Reveal | The Boyz

Chapter XVI

Another month have passed and it was full of how Jacob tell you that the others don't love you.You also distanced yourself from all of them--excluding Jacob and acted still weak even though you have finally gained your strength back.

"Hey (Y/n) do you want to watch a movie with us?It's been a month since the last time that you watched Tv and--"

"N-no,I'm fine.I am n-not really in the mood to do something."
You cut Changmin off.

Some of them started to suspect when you always decline their invites in playing,watch tv or doing something to ease boredom but you would say that your body is still weak.they noticed that you and Jacob often talk in your room.They also want to suspect Jacob but they trust him,it is the thing that stop them.

"Are you okay,(Y/n)?We noticed that you were distancing from us.Is something bothering you?"
Changmin asked worriedly and you just shook your head.

"N-no I'm not and nothing is b-bothering me.My body is still weak,you know?I might break my bones if I do something."
You laughed slightly, trying your best to assure him that everything is okay even if it's not.

"They don't love you (Y/n).I am the only one who loves you."
You remembered what Jacob said to you last time and he might be right.

"Just call us if you need something,alright?"
Changmin kissed your forehead and stepped out of the room.

Then suddenly,Jacob entered your room and Changmin saw it.He immediately went where the boys are and told them what he saw.

"Jacob hyung always go to (Y/n)'s room then come out grinning."
Chanhee said.

"I don't want to feel this but I am starting to suspect Jacob.I'm sure something is up between them."
Hyunjae added while the others just nodded.

"Let's not assume things but we should keep an eye on Jacob."
The leader said and all of them agreed,except one.

"I need to warn Jacob-hyung about this.."


(Y/n) her self from the boyz cuz duh,social distancing--just joking
Who y'all think is this guy who is in Jacob's side?
