iii. the barrens

I wrapped my arms around his waist

THE WORLD around me was going by so fast.Β  I had never ridden on the back of someone else's bike, and the thought of falling off genuinely scared me in the moment.

We arrived at the Barrens after what felt like forever, and I was finally able to put my feet on solid ground.Β  I stepped off the bike, and stumbled right into Stan. I looked up, and Stan's brown eyes were just a few inches away from my own.Β 

"s-s-sorry", I mumbled, quickly stepping back, making sure not to trip on anything else.Β 

A pink tint was creeping onto Stanley's face, as he rushed to pick up his bike, and lean it against a nearby tree.Β  I could feel his gaze, but I made sure to keep my eyes down.Β  I didn't quite understand why I was making the situation so awkward, I had known Stan almost my whole life.Β  And yet, here I was, just praying that one of the other boys would show up and relieve me of this uncomfortable silence.

Finally, my prayers were answered, as Richie, Bill, and Eddie came racing through the trees, laughing.Β  They stopped, and looked at the state of Stan and I.Β 

"a-a-are you g-guys ok-k-kay?" Bill asked, with Richie and Eddie nodding in agreement behind him.

"yeah, we're okay", I replied softly, still avoiding Stanley's eyes.Β 

"oookay", Richie replied sarcastically, "keep telling yourself that".

All of the sudden I heard Stanley freaking out behind me.Β 

"That's poison ivy.Β  And that's poison ivy.Β  And that's poison ivy", he stated while looking around frantically.Β 

"Where?", Eddie asked, suddenly becoming aware of his surroundings, "w-where is the poison ivy?".

I stifled a laugh, as the two boys gave me a look, and Richie replied "No where, not every fucking plant is poison ivy, Stanley", clearly annoyed by Stan's on edge behaviors.

As we headed towards the opening of the sewer, Eddie, who was now completely disturbed by the fact that any single plant around may have been poison ivy, began to ramble.Β  "Okay, well I'm starting to get itchy now and I'm pretty sure this is not good for me".

I rolled my eyes, chuckling to myself.

As we got nearer to the mouth of the sewer, my heart began to race, and my palms began to sweat uncontrollably.Β  The thought of even entering the sewer sent my heart rate higher. Claustrophobia was a bitch.Β  Small spaces gave me so much anxiety, and the sewer was definitely included in that.Β  I was losing my breath, and it was becoming obvious.Β  Stan, noticing I was having trouble appeared next to me, lacing my fingers with his.Β 

I looked down at our hands, and was reminded of earlier.Β  I told myself to let go, but decided otherwise.Β  A small blush crept onto my face, and I realized that I was no longer freaking out over the sewer.Β  I took a deep breath, and smiled at Stan.Β 

"Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?", Richie asked Eddie, bringing me back to reality.Β 

"Sometimes, yeah", Eddie replied, confused as to what that had to do with what they had been talking about before.Β 

"Then you probably have crabs", Richie joked, causing Eddie to groan.

"That is so NOT funny", Eddie said, obviously fed up with Richie, and his immaturity.Β 

I laughed, finding the whole situation entertaining, and once again receiving a look from Richie and Eddie.Β 

Richie, realizing that only him and Bill are currently in the tunnel, asked "Aren't you guys coming in?", as we looked around all shaking our heads no.

Eddie and Richie continued to bicker, as I focused on Bill.Β  He stared intently at the water, as if he was searching for something.Β  I already knew that this trip to the Barrens was Bill's way of searching for his brother Georgie, who had disappeared a few months ago, but I didn't think we would be able to find much here.Β 

I heard Richie exclaim "Doesn't smell like caca to me seΓ±or!", and tried not to laugh once again, as Stan rolls his eyes.

Suddenly, Bill shouted "Guys!", and everyone's focus was on him, and the white shoe that he held in his hands.

"Shit", Stanley said wearily, tightening his grip on my hand, "Don't tell me that's".

"no", Bill replied before Stan can finish his statement, "Georgie was wearing galoshes".

"Who's sneaker is it?", Eddie asked, as everyone else wondered the same.

"I-i-it's B-betty Ripsom's" Bill replied shakily, and everyone's breath hitched.Β 

I turned away from the group, letting go of Stan's hand, heading towards the small river by the entrance of the sewer.Β  I sat down on a rock, and let the water rush by me as I looked down the river.Β  It was calm, completely the opposite of what was going on behind me, and it gave me a minute to take in everything that was going on.Β 

I looked up and saw a kid running up the river as if he was running from something.Β  He was covered in blood and dirt, and dripping from head to toe.Β  As he came closer, I realized that the kid is none other than Ben Hanscom from school.Β 

Ben was the new kid this year, and he couldn't seem to shake the nickname. He didn't have very many friends, and would spend most of his time alone.Β  Unless, he was being harassed by Henry Bowers and his gang.Β  Those assholes.Β  They probably were the ones who did this to him.

"Guys", I yelled, as Ben ran and fell right in front of me.

✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯:*

I ARRIVED at home hours later.Β  We had taken Ben to the drugstore, and with the help of none other than Beverly Marsh, were able to fix up Ben's wounds.Β 

Beverly and I used to be friends throughout elementary school, but grew apart as we grew older.Β  I still remembered our trips to the park, and playing dolls together on the weekends.Β  It was one of those friendships people wished they had, and I wished I had it back.

We had all decided on heading to the quarry tomorrow, and I was excited that I finally had friends to hang out with.Β  I thought about how much fun we were going to have on the way back to my house.Β 

I had to ride back with Stanley, as I had left my bike at home earlier, and the silence between us was quite awkward.Β  I kept replaying the moment in my mind, trying to figure out why I was so shaken up.Β  Nothing happened right?Β Β  I just tripped, it shouldn't have been anything more than that, but it was.

I got off the bike after we arrived at my house, and waved at Stanley.

"Thanks for the ride Stan", I said smiling, "See you tomorrow".

Stan smiled back and replied "anytime Vi", turning his bike towards his house and taking off.

I walked through the front door to silence.Β  No kids running around the corner to hug me, and no dad sitting in his chair.Β  It was strange.Β  There was a light on in the kitchen, so I made my way in that direction and found my dad hunched over the table.Β  He had been crying.Β 

"Peyton's gone missing"
