๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ. โ› again, mason? โœ

001. โ”โ”โ” โ› AGAIN, MASON? โœ
social media, imessage, real life. . .

liked by sunnyleblanc, quintreece, and 23,404 others

lovemaisie saturday

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user she's bad
โ†ณ user bhad ๐Ÿซฆ

sunnyleblanc my girl
โ†ณ lovemaisie not if u don't answer my texts mf

user hottest girl in boston fs

user let me be ur man fr

user waiting for ur lover girl era tbh
โ†ณ lovemaisie threw up a lil

user my WIFE

hey girl text me when ur here
2:14 pm


ok cunt i thought u were taking me to my hair appointment today
we talked ab it yesterday and u said it was no problem
you even said we'd get MCDONALDS.

i'm gonna be late bc of you

MAISIE ABRAMS WALKS OUT of her house with a vision of red, a fierce storm cloud hung over her her head. her arms remained crossed over her chest as she is forced to walk to her hair appointment.

see, usually transport around town isn't a worry for her since she has a car, but because of her recent mistake of swerving into a ditch so she wouldn't hit a deer, her car is in the shops. that leaves her to get rides from her best friend sunny which is never typically a problemโ€”until right now as she's left her on delivered all day.

as she reaches the end of her driveway, she does not bother with checking both ends of the road before attempting to cross to the other side. she's so angry that she doesn't even think of it and her choice clearly bites her in the ass when all of a sudden, loud breaks meet her ears.

her jaw drops and she immediately snaps her head around to find the car that's almost ran her over just now. she looks through the window and finds none other than matthew sturniolo in the drivers seat, making her eyes instantly drop to a narrow.

as she regains her composure, she remains a glare set on his face. to explain how she feels about the boy is a challenge, seeing as their relationship is a confusing one. he lives directly across from her and they have never once seen eye to eye. maisie's parents are very strict and do not particularly like the sturniolos, which has always made maisie seem judgmental as well in matt's eyes, or at least maisie assumes. maisie dislikes matt because he is cold and cocky, the type of guy she'd never want so consistent in her life.

what's made their relationship even more complicated currently though, is that two weeks ago sunny dragged maisie with her to a party that matt and his brothers were performing with their stupid band at. maisie just so happened to have accidentally woken up in bed with matt and yeah, the pair have not spoken since. she's been doing pretty fucking good at pretending like he doesn't exist, actually.

here he is though, almost fucking running her over! she's snapped out of her trance when she sees him begin to chuckle through the windshield. her jaw drops and instantly, she turns on her heels and begins to storm to the window. matt looks to the door when maisie stops in front of it with her arms crossed, amusement clear on his face as he reaches forward to roll down the window. he's the first to speak when she can hear him, "didn't see you there, mason."

the use of his stupid nickname for her makes her blood boil. she's not sure why he calls her it; probably just to be a pain in her ass, in her opinion.

"one of these days, i'm going to punch you in the nose, matt," she tells him through a huff, trying to ignore his clear unbothered state.

"mhm, keep dreaming." he chuckles, leaning back further in his seat as his eyebrows pull together just slightly. "where are you walking to anyways?"

maisie sighs, not wanting to explain to matt out of all people that she's been left without a ride. "i have an appointment at the hair salon."

matt raises his eyebrows at her lack of explanation. "you don't have a ride?" he assumes.

maisie folds her lips together before answering. "no."

"huh," he hums, not seeming to care as he sits up and readjusts how he's sat. maisie rolls her eyes at his nonchalant behavior and is about to turn around when he suddenly speaks up, "get in."

"huh?" maisie gapes at him.

"get. in."

maisie blinks at the boy twice. "yeah, no."

matt resists a roll of his eyes. "why not?"

"because you are the last person i'd ever want to get in a car with," she explains with a scowl, matt only staring blankly at her.

"don't be so dramatic, mason," he tells her teasingly.

"stop calling me mason." all he does is frustrate her.

"no thanks, mason."

"fuck you."

there's a pause and immediately, maisie regrets her choice of words. matt freezes completely and then slowly, he begins to smirk. he gives a shameless tilt of his head. "again, mason?"

maisie takes in a sharp breath. he is the most insufferable, cockiest person she has ever met and it makes her want to rip her own hair out. still though, she is carless. with very little of her dignity, she ignores his comment and turns around to begin walking to the other side of his car. with a frown, she opens the passenger door and climbs inside. she feels his eyes on her as she closes the door behind her and when she sees the shit-eating grin on his face, she instantly looks away. "not a word."

"whatever you say," he responds with a shake of his head. he doesn't say anything else, just begins driving.

maisie watches him silently, her eyes landing on his hands gripping the wheelโ€”or more specifically, the rings cluttering his fingers. her mind jumps to the unspeakable night, and the same rings on his fingers when he played the guitar, the same rings whenโ€” matt spares a glance at her, raising his eyebrows, and causing her to look outside her window instead. when silence spreads between them, he reaches forward and turns up the previously muted volume.

instantly, an unreleased a boogie with the hoodie song plays that she recognizes and she can't resist speaking up, "a boogie?"

matt turns his head to her. "there something wrong with a boogie?"

"never said that," she shrugs. "just didn't take you as a fan."

"of course you didn't," he rolls his eyes and maisie ignores it. "why's that?"

"dunno," she pauses for a moment, thinking on it before looking to him again. "guess it's because in your band or whatever.. you release like... chase atlantic type music."

"chase atlantic type?" the upturn on matt's lips has maisie instantly regretting her words, not wanting to boost his ego more than it already is. "i'm blushing, mason."

"shut up." she crosses her arms over her chest as she sinks further into her seat. "you know what i mean."

"so, you've heard our songs before?" he asks, catching her completely off guard.

she pauses, feeling caught until she realizes that she has a perfectly reasonable excuse. "well yeah, you practice in your fucking garage, matt," she tells him blankly, giving him a dubious look.

he looks over to her, narrowing his eyes and using her previous words, "you know what i mean." she rolls her eyes and matt smirks slightly. "what's your favorite song?"

maisie falls silent. she looks to her nailbeds instead of him and decides to keep the truth to herself. "i don't know the names of any."

"boring," matt sighs, his eyes going back to the road. "we've got this upcoming track i'm sure you'd like."

"really?" she questions, her voice growing sarcastic as she continues, "i'll be sure to listen to it."

matt notices her sarcastic tone of voice and rolls his eyes, looking back over to her as he brings the car to a halt. "do you even know my position in the band?"

maisie blinks. does he think she lives under a rock? of course she remembers what his position is, she took extreme note of it the last time she saw him. still though, she would never, and she means never, miss the opportunity to humble matt. "you sing," she speaks, a smile on her lips as his eyes narrow. "duh."

he scoffs in disbelief. "i play the guitar."

"don't care," she huffs, continuing her act. she also doesn't want him to know she remembers things about him because she refuses to boost his ego any more. "how was i supposed to know that?"

"you saw me play," he tells her seriously. she blinks at him as if she doesn't remember. he knows he's right though, because he remembers it like it was yesterday, and continues, "the last time we saw each other."

maisie purses her lips together, thinking back to the last time they saw each other and hoping that her cheeks do not give away what her brain immediately jumps to. as if matt can read her mind though, the longer he watches the way her face changes, the longer his smirk grows. knowing her thoughts, he says, "before that, mason."

"oh." her cheeks are now a deep shade of maroon and to attempt to distract herself with literally anything, she looks out her window. she now notices that the car is parked and looks back to him. she clears her throat, trying to change the subject because he does not get to see her red in face. "wait, why did you park again?" she asks, confused.

"because i don't know where the fuck i'm going."

"oh!" maisie's eyes widen, realizing she never gave him the address. "shit, yeah, let me pull up my safari tabs."


TO ALLLLL U "december???" "ur gonna starve us???????" MFS FUCK U THIS IS THE LASY THING UR GETTINH

peace n love guys see u when i decide to republish nervous โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ’—

