so highschool

As they were getting ready for the party, Caitlin was sprawled out on Bianca's bed, watching her friend rummage through her closet with increasing frustration.Β 

"If this doesn't work, I'm not going," Bianca declared, pulling out a red dress and holding it up.Β 

Caitlin rolled her eyes playfully. "Yeah, yeah, just try it on." Bianca sighed dramatically but stepped into the dress, slipping it on and adjusting it in front of the mirror.Β 

She took a deep breath, then turned to show Caitlin. "So, what do you think?" Caitlin's eyes went wide as she took in the sight of Bianca in the red dress. For a moment, she was speechless, just staring. "Wow," Caitlin finally said, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "You look incredible."

Β Bianca blushed, feeling a warm flush spread across her cheeks. "Really? You're not just saying that?"

Β Caitlin shook her head, still looking at Bianca with wide eyes. "No, seriously. You look amazing. That dress was made for you."Β 

Caitlin's gaze lingered a bit longer, a playful smirk forming on her lips. "You know, if I didn't know better, I'd say you were trying to make me jealous."

Β Bianca laughed, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and flattery. "Jealous? Of what?"Β 

"Of anyone who gets to see you in that dress tonight," Caitlin replied, her tone teasing but her eyes warm.Β 

"They're not going to be able to take their eyes off you."

Β Bianca felt her heart flutter at Caitlin's words, her blush deepening. "Well, maybe I only care about one person's opinion," she said, her voice softer.

Β Caitlin stepped closer, her smirk softening into a genuine smile. "In that case, you've definitely got my attention."Β 

Bianca smiled, the tension easing out of her shoulders. "Thanks, Cait. Okay, let's go to this party."

Β Caitlin grinned, getting up from the bed and grabbing her jacket. "Now that's the spirit. Tonight's going to be fun, I can feel it." With a final glance in the mirror, Bianca felt a surge of confidence. She looked back at Caitlin, who was still watching her with that same admiring look.

Just as they got into the car, Caitlin looked over at Bianca and noticed she wasn't holding a jacket. "Where's your jacket?" Caitlin asked, her tone slightly exasperated.Β 

Bianca grinned, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Remember that I'm your best friend and you would do anything for me?"Β 

Caitlin narrowed her eyes playfully. "What are you getting at pretty girl?"Β 

Bianca took a step closer, her grin widening. "Well, I kind of, maybe, forgot my jacket at home. And it's cold outside."

Β Caitlin sighed dramatically, shaking her head. "You are impossible." Bianca batted her eyelashes, looking up at Caitlin with a hopeful expression.Β 

"Please, Cait? You know you'd do anything for me." Caitlin rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her smile. She took off her own jacket and handed it over to Bianca. "Fine, but only because you look too cute to freeze."Β 

Bianca slipped into the jacket, feeling a warm rush at the gesture. "Thanks, Cait. You're the best."Β 

Caitlin shook her head, still smiling. "Yeah, yeah. Let's go before I change my mind."

The party was already in full swing by the time Caitlin and Bianca arrived. The house was buzzing with music and conversation. As they stepped through the door, Caitlin instinctively reached for Bianca's hand. "Stay close," she said, her voice barely audible over the music.Β 

Bianca nodded, a small smile playing on her lips as Caitlin's fingers intertwined with hers. The touch was both reassuring and electrifying. Navigating through the crowd, Caitlin led the way, gently pulling Bianca along.Β 

They weaved between groups of chatting people, dodging enthusiastic dancers and avoiding the occasional spill of drinks. Caitlin's grip on Bianca's hand was firm but tender, guiding her with ease.Β 

Finally, they found a quieter corner of the living room where the music was slightly less overpowering. Caitlin let go of Bianca's hand, but the warmth lingered. She stepped closer, slipping an arm around Bianca's waist and pulling her in gently.Β 

"You good?" Caitlin asked, her voice soft in Bianca's ear. Bianca nodded, her eyes sparkling as she looked up at Caitlin. "Yeah, thanks for guiding me through." Caitlin grinned, their faces close.Β 

They were chatting and enjoying the relative calm of their corner when Bianca's eyes suddenly widened. Caitlin noticed immediately. "What?" she asked, glancing around in concern. Bianca leaned in closer, her voice a mixture of urgency and resignation.

"There's Phoebe. She's coming towards us."Β 

Caitlin's eyes darted in the direction Bianca had indicated, spotting Phoebe weaving through the crowd with a determined look. "Great," Caitlin muttered under her breath. She tightened her hold on Bianca's waist protectively.

As Phoebe got closer, Bianca looked at Caitlin, her eyes filled with a mixture of nervousness and pleading. Almost as if she could read her mind, Caitlin leaned in and kissed Bianca. The world around them seemed to blur, and for a moment, it was just the two of them.Β 

Bianca gladly kissed her back, their connection deepening with each passing second. After what felt like both an eternity and an instant, they finally pulled away, breathless.Β 

Phoebe was long forgotten. "What was that for?" Bianca asked, her smile radiant and eyes sparkling.Β 

Caitlin smirked, brushing a strand of hair from Bianca's face. "Just keeping Phoebe away, pretty girl," she replied, then leaned in to kiss her again.Β 

Bianca melted into the kiss, her heart racing and her mind clear of any worries. The party continued, the hours slipping away in a haze of music, laughter, and the occasional stolen glance between Caitlin and Bianca. Eventually, it was time to leave.Β 

As they walked towards Caitlin's car, they were giggling and laughing, their breath visible in the cool night air. Caitlin, feeling a playful surge, gently pushed Bianca against the car. Bianca laughed, her back against the cool metal, and pulled Caitlin into a hug, leaning into her chest.Β 

The warmth and comfort of the embrace felt like a perfect ending to the night. Caitlin wrapped her arms around Bianca, resting her chin on top of Bianca's head. "Had fun tonight?" she asked softly.Β 

Bianca nodded, her voice muffled against Caitlin's chest. "Yeah, a lot of fun. Especially the part where Phoebe left us alone for once"Β 

Caitlin chuckled, giving Bianca a light squeeze. "Glad I could help with that."Β 

They stood there for a moment longer, wrapped up in each other, the night feeling like it belonged to them alone. Finally, Caitlin pulled back just enough to look into Bianca's eyes. "Ready to go home?" Bianca smiled, nodding.Β 

"Yeah, let's go." With one last lingering look, Caitlin opened the car door for Bianca.

As Caitlin pulled into Bianca's driveway, they shared a smile, the warmth of the night lingering between them. Bianca turned to Caitlin, her expression soft with gratitude. "Thanks for driving me, Cait," Bianca said, her voice filled with sincerity.Β 

Caitlin smiled back, her gaze lingering on Bianca's lips. "Anytime," she replied, her voice low and intimate. There was a moment of silence as they leaned closer, the tension between them obvious.

Β Bianca's heart raced as their lips hovered just centimeters apart. With a playful glint in her eye, Bianca whispered, "Phoebe's not around."Β 

Caitlin's smile widened, and she murmured, "Who cares?" before closing the distance between them, their lips meeting in a soft, electrifying kiss.

Β As they pulled back, Bianca couldn't help but smile, feeling a rush of happiness and contentment. She leaned in and pressed a kiss to Caitlin's cheek before opening the car door.Β 

"Goodnight, Cait," Bianca said, her voice filled with affection.

Β "Goodnight, Bianca," Caitlin replied, watching as Bianca disappeared inside her house, a lingering smile on her lips.

Lying in bed, Bianca couldn't shake the thoughts swirling in her mind. The memory of Caitlin's kisses lingered, leaving her feeling both exhilarated and restless. With each passing moment, the urge to reach out to Caitlin grew stronger. Finally giving in to the impulse, Bianca reached for her phone and typed out a message to Caitlin. Smiling as she typed the contact name Caitlin had saved for herself on Biancas phone.Β 


Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  pretty girl

CaitΒ I can't sleep Β  Β  Β Β 


too busy thinking about me huh?

pretty girlΒ 

shut up

but yes


What's up?

Pretty girl

is it weird that we've kissed?


I mean I dont know

does it bother you?

pretty girl

not at all


so you like kissing me?

pretty girl

you could put it that way


then its settled pretty girl

we can be best friends who kiss

pretty girl


I hope you know im resisting the urge to ask u to come over

and sneak you in


I'm putting on my shoes right now

pretty girlΒ 

text me when you're at the window
