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CORNELIA STEPPED through the mirror, her breath held with anticipation of what she'd find on the other side. Her bare feet touched the smooth wooden boards, her toes curling slightly at the contact. Behind her, the mirror shimmered again and solidified in place. All at once she felt the rush of emotion filling her up to the brimโ€” adrenaline, excitement and joy. A bright, beaming smile appeared on her face and she took no more notice of the room.

Instead she burst through the opposite door and made her way up the narrow stairs until she was out on the crowded deck. Men were gathered in a large circle as they let out cheers at every clash of metal on metal. She pushed to the front of the audience though she was careful not to go to the very front as she was certain it was Edmund dueling someone and she didn't want to distract him.

Cornelia peered between two of the sailors, her eyes trained on the achingly familiar form of her dark-haired soulmate. As she'd suspected he had a sword in one hand, his other held behind his back and was giving Caspian a counter attack. She watched with wide eyes as they stepped back and forth, both of them laughing as they tried to gain advantage over the other.

"You've grown stronger, my friend," the Telmarine King observed, inches away from him as their blades met together.

"Seems I have."

Just hearing his voice again after so many years apart (even though it was only two) was enough to make her smile if nothing else had. Seeming to be at the end of their duel, Cornelia finally stepped out from the crowd and the boy's eyes immediately found hers.

Edmund's sword clattered to the ground as he breathed out her name, "Nel."

Then he rushed forward to pull her into a hug, her arms wrapping around him tightly as she buried her face against his shoulder. When she pulled away, she beamed up at him, "you've gotten taller."

His brown eyes were full of fondness as he gazed down at her, "and you're just as beautiful as I remember," he seemed to notice what she was wearing and gently picked at the black, sunflower-embroidered vest she wore, "I like this."

Cornelia turned pink, "um, thanks," she mumbled, though she recovered quickly so she could reach up and gently cup his face in her hands, marveling at how very tangible he was, "you're really here."

"So are you," Edmund replied, holding that same awe in his own expression.

Before she could stop to think about what she was doing, she'd closed the rest of the distance between them in a kiss that she'd quite literally waited years for. His hands settled warmly on her waist in the familiar position and her own lowered to rest on his shoulders, the soft material of the lavender-gray shirt he wore sliding against her fingers. She felt him shift slightly against her and her heart picked up speed, knowing exactly what that meant as he deepened the kissโ€”

"We're here too you know!" Lucy's voice broke through the little world that seemed to have formed around them.

Laughing slightly, she pulled away from her soulmate to hug the younger Pevensie, "it's good to see you, Lu."

"I bet it's better to see Edmund," she replied lightly, jumping away when Cornelia tried to pinch her side.

Then she went to greet Caspian who greeted her similarly, "when did you two arrive?" she asked the Pevensies.

"Yesterday," Edmund answered, immediately wrapping an arm around her shoulders once the greetings were finished and she was pleased to see the slightly pink tinge to his face. She leaned comfortably against his side, a prick of regret at the lost day she could've spent with him.

"And it's actually three of us," Lucy corrected her, "our cousinโ€”"

"Eustace!" Cornelia brightened, "I forgot you went to live with him. Where is he? Can I meet him?"

Her soulmate gave her a bemused look, "I don't know why you'd want to."

"Well, from your letters he sounded fascinating. I bet he'd make a wonderful book character."

"Book character?" Caspian repeated.

"Oh, yesโ€” I've decided to become an author," she told them.

"So you will immortalize me, then," Edmund said teasingly, which was followed by an "ow!" as she swatted him.

"Where's Acacia?" she asked, resuming her questioning.

"I've left her in charge of Narnia's safety until I return with Trumpkin to advise her. She's learned quite a bit about ruling since you all were last here," the Telmarine explained which was followed by, "shall we get you changed, Cornelia? We can give you a tour of the ship after."

"Great idea," she agreed, eager to be in Narnian clothes again.

"Come on, I'll show youโ€”" Edmund started.

"I'll show you," Lucy interrupted him, "because if you went with him we wouldn't see you two for the rest of the day."


Cornelia and Lucy rejoined everyone on the top deck not long after, the older girl dressed in some of Caspian's clothes as her friend explained he hadn't been expecting any women on board ("superstitious prat" Cornelia had grumbled, though she was pleased to be wearing pants.)

Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of Edmund leaning against the ship's railing. Even though she'd only seen him moments ago it was still surreal that she would get to see him everyday now (though for how long that would last, she didn't know.) Someone had given him a cup of water for refreshment after the duel and he was talking to Reepicheep the Mouse.

"Hello, Reep," she greeted their old companion.

"Greetings, Your Majesty," the Mouse said formally, "it is a pleasure to see you again."

"You as well. It's a right voyage now that I know you're here," she smiled at him, remembering their previous adventure.

"You are too kind, Your Majesty," he replied with a bow.

She joined her soulmate against the railing, curling up comfortably against him now that there would be no more interruptions, "where are we going?"

"The first stop is the Lone Isles," he answered, "after that Drinianโ€” that's the ship's captainโ€” said we might have to travel to the Eastern Ocean."

"The Eastern Ocean?" she repeated, "what's out there?"

"No one knows," Lucy replied, hesitating slightly before adding, "do you think if we keep sailing to the end of the world, we'll just tip off the edge?"

"Don't worry, Lu. We're a long way from there," Edmund told her.

"Do you really think Narnia is flat? Maybe it's a pyramid," Cornelia suggested with a grin.

"It's a magical world, Nelly. I'm certain it could be any shape," the dark-haired boy said, amused.

"I see you're still talking nonsense," a new voice joined their conversation and she immediately sent the blonde boy a curious look.

"Are you feeling better?" Lucy asked (as Eustace had had a terrible bout of sea sickness.)

"Yes, no thanks to you," he answered with a scoff, "it's luck that I have an iron constitution," his gaze fell on her, "who are you?" he asked bluntly.

"I'm Cornelia," she said, sticking out her hand. She was unsurprised when he didn't take it.

The boy seemed to study her for a second before Edmund added a bit smugly, "she's my imaginary girlfriend."

Eustace's eyes widened, "so you're the one my cousin's been moaning about in his sleep."

"I do notโ€”" he began to protest, his face warming considerably and the girl's turned pink as well.

"Please, cousin, you are not quiet," he gave her a baleful look, "I've had to deal with his moping for the past two hundred and fifty three days. Do us all a favor and get him to shut up."

"As effervescent as ever, I see," Reepicheep spoke up, saving the flustered pair from needing to reply, "find your sea legs?"

"Never lost them," Eustace said stoutly, "simply dealing with the shock of things. Mother says I have an acute disposition, due to my intelligence."

Edmundโ€” who had been taking a sip of water to recover from his previous embarrassmentโ€” choked on it as he tried to hold in his disbelieving laughter. Cornelia giggled at both of them, entirely entertained by the whole thing (and she was in such high spirits that nothing could dampen her mood.) The Mouse leaned over to the royals slightly, "I don't think he was a 'cute' anything."

The blond boy glowered at him, "I'll have you know that as soon as we find civilization I'm contact the British Consul and have you all arrested for kidnaping," during his complaining, he'd made to stomp awayโ€” only to walk right into Caspian.

The King had his arms crossed over his chest, "kidnapping, is it? That's funny. I thought we saved your life."

"You held me against my will!"

"Did I?"

"In, what I must say, are the most unhygienic quarters," he carried on, "it's like a zoo down there!"

He continued to rant and Reepicheep watched him from afar, "quite the complainer, isn't he?"

"He's just warming up," Edmund said with a sigh, "you regret meeting him yet Nel?"

Before she could respond a sailor from the crow's nest shouted, "land ho!"


"The Lone Islands, the port of Narrowhaven," Drinian announced as he maneuvered the wheel.

Caspian stood by his side, a telescope in hand and lifted up to his eye, "strange, not a Narnian flag in sight."

"But the Lone Islands have always been Narnia's," Edmund remarked, taking the scope from Caspian to use it himself before handing it to Cornelia.

"Seems suspicious," the captain stated.

"Mmm," she agreed, studying the empty town, "there doesn't even seem to be anyone on the island."

"I say we prepare a landing party," the dark-haired boy decided, "Drinian?"

"Forgive me, Your Majesty," he answered, "but the chain of command starts with King Caspian on this ship."

"Right," he said, and Cornelia frowned at the prick of annoyance that followed his words and she slid her hand into her soulmate's, squeezing his fingers gently. Edmund sent her a reassuring smile that didn't convince her at all.

"We'll use the longboats," Caspian concluded, collapsing the telescope that had been handed back to him, "Drinian, pick some men and come ashore."



"Onward! The thrill of the unknown lies ahead!" Reepicheep declared from the prow of the smaller boat.

Cornelia smiled happily from her place next to Edmund, their fingers still tangled together as they waited to go ashore. When they'd docked, he was first to get out before he turned and offered her a hand. She sent him a grateful look as she accepted it, climbing onto solid ground.

Eustaceโ€” ever the complainerโ€” couldn't help but ask, "couldn't this have waited till the morning?"

"There is no honor in turning away from adventure, lad," Reepicheep informed him, earning a glare from the boy.

As they all came ashore, Lucy paused at the silence of the island, "listen, where is everyone?"

"Come on, jelly legs," Reepicheep said to Eustace, who was struggling to get out of the boat. The boy swatted his paw away.

"I'm capable of doing it myself," he snapped, only to topple over on the stone stairs.

Taking pity on the boy, Cornelia went back down the steps and offered her hand. This time, he did take it, though he neglected to thank her. Instead, he brushed off his clothes that held invisible specks of dirt.

"And you're certain he's related by blood?" Caspian asked Edmund, who only nodded in response.

Up in the tower, a bell tolled that startled the birds sitting in the rafters. The sudden noise caused the king to tense and aim his crossbow in the direction of the sound, only to relax once he saw there was no immediate threat, "Reepicheep, stay here with Drinian's men and secure the place, we'll head on. If we don't come back by dawn, send a party."

"Yes, Your Majesty," the Mouse agreed and they all set off.ย 
