

It had been Anne's idea to go out into the woods late at night, and it took quite a lot of convincing to get Magnolia to come along.

The redhead fixed her flower crown as she waited for Anne to speak. "Goddess of Beltane, Sacred mother, Queen of May, Wild Lady of the Woods, Guardian of Love and Life, welcome to our circle!" Anne yelled, looking to her friends.

"We women, powerful and sacred declare upon this Hallowed Night." Everyone said together.

"our heavenly bodies belong solely to us." Tillie finished.

"We shall choose whom we love and whom to share trust." Diana added with a smile.

"We shall walk upon this earth with grace and respect."

"We'll always take pride in our great intellect." Jane piped in.

"We'll honor our emotions so our spirits may soar!" Ruby shouted.

"And should any man belittle usβ€”" The Baker girl started.

"β€”We show him the door!"

All the girls lifted their right hand up and held it high. "Our spirits are unbreakable, our imaginations free! Walk with us, goddess, so blessed are we!"

The girls laughed loudly once they finished, dancing around the fire, screaming their hearts out.

The redhead stopped dancing when she noticed Ruby fall to her knees. She immediately ran over to her friend and knelt down beside her.

"Ruby, what's wrong?" Magnolia asked worriedly as the other girls gathered around them.

Ruby looked to the redheaded girl and smiled. "How I love being a woman!" She exclaimed, causing the other girl to sigh in relief.

The girls exchanged looks then cheered loudly, hoping everyone would hear their shouts of joy.


"Wow, Magnolia, those cakes look wonderful!" Her mother complimented as she pulled the cakes out.

"Thank you, but's it Mary's recipe, so all credit goes to her." She pulled the cakes out of the pan and set them on a plate.

"All that's left to do is frost them, right?"

"Correct!" The redhead said and pulled out the icing she had made earlier. "Do we have chocolate for the garnish?"

Amelia nodded, then checked the pantry but found nothing. "We don't have any, but I'm sure Marilla does. I'll go ask." She took off her apron and headed out the front door.

"Thank you!" She yelled loud enough for her mother to hear from outside. Magnolia smiled to herself and started icing the cakes.

As she was frosting the cakes, somehow she accidentally smeared icing on her nose, however, she couldn't feel it nor did she have a mirror near her, so she has no clue it was there.

"Hi, there." A voice said, startling her.

She whipped her head toward the noise and saw Gilbert Blythe at her front door. "Gilbert?"

He smiled at her. "Is your father home?" He inquired. "I was hoping to borrow a pair of cufflinks."

"He's busy but I'll go get them for you." she quickly dusted off her hands and headed to her parent's bedroom

She found the dresser where her father kept his cufflinks and looked through it, she recalled Gilbert wearing a white shirt, so she grabbed his white cufflinks.

Magnolia walked back into the kitchen where Gilbert was standing, admiring the cakes her mother made.

"Here you go." She handed him the cufflinks and smiled.

He took them from her and spoke. "Thank you." She nodded at him. "Uh, you have a little icing on your nose." He pointed own, causing the girl to turn as red as her hair.

She turned away from him and wiped it off with her sleeve.

"Um, thanks for pointing that out." She said awkwardly.

"You're welcome," Gilbert said then exited her house, leaving her alone and embarrassed.


"It was so embarrassing!" Magnolia said to her two friends, Anne and Diana.

"Since when do you care what Gilbert Blythe thinks?" Anne asked.

"I don't! Why did he have to catch me at such a state? He, on the other hand, looked like he had just galloped out of the pages of a novel."

"Remember when Cole said he thought Gilbert had a crush on you?" Diana questioned as she folded her clothes.

"It's not true."

Suddenly, Diana's closet opened, and out came Minnie May in one of Diana's dresses. "My name is Diana Barry, I don't wanna go to finishing school in Paris!" She teased.

Magnolia looked down at her hands, he couldn't have a crush on her, not after she smacked his across the cheek with her slate. And if Gilbert really had a crush on her why wouldn't he say anything?

She chewed on her lip nervously "I always put my foot in it with Gilbert. Always." She had only recently been nice to him because she was starting to feel guilty for her actions and he wasn't even that bad. "Just very confusing feelings." She added as she stared at the wall.

"Feelings? Do tell."

Once she realized what Anne had said she shook her head violently. "No. No feelings at all. I don't like Gilbert."

Anne and Diana looked unfazed when she glanced at them.

"Magnolia, I'm going to ask you a question. Don't be vexed and do answer earnestly." Diana sat on the bed and looked at her in the eyes.

"Do you have a crush on Gilbert?"

She stared at Diana, not knowing the answer to the question. Then finally she answered. "No. Well, at least I don't think so?"


AN. . .

so my gifs won't upload expect my sigh off gif?? I'm literally going to scream if this doesn't get fixed soon.
