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โœงห–ยฐโ€งเผ„| ๐ƒ๐Ž๐‹๐๐‡๐ˆ๐๐’ ๐‹๐„๐€๐๐„๐ƒ ๐Ž๐”๐“ ๐Ž๐… ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐–๐€๐“๐„๐‘ ๐–๐‡๐ˆ๐‹๐„ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐†๐Ž๐ˆ๐๐† ๐Œ๐„๐‘๐‘๐˜ ๐†๐‹๐ˆ๐ƒ๐„๐ƒ ๐€๐๐ƒ ๐๐”๐’๐‡๐„๐ƒ ๐“๐‡๐‘๐Ž๐”๐†๐‡ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐–๐€๐•๐„๐’. "But you said five degrees starboard."

Usopp said, working at the ship's controls. "Yeah, it's the other starboard, Captain Shit-tastic." Buggy insulted. "Thought clowns were supposed to be funny."

He mumbled. "What was that? Why don't you say it to my face?" Hopping to turn and look at the dark skinned man. Zoro walked up the steps of the ship quarterdeck where the two were arguing.

"Hey! Morning, champ." Chuckling at zoro. "I know Luffy made a deal with you to find Arlong, clown, but if this is another trick..."

"What are you gonna do? Bleed on me?" laughing the green haired swordsman walked over, picking him up by his bandana and held him over the railing.

"Whoa! Whoa! Wait. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What? Because I said bleed on me? You can bleed on me if you want. I mean, a deal's a deal, all right? You want your map back. I want my body."

"How do we know you're not leading us to a trap?" He questioned. "Zoro, buddy! Honor amongst pirates. Right? Come on. How about I sing a nice sea shanty to pass the time. โ™ช Oh, there once was a girl With [h/c] and red hair โ™ช โ™ช Stole my map And left me stranded somewhere โ™ช โ™ช Truly a crafty and crooked young lass โ™ช โ™ช But you can't deny She had a spectacular..."

Usopp held the lid of a barrel open letting Zoro drop buggy inside. "Ow! God, right on my nose!"

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Luffy leaned on the railing of the ship, sanji by his side. "Does it always take this long?" He asked. "We've only been here two minutes. Be patient." The blonde laughed while holding onto a fishing rod.

"Some days, they bite as soon as you drop the line, and some days, it takes hours. And then there are days when you don't catch anything at all. But we're not talking about fishing, are we?"

Grinning over at the boy in the straw hat. "I just want to know if [y/n's] okay."

"A beautiful, talented woman does not choose to ally herself with a pirate like Arlong. [y/n] clearly needs to be rescued."

"Her tattoo says different." Zoro stated, coming up behind them. "Well, tattoos don't tell the whole story. And like any woman, she's a mystery."

"[y/n] made her choice."

"You don't know why."

"Only thing I want to hear from you are dinner specials. You don't know [y/n]."

"Sounds like you don't know her either, moss head." The cook fired back. "I'm sure [y/n] has her reasons. Whatever choice she makes... I just need to hear it for myself."

Luffy says pushing off the railing. "Land hะพ!" Usopp exclaims pointing out to the island coming up in front of them.

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An apple and an orange hang from some trees. A short girl with [h/c] hair smiles and lets out a laugh as two girls chase after her.

"I'm gonna get you!" The one with blue hair shouts. "No, you're not! I'm faster than both of you." The girl with red streaks replies with a cheeky grin.

"You wish." The girl with tangerine hair laughs out. Reaching out as the girls behind her take the lead.


Sitting in a blanket fort the small [h/c] girl paints a blue flower design onto the blue haired girl's arm Once finished she moves over to the other girl, using orange paint to sketch on a windmill.

She giggles at the feeling of the brush. Picking up a hand windmill made from a stick and a tangerine peel it begins to turn when the blue haired girl blows it.


The three little girls laid out in the grass, a maroon red haired woman laying down with them. They all laughed and smiled watching bubbles fly in the air.


Sitting out in the middle of some tangerine and apple trees the blue haired girl picked up a card. Grinning, she placed her cards down. "Snap." With her jaw dropped the woman laughed, the two other girls joining in.

Taking in a deep breath she sighs. "[y/n], it's your turn." she looked down at her cards with a blank face. Why was she here?


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"[y/n]. [y/n]. Your bet." A teal fishman called out, snapping the girl out of her thoughts.

Glancing down at the cards in her hand she pushed some money forward. "Five hundred." The teal fishman sneered, throwing his cards down. "Any day now." She said.

"I'm thinking." another stated. "Oh, what's the matter? Can't count any higher than five?" laughing came from the fishmen watching. "All in." Pushing his berry in confidence.

"All in." The onlookers 'Oh'. Chuckling he showed his cards. "Straight. Ten high."

[y/n] smirked revealing her cards. "Queens full." Grinning, she reached in to grab her money. Grunting he slammed his hand over hers.

"You're a liar, and you're a cheat." Gritting her teeth she stabs a knife into the table right besides his hand. "You know we don't lie about money on this crew."

"All right, game's over. [y/n], Arlong wants a word." The knife glimmers as she yanks it out of the wood table. "Sorry, boys. I'll be back for the rest of your Berry later."

Picking up her satchel and the berry on the table, hiding two queen cards among the money.

Glancing over to see buggies struggling body restrained at one of the games displayed at arlong park.


Unlocking the doors to the map room she walked in. Taking out the grand line map she walked around and her eyes fell onto the chain resting on the ground.

Putting down her bag she dusted off a hand drawn map. Why was she even here in the first place again?

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A pirate ship docked at the conomi island, specifically at coco village.

Shanks led his daughter off of the boat and led her through the town and to a cabin hidden in a field of apple and tangerine trees.

"What are we doing here dad?" She questioned but got no reply. Out in the front two girls ran around, one with orange hair and another with blue.

A woman with maroon hair got off the porch and walked over to shanks. "It's been a while red. And who's this?" Crouching down to look at [y/n].

"This is who I've been telling you about. [y/n] this is Bellemere, you'll be staying with her for a while."

Gently pushing her back and towards bellamere. "W-what?" Her eyes widen as she turns to look at her father who began to walk away.

"Dad? Dad! Dad please wait!" She called out for the man who held his head down.

Bellemere wrapped her arms around the crying girl, holding her back. "Dad please, I'm a pirate! Don't leave me here, you've always said I was important to the crew! Please! I can be useful!"

Once he was out of sight she fell to her knees, holding an arm out hoping he would come back.

"It'll be okay." Pulling the girl into her lap and stroking her unique naturally streaked hair. "I can be useful...."

The sky began to darken and rain began to slowly fall.


Days passed and she sat at the village's docks, waiting, hoping he would come back.

But after a while she stopped waiting, a thought developing from the back of her mind. What was so interesting he would have to leave her on some random island?

So she started stealing books from the town's library, map books to be specific.

She was a navigator on his crew after all, but what was out there on those islands?

Her chubby child fingers ran over the illustrations on the page of a book, smiling as she flipped over to the next page.

"Girls, wash up for dinner. They had day-old biscuits in the bakery today. Half price, but they taste just the same."

Hearing the women [y/n] quickly closed the book and hid it behind her back. "What's that?"

"Nothing." Approaching the girl she holds her hand out gesturing for her to hand over what she had.

"Where did you get this? Where did you get the book, [y/n]?" Nojiko and nami look over at the two. "I took it from the bookstore." She admitted. "Why would you do that?"

"Because I wanted it."

"You're gonna have to do better than that." Bellemere scoffs.

"Okay, I didn't have any money. What? It's not like I hurt anybody." Seeing the disappointed look on the woman's face."You hurt the people you stole from. And yourself."

"No, they don't know what it's like. I hate eating apples and tangerines every day. I hate wearing Nojiko and nami's hand-me-downs. I hate being poor!"

"We may not have much, but we have a roof over our heads and we love each other. That's what makes us a family."

"No! We're not a real family. Nojiko and nami aren't my sisters. And you're not even my mom! I miss my dad!" Tears welling up in her eyes at the thought of her dad.

Bellemere cringes her nose and slaps the girl across the face. Nami and nojiko gasp at the scene. [y/n] holds her cheek as she stares up at the woman in tears.

Rushing out of the house and running through the orchard of apples and oranges.

Sitting on a log under a tree she fiddles with her fingers. "I kept a plate on the stove for you."

The maroon haired woman came up behind her. "I'm not hungry." Walking over she took a seat next to the [h/c] girl.

"The day your dad left you here was honestly one of the best days of my life. I know you miss him, I would too. But when I saw you... I knew he made one of the worst choices.He left to go off to search for treasure and lost the best thing he had."

Running her fingers through the girl's hair. "How do you know?"

"I just know. I made the decision to do the right thing. I know you'll do the right thing too." She chuckled, making a pinwheel with a tangerine peel.

A smile tugged at her lips as she got up and walked back to their home. Gently she ran her fingers of the circus fruit peel.

Her head turned to the side at the sound of a twig snapping.

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The door to the map room closed, the loud sound echoing through the hollow room. "There's a lot of memories in this room. But you... you should be proud."

Arlong said, pointing to the girl with a teeth shining grin. "What do I have to be proud of?" She asked.

"Oh, you sell yourself too short, [y/n]. Thanks to you, we know every Marine base and pirate stronghold from here to the Goa Kingdom."

"But none of it's mine." She retorted. "True. But you're still a valued member of this crew, [y/n]."

"Yeah, we make a great team."

Rolling her eyes in a sarcastic reply. "You were gone so long, part of me thought you might not be coming back." Arlong said, making her perk up in offense.

"Of course I came back. We have a deal, don't we?"

"Yeah. I'm a fishman of my word."

Holding his hand out [y/n] reluctantly placed the grand line map in his clutch.

"Mmm. Good girl. Soon, fishmen will rule the East Blue. And then on to the Grand Line and every other sea after that."

"I think the Marines might have something to say about that."

"Marines can be bought and sold. And once they've outlived their usefulness, crushed." Sneering his sharp teeth. "You think killing humans will solve all your problems."

"Not all. You see, when an animal grows too wild, it must be brought to heel. Don't worry. I won't forget all your hard work. You'll have a special place in my empire."

Tilting her head up with the end of the tube containing the map. "I'd better." Arlong stops and looks back at her with a chuckle soon breaking out into full on laughter.

"Oh, [y/n]. How I've missed you. But you know, I have another job for you in the meantime. One of the villages is late with their tribute payment."

"Which one?"

"Coco Village." Her lips press together holding back her glare. "I'm not exactly welcome there. Can't you send Kuroobi or Chew?"

"No. This job requires a human touch." chuckling, he exits the map room, leaving [y/n] to go off towards coco village on her own.

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The four men walk through coco village taking in the sight of abandon and some upside down houses. "Never seen that before."

"What could have done this?"

"Maybe I should head back, make sure the Merry's secure." Usopp said, trying to get out of the situation. "Arlong did this." Luffy sneers.

"Hey, shit-hat! I think we can all agree that Arlong's a bad fish. But why don't we quit lollygagging and get my body back?"

Buggy calls from inside of a bag. "Pipe down in there." Sanji scolded. "Or what? You gonna whip me up a soufflรฉ?"

"How about you take him for a while?" He said turning to usopp. "Ooh, new guy carries the clown head."

Walking deeper into the village they find its citizens gathered around. "Everyone! Please!" A man called their chatter overlapping. "Please, everyone. We don't have much time, and we're short again this month."

Going up to the man another pours some coins into the box in his hands "Is it enough?" Sadly he shakes his head. "Do we have time to get some more?" A woman questioned.

"No. You don't."

"It's [y/n]." Someone whispered, the [h/c] girl walking through the parting crowd. Luffy went to walk towards her but was held back by zoro.

"You've got a lot of nerve showing your face here." A dark skinned girl with blue hair stated, an orange haired girl glaring by her side.

Getting up in the pirate's face she spat at her feet, taking nami's hand and trudging off.

[y/n] looked back at the scar faced man "Got something for me?"

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"You got something for me?" He questioned looking down at the little girl. Looking up at Bellemere who smiled at her she held the book out towards genzo.

"I'm sorry I took the map book." She apologized. "And you promise to never steal again?" Nodding. "I promise"

"Your fingers crossed behind your back?" Raising his brow at the girl with a cheeky grin. "Maybe."

Bellamere looks at Genzo with a jaw dropped grin. "You're not a bad kid, [y/n]. You just did a bad thing. Next time, come to me first. Maybe we can have you do some odd jobs around town."

"Thank you, Mr. Genzo."

"You did the right thing."

"Help! Ah! Help! Everyone! Pirates! They're attacking the village!" A woman screams running into the village, a frantic mess. "What's going on?" Holding the little girl close.

"Help! Everyone, pirates! There's pirates!"

When genzo stood up fishmen began to enter the village shooting off guns and attacking the people in their way.

"Citizens of Coco Village! This town belongs to me!" Bellemere quickly ushers [y/n] forward the two running back to their home hidden in the orchard.


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Genzo stares at the [h/c] girl who was once a part of their village and handed over the box full of berry.

Opening it she looks down at the small content amount. "You're short."

"[y/n], please. This is all we have. Arlong has bled us dry." He stated sadly as the villagers began to leave. "Then find more blood." Not saying anything Genzo walked off.

Going to leave she spotted the straw hat boy and his crew. "Luffy? What are you doing here?" She grunted out, stomping over to him. "I could ask you the same thing."

"This is where I belong."

"I don't believe that. This is not you."

"No. This isn't the me you want me to be." Inching closer his hands went to her sides, his thumb gently rubbing her hips. "[y/n]... if you need our help..."

Her heart rate picked up at the contact. She wanted to go with him, but she couldn't.

Gritting her teeth she shoved him back. "No, I don't need any of you. Arlong wanted the map, and I conned you into getting it for me. And you bought it. I was never part of your stupid crew."

"You don't mean that." She didn't mean that. "Take the rest of these clowns and sail away from here. I never want to see you again."

Tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke, turning on her heels she sighed shakily making her way back to arlong park.

Usopp chuckles, itching the back of his head. "Okay, that went about as bad as it could. So back to the boat before the fishmen find us? Sail the hell out of here? Okay."

"There's something else going on here." Sanji claimed. "She was very clear she wants us to leave." Zoro countered. "You don't know women. They never say what they mean."

"Tell me again why the cook gets a say."

"Don't you guys get it? She's one of them. She's a bad guy. The villagers are terrified of her."

Luffy looks to the side. "Not all of them. Hey! Scar guy. Who were those ladies? You know, the ones with the cool hair?"

"Who wants to know?" Genzo asked, looking at the men suspiciously. "I'm Monkey D. Luffy. I'm a pirate..."

"Hunter. Pirate hunter. We're here to collect Arlong's bounty." Zoro picked up seeing how the villagers reacted to pirates. "You? I've seen men twice your size and with twice your number go into Arlong Park. None of them ever came back."

"We just want to talk to them."

"Trust me, you don't. But if it'll get you out of my town, try the house down that road, on the edge of the apple and tangerine grove."

Luffy grins at the man before walking off in the direction he pointed.

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"I think I got more of a boat body than a long-journey-on-foot kind of body. Anybody else missing the ocean? No? Okay. I could go bring the boat around if we don't want to walk all the way back."

Approaching the house nojiko quickly pushed open the door, a rifle in her hands and nami by her side with a kitchen knife.

"Whoa!" the sharpshooter ducking behind zoro. "Turn around and leave. Now."

"That's what I've been saying."

"Hey, I saw you, both of you earlier. I think maybe you and I have something in common." Luffy spoke. Smirking nojiko cocked the gun. "I've got the gun, and you're standing in front of it. What could we possibly have in common?"

"Let's start with [y/n]. Seems you know her very well."

"She's a thief with no conscience." Nami was quick to reply. "And when there's no more left to take, she leaves and doesn't turn back. Now get off our property."

"[y/n's] part of our crew. She's our friend."

"My sister doesn't have any friends. The sooner you realize that, the better." The blue haired girl shook her head. "Sisters. That makes sense. All as beautiful as each other."

Zoro rolled his eyes. "Give it up."

"I can tell she really did a number on you guys. You're not special, and we can't help you."

"How about a meal?" Sanji offered. "What?" The two questions. "An exchange of sorts for your valuable time and information."

"You cook?" Nami tilted her head. "He's a waiter."

"Best cook in the East Blue. You never tasted anything better in your life. Usopp's word!" Usopp said, holding a tangerine. "Ain't got much to cook with."

"You'd be surprised how much I can make with very few ingredients. What do you say? We have a little dinner, a little conversation."

"Fine. But there'd better be dessert."

Putting the gun down, nojiko allowed them into their house.

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Dance music plays in arlong park, the crew of fishmen swaying along to the upbeat music. They break into cheers as one does a trick with fire and com alcohol. "Yeah! Come on!"

[y/n] walks through the park and past intoxicated fishmen. Arlong laughs. "Arlong, we need to talk about Coco Village." She brings up. "We can talk tomorrow. Coco Village will still be there, provided they paid the tribute in full."

"That's what we need to talk about. That and the terms of our deal."

"Always so serious, [y/n]. Have a drink. Relax." an explosion goes off and the beat stops. "Captain Nezumi. What a pleasant surprise."

A marine with whispers and mouse ears approached. "Always good to catch up, Arlong. Although, I hear troubling news from Gosa. Seems they've recently been raided by pirates."

"So terrible."

"There are other reports as well about fishmen stirring things up around the Conomi Islands."

Arlong clicks his tongue ordering [y/n] to open the box of money from coco village. "I have additional concerns." He added after seeing the amount of money.

"How many?"

"About twice as many as that." the mouse marine nodded. "That's double our usual arrangement."

"Times are changing. It's getting harder than ever to cover up your tracks." Arlong chuckles with a sharp toothed grin. "[y/n]."

Reopening the box he tossed the stack of money back inside. "This is a party. Let's go upstairs to discuss our business. [y/n], join us."

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"Dinner's served." Sanji places down two bowls in front of the girls who quickly dig into the dish.

Pausing at the taste they moan out and shovel the meal into their mouths. "Told you." Usopp shrugs with a grin seeing them glance over at him.

"You know, this is the best thing I've eaten in my entire life." Nami said pointing down at the food with her fork. "Listen. There's plenty more where that came from, but... first, we really need to know about [y/n]."

Taking a deep breath, nojiko looks down. "The truth is..."

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"What's going on?" The blue haired girl asked in a panic, throwing the door open as Bellemere hurdled in with [y/n] in her arms. "Get in. Get in. Close the door."

"Mom!" Nami exclaims in fear. Throwing open a hidden door on the floor she ushered the three children inside. "Get in."

"Mom, please." The [h/c] girl begged. "Stay put. And no matter what you hear, do not come out." She ordered once they were all inside. "Mom!"

Reaching up to the top of a cabinet Bellemere points a rifle towards the door. "Who's there?" Nojiko whispered.

Gunshots and screaming echo from the village and footsteps approach the cabin's door. Arlong kicked the door open and shoved the barrel of the gun up into the air making the ex-marine miss the shot.

The little girls gasp at the loud sound.

"Is that any way to treat a guest?" Throwing the gun clattering against the ground. "Tribute is 100,000 Berry per adult. Go fetch it."

Scrunching her nose at the fishman the maroon haired woman grabs a tin containing the money. [y/n] crawls along the dirt ground and peeks through a crack looking up at the purple skinned pirate.

"Arlong..." She whispered out, recognizing the sawfish shark man. "Take it. That's all I got." Arlong clicks his tongue.

Kuroobi takes the tin and opens it. "Good." laughing he goes to leave but stops. "Four plates on the table." Bellemere looks down in defeat realizing her mistake.

"How many people live here?"

"Only one." Kuroobi says, looking at the amount of berry. "No record of any family." Arlong tuts at the woman. "How many people live here? How many?"

"I have three daughters."

"You'll have to pay for them. Fifty thousand Berry each."

"I gave you everything I have."

"Too bad for you. It ain't enough." His large hand launched forward and squeezed around her throat.

[y/n] throws the hidden hatch open and rushes out. "Don't you hurt her!" Bellamere grabs hold of the girl and pulls her close.

"Mom." Nami and nojiko exclaim, joining them. "Oh, it's a family reunion. The little humans, so precious. Precious. Hey, she's red-hair's kid. Hahaha! See the.. the red streaks."

Pointing at his black hair to show his observation.

Smiling down at the girls she hides them behind her back. "The money, will you take it as tribute for my daughters?"

"No, Mom, you can't!" Nojiko yells. "Ha! You don't even have enough for one of 'em. You understand what you're saying?"

"I do."

"No, Mom! Why didn't you just lie? You didn't have to tell him about us." Nami sobs out.

"Because you are my daughters, and I would never deny that. You deserve to live full and happy lives. I'm sorry I couldn't do more for you. Buy you nice things or cook you nice meals. I'm sorry I wasn't a very good mother."

"No. No, don't say that." Looking between the girls she nods. "Mom, no.Mom, no! No! No! No!" Standing in front of them arlong raises his gun.

"[y/n], Nami, Nojiko, I love you, girls." A gunshot rings out and her body drops to the ground. "Now which one's next?"

Glancing between all of the girls. [y/n] falls to her knees lightly shaking Bellemere's shoulder. "You. Your earrings are about 25,000 for each." Crouching down he holds his hand out.

"Hand them over."

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Sanji sniffles and coughs trying to hide the sympathetic tears welling up in his eyes."Wait. [y/n's] working for the pirate that killed your mother?" Usopp asked, getting the main observation of the story.

Looking at the two girls who nodded in reply.

Standing up, Luffy's dark eyes wandered around before he quietly walked out the cabin's open door. Grabbing his sword, Zoro followed after.

Climbing up the ladder he joined him on the roof. "She was just a kid." He said looking up at the starry sky.

"She's not anymore. She made her choice."

"I'm tired of hearing about [y/n] from other people."

"She told you to leave, Luffy." Zoro tried to explain to the boy in the straw hat. "So did you."

"How do you know she's not one of Arlong's crew?" He asked. "Same way I knew you weren't gonna kill me when I cut you down from that cross. Same way I knew about Usopp and Sanji."

He claimed. "Yeah, I don't know about that waiter." The swordsman grumbled. "I know [y/n's] good. She's always been. She just needs to know it too."

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[y/n] leaned against a pillar that held up the map room. Arlong and Nezumi speaking in the middle.

"Tell me, Captain. What's a fair price for your discretion? Ten thousand Berry? Twenty thousand? I thought we had a fair deal." He chuckled looking at the fishmen behind him

"It's not easy keeping Marine patrols out of the area. And with your increase in activity, it'd be a shame if word of this got back to Marine headquarters." The mouse marine threatened. "Hmm. I guess it's just the price of doing business."

Sliding the stacks of money over to him. "You're a lot smarter than people give you credit for."

"Because I'm a fishman?" He asked, straightening his posture and glaring down at the meek marine. "That's not what I..."

"Does it surprise you that I have intelligence? Ambition? Usage beyond manual labor for humans?" He pressed on.

"Not at all. I've personally never felt any ill will toward your kind."

"And yet the leaders of the organization you so proudly represent saw fit to disparage and enslave my people."

"Slavery has been abolished."

"But your prejudice remains." Arlong states. "Fishmen have all the same rights as humans."

"Do we?"

"The World Government has worked very hard to foster better relations between our people to keep the peace. A fishman is one of the Warlords of the Sea."

"Jimbei is a fool! A government dog to an inferior master. I serve no man. Perhaps I was a bit hasty. I can accept the terms of our usual deal."

Returning one of the thich berry stacks shakily. Arlong clicks tongue , making him return a smaller stack. "Yes. You're smarter than people give you credit for."

Nodding silently, Nezumi quickly leads himself and his recruits out of arlong park.

"And what about our deal, Arlong?" [y/n] brings up, pushing off the pillar. "What about it?" He questioned

"I have the money." She stated firmly. "A hundred million Berry? [y/n]... have you been holding out on me?"

"I stole that money fair and square. Now are you ready to honor our agreement?"

"Bring the money to me by sunrise, and I will consider the matter closed." grunting he nods her away. "Kuroobi." He calls to the pale fishman. "Mmm."

"Bring Nezumi back in here. Go."


"Maybe there's a way for the rat to earn some extra Berry after all."

๊’ฐ ๐Ÿฅฅ ๊’ฑุ˜ เฟ เฟ”*:๏ฝฅ๏พŸ

"Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, boom!" Buggy laughs watching usopp flinch.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go get some air." Nojiko said, nami followed behind her to get away from the clown's antics. "Can you just be quiet?" Usopp heaved out. "Aw, come on. Where's the fun in that? Do you really think your little toys can get through the skin of a fishman?"

"These are smoke bombs." He explained. "Smoke? That's rich. Makes me think of how long it's been since I've had any smoked fish. Maybe if you guys had some extra? Please?"

Glancing around at the two men occupying the cabin, but was paid no mind.

"Ah, screw you guys! Arlong's gonna bite the shit out of you anyway. You know you don't stand a chance against him and his army. And you dumb pieces of garbage, you ain't gonna do anything against that stupid..."

Taking a tangerine sanji shoves it into the head's mouth, making him shut up. "New guy shuts up the clown head." Buggy mumbles and tries to spit out the citrus fruit.

๊’ฐ ๐Ÿฅฅ ๊’ฑุ˜ เฟ เฟ”*:๏ฝฅ๏พŸ

The moon shined down through the trees on coco village. [y/n] tosses her bag to the side and starts to dig up the ground, right on top of bellemeres grave.

Her [s/c] glistened with sweat under the moon's white light, tossing dirt off to the side.

As she dug the hole got deeper and deeper before finally she hit something wooden and hollow sounding. Dusting off the dirt she saw the chest.

Grunting she lifts it out of the grave and pushes it out of the hole. Sighing she goes to pull herself out.

"How dare you?" Nojiko's voice broke through the air. "It's not enough that you're working for our mother's killer, but now you're desecrating her grave too?" Nami yelled, grabbing the shovel that was discarded to the side.

"Nami, Nojiko, wait!" Panting as she falls back away from the sharp rusted metal crashing down towards her. "It's not what you think." She was quick to say.

"You have no idea what we think." Winding back and swinging the gardening tool, accidentally striking the chest causing jewels, gold, and berry to pour out of the open hole.

"What's this? Is this the money that you stole? And you're hiding it next to our mother's body? [y/n], what kind of monster are you?"

"You don't understand."

"Then make me understand." Gasping for air she sighed out, pushing her [h/c] locks out of her face.

๊’ฐ ๐Ÿฅฅ ๊’ฑุ˜ เฟ เฟ”*:๏ฝฅ๏พŸ

A short [h/c] girl trudged through the village and past a line of citizens bringing their offerings and money to Arlong's men.

"I need to speak with you." She said with half lidded eyes, crossing her arms as she stared at the fishman.

"And who are you? Oh! You're shank's little girl" Cackling at the thought of the red haired pirate. "Yes. My name is [y/n]. You killed my mother."

"[y/n]. Oh, right, I did. The ex-Marine. She was brave. I'll give her that. Let me guess. You've come to even the score. You want to kill me, little girl?" Leaning closer to the child.

"No. I want to join your crew." Glancing at each other the three fishmen break into laughter. "That is rich. But why would I ever let a human onto my crew?"

"Because I have something you want." She stated matter of factly, pulling a hand drawn map out of her bag.

Taking the map from her hands he examined the drawings. "You drew this? This is good. Very good. Maybe the best I've seen in the East Blue, fishman or human.Red hair sue lost a good one i'll tell you that."

"So let me join your crew, and I'll help you."

"Help me? I killed your mother, and now you want to come work for me?" Handing the map over to chew.

Standing up he towered over the [s/c] toned girl. "Hmm. Why would you do that?"

"Because you have something I want." She claimed. Grinning, he agreed to her terms.

๊’ฐ ๐Ÿฅฅ ๊’ฑุ˜ เฟ เฟ”*:๏ฝฅ๏พŸ

"I told Arlong I'd work for him on one condition. That he let me buy back Coco Village. And he said he would for a hundred million Berry." She narrated, placing her bag back over her shoulder.

"A hundred million? That would take a lifetime." Nojiko sighed out. "I have the money. All of it. And now I can buy the freedom of the village and everyone in it."

Gazing over at the money they sat down besides [y/n]. "So... this whole time, you were trying to help. Why didn't you tell us?"

"[y/n], we're your sisters. Why didn't you..."

"I couldn't lose either of you too. Or anyone else." Shaking their heads they sigh."So you kept that secret all these years. And you let us hate you. we hated you."

Footsteps approach and nezumi appears with his recruits causing the sisters to quickly stand up.

"A shame to break up this touching scene. I've heard that pirates are stashing their plunder in this area. You two wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"

Peeking behind [y/n] where the bullion was stashed. "That's obviously been stolen. By the authority of the Marines and the World Government, I'm going to have to confiscate it."

"No, you can't do that. It's mine!" She exclaimed defensively. "A hundred million Berry? And where would you get that much money?"

[y/n] looks at him wearily. "How did you know it was a hundred... Arlong put you up to this, didn't he?"

"I... I don't know what you mean." Looking back he nodded at his men. "No!" Trying to pull something out of her bag as the two men came and held her back.

"Watch yourself. Or we will take you into custody as well." He threatened seeing the two reach out to stop them.

[y/n] grunts, struggling against the marines. Being forced to the ground she heaves. "No!" She screeches watching as one of nezumi's men starts stuffing the berry back into the chest.

"You can't do this. You can't do this!" Screaming her face was shoved to the ground.

Clenching her fists she pushed off the ground and tried to run after them, nojiko and nami holding her back.

"[y/n], wait. Wait. [y/n], stop! Wait. Wait! [y/n]." The orange haired girl tried to sooth.

"Let me go! Let me go! They can't do this!"

"There's nothing you can do!"

"Arlong will kill the entire village!" Squirming out of nojiko's grip and pushing past nami she sprints down the path back towards the village. "[y/n], wait!"


Running through the orchard of apple and tangerine trees she slowly comes to a stop and falls to her knees. Tears gathering in her eyes a disgusted and betrayed look expressed on her face.

"Arlong. Arlong." Her brows itch together and her tears fall down her cheeks with a whimper.

Looking down at her tattoo she digs her nails into the blue ink threaded into her flesh. "Arlong. Arlong! Arlong!"

Unable to make her nails pierce the skin of the tattoo she flicks out a knife, stabbing the shining blade into her arm repeatedly as she screams out the pirates name.

"Ah! Arlong! Arlong! Arlong!" Bringing her arm back to stab back into her arm a hand wraps around her wrist.

Blood slowly drips down her arm, turning her head to face the person holding her back.

"I told you to get the hell out of here." Looking back down at her lap. Her hair covering her face. "You did."

Luffy's soft voice broke through the thick air. Her grip released and the knife fell. Yanking her wrist she pulls away from his hold.

"Then leave. You don't know anything about what's going on here."

"I don't."

He didn't know yet he understood everything. And that's what she loved about him.


Peeking back up at the man in the straw hat she didn't just see the boy who coincidentally ate a devil fruit, she saw a hero.

"Help me." Reaching up he took the hat off of his curly hair and placed it onto her head, earning a small gasp from the tear staired girl.

"Of course I will." Shifting on his heels he walked away with a glare set on his face. "Of course I will." he repeated.

"Of course I will!" Throwing his arms up with a yell. A small smile sets into her lips as she covers her mouth.

Zoro, sanji, and usopp sat by the edge of the grove for their captain. "Let's go." He ordered, earning a "Right." From all of them.

Clamoring and gunshots in distance made usopp perk up. "What's that?" Looking over the trees at the smoke rising in the sky and the village burning with orange flames.

"They're attacking the village."


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