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୨⎯chapter two, tour.⎯୧

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"π˜πŽπ” π’π„π„πŒπ„πƒ π“πŽ ππ„π…π‘πˆπ„ππƒ chuck quickly." alby spoke as the pair walked across the glade. the afternoon sun beamed down, placing a yellow glow across the fields.

"he seems like a good kid." the girl replied truthfully. "slightly energetic but he's quite sweet."

alby nodded in agreement. "he is a good kid. he just gets on our nerves a lot, he doesn't know when to stop talking and many of the boys don't have a lot of patience."

"why can't i remember anything?" she blurted out her voice laced with anxiety, desperate for answers.

the girl started fidgeting with her fingers and her eyes became watery. "relax." alby spoke sitting down on one of the benches hoping she'd sit but she stayed on her feet. "it happens to all of us. our names are the only thing they let us have for ourselves. the only thing they'll let you remember."

"but why? who's they?"

alby shook his head, a slight look of sadness on his face. "that's one thing we don't know. who are they and why they put us here. once a month the box," alby pointed to the box in the middle of the glade. "provides us with whatever we need, also a new greenie. this month that was you."

"so we're just stuck here?" her eyes lingered on the boy examining his expression, not giving her much hope.

"we've been trying to get through the maze everyday but the path changes every night." alby spoke, filling her in with everything she needed to know. "only runners can go out there, that's one rule we have."

"runners? maze?"

the boy nodded, standing up but avoiding the question. "come on, i need to show you where everything is." the girl followed alby to a large barn, a horrible smell filled her nose. "this is the blood house, pretty much where livestock is raised and slaughtered. dead heads over there-" alby pointed to what seemed to be a small forest. "it's the graveyard."

the girls eyes went wide for a split second when he mentioned the word graveyard. alby walked towards a grassy area where there were many plants and vines. "this is the gardens, it's where we grow our food and get our source of water. some of the guys sleep here in hammocks since the homestead is for leaders and keepers." alby explained to her that the homestead also contained the kitchen. there was also some sort of jail called the slammer, and the gathering hall in the corner of the glade where they had previously been.

"we have three rules. only three. one, never go beyond those walls, unless your a runner, but i doubt you'll become one. two, never harm another glader. this doesn't work unless we trust each other. three, everyone does their part, no slackers." alby informed the girl who listened intently trying to remember all the new information. "everyone has their own job, the keepers of each job will explain them to you, you will start trying them out tomorrow."

as the girl nodded in return to the boy's speech, a crowd began to emerge from the gathering hall. mumbles of chatter filled the air as they dispersed back to their positions. a familiar blonde boy began to approach the pair that now stood in the middle of the glade, the girl's eyes darted around her surroundings before meeting with the limping figure of the boy.

"hey, ya alright alby? hey greenie." he spoke as he arrived beside the pair, his hair blowing slightly in the wind as his lips twitched into a small smirk when he glanced at the girl. she flashed him a hesitant smile, feeling a nervous sensation in her stomach at the presence of the boy. he hadn't spoken to her properly until now, she had the impression he was one of the most distant.

"can you take over from here newt? i have a lot to prepare for tonight." alby regarded newt who nodded in reply. alby gave newt a grateful pat on the shoulder before heading off to attend to his duties.

with alby gone, newt turned his attention back to the girl. "well looks like you're stuck with me for now." he remarked with a small smirk pulling on his lips. he began walking and motioned for her to follow him, so she did.

"so, what do you think of the glade so far?" newt asked not knowing what else to say as he glanced at her with a curious expression.

"it's a lot to take in." the girl admitted, her gaze wandering over to the bustling gladers around them. "but everyone seems nice i guess."

newt chuckled softly. "nice, huh? well, don't let appearances fool you. we've got our fair share of characters here." he said wryly.

"like who?" she asked, turning to newt with a curious gaze.

"oh, you'll see." he replied cryptically. "but trust me, once you've been here a while, you'll learn to spot them pretty quickly."

there was a long silence between them before newt broke it.

"alright then," newt said, nodding. "you'll start of as a slicer tomorrow."

the girls eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly composed her self. "a slicer?" she echoed, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

"yeah it's where most greenies start." newt explained. "you'll be helping with the live stock, setting up supplies and other odds and ends. it's not glamorous, but it's important."

she considered his words and then nodded. "okay." she said softly.

newt chuckled lightly at her nervousness. "don't worry greenie. we've all been there." he reassured her with a friendly smile, he placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder causing the girl to flinch slightly at his touch but she quickly relaxed under his warm fingers.

newts eyebrows furrowed slightly with concern at the girl's reaction, he let out a little cough. "but for now, let's focus on getting you settled in. we have a bonfire tonight, we have one once a month for each new greenie." newt explained. "do you want me to show you to my room?" he asked, earning a nod from the girl in return, she was hoping for some alone time to process all this mess.

they weaved through a few of the huts alby had shown the girl earlier, the dewy grass slightly dampening her shoes. they finally arrived outside a slightly wonky wooden building, she recalled alby calling it the homestead. newt led her inside and up a slightly unstable staircase into a narrow hallway with a few doors connected on either side of it. "all the keepers have a room up here." newt explained.

they walked down to the end, their footsteps echoing filling the tensioned silence. as they made it to the end, newt turned the handle on a door that was on the left side of the hallway.

"here we are." newt spoke as he wandered into the small room, the girl following closely behind. the room was small but cosy, a wobbly looking bed sat in the corner of the room along with a chest of drawers and a wooden desk. there were clothes and other items strewn everywhere.

"wow, boys are very messy." the girl raised her eyebrows as her lips curled inwards, trying to hold back her giggles at the sight.

"yeah, sorry haven't had a lot of time to clean it. anyways make yourself at home." newt replied a slight pink tinge appearing on his cheeks from embarrassment.

the girl's face dropped as she realised the only thing she had was the clothes she had on. "well i haven't actually got anything to make myself at home-" the girl was cut off by minho busting through the door, sending it banging into the wall.

the two jumped at the sound before turning around and their gaze met an excited minho with a box in his large hands. "here greenie, this was in the box for you." he spoke, shoving it into the girl's grip, knocking her backwards slightly.

"thanks, minho." her lips curled into an appreciative smile at the boy whose eyes flickered from her face to the box.

"what's inside it?" he sputtered out, curiosity burning inside him.

"well, i'm not sure minho seeing as i haven't opened it as well." the girl sarcastically remarked in return.

"well, open it then!" his voice raised slightly in anticipation.

she carefully placed the box on newts desk, pushing a few stray items out the way. she opened it and peered inside, there was a pair of shorts, some cargos, a few different coloured tank tops and shirts, a hoodie, some underwear, a hairbrush and bands, a razor and..

"whats this?" minho questioned as he snatched up a box of tampons and held it in front of his and newts faces, their faces screwed up in confusion.

"that's to stop nosebleeds." she spluttered a little too quickly as an excuse, mentally smacking herself in the face that she couldn't come up with anything better.

"i get nose bleeds sometimes, might have to lend me some of these." minho shrugged cluelessly as he placed the box back down.

"yeah, sure minho." she awkwardly attempted to avoid eye contact with the two boys in front of her, trying to hide her slightly red cheeks.

"right, we've got stuff to do so we will leave you alone for now. will you be alright here?" newt questioned the girl, his voice soft.

"yeah, i'll be fine." she reassured him with a slight smile, looking forward to being alone for a while.

"alright, i'll see you at the bonfire." newt spoke as the two boys exited the room, shutting the door behind them leaving the girl alone for the first time she could remember.
