Epilogue | 8

*Two years later*

"Come on, it's shower time for you two." Newt chuckled and took the two kids in his arms.

I sat on our bed. "Should I help?"

Newt shook his head. "You can go rest, love." He smiled. "I'll take care of them."

I gave Newt a nod and lay down, trying to sleep, but the sounds interrupted.

"Tommy, love, don't eat the shampoo."
Then something fell onto the ground.

I heard the shower get turned on and then Tommy giggle.
"Tommy!" Newt coughed. "Don't splash the water."

I smiled at Newt's 'Tommy this' and 'Tommy that', until the kid ran out of the bathroom bare-skinned, shampoo from his head flying around everywhere.

"Tommy!" Newt yelled, but later he gave up and just helped Lizzy, who was a very calm kid if her brother wasn't around.

Tommy crossed his tiny arms and pouted at the side of my bed. "Dada not nwice." He slugged out.

I scoffed and climbed out of the bed, bending down in front of Tommy. "Daddy is very nice, Tommy."
(Let's just not sexualize the word Daddy.)
"And you shouldn't be eating shampoo or playing with the water. That's very dangerous." I explained dramatically.

Tommy seemed impressed for a second. "Ho!"

I laughed and understood him. "We're not visiting Uncle Minho if you're naked and haven't showered yet."

Just then Newt walked out of the bathroom. Tommy let out a yelp and hid behind me, peeking at his father sometimes. "He angry and scweaming!"

"I'm not angry." Newt rushed to lift Tommy up, who started kicking with his legs and hitting Newt's back, ordering him to let go. Newt and I laughed before he helped Tommy get ready and Lizzy ran over to me, blonde hair freshly washed and wearing cute, pink pajamas Liana made.

"Story?" She begged, trying to climb onto the bed where I by the time sat down again.

I smiled at the request she had every night. "About what?" I took the girl on my lap and placed some kisses on her head, making her giggle.

"Mommy and Daddy!" She clapped her hands in excitement.

"About how Mommy and Daddy got together?" I suggested. Lizzy jumped up and down, nodding excitedly. "Alright." I made ourselves a bit comfortable on the bed. "So Logan, Minho, and Gally.. you know those boys?"

Lizzy nodded. "Eyebrows!"

"Indeed." I laughed, though I had to admit Gally had quite a glow-up through the years. "So when Daddy and I were locked up in the maze... I told you about that, right?"

Lizzy nodded again, then spoke. She could do it easier and faster than Tommy, who had a hard time pronouncing long sentences or words.
"Cute Grievicorns with pink klunks!"

I laughed again. We told the kids the maze was a very nice place and unicorns were in there, who pooped pink with glitter so we wouldn't scare them off by the actual horrific things.

"One time, the three boys, Logan, Minho, and Gally, told Mom and Dad they needed help fixing up something in a hut. Do you understand that?"

"All ears!" Lizzy giggled.

I smiled. "They put us in the hut and said they had to get some wood, so left us with the door locked."

"Ohhh!" She gasped. "Did you fix the hut together?"

"No, honey." I readjusted her seat on my lap. "The hut wasn't broken. It was a prank."

"Pw-prank?" Lizzy repeated confused.

"A joke. Like that one time Tommy and Uncle Minho put a fake spider in this bed! Remember?"


"Okay. So as those boys were taking the wood, Mommy and Daddy kissed for the first time." I whispered, excited as I explained a bit dreamy, remembering the amazing time.

"Ewww!" Lizzy peeped. "Bleh!"

"That's not ew. You'll do it too when you're older. I'm sure!" I lifted her up and put her down in front of me, so we both lay on our sides in the bed, close to each other. "Isn't there someone you have in mind?"

"I'm two and a half!" Lizzy frowned. "So no!"

"You're right." I agreed with a chuckle.

"But.." The kid started. "If Uncle Logy and Aunt Lia get kids and they're just as b.. be- ti- beaut-." She stammered, trying to pronounce the word.

After trying a few more times I noticed the tears in her eyes, making me realize she was just the same as me if we were talking about emotionally sensitive.

"Hey, it's okay, sweetie." I cupped her beautiful face. "Do you mean beautiful?"

She nodded, blinking the tears away. "If their babies look the same as them, I would kiss kiss! Because they're both very beau-uuh-full, and their kids will be too!"

I smiled even bigger. "You think they're beautiful, Lizzy?"

Lizzy frowned. "Yes, but not as beau-uuh-full as my Mommy!" She wrapped her tiny arms around me firmly and as I said, I was quite emotionally sensitive, so got tears in my eyes at her sudden sweetness and touch.

"Don't cry, Mommy!" Lizzy said sternly before comforting me with another hug, making me want to cry louder, which I ended up doing. "Did I make you cry?" Lizzy suddenly whispered, guilt filling her eyes.

"In a very good way, sweetie." I sobbed and smiled at once. "Happy tears."

"These ewgh-i-st?" Lizzy gasped.

"Yes, they exist." I moved some of her hair to the side.

"I want happy tears too." Lizzy pouted, but then looked up. "Daddy! Mommy's crying happy tears!" She pointed at me.

Tommy gasped loudly. "Mommy's cry?"

I scoffed and wiped some tears off my cheeks. "Everyone cries, Tommy."

"Ho doesn't! He twold me and I grow up like him!" Tommy said. It took me a few seconds to fully understand what he said.

"You want to be like Uncle Min when you're older?"

"Yes! He's cwool! Can I go see him?" Tommy already ran out of the hut before we even agreed. I gave Lizzy a nod and she followed Tommy.

"AAH!" They suddenly screamed, making both Newt and I worried.

"Newt, control your kids when I'm with my woman!" Minho screamed.

"Ewww!" Lizzy jumped in my arms again.

"Ho and Mivy kissing!" Tommy screamed, running after her. "Bleh!"

Newt laughed and gave me a cute glance before catching both of the kids in his arms. "It's already late enough. Bedtime!"

They protested, but Newt managed to get them in the small room Gally attached to our hut. Their room with two beds, some toys, and decorations.

Later, Newt came back and lay down next to me. Neither of us bothered if we slept at the same time as the kids. "Why was my love crying?" Newt raised his eyebrows.

"Lizzy was just being very sweet." I smiled and wrapped my arms around Newt. "Did everything go well with Tommy in the meanwhile?"

Let's just say, the kid was kind of a troublemaker.
"A little." Newt chuckled.

"Mom!" Lizzy suddenly interrupted. "I can't sleep. And Tommy is being ann-uh-ing!"

I sighed as Newt motioned for her to lie down in his arms. She giggled, "Did I steal Mama's place in your arms?"

"Shh." Newt pretended to zip her mouth with his finger. "Mommy can't find out that you stole from her, can she?"

"No!" Lizzie gasped, really living in the act of Newt. "But Mommy won't get mad at me!"

"Oh, really?" Newt dramatically replied. "Who said she wouldn't?"

"But she not hear us if we whisper, so not angry if we be quiet!"

"Alright. But you gotta get back to your own bed, love." Newt put her on the ground. "Good night, honey."

"Night, Dada!"

"I love you." Newt whisper-screamed before she completely left.

"I loaf you!"


A/N: These epilogues are more turning into chapters haha, but anyways.. sorry it took so long to update!

I'm guessing these epilogues will end soon because I haven't got any ideas left on what to do with the kids and everything, you know? If you have an idea, feel free to let me know!
