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แด‡แด…ษชแด›แด‡แด… แด€แดœษขแดœsแด› 8, 2020

Whoever can spot the Marvel reference(s) first will get a hug


After a long ass rest, I wake up to my 6:30 alarm and pull out my fit for the day. I pulled out a black Nike tank top with matching Nike shorts. I put out Kyrie 3's to go with the fit and then hopped in the shower.

I got out the shower and put on my clothes before running down and making some eggs on toast for breakfast. While finishing my first piece of toast, I look down and see that Isabella texted me.

Bizzy Bee ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’•: Dude where is you at

Y/N: Home dafuq

Bizzy Bee ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’•: Hurry up cuz it's almost 7:30 and it's gonna take us at least 10 minutes to get to the train station then 20 minutes to get to the school ๐Ÿ˜ก

Y/N: Ik ik but a nigga was a hungry so chill ๐Ÿฅด

Bizzy Bee ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’•: Chile

Bizzy Bee ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’•: Just hurry up

Y/N: Yes mom

I rush out my house and see Isabella at the corner looking agitated.

"What took you so long?!"

"I had to eat and then run here."

"Whatever let's just go."

We make it to the train station and hop on the train. As soon as we hop of the train Izzy jumps on my back and this time I carry her as I take us to the U.A. gate.

Izzy jumps off my back and we look around to see a huge crowd of students.

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As Mic counts down from 10, Isabella and I wish each other luck before going to the front of the crowd and getting ready to run.




Everyone starts to take off running and I use my Air quirk to start flying while I use my Earth quirk to crush some of the nearest robots.

I look in the distance and see beams of light destroy a few 2 pointers.

"That's my girl." I say to myself as I smile softly in admiration.

I look down to see a boy with spiky, platinum blonde hair and before he can take out one of the last 3 pointers in the area, I use my Earth quirk to crush it and then I smirk down at him.


"Oh was that one yours? My bad kid."

"Whatever. Just stay the hell out of my way, weirdo!"

"Sure blondie. Dope quirk by the way!" I smile cheerfully at him before I fly away to find more robots.

I fly around some more, smelling the fresh air while taking out a few 2 and 3 pointers. Before a 1 pointer can crush a guy that has purple fluffy hair, I disassemble it with my Earth quirk.

He looks up at me in confusion and I just smirk and wink at him then fly away once again.

I circle the entire battle grounds one more time to see if there are any more robots I could destroy cuz why not get a few more points?

I float down to about half way up from where I just was and the floor and see a flash of green lightning. I figure that it's someone protecting the brown haired girl(who kinda looks like jiggly puff) on the ground.

The boy in green starts to fall very quickly so without hesitation, I grab him and use my Earth quirk to protect us as the pieces of debris fall around us.

I can tell he's terrified so I give him my dimple-filled smile and use my Emotionless quirk to make him feel calm and relaxed.

A few minutes after I saved the lil green bean, some random people came to take him to the nurse(who I learned is named Recovery Girl) cuz homie was straight up a bag of bones.

I help up the human jiggly puff before floating around to look for Isabella so we can get outta here and go have our weekly sleepover.

I look over to see she's talking to a blonde with a black bolt in it, a tall, majestic looking girl with green hair, and a guy with silver hair and eyelashes.

I go up and back hug her while resting my head on her right shoulder.

"Hey everyone."

" *3 heys* "

"Oh yeah so Bambino, this is Kaminari, Shiozaki, and Tetsutetsu. Everyone, this is L/N." Izzy says, introducing me to everyone.

*awkward silence*

"So L/N, is Astrix here ya girlfriend or something?" Kaminari asks with suspicion.

Me and Izzy look at each before dying laughing. We calm down after a second and I start to braid a tiny piece of her large fro.

"Oh most definitely not! Yo Izzy you hear this foolishness?"

"I do, but they don't because YOU ARE SPEAKING IN ENGLISH!"

"Shoot my bad."

"We tried that for a little but it didn't go so well. We've been best friends since birth though. I guess we've just grown very touchy-feely." I explain to them, switching back to Japanese.

"Oh so that means Astrix here is on the market, huh?" Kaminari asks flirtatiously.

" *scoff* Uh I think the hell not." They all(but izzy) look a little confused when I say that.

"I'll hurt you to the point where you can't even limp away if you try to shoot your shot with Astrix." I threaten as I give them a fake smile.

"Dude! Anyways, we gotta take off now so maybe we'll see y'all later. Bye guys!" Izzy says as she hugs them goodbye.

We leave the battle grounds and decide to go to the playground. As soon as the swings meet our eyes, we run over to them and sit. We swung slowly and peacefully, just letting the slight breeze hit our faces.

I started to swing higher, pushing my legs back and forth just to be higher than Izzy.

"Wanna challenge the queen, huh?" I hear Izzy grumble out as she swings a little higher than me.

"Yessirrrrr! You're going down today!"

"Yeah yeah, sure."

I roll my eyes playfully and swing higher than before, bending my legs and then straightening them. We copy each other, going higher each time, before we both call it quits and jump off the swings.

Both of us land knees first in to the grass and laugh loudly. We dusts off our clothes and walk out of the park.

"Just for the record, I totally beat you."

"Yeah not at all Bambino. I still reign supreme."

"Whatever you say Bizzy Bee." I sigh out while rubbing my eyes.



๐šƒ๐™ธ๐™ผ๐™ด ๐š‚๐™บ๐™ธ๐™ฟ~!

We make it to her house and change into our pikachu and charmander onesies and get snacks for our movie night.

"Hey Auntie." I say to Devyn, Izzy's mom as I make the popcorn. We may not be related but she's basically my aunt so I just call her that.

"Hi Baby. Treyvon bought those peanut butter chocolate chip cookies you wanted."

"For real? Tell him I said thanks." I put the popcorn into a large bowl and meet Izzy in the couch.

We cuddle up together and watch Avengers: Endgame. We fall asleep half way through the movie with popcorn all over the floor, our legs tangled together, and relaxed smiles on our faces.
