6 - A Headache of Noise

It went just as you thought it would... awkward as hell. Not one word was spoken out of Kurai; as he glared grumpily at both Light and Sorrell. Sorrell made nonchalant conversation with both you and Light; but mostly she ate her food in silence. Perhaps she was thinking about what she was going to do about Light... speaking of which... you never introduce the Angel to them properly. So after everyone had had their share of food you speak up before leaving your seat. (To put your dishes away; the dishes would be cleaned after discussing Light.)

"Oh yeah, his name is Light... Try to be nice you two." You point your fork at Kurai and Sorrell, and get up out of your chair. Light offers a small wave of his hand to the two of them then follows after you closely.

"You... have a very pure soul compared to the little girl y'know? Though, the smell of the demon is all over you... W-which... doesn't mean anything good." Light puts his plate and cutlery in the sink after you do. From his words he must mean that he can smell the contract that you and Kurai made on you. Which stuck out as interesting to you... does that mean Kurai has the smell of you on him also? If so, that's so weird... and gross. Suddenly, to interrupt your odd thoughts, a loud crash comes from the dinning room.

"YOU STUPID LITTLE WITCH!" Kurai yells. You and Light share a look of concern and run towards the noise. Once you reach the dinning room your eyes immediately fall on the broken plate on the floor. 'Are you shitting me...' you think with a large disappointed sigh. This wasn't surprising, but still... you'd think they'd get along better after their deal.

"What are you guys doing?!" Your loud voice echoes through the dinning room, successfully stoping Kurai and Sorrell from arguing any further.

"He's mad about the Angel." Sorrell giggles and starts to pick up the larger pieces of the broken plate.

"Kurai... did you seriously throw a plate at my little sister?!"

"No, mines still in front of me! Her plate fell off of the table after I slammed my hand on it..." Completely frustrated Kurai runs his hand through his crimson hair. "She's clearly using her magic stupidly! Getting caught is easy; and obviously she doesn't have a care in the world!" He curses; pointing a sharp finger at Sorrell. Sorrell shrugs smugly at his words.

"No, you have it all wrong Kurai~ This is the first time I've had anything sent to watch me... I have many barriers set up to avoid such a thing. So I am very curious about Light. Hence why I wanted to talk about him being here after we ate... The food was suppose to put everyone in a good mood... but of course it didn't help your foulness." Oh huh, you thought that was why she wanted to eat first! And of course you're glad that you're right.

Kurai scoffs and huffs then walks with his plate out of the kitchen.

"Sooo..." Light starts. "The reason I've been sent... I'll tell you guys everything if it lessens the tension and fighting. I r-really hate loud noises and fightsβ€”fights scare me..." He gulps and gives you a hopeful look. It made you wonder if all angel's were this nice; you hope so.

"Wait for me in the living room. I have to get the broom and clean up the rest of the broken plate... and I'll talk to Kurai." Sorrell nods her head at your words and leads Light into the living room. You can hear slight conversation coming from them before you leave the dinning room to get the broom and maybe find Kurai.

Just as you thought, Kurai was in the kitchen pouting furiously while scrubbing the dishes.

"Hey... I thought I was doing the dishes today." Softly speaking you walk over to Kurai to be closer to the demon.

"Too late huβ€” (y/n)." You grin at his almost mess up.

"Wowβ€”I heard that you know. Anyways, Kurai, I know you're upset about the Angel. We are going to discuss it together in the living room in a few minutes, I hope you'll be there too." Touching his back with your right hand you walk past him to the hallway closet to grab the broom. After grabbing the broom, you make your way back through the kitchen in order to reach the dinning room. Before you can reach the dinning room, Kurai stops you by putting his arm out as you try to pass him.

"I'm almost done... just wait a minute before you do that..." This... was new... and you decide to listen to him and stay with him in the kitchen as he finishes the dishes. Once he is done, he gives you an awkward look.

"I don't want to walk into the living by myself with those fools sitting there." He takes the broom from your hand and leads you to the broken plate. He sweeps it up quickly without a word. You didn't know what to say or do about his... somewhat cute actions. He must be embarrassed about admitting that and is covering it up by cleaning up the plate. (That was sort of his fault in the first place.)

It doesn't take too long before everything is done and put away and you and Kurai walk into the living together to start the discussion.
