x. 'wake up'

Faye held Finney's hand as if her life depended on it. She didn't have much else to lean on to ease the nearing anxiety that was soon about to boil over, so she was definitely thankful for Finney. If it wasn't for him, she would have been dead at this point, just like all the other missing boys.Β 

Reaching for the door handle, Finney sent Faye one last reassuring glance before the door creaked open and he turned back around to begin walking up it with her following. Surprisingly, Finney didn't react whatsoever to the death grip of Faye's hand around his, his feet beginning to lead him up the stairs.

Faye realized that if her father saw her right now, he would beat her into oblivion for being such a pussy, releasing some of the pressure that was building up around Finney's hand and allowing him to finally get some circulation within it. Throughout her time down there, Faye softened drastically around the boy, and it was too big of a change for her, this entire thing was. Being kidnapped was a pretty big thing, after all.Β 

She still kept her fingers entwined with his, though, allowing him to lead her up the stairs cautiously. The only thought that was invading her anxious mind was what she would be seeing after turning the corner. Both of them knew that he'd be there regardless, but it was really just debating on whether or not he was actually asleep as Griffin had said. None of them lied previously, why would they start now?

When they finally turned the corner, Faye withheld a gasp from escaping her lips when she saw the Grabber sitting in the stool he had been in when he originally beat her. Finney gripped her hand just as tight as she did to his, both because he was nervous and the fact he knew she was trying her best to stay quiet and he wanted to keep the silence.

They could hear the quiet snores emitting from the man, signaling that he was fully asleep and not just pretending to be. Though, he could still be fake sleeping, so they'd have to be as cautious about this as possible in case he wasn't.

Finney suddenly began walking slowly, Faye being forced to follow due to the fact their hands were still locked together. The both of them walked right next to where he had been sleeping, getting a good look at the grim mask that covered his face, seeing that under the shadows, his eyes were closed.Β 

Faye wanted nothing but to find a knife and slit the man's throat in that moment, but she knew that she couldn't risk not being able to find one and getting her throat slit in return. So, she continued walking with Finney and refused to let go of his hand until it was absolutely necessary.Β 

As they continued walking slowly throughout the house, they realized that they entered a living room with a board that was sprawled out with the missing kids, Faye easily finding a picture of both her and Finney, dates next to their names-- the dates they went missing. As she continued glancing around the board, she saw the other missing kids and dates around their photos as well.Β 

She assumed this is what Griffin meant when he said 'his brother upstairs'. Hopefully, if this didn't turn out the way that they were hoping, his brother would be able to find it out and get the man arrested for what he had done to the both of them. Not just them, all of them. All five of the other missing kids, both her and Finney making it seven.

But when she felt her hand being tugged gently and Finney sending her an urging glance, she continued following where he was going and figured out that he found the door. Finney pulled it open, seeing the storm door on the other side was locked with the padlock that was once Griffin's.Β 

Faye dropped Finney's hand, sending him a reassuring glance and hoping that he would hurry up and figure out the code so they could get out of there as soon as humanly possible. Finney turned the dial, Faye fidgeting with her fingers nervously as she prevented herself from gasping every time the grabber let out a snort.

The first code that Finney tried didn't work and caused Finney to turn around anxiously to the snorting man to assure he was still asleep. Faye sent the boy a nod, trying her best to keep her composure stable and possibly keep the both of them calm. If they would end up having to run, Faye knew that she was at least screwed. Finney could probably make it out of there, but with her back and body being covered in gashes, she wouldn't make it very far.Β 

Finney began working at the lock once again, the next code that he tried not working either and causing him to grunt quietly-- quiet enough that Faye could hardly hear it. And Faye was extremely on edge right now, so every small noise send an anxious wave throughout her body.

He continued turning the dial while Faye's eyes were completely glued on the sleeping man, just waiting for him to wake up and throw himself at the two of them. But when the lock clicked and signaled that it finally unlocked, the last thing Faye expected was a dog to start barking obnoxiously.Β 

Finney reached back for Faye's hand after shoving the door open, the both of them darting out of the house as fast as they could, which wasn't very fast due to the fact they hadn't ate for a hot minute and they were exhausted. Not only that, but Faye was a considerably amount slower than Finney due to the surging pain that went throughout her body with every step she took.

As they continued running down the side walk, the sound of tires squealing came into ear range and when they turned back to see where it was coming from, both Faye and Finney were completely terrified-- it was the same van that taken them originally.Β 

"Help!" Finney screamed as the van continued chasing them from the road, darting down the side walk and not allowing either of them to stop for a chance at getting a breath. Although, when the van pulled into the grass while they ran and caused the both of them to ram into the side of it, Faye got a millisecond to breathe, despite the fact she was literally hit by a van.Β 

Finney got up before she could, offering her a rushed hand in an attempt to get her off of the ground before the man rounded the van and got to them. He continued screaming after Faye got up, the both of them running but there hands now disconnected.

Before Faye could even realize what was happening, she was tackled to the ground with a knife held against her throat, heavy breathing against the back of her neck.Β 

"Say one fucking word or take one more step, I will gut her like a pig, right here in the middle of the street and strangle you with her intestines." The man threatened, holding the blade against her throat as Finney slowly stumbled to the ground to prevent him from harming her. Faye sobbed, not wanting Finney to sacrifice his chance out of there for her.

"Finney-- don't listen to him--" She tried to mutter, though, the Grabber just dug the knife deeper into her throat and Faye could feel the thick liquid beginning to drip softly from it. Faye immediately went silent, shaking her head softly but keep her neck as still as possible, urging Finney to go.

The man's arms were tightly wrapped around Faye's body, so there was no chance of her getting out of there from where she was, but Finney still had a chance. She glanced at him with pleading eyes, only wanting for him to get out of there and have the life that he deserved with his sister. The only thing that Faye had been thinking was how bad of a kid she had been and that she would never be able to see her mother again, and despite how much it hurt, she didn't have much to live for.Β 

She mouthed a plead to Finney, him just sitting on the dirt ground and not moving whatsoever in an attempt to protect Faye from getting her throat utterly slit directly in front of him. The man's eyes were completely on Finney, knowing fully well that Faye was too injured and exhausted to get out of his grip. He slammed the end of the knife against her forehead, immediately knocking her out and throwing her to the side. He made his way over to Finney after the outside lights from the neighbor's house had turned off, hovering over him and soon slamming the back of the knife into his head just as he did Faye's after muttering a quiet 'Nighty night, Naughty boy."


When Faye's eyes finally opened, she saw the same eerie walls that she had been trapped within for however long she had been down there. She muttered a line of curse words beneath her breath, bringing her hand up to her forehead in an attempt to calm the raging headache. When she brought her hand back down, she saw a line of blood and suddenly recalled the events from the previous night.Β 

Bringing her already bloodied hand down to her throat, she could feel the apparent dried blood that coated it and grimaced at the stinging feeling that followed. Faye turned to the side, seeing that Finney was still knocked out next to her and suddenly felt a large pit grow within her stomach.

"Finney?" Faye muttered, her voice groggy and hoarse. When the boy didn't budge, she quickly turned her entire body toward him and shook him softly. Still without reply, Faye began panicking, her hands flying up to her hair nervously and realizing that she was most likely running blood through them. That was the least of her concerns, though.

"Finney, come on, wake up." Faye tried to urge, dropping her hands back down to the boy and continuing to shake him. He was clearly more dirtied than he had been before their attempted escape, and there was a trail of blood coming down from his noise and to his lips.Β 

"Wake up." The girl's voice was clearly getting more and more urgent with every request she made toward the boy, awaiting his eyes to open and for him to wake up. Though, he continued laying there and the faint sunrise shone on his face softly.Β 

Faye placed her hand on his neck and below his jaw, feeling for his pulse. When she first attempted it, she wasn't in the right spot and continued searching for it until she found it, giving her the relief of knowing he wasn't dead.Β 

She took a step back and went to look for the rag that Finney had used on her wounds previously, hoping that she could clean both herself and Finney up from the dirt and blood that coated their bodies. Faye spotted the once gray cloth that was now a shade of crimson red, realizing that it was used to the most of it's ability and they would just have to deal with the muck that covered them.

With a sigh, Faye tried to lay back down once again in an attempt to get some rest. Her head was blaring with pain and just about everything on her body hurt, ranging from the small slash in her throat to the numerous gashes that littered her body. Who knows, at this point, she might as well die from blood loss before they even got the chance to get out of there again.


"Knowing your mother's state, you most likely won't be able to choose who you're staying with, Miss. Martin. Your father is the only one capable of custody." Faye's lawyer stated, the voice seeming as if it was in a bubble due to the slight shock that invaded the girl's body. She soon realized that, she was once again, dreaming about a past memory. Instead, though, this one wasn't that far in the past. This was recent, if anything.

"Have a drink of water, dear. I know this can be hard to process." The lady continued, pushing a glass of water across the metal table and toward Faye. Her eyes stayed on the ground, though, finding it to be a hard time to process the fact she would have to stay with her evil father for the rest of her life.Β 

"You don't understand. I-- I can't stay with him." Faye tried to say with a clear tone, though, her voice was shaking and it was obvious that she was struggling to keep her composure in front of her lawyer. The lady across from her just shook her head softly, Faye standing up from the metal chair and beginning to pace the room.

"I can't-- you have no idea what he's capable of. He will ruin my life!" Faye ranted, the lady muttering into a walkie talkie as secretively as possible.

"Miss. Martin, I'm going to need you to calm down."

"Calm down?! You're trying to place me with my psychotic father! You have no idea what he's done!" Faye continued shouting, the door behind her being thrown open and arms quickly wrapping around hers. She sent the lady an aggressive glare, beginning to be dragged from the room and into another room where she could allegedly 'decompress'.Β 
