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Last chapter...

Camilo placed the ladder away then looked at the girl, "So what do you wanna do now?" , Adela flopped on his bed, "I dunno..."she said while admiring her new bracelet again. There was a small green glow reflecting off of the charm, Adela looked behind her to see a faint green glow in the corner of the balcony behind the vines, she bent down to move away the vines and picked up the green pieceย  of glass.

Found one.
Adela quickly placed the green piece of glass into her pocket not checking what was the image in the piece, she yawned a while later rubbing her eyes a little. "Tired?"Camilo asked, Adela nodded.
Camilo covered her eyes, Adela moved his hand away to see his bed transformed into two separate beds for one person each. Camilo then carried Adela bridal style to one of the beds and pulled the covers over her, "Goodnight mi fanstasma."he said, he covered her mouth with his hand and kissed the back of it before laying down on his own bed and fell asleep.

(I know 'mi fantasma' doesn't sound good when you translate it but it sounds good in spanish :< )
Adela's POV
I woke up and smelled the scent of pine trees, my eye sight was blurry but I saw a bunch of yellow and orange, I blinked a couple more times to see orange chameleon patterns.
Camil had his chin resting on my head while his arms were wrapped around me, he was snoring a little. I didn't want to wake him up so I didn't dare to move, even tho I don't have enhanced hearing like Dolores I could hear footsteps coming from the hallway, I closed my eyes pretending I was asleep when I heard the door open.
"Dolores they're still sleeping!"a cute little voice whisper shouted, "Well look what we have here Antonio, isn't this just adorable, I knew she stayed over since I didn't hear her leave last night!"Dolores whisper cheered, "So are we gonna wake them up?" Antonio asked his big sister, "Oh-go ahead."

"RISE ANd SHinE!!!!!!!"the tiny boy yelled making Camil jump falling off the bed and landed on his butt. I sat up and laughed alongside Dolores and Antonio, Camil looks at me and acted dramatically "YOU BETRAYED ME YOUR SUPPOSED TO HELP ME NOT THEM!!!" he said wiping his fake tears. "I ship it!" Antonio cheered, me and Camil snapped our heads at the boys direction "I'm sorry wot?"we said at the same time, I could feel my cheeks turning pink.
"Dolores taught me a word called ship! She said you use this word when you think two people are cute together and I think you guys are cute together!"He said smiling at us innocently while Dolores laughed nervously and left the three of us together.
"C'mon! Mama said breakfast is ready!"Antonio said climbing on to his leopard and sped down stairs. I calmed myself down, hoping my pink cheeks have disappeared, I dusted my skirt and helped Camil up on his feet. "Sorry about them, their just like that sometimes."Camil apologised, "No no it's okay!" I laughed nervously remembering the fact we were cuddling last night, "You good Adel? Your face is pinker than usual-are you sick?!" He panicked,

"Just thinking of last night."
"Did something happen last night?"
"Uh- no...?"
"I can tell when your lying."
"Your bad at it."
"Words hurt."
"Sorry not sorry!"he said running out of the room, "NO FAIR!"I yelled running behind trying to catch him. He was going to make a sharp turn until Casita placed a wood board in his way making him crash head first into it, he groaned some curse words while I caught up trying to hold my laughter.
"Thanks casita."
"This is not fair at all."
"Nothing is fair in life Camil."
"How would you know?"
"I learned it the hard way." I said my face just a few cm away from his, closer each second.
Nobody's POV ( Authors pov tbh )
They were about to kiss when Adela smacked him, "In your dreams!"she yelled while sliding downstairs, Camilo got up fixing his yellow ruana, "Your right princesa, in my dreams."he muttered before also running downstairs catching up to her.

[]~Time skip~[]

"You sure you got no chores today?"
"Nope." He had chores, key word 'had'. He made a deal with his older sister Dolores to do his chores for a day in exchange of doing a favour for her, he didn't think of what Dolores wanted him to do, he didn't really care as long as he gets to spend time with princesa.
Adela raised her eyebrow eyeing him one more time before accepting her fate, "Fineee, but what do you wanna do?"she asked walking into the village while the shapeshifter followed her close behind, "Anything you want princesa~"he winked,
"Fine let's play tag then."Adela said dropping her bag beside a tree,
"Tag your it!"Camilo said knowing he is physically stronger between the two of them, but when he turned around his best friend was gone.

"Princesa...?"he said nervously, he did a 360 degree turn looking around but Adela was no where to be found, he started to panic mentally, not noticing a floating book behind him.


"OUCH!!!!!"Camilo screamed, terrified and in pain at the same time. Adela held back her laughter and tears, one hand covering her mouth while the other clutches her stomach.
Camilo was laying on the grass regretting his life choices.

(Can you guys start a 'Camilo getting hurt' count..?Thanq )

"I'm being bullied constantly."the boy complained,

"You said anything."

"I NEVER MEANT SOMETHING LIKE THIS!!!I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONE!!!"Camilo said while his hand covered the spot where he'd been smacked,

"No excuses dear."Adela smirked, Camilo complained while Adela tried her best to make his injury less painful.
Adela's POV
We were back in the Casita because there was nothing else better to do, we were just sitting around, I was reading the fourth book of Harry Potter while Camil fell asleep, resting his head on my shoulder.
A few rats ran past having food in their mouths, "Rats..."I thought, "I might as well follow them to see where their nest is to help Camil's tรญa Julieta..." I placed my book bag down making a make-shift pillow for Camil and tip toed away from him careful not to wake him up.
I followed the rats upstairs and around a corner, they disappeared.
I looked more closely noticing the painting on the wall had an opening, I walked up to it and tried opening it, it took a while but I managed, the painting swung open like a door. I didn't want to go in the walls but heard the rats inside so I went inside the painting, there was a creak sound behind me making me flinch and turned around.
"Haha...hi-?"Mirabel laughed nervously, I sighed, "What are you doing here?", "What do you mean 'What am I doing here'- I'm looking for Bruno!"the girl whisper shouted the obvious.
"Well I was following the rats so I don't think you will find Bruno here."
Mirabel was silent, "What?"I asked confused.
She pointed behind me, and I turned around, a guy that wore a green ruana was standing there holding one the the rats that were holding food,he had his hood on so we couldn't see what he looked like, there was an awkward silence between us three- or four if you include the rats.
He suddenly went went with a 'run for it' quickly running through the small tight spaces as if it was the end of the world.
Me and Mirabel also ran after him hoping to get answers from him.
There was a big jump up ahead but the green hooded guy jumped on two pieces of wood sticking out of the wall, I being very light also made the jump, I almost caught up to him until I heard Mirabel yelp, I stopped in my tracks looking behind me, I ran towards Mirabel who was holding one of the pieces of wood that sticked out, I gave her my hand hoping she would get it so that I could help her get up.ย  Unfortunately a part of the floor beneath me decided to break right this moment getting my leg stuck as a result,
but is still tried to pull my friend up only to drop her.
The guy in the ruana was back and was holding on to Mirabel, his hood was off revealing his face, his hair was like Mirabel's but messier, he looked scrawny.
It took me a moment to realise, "Wait-Bruno?Camil's tรญo?!", Mirabel's eyes widened at the words I said.
Another chapter yay!!!!!!
Sorry haven't posted, my XMas holiday just started today and it was today where I had time to finish this chapter!!!!!!But I still have exams. Sigh. Sorry if any mistakes are made in the story, ehhh hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and lastly, have a GreAT day/evening/night!!!!!!!

Don't forget the hugsssss!!!!!!ย ย  (ใค .โ€ขฬ _ส– โ€ขฬ€.)ใค.ย  ย  (โŠƒ๏ฝกโ€ขฬโ€ฟโ€ขฬ€๏ฝก)โŠƒ

[Also please vote and share :> ]

Also again- ๐™ผ๐™ด๐š๐š๐šˆ ๐š‡๐™ผ๐™ฐ๐š‚โ˜ƒ๏ธŽโ˜•๏ธŽ๏ธŽส•โ€ขแดฅโ€ขส”

