Chapter 8: Her respect is my respect

[Chapter aesthetics will be posted at the end of the chapter]


From the moment she stepped in the hall, she has been all nervous though she is doing a great job at hiding it, you can't escape the eyes of The Aarav Malhotra.

She was wearing an icy mint blue lehenga and I was wearing a sherwani of same shade; my mother brought it cause she thought we should match. ClichΓ©

I keenly observed the lehenga, there were floral patterns all over the lehenga with sequin and pearl embroidery, paired with a V-neck blouse with cut work waist. That blouse is sexy!! I'm not even kidding damn!

[The lehenga]

[The Shewani] [A/N: Yehi ek miliπŸ₯²]

Those wavy hair, minimal make-up adorned her look perfectly. It was perfect for the lehenga she was wearing. I hate to admit it but she was looking so gorgeous. My heart even skipped some beats! Damn!

What are you doing Aarav?! When did you start describing women's dressings?? I hate it! Why she has to look drop dead gorgeous??!

Shaking those useless thoughts I diverted my eyes from her to Mummy, who was giving me a smile… like a soft smile not those teasing smiles. Why is she smiling at me?

Aarohi forwarded me the ring box, I took the ring and extended my left hand towards her so that she could give me her palm, but she was looking down.

Girl- I'm not going to stand here for you all day! Rolling my eyes I took her hand in mine and I felt a chill through me, is she nervous? Her hands are so damn cold!

Without any further delay I slid the ring onto her finger.

Now it was her turn to slide the ring, she was staring at the ring in her grasp, I noticed her hand was shivering a bit. I saw her mother whispering something to her to which she shook her head before sliding the ring onto my finger.

Everyone was congratulating us while our parents went to attend the guests after congratulating us.

I don't know what came over me, but I had the urge to hold her hand and guess what?

I held her hand in mine! I must have been out of my mind! I was expecting her to pull her hands but to my surprise she stayed, that boosted my confidence.

β€œDo β€˜we’ need to leave, Mangetar?” I whispered into her ears.

What’s wrong with my voice???????

How the fuck did my voice become so tender???????


I noticed her looking being as perplexed and shocked as me?

β€œWhat?” I couldn't help but ask with fake confusion and Iooked at her weirdly. I'm a bad actor I guess.
Changing my fake expression I asked β€œI mean do you want to leave?”

β€œNo! How can we leave our own engagement?? Are you insane? Log kya kahenge arey??” she said the obvious.

β€œLog gaye ghas charane, if you want, we can leave,Mangetar.” like literally people can fuck off!

β€œFirst of all stop calling me that!”



β€œWhat β€˜that’?!” I asked being confused

β€œAreeh M-mangetar!” she exasperated

I couldn't help but smirk, she's getting irritated I love that β€œBut you are my mangetar” I said cocking an eyebrow!

She was about to reply when suddenly a piercing voice interrupted us.


What the fuck! What's with that voice!?

β€œPurvi beta kaisi ho tum? Kitni pyari lag rahi ho! Hello namaste! Mein Purvi ki bhabhi hu, I mean I'm her neighbour but she just like my own nanad”

[Purvi, child how are you? You are looking so pretty! Hello! I'm Purvi's sister-in-law, I mean I'm her neighbor but she's just like my own sister-in-law]

She looks too old to be someone's 'bhabhi' and she sounds like a bitch-

I don't care if she's en elderly woman but she is giving me bitchy vibes!

Then I proceeded with a straight face β€œNice to meet you, myself Aarav Malhotra you may know who I am so no further intro” like of course she would know how I am! The name Aarav Malhotra is enough.

I looked at Purvi who gave me a very familiar look.

β€œPurvi beta will you mind if I steal your fiance for some moment? My friends want to meet him!” She practically screamed!

Gosh! Can't I just choke her until she dies?? And why the fuck is she asking Purvi if she can take me with her or not?! Ask me! And I'll gladly rub a fucking NO at her bitch face!

I looked at her giving a forced smile before saying β€œSure!”

What the fuck woman!?? How can you-

Before I could protest that bitch grabbed my arm???.

How dare she! If it was not my engagement day she would have been 6ft under the ground!

And that Purvi, how could she! Usse toh baad mein dekhta hoon pehle isko apni jagah dikhata hoon!

[I'll see her later first let me show this one her place!]

While going I noticed the dessert stall and my eyes landed on the vanilla pastry.

β€˜Le lu ek?’

Le le tera hi engagement hai! My subconscious supported me.

[Take it, it's your engagement only]

I let my impulsive thoughts win and I grabbed a precious piece of vanilla pastry delicately and shoved it inside my mouth.


It's too good! I want more.

I was so indulged in devouring the pastry that I didn't realise when I was in front of a few women.

β€œSee, I brought him! Now introduce yourselves!” That bi- I mean woman who's name is umm I forgot, told the women standing in front of me.

One by one they introduced themselves and did I listen to them? No.

I was standing with a boring face with my hands folded in front of my chest. I'm sure they could see my lack of interest in them written all over my face but did that affect me? No.

I am my mother when it comes to all these, if our mouth doesn't say it our face will. Our face says it all and we can't help that and don't even want to.

But one thing suddenly caught my attention and that was Purvi's name.

β€œYou deserve better than Purvi, Aarav beta” one of the bitch faced woman said with fake sadness lacing in her tone.

β€œYes, she's right! She is really a bad omen to anyone’s family” another one barked.

β€œBecause of her a mother lost her son and even her grandchild! She's really ill-fated she doesn't de-”

And this was my last straw!

β€œMeri ghar ki hone wali Laxmi ke khilaaf ek aur
shabd bola to mein dubaara nhi sochunga tum logo
ko iss duniya se gayab karne mein!” I practically yelled at them.

[Another one against my future wife andΒ  I won't think twice you guys to disappear from this world!]

[A/N: Goddess Lakshmi is the hindu goddess, she blesses us goodness of wealth, good fortune, happiness, youth, beauty]

β€œAnd I'll make sure to make each and every single one of who dared to speak ill about my fiancΓ© feel hell before making you disappear!” Fear was visible in their faces and it should be! I'm not even kidding!

How can they speak so ill about a woman being women themselves? It's not her fault that her husband died and she lost her unborn child. It's not only Purvi's mother in law who lost her son! Purvi also lost her husband and her unborn child!

It could have happened with anyone! God forbid but it could have happened with my sister too or with any woman??! How is it even her fault? Did she murder them? No, right!?

I don't like her or have any hard feelings for her but her name is attached with me now, she's my fiancΓ© and my soon-to-be wife. Her respect is my respect now and I do not tolerate anyone disrespecting me!

I can't stand these bitches a bit and yes bitches cause a real woman can never stoop this low to shame another woman like this! I turned around to leave and immediately my eyes landed on my mother and Purvi who were standing close enough to listen to all the shits these disgusting bitches barked.

I looked at my mother who had proud smile on her face then my eyes landed on her, she was looking down.

I can't even imagine what she must be feeling, she was already nervous throughout the engagement. No one deserves to hear all these on their big day.

I walked towards her, took her hand in mine went towards the exit, to leave this place and before going out I made sure to tell the guards β€œThrow those bitch faced women standing near my mother! And when I say β€˜throw’ I mean it! No special treatment to be given for being females cause they are even lower than humans!”

With that I went out with Purvi and took her near the parking area where my car was parked β€œWait here” I told her and went to take my car.

To my surprise she didn't withstand and continued to look down, maybe she didn't want me to see her emotions and it's obvious so I didn't try to say anything.


I was peacefully driving, it's good that she's qui-

β€œKaha leke ja rahe ho mujhe?” Just when I was about to praise her for being quiet she decided to open her mouth!

[Where are you taking me?]

I didn't reply and just scoffed.

β€œTell me, where are you taking me!” She again said when she didn't get my reply.

β€œTumhara muh kya sirf mere samne khulta hain?”

[You mouth opens only in front of me? ]

She didn't reply and looked outside the window; feeling defeated.


I shouldn't have said that, right? Dammit Aarav!

β€œWe are going to a club” I disclosed.

β€œHmm wait- WHAT!” I had to put the brakes as I was fucking startled by voice, who the fuck screams like that!?

β€œGod woman I'm driving a car! Thank god there are not many cars on the road!” Saying that I started the car again.

β€œWhat do you mean by going to a club?!” She asked again.

β€œMeans we are going to a club?”

β€œWhy??And I'm wearing a freaking lehenga, Aarav! It's our engagement and we have left the hall to go where? A club! Are you out of your mind? What will people think?” Can she stop worrying about what people will think!

β€œPeople can go to hell” I rolled my eyes, keeping my eyes on the road.

β€œAnd what about my lehenga? I go to a club wearing a lehenga?Let's go back please,Maa Papa don't know where I am!” she pleaded but I am in no mood to go back to that place.

β€œDon't worry about anything, Mangetar”


Do you think Aarav did the right thing by taking Purvi away from the engagement??

Any guesses about Purvi's profession? I have given a slight hint tho in the previous chapters.. But that will be disclosed soon!

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Main acπŸ‘‡πŸ»

Reel acπŸ‘‡πŸ»

Chapter Aesthetics

The rings
