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"Hey Severus wanna play truth or dare?"ย ย  I said to him. He had been my crush since 2nd year and we are now at our 6th year at Hogwarts.

He looked up at me from his book and gave me a loud, exaggerated sigh.ย  ย 

"Why do you always want to play truth or dare whenever we have a free period?"

He tilted his head to the side and gave me a confused look as I just laughed.

"Cause it's fun and... I like seeing other people suffer." I finished, giving him my best innocent smile which always seemed to work on him.ย 

"Uhh fine but I'm only doing this cause you're my best friend."ย  I inwardly groaned when he said that.

I hated being called his best friend even though that was basically what we were. But it was time for me to give him a hard time, as always.

"Ok then, truth or dare?"ย 

"Hmm truth." He replied.

"You wimp!" I laughed as I swatted at his shoulder.

Severus easily grabbed onto my hand and shoved it away, looking rather embarrassed.ย 

"Shut up Y/N you're such a pain." He muttered, going slightly red.

"Ok easy question. Do you like someone?"

"Well I think it just depends on the- like how much I like them as a person or does it depend on-"ย 

"JUST ANSWER THE GODDAMN QUESTION!" I practically screamed so everyone in the common room turned to look at me.ย 

"Sorry, sorry." I muttered, throwing up my hands in mock surrender.

My eyes locked onto Severus' expectantly. I raised an eyebrow in a somewhat nonchalant manner but I was really very curious as to what he would say.ย 

"Yes I do like someone ok? You happy now?" He sighed and leaned back exasperatedly in his seat.ย 

I grinned and opened my mouth to ask who it was but then felt a hand on my mouth, preventing me from doing so.ย 

"Don't even think about it, L/N." Severus said under his breath. "God I should never have agreed to this game."ย 

I pulled his hand away from my mouth and wiped my lips with the back of my hands, feigning mock disgust as I didn't really mind.ย 

"It's your turn anyway. Unless you don't want to ask me..."ย  his head immediately snapped up and he gave me a smug grin.

"Alright Y/N. Truth or dare?"ย ย 

"Dare." I immediately said. He couldn't possibly think of a bad one anyway.ย 

Snape nodded and folded his arms across his chest. His eyes were closed, a faint smile playing at his lips. He was making me wait and that really pissed me off.ย 

"I dare you to... go to Professor Mcgonagall and ask her to give you extra work for over the summer. Specifically the hard ones."ย 

I stood there in shock, my mouth agape as Severus just gave me his signature grin before turning back to his book.ย 

"I- I give me another one! That is going a bit too far even for me." I pleaded. I would even go on my knees if it helped but I can just imagine how stuck up that would make Severus feel.ย 

"Nope. You're always too cocky whenever we play this game anyway. Plus I know you don't want to do it cause you're going to summer camp for the rest of summer, meaning that you won't have any free time."ย  I scowled and stomped over to the classroom door, practically throwing it open.

"You're so mean Snape!" I shouted from outside.

"I will get you back just you wait!"ย  He said nothing in return and went back to reading.

If he thought he was gonna get away with this he was sorely mistaken.ย 


ย  I came back into the classroom with a pile of paper in my hands and a fresh scowl on my face. I placed it on the desk with a loud 'THUMP' making Severus jolt up in surprise.ย 

"Oh Y/N you're back with..." His eyes followed my gaze to the massive stack of paper in front of us. "...a shit ton of work. That's uh nice." He looked a bit guilty at how much work there actually was and how angrily I was looking at him.ย 

With a final sorry look he went back to his book, assuming the game was over.ย ย 

Well he was very wrong.ย  I slammed my hands onto the desk and leaned over it until our faces were practically touching.

Severus looked up at me with one eyebrow raised, giving off the impression that he didn't care although the sweat forming on his brow was giving him away.

"Severus Snape ." I started, attempting to make my voice sound commanding though by the way Severus was biting his lip as if he was trying not to laugh told me otherwise.ย 

"I dare you to go over there," I pointed towards a group of boys on the other side of the classroom.

"And ask one of them out. On a date. Tonight. At 7."ย  Severus' mouth fell open as he looked frantically to them and back at me.

He certainly wasn't laughing now.ย ย  "Y/N I-" He stuttered, his face flushing a deep shade of crimson. "-I can't!"ย 

"Yes you can, you sissy." I said, rolling my eyes and pulling him off of his chair, my grip only tightening on his wrist.

"Remember when you dared me to kiss Bellatrix?" I said, nodding in the direction of Bellatrix and Narcissa who was smoking weed with their friends.

"Yeah but that was ages ago." He exclaimed, roughly forcing himself out of my grip.ย 

"Well it's payback and GO!" I shoved him with both hands in the direction of the boys who were now giving us both really weird looks, along with the rest of the class.ย 

Severus stumbled slightly and leaned on the side of a table for support. He was halfway between me and the group of boys who were now looking from him to me repeatedly.ย  He shoved his hands into his pockets, sighed and turned around to face me.ย ย 

"I'm sorry Y/N but I just can't kiss one of them." He simply stated. The boys faces all went red and they covered them with their hands, trying to cover it up.

"And why is that?" I asked, mimicking his expression whilst putting my hands on my hips,ย 

"Because I like you." He said, furrowing his eyebrows together as if it were obvious.ย 

Everyone in the common room had gone silent including the rest of my friends, who were silently cheering in the background as they had shipped us two for forever.

Severus walked over to me and I blushed, thinking that he was going to kiss me. Was he? I kinda hoped so.ย 

Instead he picked up the stack of homework and went over to the door. On second thought he looked back at me over his shoulder and grinned.

"I'll pick you up tonight. At 7." He shouted so everyone could hear. Then as if nothing had happened he calmly shut the door behind him and left, just as the bell rung signalling the end of our free period.
