Nora Alberts - Solangelo


so, this is solangelo, obviously, and i've had this idea since i left a long time

also, isn't that pic adorable?? all solangelo is

i'll try to do a theyna chapter next week, but no promises

ANYWAYS here's the story:

There was an emo boy on my left and a purple haired girl on my right. Great. I didn't have any classes with my friends this year, and I had to sit next to the new kids.Β 

"Hi, I'm Nora," I said, turning to the emo boy. He looked up from his...I think it was a sketch book?Β 

"Hey. Nico," He said. Not much of a talker, huh? Well, that was fine.Β 

"I'm Elise," the purple haired girl said.Β 

"Nice to meet you. Be prepared, Mrs. Canva-Etsy is a literal monster!" I said. Nico snorted. "What's so funny?" I asked. Nico shook his head and went back to drawing.Β 

Mrs. Canva-Etsy walked to the front of the classroom. "HELLO CLASS. I AM JOSIE CANVA-ETSY. YOU MAY CALL ME MRS. CANVA-ETSY. PLEASE OPEN UP TO PAGE 13 IN YOUR MATH TEXTBOOKS," she yelled. The class was super quiet, so I don't get why she had to yell.Β 

I opened my math book to page 13, and realized I had already done it. I had already done the whole textbook...

I guess I got bored over the summer break. Yes, I do math for fun. You don't?

I decided not to tell Mrs. Canva-Etsy. She would probably yell and tell me to erase all of the answers and rewrite them all or something.Β 

Halfway through the lesson, I got bored. I looked over at Nico's book and saw that he had drawn in it. Beautiful, realistic drawings of Mrs. Canva-Etsy, Elise, the back of Devon Bridges' head, some guy with freckles and curly hair, and me. There were a lot of pics of me. I was surprised. He had drawn me perfectly, down to every last detail! My pointed chin, the three freckles under my right eye, my stringy brown hair, EVERYTHING.Β 

When Nico saw me looking, he blushed and closed his book.

Okay what? I remember my friend, Ryla, telling me that guys blushed around you when the LIKED you! Did Nico actually like me?Β 

As soon as I got to the cafeteria for lunch, I ran to Ryla and my BFF, Sylvia.Β 

"RY, SYLVIA, A GUY LIKES ME!!!!!" I said as I sat in my seat. Ry and Sylvia raised their eyebrows.Β 

"What?! WHO IS IT?" Ry asked. Sylvia just gave me a small nod and looked down at her tray of mystery meat. What was up with her?

"His name is Nico," I replied. "He's kinda emo, wears a lot of black, super pale, y'know," Ry nodded and gestured for me to continue. I guess she expected me to say something sweet about him? "His eyes are chocolate brown, and *insert something sweet/romantic*"Β 

"Wow. You really like him, don't you?" Ry asked. I nodded happily.Β 

"And he likes me!" I said. Sylvia stood up abruptly.

"I've got to go," she said, walking away.Β 

"What's her problem?" Ry asked. I shrugged, and me and Ry spent the remaining lunchtime to write cheesy love letters and poems about Nico.Β 

The next day, I found out what kind of people Nico hung out with. There was a black girl with gold eyes who he seemed to be really close to, and a blond boy with freckles and blue eyes who looked an awful lot like the guy Nico drew in his math book the other day. Nico was pretty close to him too.Β 

I'll admit it. I was taking notes on Nico. Literally. Once, I was staring at him in math class and writing down things, and Elise had to punch my arm three times to get me to snap out of it. Devon Bridges laughed, because he saw the whole thing happen. When I was telling the story to my friends, Sylvia got up again and just walked out of the cafeteria without a word.

I got up to follow Sylvia. I walked outside and into the garden, where some kids went to eat sometimes. Then I noticed something that made me stop walking. Nico was sitting next to the blonde guy, and his head was resting on blonde guy's shoulder.Β 

Ok, it was kinda cute. But Nico liked me, right? So what was he doing with-


Oh my god, blond guy was forcing him into a relationship, right? Wow, I was a genius! I forgot about Sylvia and ran back to Ry to tell her my plan.

PHASE ONE OF NORA'S PLAN: Befriend Nico & gain his trust.


"Hey, Nico! I saw your drawings earlier! They are SO GOOD. Maybe you could teach me sometime?" I asked.

"Uh, sure?" Nico replied.Β 

Elise watched this little conversation weirdly, as if she knew I didn't really want to learn how to draw like Nico.Β 

PHASE TWO OF NORA'S PLAN: Get Nico AWAY from Blonde Guy


"Nico! Wanna sit with me and my friends? Er- friend, Sylia just left," I asked. Nico apologized to his friends about leaving them, and after 10 mins of persuading, we got Neeks-Nico- to sit at our table.

PHASE THREE OF NORA'S PLAN: Learn more about Nico


"So, do you have any siblings? What do your parents work as? Tell us about your childhood. Any trauma or anything?" I asked.

"Am I being interviewed or something? Are you hiding cameras somewhere?! Gods of fricking Olympus, calm down," Nico said. I giggled.Nico was so FUNNY!

PHASE FOUR-*we are cut off by Sylvia's crying*

We were making no progress. Nico wasn't opening up, or staying away from blonde guy.Β 

I was talking to Ry about Nico again, and Sylvia ran off. Again.Β 

While I was following her, I noticed Nico and Will Solace (AKA blonde guy) lying next to each other on the grass. They were talking. About college. About a camp. About friends and families. About their futures. Wait, no. About their FUTURE. Together.

I guess I was wrong. No forced relationships here.

My thoughts were cut off by the sound of crying coming from the girl's restroom.

I ran to the bathroom. That sounded like Sylvia.Β 

I reached the bathroom and opened it.Β 

Sylvia was sitting on the floor, wiping her eyes with tissues.Β 

"Sylvie! Are you okay?" I asked.Β 

"Fine, why do you ask? Where's your boyfriend?" she said the word 'boyfriend' with such disgust.Β 

"Sylvie..." I started. "What's wrong? Why do you keep leaving? Is it because of Nico? I'm over him! Or is it-"

I was cut off by Sylvia kissing me. I was really surprised at first, but I slowly melted into the kiss.

"Oh," I said when she pulled away.Β 

"I'm sorry, I just-you're straight! And I just-" Sylvia said.

"No, it's fine, just...I guess I just need to figure things out," I answered.Β 

Suddenly RYLA walked into the bathroom. She smiled and sat down next to us, but she didn't say anything.Β 

I won't go into too much detail about what happened next, because it gets complicated, but it's three years later, and me and Sylvia haven't broken up. Ry is also still our biggest shipper.Β 

welp, ig that's it-

Luv yall and tysm for making this book reach 19k, like dudes HOW?

<3 DW
