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Deans pulls back from the kiss and eyes Colin with a smirk on his face. Kate stands there awaiting a response from her ex feeling a little dazed as to what just happened. Colin raises an eyebrow taking in what he just saw. He stands there for a minute contemplating what to say, "I see, well even though there was a lot of passion there I still don't believe that you're dating." Colin laughs a little bit, when all of a sudden Lizzie comes over.ย 

Kate drops her head, hoping Lizzie won't make some kind of snarky and sexual comment about Dean. Clearly a little buzzed, Lizzie starts to talk. "Heyyy baby, and Kate. Wait Kate what are you doing here and who is that tall, gorgeous man." She points to Dean.ย 

Kate plays along with the vibe that has been created. "Oh, this is Dean, my boyfriend." Kate says putting her hand on his chest giving Lizzie a smile.

Lizzie's mouth was wide open. She couldn't believe what she just heard. "So, you're telling me, that he is your...your boyfriend?" She says raising an eyebrow.ย 

"Yeah, that's what I said. Do I need to repeat it so you can hear it again?" Kate says with an attitude annoyed by their looks on their faces. Hearing Kate's words, Dean smiles to himself thinking how lucky he was that he got to be the one to take her to this party.

Lizzie still in shock shakes her head in response. "No, no that's fine. You don't need to repeat it for me. Come on Colin, let's go." She says lowering her voice, before dragging off Colin.ย 

Kate looks at Dean. "Sooo, now that they're gone, what do you want to do?" She says as she grabs a shot from someone who walks by mouthing a "Sorry" as she looks back at Dean.ย 

Dean laughs at Kate stealing a shot from someone. "Alright, well drink stealer, how about we go dance?" Dean suggests as he shrugs his shoulders.ย 

Kate giggles. "Lead the way...market boy."ย 

Dean groans at the nickname, leading the way to the small dance floor. 'Hypnotize' by The Notorious B.i.G. starts to play. "Oh Dean, you don't know what you just unleashed bringing me over." Kate laughs saying this and starts to dance.ย 

Dean just raises an eyebrow in response to Kate's comment. He does some dancing, looking a little awkward but doesn't take his eyes off of Kate. That's when he sees Colin pointing Kate out to his some of his friends. His friends seem to be cheering each other and smirking watching Kate dancing in her dress.ย 


He scoffs at their looks and pulls Kate over to him and into his chest. "Dean?" Kate asks looking confused.ย 

"Listen, your ex and some of his friends are looking at you like you're a snack. I don't like the way they're looking at you." Dean says with cold eyes.ย 

Kate notices this sudden mood change, she felt flattered at his words. She looked over to where Colin and his friends were, they started to make kissy faces at her. "Ew, gross. Alright, I know what to do. Give me a second." Kate says as she grabs another shot. For what she was about to do, the more alcohol the better.ย 

Dean sighs realizing that by the end of the night Kate will probably be too drunk to even walk. Then 'Genie In a Bottle' starts to play. God, the way Kate was moving scared Dean. It made him feel things he didn't think he would feel again. Just when Kate knew that Colin and his friends were watching, she blew them a kiss and started to grind against Dean.ย 

A silent, "Damn" escapes Dean's mouth as he takes in what is going on. When he said he didn't like the way they were looking at her, he didn't think she would do this.

The song ends and Kate smirks at her ex and turns to face Dean. "I'm sorry, please don't think I'm weird. It was the only thing I thought to do." Kate says as she trails off looking at Dean's stunned face.

"No..no don't apologize. For the record I don't think you're weird." He stops talking as Colin walks over. Again.ย 

Colin stops in front of them. "Nice show you put on there, didn't take you as the type to dance like a whore."ย 

Dean's eyes turn black, anger engulfing his face. "What did you just call her?"ย 

Colin laughs at Dean's reaction. "Chill dude, all I called her was a whore."ย 

Dean towered over Colin. "You will not call her that again or I promise you, you will not be waking up after."ย 

Seeing how Dean towered over Colin, Colin decided to back down. "Well then how about you get her out of here and we won't have any problems, now will we?"ย 

Dean scoffs at his remark. "Yeah okay, fine, let's go babe." He says to Kate, grabbing her hand and bringing her outside to his truck.

"Dean...I'm sorry it had to end this way but thank you for coming with me." She pauses for a minute as she gets into the truck then almost whispers. "I'm glad I asked you to come with me."ย 

Dean smiles hearing her say that even though she whispered the last part, he still heard it. "It's okay, you don't have to apologize for anything. I'm glad I came with you too; it couldn't be more perfect." Dean says smiling as he starts his truck. "Well, it's still early, do you want to come back to my house and watch a movie before I bring you back?"ย 

Kate thinks about his offer. "Sure, as long as you have pjs I can borrow." She laughs, thinking that her dress may not be the best to wear watching a movie.ย 

Dean laughs in unison with her. "Yeah, I do. Alright then off to my house." Dean starts to drive off to his house.ย 

Kate started to feel the effects of the shots she had, feeling more and more buzzed. Finally, the truck stopped in front of Dean's house. He put the truck in park and looked at Kate, Kate looked back into his eyes, admiring how beautiful his hazel eyes were. Dean realizes that she's staring and chuckles a little bit. "Are you ready?"ย 

"Yeah....just give me...one second." As she says this she leans in closer to Dean's face and ends up smashing her lips onto his. Deans grabs her face and deepens the kiss as 'Teenage Dirtbag' starts to play. They break away from each other and look at each other again. Dean pulls her closer to him kissing her again. Dean whispers into Kate's ear, "Thank you, thank you for this." That's all that's said before the two make out in his truck.ย 


A/N: Belly Conklin who? Sorry, sorry I had toย 
