that your vampire assailant is dead, so you and your sister are safe and free to go. Or stay."

Giving Klaus a little smiling I said "I could be persuaded to stay, enjoy some of the good life and maybe I could drum up a few more of Katherine's secrets and you could do something for me."

"Oh, I'm sorry, love. You'll never convince me to let Tyler go free."

"Well then, I guess I'll never get my chance with Tyler any more than you'll get a shot with Caroline. Klaus smiles a little at me, turning his back toward me, signing in annoyance.

"Do you want to know why I like that painting?"

Klaus turned back toward me, swaggering but with a hint of caution darkening his eyes. He responded quickly, not giving me the chance to tell him myself. "Well, perhaps it's because it allowed you to see into me deep, wounded soul."

No. I smiled, allowing a measure of coyness to show and stepped forward. I brought myself closer to the hybrid and looked up at him through my eyelashes. Klaus held still. I had his attention now.

His focus was as he turned his body fully to face me.

Firelight brushing his skin with amber and gold, softening the harshness of his face. He looks almost vulnerable, waiting to see.

Giving me the chance to speak and what I said would decide if he would twist my hand from my shoulders or let me live.

"Or I saw how twisted it really is," I said very softly. "And maybe I can relate."

Nothing. My pulse fluttered at my throat, dancing wildly. Nerves, for sure, but more than that. Excitement.

"So." I prodded. "What's it going to be? Going or staying?"

Klaus lifted a hand, pressing gentle fingers to my cheek. A soft brush of skin on skin; with only the slightest undercurrent of supernatural strength passing between us. A careful reminder that he was more than just a man. The crackle and snap from the hearth at my back, the only noise as Klaus continued to watch me with eyes as blue as smoke.

"You enjoy the control I give you," Klaus said evenly, a sharper smile cutting across his expression. "You tell me, love. What do you want?"

A dare. A challenge and desire fired my blood. Pleasant currents ripped my spine, bursting at the nap of my neck, causing my scalp to tingle. Lust clawed at my belly, coiling lower, and I forgot to breathe. I'm catching my breath at the raw invitation in Klaus's mocking.

I caught my lip in my teeth, again looking at him through the veil of my lashes and swaying nearer. Klaus' sharp gaze lingered on my lower lip. He smiled at me.

With a gasp, I was suddenly taken. Strong arms came around my body, and I was lifted up. Nose to nose with the hybrid, lip to lip. Close enough to taste him on the air between us. To feel the incredible heat from his body envelop me. That was it. Only just a second to hesitate to breathe him in before his mouth was on mine.

Klaus' kiss mirrored the man himself. He kissed heavily, passionately, and with all the force of his wild nature combined. He kissed me as if he meant to devour me, and oh, I loved it. I surrendered to his power, basking in the heat and the feel of him. Pressing my hands into the soft wool of his sweater, then higher. Sliding my palms over his shoulders, up the length of his throat and back to tangle my fingers in his hair, and press him closer.

My legs came around his body, knees hooking over his hips. Pressing myself against him, feeling the shock of pleasure coursing like an electric charge at the feel of him so close to my most sensitive spot.

Trusting in Klaus inhuman strength to support mine weight. Knowing that he could, and delighted.

A blur of supernatural speed, and we were across the room, my shoulders aching from being slammed against the wall.

I tugged at Klaus' sweater, frantic in my desire to feel him even closer. To have him - all of him. He rolled his shoulders, helping me to pull the sweater up over his head, and it fell to the floor and was immediately forgotten. I raked my nails over the front of him; down over his chiseled chest, down over abs as hard as marble and lower.

We pulled apart, but only to allow Klaus room enough to rip my shirt from my body. He didn't wait to touch and explore with his hands, as I had done. Instead, he came between my breasts. Tongue and teeth probing.

Licking and tiny little nips that teased and taunted. Showing me what I could have; hinting at the ecstasy that would be mine and all I had to do was open to him.

Klaus trails his mouth up over my neck, kissing a warm path along the large vein, pulsing my life's blood just beneath the surface. Protected only by a thin barrier of tender skin.

The hint of threat, at letting a vampire explore so close, only heightened the tension. The excitement. She was an exhilaration of what we were doing.

Another burst of supernatural speed, and he had me flat on my back.

Klaus hovering for only a moment over me, so warm and hard. The scent of him was already seeping into my skin.

He takes me hands, lacing our fingers and lowers himself on top of me. His weight pressed me back, and I moaned at the feel of something hot pressing into my thigh.

My heart beats as if it would burst, thudding madly in my chest.

Sweat slicks my body as Klaus very gently bites at the base of my throat.

I feel the prick of fangs, but he doesn't draw blood. Doesn't hurt me.

He slowly pushed his hard coke inside of me, the hot, hard length of his stretching my inner muscles, and I throw back my head.

For hours, the bedroom was filled with our moans, our skin slapping together until the bed frame broke

Screaming at the most exquisite pain curls my toes. This was a night to remember.

After our night of pleasure, I sit up and put my bra back on as Klaus finger traces my shoulder

"Running away, little wolf."


As Eliza continues to get dressed, Klaus grips her shoulder where her birthmark is. Turning around to Klaus, I ask, "What? That mark. I've seen it before."

"Yeah. It's a birthmark. People have those, Klaus."

"In my considerable lifetime, I've only seen that mark on a handful of others, all from the same bloodline.

A werewolf clan that once thrived throughout much of what we now call Louisiana."

Standing up from the bed, I turned my body toward Klaus as I said, "Don't lie to me, not about this."

"I wouldn't dare. Matters of family are sacred."

"Tell me." Tell me everything you know."

After waiting for Klaus to get dressed, he told me everything about the wolves in the bayou of New Orleans.

I knew exactly where Hayley and I would head next when she came back from the library.

When she came back, I was in the living room waiting for her.

"Hey, hey.

"Did you have any luck?"

"Boy, did I."

"What did you find out? I ask.

"They were in the one place we never should have left.

"Don't tell me, New Orleans."


"That exactly what Klaus said."

"How did Klaus know?"

"He saw my birthmark and started telling me that the wolves with this kind of mark are from a clan in Louisiana."

I look over at Hayley, questioning glaze.

"What?" I said her glaze, making me uncomfortable.

"How did Klaus see your birthmark?"

"Did you show it to him?"

"Not exactly." I said sheepishly

Looking over at Hayley, she had a knowing glint in her eye.

"You didn't?" You and Klaus?"

"Shh, Hayley. I don't want to the whole world knowing."

"It was a one night type thing, Hayley. I just want to forget about it."

Letting it go for the time being, Hayley and Eliza stopped by Tyler's mansion to pick up their belongings and put them in Eliza's car.

New Orleans, here we come.
