β•°β”€βž’ πŒπˆπ’π’πˆπŽπ 𝟎𝟏.𝟐

─── ο½₯ ο½‘οΎŸβ˜†: *.☽ .* :β˜†οΎŸ. ───

[ πŸ“ ] : πŽππ„π‘π€π“πˆπŽπ π’π“π‘πˆπ— 𝟐.𝟎

━━━━ NOTE.

i didn't think i'd be saying this early
but wow! thank you for the support on
this book β™₯︎β™₯︎β™₯︎
and for that, i allotted my free time to
write this as my thank you gift y'all.

─── ο½₯ ο½‘οΎŸβ˜†: *.☽ .* :β˜†οΎŸ. ───

❛ Hidden talents are also outstanding talents.❜
γ€” Maxim No. 245 〕

π“π€π‚πˆπ“π”π‘π π†π„ππˆπ”π’, π„ππˆπ’πŽπƒπ„ 𝟏.𝟐

THE DARKNESS ONCE HAD Y/N feeling uneasy as it had represented one of the most horrible nights she had witnessed before she was an orphan.

However, as time progressed, she has gotten used to it. She had learned to live with it, much like the darkness she harbored inside of herself.

Similar to things that come in pairs, the darkness would be followed by the cold. And even with this, Y/N had learned to adapt and adopt. But like most beings, not everyone would be able to withstand such conditions.

This meant that she had to live with solitude too.

Away from the people who misunderstood her.

But not Anya━ who's currently crying while they're both tied up in a shopping cart in an abandoned warehouse where little bit of light fulminate their surroundings.

A duct tape is sealed on her mouth, their perpetrator was beyond annoyed by her constant whining earlier.

As for Y/N... she couldn't care much about the abductors. Just a bunch of idiots kidnapping children

They're too predictable from the way they invaded the house to their choice of rendezvous place. Typical, she might say.

'At least they weren't dumb enough to tape a mute girl's mouth.'

Currently, the men were arguing about a simple matter when the leader became agitated and pulled out his gun to shoot, but it didn't produce any loud sound other than a soft click.

"It's the g-gun I wanted father to buy m-me." You inwardly agreed to your sister's statement, 'A silencer.'

"Father... do you think he'll come and save us, Y/N?" You snuck a glance at her before dicreetly shrugging.

"Probably. Isn't he a secret agent?"

Anya gasped from beneath the confinement of the duct tape, the fear was replaced by shock. She should've expected that you'd caught up this quick.

In actuality, you still aren't aware he's a Spy undercover. The peculiar gadget he possesses in his room was a dead giveaway he's some sort of Secret Service Agent.

"H-How did you know?" You didn't reply when the man surveying the window suddenly informed the leader of their other teammate that has arrived.

"Boss, Nguyen is back from the apartment!"

"Boss!" A gruffy looking man entered the abandoned facility with a familiar man hanging by his shoulder.

"We got the man." For the Forger siblings, it looks like their father struggling despite the flour sack in his head.

Just then, the man named Nguyen caressed his neck as if he's in pain, "He moved like a pro. He's the real deal, sir."

You blinked at this man acting skills as he neared to you and Anya's direction. You saw no hints of red marks that's plausible if he had been choked, 'Could he be...?'

When the leader removed the sack, it was too late to realize they have been toyed with.

'A Spy, huh?' You thought to yourself as your father in disguise of a bad guy released and carried the both of you outside. Anya is clutching to his shirt after hearing his thoughts, "Fa━ UWAHHHH!" You sighed at this.

"H-Hey, I'm not a b-bad guy I'm just here to help you. Don't worry." Loid tried his best to comfort Anya while Y/N watched the scene with unblinking eyes.

"Why are you crying? Aren't you happy we're out of here?" Anya looked at you with a snot, "You were right, Y/N. Father saved us! I'm really happy and these are my happy tears!"

When the three of you stepped outside, the man settled you two down and fish out something in his jacket pocket.

A pen and a piece of paper, "Listen up. You see, we're all a group of professional tag players. When we see anyone that has promising talents, we challenge them out of the blue."

You didn't criticize how absurd his lie despite grimacing at the back of your mind. Normal children will naturally believe anything they're told, and he thinks you two are normal.

"Now, if you go straight, then head down the street on the right, you'll find a police station. If you two can get there and hand this paper to a police officer, you win. Got it?"

Anya hesitated, probably hearing his thoughts. You took the initiative and grabbed the paper in his hand.

He stood up and signalled the two of you to start, Anya held your hand before running clumsily.

From your peripheral vision. Your suspicions from the start were proved correct as the man ripped a layer of face mask and revealed a very distinguishable blond hair.

You crane your neck to see your sister's reaction and she was in awe to say at least.

While she's in trance, you unfolded the paper and began skimming the content he wrote.

For ordinary people, it's a simple message to relay to the police, however, as an extraordinary child you are, you easily spotted a few hidden messages━ encrypted in details and hidden in plain sight.

You felt a tug on the hem of your shirt, "I've been wondering and I know it shouldn't be shocking. But, how did you know Father is a Spy and that man earlier was Father?"

You simply thought, "Frequency Transmission Tool."

The odd name baffled Anya, you reluctantly explained, "It's the technology you were messing with that landed us here."

Recognition struck her too hard and she sheepishly look away, "Wow! Is that how you knew?"

You nodded, "How about that disguised man?"

"Three Hints; The supposed Nguyen said our father strangled his neck, but there were no red marks. When he picked us up, I noticed the complexion of his hands didn't match his face. And he wrote with his right hand, that Nguyen is left-handed."

"How did you know that?"

"I just happen to know."

"Oh... really?"

"Yeah... really."

Within the months Anya's tenure with you in the orphanage, she picked up your habits of vaguely responding to a question that's relevant about you.

It appears that part of your aloof and standoffish personality stems from your mysterious past that you don't speak to people about.

You give vague answers about the matter and shows a dislike for people who ask about it, seemingly getting angry after someone asked.

As if you didn't want to be known, even to your only friend. She could easily probe through your mind, but respected your wishes and privacy.

"Y/N... I heard Father's thoughts." Anya changed the topic knowing you'll be too keen to explain as the both of you perched beside a red mailbox.

"He's a Spy undercover who needs a child to enter the prestigious Eden Academy for his mission."

'Ah, makes sense. Those guys must be the contradictory in his mission. This is bad for me if I want to lay low, people are going to target us in the future.'

"And Y/N, just a little earlier, he thought of not needing us anymore and sending us back in the orphanage."

"I know." You quipped, perplexing the pinkette, "The paper he gave us has encrypted codes." You briefly explained.

At this point, Anya is convinced you know how to save the world and put an end of the ongoing War. If anyone is capable of doing that other than their dad, it's you.

A forlorn look passed her features, "You're really awesome, I bet dad is regretting ever bringing you back in the orphanage with that caliber of intelligence."

"I won't be that useful to him. I tend to pretend as the fool and acknowledge the things that are only beneficiary for me."

"Still, you can get in Eden without a sweat, it's going to be different in my case. I'm not as intelligent as you, I only rely on my psychic abilities." She mumbled.

"We rely on our strengths the most, Anya."

"Reading minds don't count. I feel like I'm cheating!"

Just then, a fierce wind struck and swept through their bodies. The dry leaves that hung from the branches rustled loudly. Y/N, who silently looked towards the clamoring branches, was lost in her deepest thoughts.

The new concept makes its way for you deduce the definition, if it has two sides of the coin and if it does then what's a better option.

'Cheating? If life is a game, there are players who follow the rules and the ones who breaks it. The latter would be the cause why the game is unfair. Ironic. Humans lament why life feels like against them when the enemy is themselves, yet they blame the world for it. Then again, whoever's fault may it be, would it feel better if they point fingers?'

You glanced at your foster sister, pondering if her unique ability would be considered as cheating in life. Not like it's her fault for having such powers.

Does the one who raise her be the one to blame for it? If they are cheaters, then what does that make her? A pawn? Or in RPG games, they would call it cancer? What really fits the criteria of a cheater anyway? You don't know yourself.

A brief flashback of the brightest White Room came nudging your memory.

Children around you getting trained for whatever reason, trained to do the impossible of Maths, variety of martial arts, different subjects and languages.

You never enjoy nor loathed it. You, yourself don't know what to feel about things that aren't relevant to you. If it is, it's up to you whether you keep that thing or destroy it.

After all, the ideology that has been engrained on your mind revolves around either make use of what you've gain or be used by someone who gained you━ example; Loid Forger.

'Is Intellect Training falls under the influence of Cheating?'

You are what they call literal Artificial Intelligence.

You weren't born genius, were you...? All you know is that knowledge was drilled on your mind since you were young.

Unlike true geniuses who didn't have to undergo such training, they're really not considered as cheaters.

It's their own strength, they were born with it and they harnessed that strength to get better and more intelligent.

But you, you felt like the abominable AI Robot that humans fear in the near future.

Also similar to when players buy the VIP package for starter

In a real game, it's also not considered cheating.

Now you're more confused what's the definition of cheating in life. Honestly, you don't even know if such thing do exist, humans play by the rules and some don't━ You're just going to assume they made their own rules that's frowned upon.

After what it seems like an eternity of silence, you break the tense atmosphere, "Do you want to go back?"

Like a cornered rabbit with heightened senses, she abruptly stood up, "NO! I don't want to be returned like what my previous parents did! I'm tired of it, Y/N..."

"...You do realize he'll bring us back regardless whether or not we'll be able to pull it off? It's bound to happen afterwards."

She was lost for words, she hadn't thought of the possible future. Once their father is done with his mission, they have no use and will be thrown back in that hellhole.

"But... I'm sure he won't be thinking that once we get closer to him."

"I'll help you."

"What?" Anya whipped her head at your direction.

You reiterated, "I'll help you get a permanent family."

─── ο½₯ ο½‘οΎŸβ˜†: *.☽ .* :β˜†οΎŸ. ───

It didn't take an hour for Twilight to put the man in his rightful place. The aftermath of his little showdown caused the entire group to collapse.

His mind is blank as he strolled the streets, thinking back to his mission would cause him more head ache.

With his decision on letting the girls be detached from his Spy life, he's back all the way to square one.

He was ashamed as much as he despised to admit it, his job revolves around preventing any disaster from the shadows, to make a world where no children should shed tears by the faults of the adults.

Now he made a fool of himself by risking two young lives with his idiocy.

Well, it didn't matter if he had to restart again as long as no innocent lives will be involved in danger, especially children. Anya's wailing reminded himself when he was young.

Now that he thought about it, Anya was crying while the brunette is simply assessing his intentions earlier. It didn't seem like she was petrified like the pinkette.

Y/N also reminds him when a spy in training, wary gaze never left her features, she's completely tacit with her intention, and not once slipping an emotion.

Outwardly, it's difficult to tell how Y/N feels and thinks about things, both due to her concealed visage and her inability to communicate as effectively as others.

His memory brings him back to the orphanage, when the caretaker told him something he thought was irrelevant.

'She's the smartest one we've got, doesn't talk much but she's good... along with that mute freak, don't really know if she has potential with the lack of verbal communication.'

The depth of the statement couldn't be far from reality, people might tend to overlook her capabilities all because of her disability.

I wonder if she'll ever get recognized by her peers one day. He thought. Then realized it was too late to care.

"Father! FATHER!"

Loid flinched in surprise to see the pinkette psychic enthusiastically run up to him with open arms. She clings onto his leg and hid her face.

For a moment, his facade falters, "Anya! Why are you... Uh, no! What are you doing out here on your own? Uh... well, I mean, I wanted to go shopping over there but the market was closed down so here I am."

"I'm not alone! Y/N's with me." His eyes landed on the brunette behind Anya whose expression unchanging, "Y/N?"

'We were playing tag with some nice men.' You signed, though it looks like you're randomly playing twister with your short fingers, Loid understood what you were relaying.

"Oh, is that so? Did you two have fun?" You looked away, entrusting Anya to answer.

"It was a bit scary. I wanna go home... back to our home." You scrutinized his reaction of slight shock.

Sighing, you stepped closer to tugged the jacket hanging on his wrist, gaining his attention. Despite the lack of communication, the action screams sentiment.

'I'm tired, let's go back.'

"Are you two... sure?"

"If you left me behind, I'll cry. Y/N will cry too."

"I rather die than cry." Anya silently snickered at your defensive remark, Loid completely oblivious.

"I see. Let's go home then." He patted Anya's head, relief washing over Anya's mind knowing she won't be returned.

"For a spy, he's rather quick to change decisions."

"Hmm, he's also a cool liar!" Anya added as they walked towards the train station.

"He could come up with better lies than this though."

The ride home was peaceful for Y/N to plot on how to blend in with the rest of the students in Eden. Her mutism isn't helpful, it'll only attract curiosity and she'll be put in spotlight

Based on her prior calculation, majority of the students probably don't know how to communicate via sign language

Social interaction is not her main forte, but she's willing to make a change in order to help her newfound father in his mission. Being a Spy means gathering intel before striking, which means he would need bigger social connection.

However, it contradicts her will to stay out of spotlight. You didn't want to attract unwarranted attention, you don't know why, but you really feel more comfortable in the shadows.

Oh well, school hasn't even started, there's no point of worrying in advance. Additionally, you're convinced you'll probably blew off your introduction and leave a bad first impression on everyone.

"Y/N." You nearly flinched at the abrupt call from your father, you hadn't even realized that Anya has fallen asleep.

You cock your head up to look at him, indicating he has your attention. He looked hesitant at first.

His apparent behavior around you makes you think he has seen through your facade. You patiently waited for his question or whatever he wants to say to you.

"If you're up to it, would you like to attend Eden Academy?"

You blink surreptitiously, unsure how to answer without being socially awkward.

You're never the opinionated person, you do have beliefs and opinions, but you haven't really express yourself freely.

What pique your interest if the fact he's asking you like a true father who cares what his daughter is thinking. Isn't he supposed to use the two of you to accomplish his goal?

It seems unnecessary for him to familiarize himself with you and to start━ Oh... you just realized something.

If he wants to infiltrate Eden for whatever god dang reason, he has to have a 'normal' family, for that he has to at least know what's on your mind, what you like and dislike etc etc.

'The prestigious school? Why not?'

You chose a relatively safe answer. Neither enthusiastic nor lackadaisical.

There shouldn't be much he could dissect from that if he has an ulterior motive for asking such question.

"You and Anya will be studying for the rest of the week if you want to enter and pass the entrance exams."

Again, there's another 'If' as if he's trying to be considerate.

Your face never betrayed any emotions as you nod.

"...You don't seem nervous. Are you confident in your abilities?" Once again, you simply nodded and signed, 'You believe so? Most people interpreted it as arrogance.'

You swore you heard an amused chuckle, "That is common amongst adults. Though, most children are indeed confident at your age. Some say it's innocent arrogance."

You supplied no answer, gazing at your foster sister who's drooling, "Is Anya your only friend in the orphanage?"

His question made the gears of your head work, you didn't like how he's slowly prying about yourself.

'You can say that.' You leaned against your seat, hoping he'd stop with all his questions, you have all the patience in the world but it's no infinite. God must be against her tho.

"What are your thoughts of having a new mother?"

Now that caught you off guard.

'Is he insinuating he'll get married soon? Well, I guess part of a normal family is being complete.'

'Are you enamored by someone?'

Loid didn't expect a question as an answer, "Not exactly... I just thought you two would be lonely without a mother."

'I don't mind as long as she's nice.'

'And won't pry in my life.'

─── ο½₯ ο½‘οΎŸβ˜†: *.☽ .* :β˜†οΎŸ. ───

As expected, Loid promptly packed his stuff and went to find a new apartment the next day. The following days were spent by him tutoring the Forger siblings for the upcoming entrance exams.

Y/N pretended to be listening and occasionally helped Anya to memorize the key points of the test.

You don't necessarily need to review, the questions are relatively easy, you encountered worse and harder than these. Heck! You can ace all those tests within half an hour.

But for the sake of yourself, you have to act as if you're learning.

The examination day neared and Anya couldn't be more nervous than before. Loid reassured her she'll do fine and did the same to you. Not that you need it.

Your number is only off by one difference to Anya and you were placed next to her.

"Anya, don't even think about indulging my mind for answers." You warned before the examination began.

In truth, you didn't really care if she cheats her way in. The prospect of someone reading your mind is the problem, you helped Anya to study, you didn't want to waste your effort.

"I got it, Y/N!"

When you looked at her, she was sweating bullets. If she can't read your mind, then she'll probably looking for a target

Sighing to yourself, you scrutinize the questions without even batting an eye before scribbling your answer.

You thought of manipulating your result by scoring 50 out of 100 to all of the tests. In that manner, no one would suspect you of either cheating or a prodigy that needs more attention and recognition━ that's the last thing you want.

Time seems to pass by when the results were released. You wanted to lay down at home since you already know your number would be on the list.

But alas, Anya practically begged you to come with them and you really had no choice but to tag along, feeling a bit irritated inside.

"K-212... and K-213! There it is! You both passed!"

Anya is elated to hear that, "We did well?" Loid swept the pinkette off her feet and wore a proud grin, "You both did!"

Suddenly, you felt a soft pair of arms lifting you off the ground. Caught up by the surprise, you let out a quiet shriek.

"We passed, Y/N!" Anya was shouting in joy while you're silently praying for all the Archons above to save you from the two rowdy individuals.

"Huh? FATHER!" You felt him slowly falling backwards and landed on his back with a soft thud.

You immediately got off him and inwardlt frowned at the barely noticeable bags under his eyes. Your sister is becoming hysterics, assuming he's dying.

'We passed the exams and he's about to pass out from exhaustion. Fantastic.'

━━━━ πŒπˆπ’π’πˆπŽπ 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐓.

β–» y/n first thought that their
father is a mafia leader lol
β–» loid feels a little wary of you
for some unknown reason
β–» loid never doubted y/n skills
β–» y/n is older than anya by a
few months
