
there will be probably 2-3 parts when I am writing an event :D


It was a possible normal day at the House of Lamentation. Y/n suddenly hear some nosies in the living room and decided to go and check, it was Lucifer and their other brothers.Lucifer punishing Mammon while the other brothers watched.

Mammon crying for help and when Y/n was about to help their older brother, Lucifer look at Y/n with a cold glare a sign that they shouldn't help him so they just raise their hands up and let out a sigh

"Oh its the usual again" Yuki blurt out

"Yuki! Y/n! The two of you are the only ones I can count on help me!" Mammon desperately yelled

"I can't... Lucifer said so" Y/n shook their head and muttered

"Well I assure you that Mammon has committed a most grievous offense"

"What did he do this time?" Satan asked Lucifer

"Hey I just lost a few bets that's all!" Mammon said as Lucifer furrowed their eyebrows

"You lost severely, and now everyone at the House of Lamentation will pay for it" Lucifer said crossing his arms, Y/n just let out a sigh and went to their brothers

"So what's the bet?" Y/n asked Mammon

"Well ya weren't there at the time because Lucifer wants you to stay at home" Mammon said "But have you at least heard about us dressed up as bunny boys and worked at the fall"

"Of course I do" Y/n said "It was very hyped when you guys decided to work there"

"Well... Apparently, it was really popular. So popular that the owner wants to do it with all of us" Mammon explained "So..."

"No way! Did you said that we all going to work there?!" Leviathan exclaimed "I cannot believe you!"

This made Y/n let out an quite excited gasp but immediately shut their mouth, not wanting to show their excitement "If Lucifer said everyone in the House of Lamentation, that means... I can go outside other than school or Lord Diavolo's castle!"

Satan look at his twin while Y/n looked back, a grin forming from the older twin lips. "You know...I heard that there are cats and bunnies over there, we can check it if you want" Satan suggests and Y/n started shaking him and nod their head

"Yes, yes! Please I want to see the cute bunnies" Y/n whisperly yelled to Satan as they let out a sigh "As much as I love cats I need to be careful though. I am allergic to them"

"Hmhp if only you don't have your cat allergies maybe then we have a pet cat here" Satan said as Y/n rolled their eyes

"Well sorry. I didn't even though I was allergic to them until I try to pet them" Y/n said to Satan "Also we are checking the bunnies first... Wait no, if I see one that looks like Mr.Scream I would cry quietly"

"You know you could have just get another rabbit" Satan stated Y/n letting out an offended gasp and shook their head "I can't do that, what if Mr.Scream comes back and gets jealous at the new bunny?"

Satan sweatdropped at his twin's words and if only Y/n knew what happened to Mr.Scream, he knew damn well that someone is going to get some of their bones broken. Specifically at Beelzebub.

"Well I was winning at the beginning, ya know? But that owner just got the devil's luck!" Mammon said to Leviathan "Before I knew it.. I lost everything"

"If it was just a verbal agreement, can't you just get out of it?" Belphegor pondered while Yuki agreed with him

"Let me guess... You can't do it because you did something else?" Y/n asked Mammon

"Well yea... You see I signed a magic binding contract. If ya sign one of those, then breaking your word costs you even more than what you bet" Mammon explained

"Why would you agree to that?!" Yuki asked in a frantic "So we have choice but to work..." they muttered

"I was winning at the time, so I thought it would be fine!" Mammon said as a defense as Y/n just shook their head

"Mammon. What did I tell you that in the beginning doesn't matter how good you are what matters more is winning in the end" Y/n lightly scolded their older brother "That's why you shouldn't get cocky and be more cautious"

"Come on everyone, let's all cheer up" Yuki said as a small smile forming from Y/n's lips

"Oh I am. I am just not showing it" Y/n thought while their thoughts got interrupted by Satan

"I'm amazed that you can remain optimistic in this situation that we are all in" Satan said placing his hand on his cheek "There is also one more person who is happy they possibly have a chance to go out" he whispered the last sentence

"So the club is gonna do a three-day bunny show event starting tomorrow and we're the main attraction" Mammon informed this made Satan furrowed his eyebrows sightly

"Hah? A whole three days?! And it falls over the long weekend!" Satan uttered out

"It's going to be the worst long weekend ever" Leviathan sulked

"Come on now. Don't be upset,I'm sure it's going to be fun. I finally get to spend time with my brothers" Y/n said with glee

"Yea but we get to work though all because of some idiot decided to drag us into this..."Belphegor spat

"You know what for once I am trying to have fun so complain how much you all want that doesn't change anything" Y/n sassed crossing their arms "Come on now, I am sure that the owner is probably wanting for us to come... Wait I forgot to ask am I going with you all?"

Lucifer gave his younger sibling a smile and nodded,headpatting Y/n. "Yes.Diavolo told me you have been amazing for these past few days and as a reward to do an amazing job for Diavolo then I'll let you" Lucifer said "But just remember that while we are working you better keep an eye on your brothers"

Y/n internally screamed and have the biggest grin on their face "Finally! Somewhere that is not RAD or at the castle!" they cheered

"Y/n seems very happy that they were able to go out. Well I can't blame them,they always have been busy so that's why Lucifer said they don't have time to go out. Especially Lord Diavolo has been calling for them over work as well." Yuki thought "Lucifer told me that whenever they had gone by at the castle it would be then handling legal affairs and laws, Y/n is remarkable huh. I wish we were just closer"

Y/n grabbing Satan's wrist and start dragging him "Come on tantan. We are going there now" Y/n demanded the others followed the twins while Satan was trying to escape from Y/n's grasp and saying that he can walk himself but was meet by deaf ears.

As they went inside, it was empty. Mammon was trying to call out for the owner but there was no response.

"It's infuriating that Mammon isn't even showing the slightest of remorse" Lucifer grumbled

"Well this is Mammon we are talking about" Yuki sweatdropped while Lucifer let's out a sigh "I suppose. It's useless to expect more from him" Lucifer said

"Hello people! We've been waiting for you!" Little D cheered this made Mammon widen his eyes slightly "What're you doing here,pip-squeak?" Mammon asked

"Hello Little D no.2" Y/n greeted as the Little demon would greeted back the fourth born

"Anyway the owner is currently away doing an urgent business,so he entrusted me to run things in thei absence!" Little D informed "It's a pleasure to work with you all"

"The owner is terrifying...it's way easier dealing with you" Mammon muttered

"Hey,I am going to be strict with all of you!I promised the owner!" Little D exclaimed but Mammon just shrug it off

"Hm...?There's something white and fluffy over there" Beelzebub told the others Y/n let out a gasp

"Look Tantan!Rabbits and cats!" Y/n pointed the obvious and start shaking him "Can we go over to them now?!" Y/n realized everyone was looking at them,which made them stop shaking Satan and just gave them a sheepish smile

"Let's say hello to them later,N/n.We are here for work after all" Satan said "Remember not to get close to the cats"

"Well that's good for you two then" Yuki said to the fourth borns

"Alright,let's get you all dressed up right away!" Little D commanded and all of them start getting dressed up.


just pick between these two if you don't like them then you can imagine the outfit you like!

Also since the sins in obey me have a color scheme we would go for grey or turquoise for the bunny ears


"I am not going to lie...I want to keep this outfit forever,I look drop dead gorgeous!" Y/n thought

"Why do I have to do this...?" Belphegor whined as Leviathan agreed with him

"I knew it!I look good in absolutely anything~!" Asmodeus compliment himself

Y/n grabbing their D.D.D and start taking selfies of themselves "Haha!I am a cute little harmless bunny!" they cheered

"You are very cute" Yuki complimented this made Y/n tilt their head and look at Yuki

"Oh?Well thank you!" Y/n said to Yuki "I've been in a very good mood today so hopefully nothing will ruin it.You look nice as well,say want to take photos together?"

Yuki couldn't help but smiled "Of course!I don't mind" as they start taking photos and Y/n noticed Satan and went over to him and start taking photos,Satan just let his twin do whatever I mean it is a rare occasion that they are allowed to go somewhere else.

"Lucifer is not here yet..." Y/n muttered as he suddenly show himself,embarrassed at the fact that he had to wear something like this.Mammon couldn't help but let out a laughter then Leviathan started joining.While showering the oldest with compliments.

"Hey Lucifer!Let me take a photo of you!" Leviathan said grabbing his D.D.D which got snatched by Luciferย  "Eh?!My D.D.D!Give it back!"

"I'll be confiscating all of your D.D.D's besides Y/n's for the duration of this event" Lucifer declared while crossing his arms "If someone points a camera in my direction.there will be hell to pay"

"Wait,wait...how come Y/n gets to keep their D.D.D?!" Leviathan exclaimed and couldn't help but get envious

Lucifer let out a huff "I trust that Y/n will put their D.D.D to good use unlike all of you.Y/n will be reporting on what you all are working on and if any single one of you slacked off they will me immediately through private messages." Lucifer stated "Is that right,Y/n?"

Y/n nodded "Don't worry Lucifer,I will watch over them" Y/n said, putting their D.D.D in their pockets.

"Okay now that everyone is now changed.Let's all begin our training for new employees!" Little D said

"Is that really necessary?" Yuki asked

"Of course it is!The Fall is known throughout the Devildom for it's excellent service!" Little D claimed "We don't want to damage that reputation while the owner is away alright repeat after me!"

as everyone started repeating what the Little D as them to do,but was lacking of energy.While Y/n was noticably being the one who is full of energy,hell they still keep grining until now.

"Sheesh,who does that pip-squeak think he is?!" Mammon exclaimed putting his hands on his hips

"Aren't you being a little too strict...?" Yuki said as Y/n shook their head,disagreeing with Yukiย  "You shouldn't be saying that,we are the employees therefore we have no opinions about Little D's way of teaching us!He is in charge here after all" Y/n stated


Y/n's right.After all this club is all about being friendly and courteous customer service!" Little D said "Do you guys get it yet?I am going to drill manners into you all!"

"Hm...what about this..." Y/n muttered letting out a fake cough "Welcome!Please allow me to lead to your seat,I am Y/n.Your lovely bunny that will be serving you today." Y/n spoke as they wink

"There we go!" Little D chimed "Finally someone who has manners.This is what I was hoping for to get from the others"

"Oh,oh by the way Little D...Do we have a special menu?" Y/n questioned "This is an event after all and I just want some answers"

Everyone look at one another than at Y/n and definitely thought the same thing "They are definitely enjoying this way too much"

"That's right!It's bunny-themed food and some demonus!" Little D answered Y/n's question,the demon couldn't help but let out a quiet squeal "Please memorize everything on the menu!"

Y/n grabbed onto the menu and immediately start trying to memorize everything.Satan looking at it as well "Hm...it's a extensive menu.The cocktails are Welcome to the Carrot pool and Bunny moon party"

"This menu has such cute names!If only Mr.Scream is here I am sure he would made a lot of friends with the rabbits here"

"What a pain in the ass...I can't believe we've gotta do this stuff" Mammon said as Yuki let out a chuckle

"You do know that you are the main reason why we all are here?" Yuki remarked

"That's right.This situation is entirely of your own making,so I suggest you take it seriously" Lucifer said to Mammon

Y/n hand the others the menu as they have a confident smirk "I am done memorizing!Can I go see the bunnies now?!Please,please!" looking at Little D and start using their other secret weapon to get what they want...puppy eyes

"Sure you can!After your brothers and Yuki memorized everything.I'll call you once they are done" Little D said and Y/n immediately rushed where the cats and bunnies are

"Awww all of you are so cute!" Y/n squeal and mush their cheeks together,opening every cage the bunnies are in as Y/n cuddle up with them.Y/n letting out a giggle "If this is a dream,please don't wake me up" they muttered and started laying down on the floor as the rabbits would snuggle close to the demon.

Y/n couldn't help but smile and start petting the rabbits and slowly drifted to sleep.While the others on the other hand were done

"Alright fellas,It's fine for you all to practice for the show" Little D said

"Huh!?There's a show?" Yuki pondered "And by show you mean by singing and dancing right...?"

"That's right!Anyway before we start can someone get Y/n with me?" Little D requested and Yuki help Little D,going where the cats and rabbits are.Yuki didn't expect the Avatar of Culpable sleeping not only that,they are surrounded by bunnies.

"Oh it seems like they fall asleep!Well it seems like the bunnies really like them!" Little D said

Yuki couldn't help but awestruck at the sight and couldn't bear to wake the demon up. "If only I have my D.D.D I would take a photo of this moment"

"Hey Yuki,what is taking ya so lo-" Mammon spoke and look at Y/n's sleeping figure

"I see Y/n is asleep,come on we got to wake them up" Mammon said and Yuki shook their head

"No!Look how peaceful they are" Yuki whisperly yelled at the tanned male

"Mammon is right though,we need to wake them up" Little D said to Yuki

"But we still need to wake them up!" Mammon retorted,Y/n woke up and let out a yawn which made the two look at the now awake demon

"Oh...?Did I fall asleep.." Y/n muttered

"Oi Y/n get up.Ya need to get up,we need to practice" Mammon said as the bunnies get off themselves with on top of Y/n's chest as Y/n would sit up straight and start putting the bunnies in their cages "Don't worry little cuties,I will come back" Y/n said as they stood up as they went back.

What they didn't know that Little D secretly took a photo of Y/n.

"Hello everyone,sorry you have to wait for me I was having too much fun playing with the rabbits" Y/n explained

"Pfft...more like you were snuggling up to them and start falling asleep" Mammon said as Y/n let out a huff

"Well I am technically I can't move with many bunnies that are laying around and snuggle up to me,they are so adorable!" Y/n gushed

"Alright now that Y/n is here .The show is a dance followed by a song!"Little D informed and showing the contract whoever said no. "Don't worry,everyone knows this song!It's "Love",the theme song of a popular drama titled "I married a demon as a job".The show's distinctive dance is also really popular on video-sharing websites!"

"Satan let's learn the dance together,I hadn't seen it and I know you hadn't seen it due to your expression by now" Y/n suggests as Satan smiled and nodded

"Thank goodness that I'm not the only one,let's learn it together" Satan said

"Well if you two don't know then in that case,leave it to me!" Asmodeus chimed "I'll teach you everything you need to know to put on an enthralling performance!"

"Alright,thank you Asmo!" Y/n thanked the champagne haired male as Asmodeus and Belphegor lead.

Y/n who is currently out of breath after minutes of dancing Satan gave them a bottle of water which they immediately grab it and start drinking

"Are you alright?" Satan asks, concerned for his twin as Y/n nodded

"I'll be fine!I just got very tired from dancing maybe a 10 minute break might help!" Y/n saidย 

"Wow!You know Y/n for someone who didn't know the dance you are a very fast learner!" Asmodeus compliment "I mean not only that you hit the vocals amazingly"

"Is that a genuine compliment or....?" Y/n asked this made Asmodeus let out a gasp

"Silly Y/n!Of course it is a compliment!" Asmodeus said as he smiles this made Y/n blush out of embarrassment.

Lucifer let out a sigh as Asmodeus would frown "Come on Lucifer!You still need some work!" Asmodeus vocalized to Lucifer while Yuki agreed

"You too,Yuki?" Lucifer frowned "Am I not dancing it correctly?"

"Come on Lucifer,I can see right through it! You're embarrassed,aren't you?It shows in your movements!" Asmodeus stated "And that makes it unnatural"

Lucifer letting out a huff and starts dancing more seriously Y/n couldn't help but get amused.While the others stare at him which cause Lucifer to get embarrassed

"Hey!You're getting embarrassed again!And that's not good enough,Lucifer!" Asmodeus pointed out Lucifer let out a scoff

"I'll remember this when we get back to the House of Lamentation" Lucifer said as Satan nudge Y/n side this made Y/n tilt their head

"Take a photo of him quick.This is the only chance you will get back at him for all the things he did to you" Satan he whispered to his twin ,while Y/n just look at him and blink slowly and immediately shook their head

"No,if I did that then Lucifer will confiscate my D.D.D too and plus I don't seek any revenge or any ill intentions at all" Y/n said to Satan

Lucifer lightly glare at Satan which Satan noticed and glare back

"Satan.You better not make try convinceย  Y/n to take a photo of me" Lucifer said as Satan smiled

"Oh we are just talking how adorable the cats and rabbits here,right?Y/n."Satan said as Y/n nodded after Lucifer dance it's time to perform one more time and once done Little D them praised.

"Well I am still feel uneasy...what happens if we mess it up?" Yuki muttered as Y/n place their hand on their waist

"Well we can always improvise" Y/n suggests "After all, customer service isn't easy as it looks.There will be some customers that will are going to be whiny and such while we have to forced a smile and serve them"

"Considering how inattentive our siblings are,I wonder how well they'll fare" Lucifer said as Little D started to open the club.While Leviathan and Yuki couldn't help but start to get nervous due to the amount of people outside waiting.While Little D went towards them telling it's time for them to take part on the stage.

As the opening started,while the group performed.Once done they earned claps and cheers at their performance. Now serving the customers is the next thing to do.Y/n went to a table,flashing a smile at the customerย  "Good evening and welcome.Please kindly tell me your order is" Y/n said

The demon smirk at Y/n and said to them "Are you in the menu?"ย  the demon asked

Now Y/n's smile which is now forced as the let out a laugh "Oh?Sorry sir but I am not in the menu at all"

"Really?How disappointing.I would like to have you" The demon said "I would like to eat you up" suddenly someone place a their hand over Y/n's shoulder

"Sorry this is not a place where you can find a fling, especially my sibling out of all people" The person,who was Lucifer "So can you stop flirting with my younger sibling and order something"

This made the demon immediately order something, threatened by Lucifer's appearance which made Y/n write the order "Okay let me just repeat your order,sir!" Y/n repeating the demon's order and once done Y/n at Lucifer

"Y/n,next time if someone does that to you don't hesitate to be tell them off" Lucifer told his younger sibling

"But we supposed to be all friendly with the customers ..." Y/n said this made Lucifer frown and furrowed his eyebrows

"So you rather get uncomfortable than tell them off?I will not accept that,look I can give you permission to punch them in the face next time if someone does that" Lucifer stated this made Y/n sweatdropped


"No buts Y/n.That's final if the owner got upset at your action leave it to me.I'll handle it" Lucifer said as Y/n nod,as Lucifer smiles "Good,now get back to work."

"Yes big brother" Y/n said "If only Lucifer is like that more often..I care for him and all but sometimes the pressure he gave me overwhelms me."


I just think it would be funny that Y/n would have cat allergies so that's the main reason why Lucifer doesn't let Satan to have a pet cat.
