6 - Eggnog

"Charlie! Charlie, wait!"

The freezing weather was making it hard for Knox to run after him. His feet would skid on the ice from time to time, and he damn near crashed into a restaurant window - twice.Β 

"Charlie!" Knox panted. "Hey!"

"Stop following me," Charlie snapped.

He quickened his pace and rounded a street corner. He dashed past a long line of department stores, boutiques, and fast food chains: Macy's, Kiehl's, Bergner's, Denny's, Carl's Jr...

"Wait!" Knox shrieked. "Please, slow down!"

"I thought I told you to stop following me!" Charlie barked at him.Β 

"But I-"

"No, just leave me alone!"

Charlie's eyes began to well up with tears. He was anxious to find a cab so he could ride straight home, but it was the winter season, and all the cabs in town were stuffed with passengers who couldn't bare the chilly weather.Β 

Knox continued to tail him, growing more persistent than ever.Β 

"Wait, please!!"

Oh, shut up, Overstreet, just shut up, Charlie thought. He cupped his hands over his ears and sprinted right for the one of the busiest, most popular shopping areas in town: Carnegie Street.Β 

Carnegie Street was a firm favorite amongst teenagers and college students alike, since it was complete with the latest fashion trends, the biggest record stores, and the fastest hot rods. Everyday, thousands of locals swarmed in to admire certain clothes exhibited on mannequins (blouses, swing dresses, greaser-inspired outfits), or to buy rock 'n' roll albums (Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry), or to bargain with stubborn salesmen on the price of a highly coveted hot rod (Deuce coupe, T-Bucket, Chevy Gasser).Β 

Now that it was the ideal time for Christmas shopping, Carnegie Street was even more jam-packed than usual. There were people of all ages hurrying to establishments such as Kathy's Gift Shop, Dr. Schaffhausen's Emporium, and Babette's Bakery.Β 

As Charlie raced through this overcrowded part of town, he could still hear Knox pleading like a madman, much to his annoyance.

"Wait! Wait!!"

Eventually, he couldn't take it any longer. He stopped dead in his tracks, swiveled around, and screamed, "What the hell do you want from me!?"

"I'd just like to apologize," Knox replied earnestly. "I shouldn't have been so oblivious to your feelings. If only I had realized that sooner, then... then maybe things would've turned out different."

He took a tentative step forward.

"I truly am sorry."

Upon hearing those four, simple yet meaningful words, Charlie heaved a sigh, and his features finally began to soften.Β 

"Where do you plan on going after this?" he questioned.

"Um, back to the auditorium." Knox frowned, bewildered at the sudden change of topic.

"You gonna walk?"


"But you must be feeling cold."

Knox chuckled. "I'll be fine, trust me."

Charlie shook his head. "No, have some eggnog with me first. I know a good cafe nearby; it's called Brando's. Ever heard of it?"
