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"Alina wake up we have to get ready for church" Alina's mother Grace woke her up, Alina turned and look at her mother nodding as her mom walked out.

Alina's mother wasn't has strict as her father. Her mother let her out to after school activities like Basketball games or volleyball games, which Alina very much appreciated. Even if it caused her to sin to her husband.

Her mother would always tell Alina's father that she was going to study with a friend, if her father ever found out Alina probably wouldn't be able to have a phone or even go out.

Every night at 10 Alina's screen time would go on but since her mother was nicer than her father she would sometimes take it off for her.

"Alina sweetie hurry we're going to be late" Her mother says sweetly "I'm almost ready" Alina says back.

She slips on her black flats and fixes her pants a little. She puts on her Jacket while looking at the weather "it's going to be brick" Alina quietly says to herself.

"Alina let's go" her father says as he walks out.

Alina nods and follows. "You look so beautiful baby" Grace says to her daughter "Thank you mom" Alina replies.

"So Alina how are you grades going" Her father asks while looking into the mirror of the car "good" she replies quickly.

Alina was saying the truth she all had 90s her classes she was a straight A student, she's never gotten into fights in school, and she was always respectful to her teachers and peers.

"I'm glad to hear that make sure to remember about bible study tomorrow" Her father says. She nods and looks out the window watching the short and tall buildings of the bronx.

She's always wanted to explore it but was never able too when her mom would let her out to school games she would make sure Alina would come home right after that not giving her a chance to look around the city that she has lived for her whole life.

She wanted to see parts that she wasn't able to she was tired of see the same place everyday.

Her life schedule was the same wake up, go to school, come home, eat, do homework, go to bible study, take a shower, and go to sleep. It was the same thing everyday.

She was glad that her parents would raise her right since Alina always had the dream of being a pediatrician, Alina actually liked kids she even wanted at least two of her own one boy and one girl. She would name them Jeremiah and Lalani, those were her go to names.


"Alina baby we're here" Grace said to her daughter "stop babying her she's 18" he father said "stop it" Grace said.

Alina stepped out of the car fixing her jacket a bit.

She only liked coming to church because of her friend Eric, he was a mixed boy who never payed attention to church and he would sneak out and get high and drunk.

"Lina!" Eric semi- yells "hush" Alina say laughing at him a bit "i ain't tryna be here bro" Eric groans "it's fun sometimes" she say smiling, Eric mugs me "please say your lying" he says "i'm not" she says lowly "they be brain washing you here".

Before I could even respond to Eric my mom taps on my shoulder "let's go it's about to start" Grace says Alina nods and says bye to Eric.

Alina sat next to her mother.

She loved her mom but she couldn't say the same for her dad.


Church was now over and Alina and Eric were both waiting for their parents to be done talking with the other people from church.

"Lina you should sneak out with me" Eric says looking at Alina who looked a little nervous "I can't" she says "why not they won't even notice and you would have fun lighten up nigga" Eric says rolling his eyes "pleaseeeeeeeee" Eric adds on while dragging the E "i'll see but i'm to pussy to do it" Alina is taken back from the word she just said "pussy huh" Eric says smirking "stop it lord forgive me" Alina prays.

"I'll text you the details and you lemme know" Eric said "how will you even get there" Alina says "I got ways" Eric says now resting his head on Alina's shoulder.

"Alina come say hello to the new people of our church they have a daughter your age you guys could be friends" Alina's father told her which made Eric get his head off Alina's shoulder to look up.

"Damn that bitch looks weird" Eric whispered in Alina's ear "eric hush" Alina said while playfully hitting his shoulder.

"Hello I'm Alina what's your name?" Alina asked nicely, Alina also hated meeting new people she had anxiety but she never really showed it "I'm Naileia it's nice to meet you Alina" she said "it's nice to meet you too" Aina responded.

"You can sit with them while we show your parents around" Alina's father said "be nice" he father whispered to her.

"Fuck nah this old ass nigga can't say who can sit with us" Eric said lowly so Naileia couldn't hear "stop being so rude" Alina said rolling her eyes "so how old are you" Alina said trying to make conversation "i'm 17 what about you two" Naileia said "I'm 18 and so is he" Alina said "also his name is Eric" Alina added on "you don't gotta say da name" Eric said rolling his eyes "it's really nice too meet you guys ain't least you guys aren't rude like the people from my other church" Naileia said smiling as Alina returned the smile back.


They talked for some more and Alina realize that Naileia was a really nice girl but Eric on the other hand didn't like her which Alina didn't understand why.

Alina was now on her way home which she was happy about since she wanted to change into some pajama pants and just be in her bed.

But she knew she would have to eat and then do chores, she would always some how convince her mother to let her do it later so she could read her favorite book called Ugly love by Colleen Hoover She would even read the pages were they would have sex.

Alina knew it was wrong but she some what enjoyed it.

Finally getting to her apartment she walked in and takes off her shoes at the door slipping on her house shoes.

"Alina remember you have to sweep and mop" Grace said smoothly to Alina "yes I remember" Alina said respectfully.

She walked into her room closing the door behind her a bit, she wasn't aloud to have her door closed because he father said "my house my rules" which she found pretty stupid but alina's mother defended her and said "let her at least close the door while she's changing she's getting older Javon".

Javon was Alina's father. He wasn't always religious, when he was in his teenage years he would drink smoke and do drugs. He then was brought to a Church by his mother to make him change the way he would be, and it worked.

Alina slipped on her pajamas pants and put on her airpods and laid in her bed.

She listened to Brooklyn Baby by Lana Del Rey which was her and her mom's favorite artist. Even if she did say some bad words Grace and Alina would still enjoy listening to her.

She turned off her phone and just looked at her ceiling just thinking.

Should I sneak out? Alina thought to herself.

What if my mom finds out and looses my trust.

She would never see me the same.

My dad would go ballistic if he found out.

Alina kept thinking weather she would take up on Eric's offer. You only live once Alina thought again to herself.

She wanted to do it but she really couldn't bring herself to even do it.

Alina was kicked out of thoughts when her father came into her room "come down to eat" he says and Alina just nodded, she never talked to her dad that much even if they live in the same house. If he would call her to eat she would just nod and never respond. To her mother she would always respond.

Alina got off her bed took off her airpods and left her phone in her room as she made her way to the kitchen.

Alina pulls out the chair and sits down as her mother puts a plate infront of her and her father.

Grace sat down.

"Dear heavenly god thank you for this wonderful meal my wife has cooked us, please continue to bless us and bless this food. Amen" Javon said "Amen" Alina and her Mother said.

They ate in pure silence. The only sound wasΒ  the forks and knifes hitting the plate.

"I don't think that Eric boy is a good influence" Javon said "He's actually very kind to Alina he's helped her talk more out" Grace said going completely against Javon's words "your always against me Grace I just don't understand" Javon says shaking his head "Eric is a very respectful boy he's the Delgado's son" Grace said "ah yes Mark's son" Javon said, and after that there was no sound.

"Excuse me" Alina said as she got up from the dining table "wash your plate" Javon said "I will" Alina said quietly.

She began to clean her plate as her mother came "leave it i'll finish cleaning it" Grace said smiling "no mom it's fine" Alina said as she finished cleaning it.

She went back upstairs and grabbed her phone seeing a text from Eric.


Soo you bout to sneak out or nah?Β Β 

I don't know
I didn't want to lose my moms trust

What she doesn't know
Wont hurt her

I'll think about it


Alina debated weather she wanted to do it.

But she wanted to have fun and see what was in store for whatever Eric wanted her to do.

She hovered over the call button for Eric's contact.

Oh well.

She clicked it and heard it ring.

"Hello" Eric said "hey" Alina said "sooo you changed your mind" he said " yes but it is it a party" Alina asked questionably "Yea so dress nice" Eric said "what time should I start getting ready" Alina asked quietly, she knew her parents wouldn't hear her since they were watching the church channel on the tv "at 12:30 i'll be there for you at 1" He said to the girl who was now rethinking her thoughts "isn't that late" Alina asked "not for me" Eric snickered back "I don't any nice clothing" she said looking down at her rings.

"I'll be there in like 20 minutes to take you to buy something bye" Eric said before Alina could say bye Eric had hanged up, She hated when he would do that because it wouldn't give her a chance to finish talking.

Alina made her way to the living roomΒ  to ask her mom for permission to leave but didn't see her there "where is mom" Alina asked her dad "in the room" he said not even looking at her she nodded and walked to her parents room.

She knocked and heard her mom say "come in". "Hey mom" Alina said "yes baby" he mother responded "can I go with Eric to get something but i'll be back right away" she said hoping her mom would say yes "to get what" her mother asked as she folded some clothes "he wanted me to help him get clothes for school" Alina said whole thinking of the first lie she could come up with "ok do you want some money to buy anything" Grace asked sweetly "uh sure" she said.

Her mom made he way over to the dresser where her black michael kores bag was. "Here" Her mom says pulling out 50 dollars "thank you I will bring you back the change" Alina said "don't worry baby you can keep it" her mom said and alina just smiled.

She went into her room and put on some black leggings and put on her black nike tech that Eric had bought her for her 18th birthday. Eric was older than Alina by a month. Alina's birthday was February 14th which Alina loved, she absolutely loved that day even if she never had anyone to spend it with. Her and Eric would always spend it together but Alina's father didn't like it.

Alina touched up her hair and put on her black crocs.


I'm here lil nigga

Stop calling me that
I'm coming down

Alina walked out of her room and let her mother know she was leaving.

Her father didn't even notice she was leaving.

She walked down the flight of stairs and out the door seeing Eric in a white BMW. She didn't understand where he got it from.

"Hey Lina" Eric said as Alina walked into the car "Hi" she said "you got money cuz I ain't payin for you" Eric said "my mom gave me 50" she said "the fuck does you mom do for a living" Alina just shrugged she never really knew.

"How did you even get this car" Alina asked she started to notice it reeked of weed "it's one of my niggas car" he answered Alina hummed in response as Eric just blasted music.


They arrived at the mall and Alina just looked around "Let's go into this store" Alina said and Eric just followed like a lost puppy.

"This looks a little too short" Alina said looking at a black leather skirt. "Get it you have the body for it" Alina turned to look at him "you really think so" she genuinely asked "i'm being so deadass" he said and she smiled.

She loved Eric's company and complements.

After looking for a while Alina picked out a black leather skirt with a black crop top which she was nervous about but she was excited to show her friend Iyanna her new outfit.

Alina thought about matching the outfit with her black and white dunks.

Eric and Alina both made their way to the car.

Before Alina could say thank you to Eric he got a call.

"Yooo wats good kay" Eric said Alina wondered who Kay was. "Yes nigga ima bring you your car" "after I drop of my sista ima bring you ya car".

Alina looked out the window again thinking about how this night she was finally able to explore her city.


First chapter of Not the same.

I know it's a little long and boring for now but i promise daddies it's going to get good.

I kinda like how this one is going more than Innocence but that is just me.

If you haven't read my other stories go fucking read it dick!!!

****Vote and leave ya comments****

My other stories:
-Imagines- Drill rappers

-nanaaaa is out☹️
