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Chapter Seven: The Power Couple

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As the three leaves Luna Island they head back into the Endless Forest where Maya is in search of one certain being.

"Ah Puch... Ah Puch!" Maya yells out for the old woman.

Rico follows closely behind (Y/n) holding Estefan ready to fire. "Um, are you sure you know where you're taking us on this quest?" He asks looking around.

"I always know where I'm going. But sometimes when I get there, it somewhere else. Besides, Ah Puch helped us when we were lost." Maya replies causing (Y/n) to sigh.

Maya calls out, "Ah Puch!"

"Maya, that was pure luck she was there. I told you we've should've asked someone from Luna Island, but you insisted you knew where to go."

(Y/n) walks ahead looking around the area, nothing seems familiar.

While Rico spoke to Estefan, "Yeah, I'm startin' to think this Ah Puch character... doesn't exist." He whispers that last bit for the girls not to hear.

Maya groans, "How are we supposed to find the Jungle Kingdom like this?"

Estefan pokes Rico and swirls his finger around causing Rico to laugh. (Y/n) hears this and she turns around.

"What are you doing?" She asks suspiciously, Maya turns around as well.

Rico bursts out in a laugh, Maya walks up to the staff.

"You're making fun of me?" She questions.

"Maya! Put the stick down" (Y/n) ordered as Rico watches in horror seeing Maya strangled his friend.

Suddenly, rustling was heard, Maya instantly drops the stick and puts on her helmet. As she was about to grab Eagle Claw, (Y/n) stops her by sticking her arm out.

"Technically, you're not supposed to be fighting Maya. Stay here" (Y/n) whispers before leaping over onto a tree, she sat there for a moment looking around before using a vine to get to the other side of the bush.

(Y/n) carefully takes out her hammer and stands in front of the bush, narrowing her eyes.

Out of nowhere, (Y/n) screams as she was tackled down.

"We're coming, (Y/n)!" Maya shouts as she and Rico charge ahead to her.

Maya skids over readying Eagle Claw and Rico aims Estefan at the animal above her, "Please don't hurt her!" He shouts.

(Y/n) and Maya gasp and smile, "Chiapa!"

Chiapa growls happily looking down at (Y/n) but she frowns crossing her arms, letting it be known that she was upset with him.

Chiapa looks over to Maya with puppy eyes but Maya gives him the same look.

Rico looks over at Maya lowering Estefan questioning, "You two know this beast?"

Chiapa hears his words and looks over at the boy snarling at him.

"We're pals, or at least we were until he left us to fight a crazy tattoo goddess all by ourselves" Maya says as she crosses her arms walking up to the battle cat.

Chiapa whimpers.

(Y/n) crosses her arms, looking away, "You should be sorry."

In an effort to apologize Chiapa licks (Y/n)'s cheek and does the same to Maya once she was close enough.

(Y/n) laughs grabbing his head, their foreheads touch, "Your forgiven, Chiapa."

"Your giant cat looks delicious" A low growling voice speaks.

The four look over to the direction the voice came from. There on a log a little boy and girl sat holding hands with face paint on.

"Aw! Can we pet him?" The little girl asks between giggles.

Chiapa mews in confusion, and looks over to Maya and (Y/n) for the creepy children not to touch him.

Maya smiles looking at him, "Of course you can pet him. If you can tell us how to get to the Jungle Kingdom."

Chiapa growled at her for saying yes. (Y/n) looks at him apologetically.

"Deal" the little boy growled.

The kids quickly walk up the cat who snarls hopping back from them hoping they'd not touch him.

The kids walk over (Y/n) aiming straight for Chiapa. Chiapa freezes falling on his back as soon as they come in contact with him.

The little girl lays on his chest. "Oh my gods. You're so cute. Yes, you are. Yes, you are.
Yes, you are!~"

She latches onto his face allowing the little boy to dive onto his chest making snow angels, rubbing his back into him.

"I bet he tastes like kittens" The boy says rubbing his chest. The little girl begins to lick Chiapa's eye ball.

"Pobrecito" (Y/n) sighs as Rico hums agreeing.

Maya walks up front, "Uh... The Jungle Kingdom" She reminds the children.

The little kids got off Chiapa, "It's not far" The little boy says as he takes the girls hand.

"Hey, follow us, amigos" They both go back into their usual creepy smile and jumped before walking away.

Chiapa grunts, Maya turns to face him, "Now we're even for leaving us stranded."

Maya puts on her helmet and walks away with the Chiapa and (Y/n) following behind. Rico walks the other way.

Estefan stands on the ground and picks up Rico by his collar turning him around.

Rico continues to walk, "Yep. E-E-Exactly where I was going."


The girl laughs as she and the boy are now running ahead with the four following behind, Chiapa tries to keep up.

"They're so fast. What are these kids eating?" Maya asks as she sits ahead (Y/n) is behind her trying to help Rico who hangs onto Estefan for dear life.

"Probably Jaguars!" Rico yells. The children run through a fallen branch.

Chiapa jumps over it allowing Rico to get on him properly.

"Ah, that's better" he utters.

"Catch us, if you can!" The boy yells as they faced them for a brief moment.

"Hold on! Wait for us!" Maya shouts as Rico holds tight to (Y/n), the three gasp as Chiapa stops in his tracks, they are at an entrance to an open misty field.

Hesitate, Chiapa walks in, and Rico awes.

"Looks like a graveyard of forgotten gods" (Y/n) inspected, already the setting wasn't settling.

"NiΓ±os, uh, hello? Where are you?" Maya calls as a snake hisses at Rico.

"Something's not right" Maya whispers as she took out Eagle Claw preparing for something to happen, "If it is to be, then is up to me."

"Come again?" Rico asks questioning her.

(Y/n) spoke "It'sβ€”"


Rico screams as the little girl sprung up out of nowhere scaring him, and Chiapa. Chiapa snarls getting on his hind legs causing them all to fall off.

The kids laugh at them.

"We scared you, scaredy-cat!" The boy laughs as the girl rolls on the ground.

They all get up, Rico speaks, "That is someone else's pee. You didn't scare me."

"Really? Well, how about this?!!" This child bellows his voice grows deeper and he also grows with green swirls going around him, his eyes glowing.

"Oh my gods. Here we go again" Maya groans getting Eagle Claw ready and going, (Y/n) mimics her getting out her hammer.

Rico stands frozen looking at the boy transform, he stammers, as he backs up, "Ooh! W-W-What are you?"

Electricity crackles as the boy forms, "I am Cabrakan, the god of earthquakes!"

Now it was the little girls turn, the same green swirls of electricity goes around her, "And I am Cipactli, the goddess of alligators!"

"Oh, you're so pretty" Cabrakan's eyes sparkle looking at Cipactli.

"Okay, now that's definitely my pee" Rico confirms, (Y/n) took a small step away.

Maya growls, "Get it together, you guys."

The two gods in front them growl looking down at them.

"The odds are in our favor" Maya says confidently.

Once again Chiapa runs away yowling, and Rico looked terrified.

"They are still in our favor" (Y/n) spoke facing the gods, Rico looks like he is gonna pass out, the gods in front of them laugh.

Knowing hers and (Y/n) confidence won't be there for long, she whispers to Rico, "Don't just stand there. Do magic."

Rico timidly walks up to the gods, he stammers aiming Estefan at them, his staff glows dimly. "Terebro!"

A small, yellow guppy shark blubbers going a few feet ahead before collapsing on the ground. The two cackle amused.

Rico stood there embarrassed hugging Estefan, he got flashbacks from Luna Island, all of the children and crowd laughing at him for not making a frog disappear.

Maya notices his freeze, her voice snaps him out of it, "You can do this, Rooster Wizard."

The Eagle encouraged him before he retries his spell.

"Focus. Terebro!" Rico yells, his eyes glowing purple and his staff wields purple electricity. Then a great purple shark came out of his staff, it charges straight at Cabrakan's head.

Cabrakan yells as his head is relived from his shoulders, "I hate, wizards!" His body runs off after his head and bunmps into things.

Also shooting Rico back thinking he broke his everything.

Maya and (Y/n) laughs. "Whoa! That was amazing!" Maya says but hears groaning, she and (Y/n) turn back, "Rico?"

As they look back they see Rico in a uncomfortable position, "I think I broke my everything."

As Maya looks back (Y/n) looks forward and notices the goddess's stare as she cracks her knuckles.

Maya speaks, "You stay right there. (Y/n) and I can handle the other one."

"Yeah, right!" Cipactli lungs for Maya but (Y/n) pushed her out of the way.

(Y/n) steadies herself to stay put, while Maya charges at her and manages to flip the goddess into another direction, maintaining their distance.

"Whoo!" Rico cheers from the side lines.

Cipactli smiles getting up from her spot, "Not bad, girls."

"What?" (Y/n) says raising a brow, Maya mimics, as the goddess gets closer.

"NiΓ±as, there's no need to fight. Maya just needs to come with us" Cipactli spoke.

"She's not going anywhere with you!" (Y/n) shouts, Maya raises Eagle Claw and charges for the goddess, she jumps up onto her neck wrapping her legs around her, in a chokehold, Cipactli manages to throw Maya off, gasping for air.

(Y/n) watches her ready to strike as soon she steps an inch near them, Rico uses Estefan to crawl up to her, "Finish her" he whispers.

Maya jumps onto Cipactli's wrapping her legs and arms around her ready to give it her all, she grunts, "Had enough?"

"That's it! I tried to be nice, but now things are about to get ugly" Cipactli transforms, her skin becoming green, her hands and feet became alligator heads, and she grew turning the rest of herself into an alligator.

Cipactli then tosses Maya off her back, it was then (Y/n)'s cue to jump in.

(Y/n) runs up to Cipactli, she dodges two of her attacks, but Cipactli turns around swinging her tail launching her back to a fallen statue.

(Y/n) growls, "How about you taste my hammer!" She charges up to the goddess and swung her hammer at her jaw.

"Whoo!" Rico then cheers, but winces.

Cipactli stood in shock looking down at her dislocated jaw. She took a moment to fix her jaw, but when she did, she snarled down at (Y/n).

As she was about to do something, she heard a bellowed laugh, Cipactli looks over to see her husband kicking his head like a soccer ball.

"Open the hole, querida!" He yells. His wife was quick to move a statue from a pit and nods over to her husband.

Rico helps Maya up, "This is so not good."

"Holy cacao! Run!" Maya yells.

The three ran away from the incoming god.

"Heads up, muchachos!" Cabrakan yells, with a bright smile, his head crashes at their legs causing them to fly falling into a pit.

They fell on top of each other passing out.


After staying unconscious for a while, Maya grunts coughing waking up to seeing Rico passed out on her lap and off the her side (Y/n) sound asleep.

She was quick to kick off him off herself. She breathes heavily, "Rico? You alive?" She asks seeing as how his body just flopped.

Rico groans turning onto his back. He breathes heavily as well, and realizes sitting up, "Estefan! Come to me!"

His staff heard his call and tries to reach out for him, groaning his staff falls in defeat, it was trapped up Maya's Eagle Claw and (Y/n)'s Hammer Time.

Rico falls back as well. Maya heads over to (Y/n) rubbing her shoulder, she looks over to Rico.

"Come on. Use your magic to get us out" Maya says gently.

Rico turns around and balls up laying on his side, "I can't. I am nothing without Estefan."

"What? You're supposed to be the greatest wizard who ever lived. Don't you know any other kind of magic?" Maya asks.

Rico nods and slightly looks back at her, "Yeah.. P-Peasant Magic. It's very dangerous."

"Who cares?"

"I do. I could hurt you two."

"Those gods can kill us" Maya says taking a glance towards their only exit.

Rico retorts, "And so can I!"

Maya sighs, looking down to her best friend as she takes off her helmet, she then looks over to the dirt surrounding them, "Then this is it. This is as far as we're gonna get. We lost."

Rico walks up to Maya sitting by her side and puts a hand on her shoulder, "I know how that feels. Come on. We'll figure something for out, Eagle Warrior."

Maya sniffs, looking towards the boy, "Gracias, Rooster Wizard."

"This is not the plan, Cabrakan!"

The two gasp looking up to the exit hearing thuds, and Cipactli yell.


"Lord Mictlan commanded us to bringβ€”"

Cabrakan sets down a large stone tablet, he looks over to his wife, "Commanded? We are gods. Aren't you tired of being treated like a servant."

Cipactli sighs, "Look, maybe the girl can hurt him, and that's why he fears her."

"Don't be a fool" He waves off facing the table he prepared.

"Fool?" She questions, and turns away from him growling crowing her arms.

Cabrakan was quick to turn to her, "Oh. Oh, ay, ay. The gods who sacrifice the half-breed will become the most powerful in both realms. And I want that to be us."

Cabrakan smiles as he puts his hand on her shoulder. Cipactli however shock of his hand.

"But what if it doesn't work? Lord Mictlan will end us" She says.

"That's a risk I'm willing to take" Cabrakan replied turning away.

Cipactli looks towards him, with a worried look, trying to talk him out of this, "Ay, mi amor, Lord Mictlan is too strong."

Cabrakan groaned, now assuming, "And you think I'm weak?"

Their soft moment ended there.

"Que que? I didn't say you were weak. Did I say you were weak? That didn't come out from my mouth."

"Does this look weak?" Cabrakan ignores her words and shakes the ground.

"This is not weak!"

In the pit. Rico and Maya both covered each other and (Y/n) from incoming debris.

A cough was heard and looking down, the two saw that (Y/n) had now just woken up, "Thanks, guys" she smiles up.

Rico hums, "Don't mention it."

(Y/n) sits and looks ahead seeing a single rope, "Look! " she points over to a rope.

Maya smiles as she ran over to it, "That's our way out! Come on!"

Rico helps (Y/n) up from her spot and helps her walk over to Maya. Once he got to her Rico boosts her up to the rope.

"Once I get... Es-s-stefan back, he'll get us out of here in one piece" Rico smiles.

(Y/n) helps Rico up as well before she was the last to get onto the rope. Just as Maya was close to getting out, the ground rumbles.

Rico yells, "Oh, they're coming!"

He was about to lose grip of the rope, Maya grabs his arm and pulls him back onto the rope. Maya then uses Rico to push herself up a bit more.

Maya was finally at the top, sadly she was greeted with being grabbed by Cabrakan.

"Hey! And where do you think you're going!" He questions her.

She growls in his tight grip around her body, "Let me go!" She stains to get out of his grip.

"Maya!" Rico shouts, (Y/n) quickly pushes him out of the pit and Rico was quick to try and fight the god.

Cabrakan laughs, "What? Get back down there." With just a single flick Cabrakan sends Rico back down the pit.

"Silly wizard" he chuckles as he grabs a rope from the pit and wraps it around Maya, unknowingly he just aided (Y/n)'s escape.

(Y/n) was quick to hide over by a rundown statue, she watches Maya strain and struggle.

"Suelta me!" She demands.

"CΓ‘lmate. I'll be a kinder god than Lord Mictlan. This is for your own good" Cabrakan states as he heads over to the table he prepared.

Maya gasps as he sets her down,"For my own good? I'll be dead!"

Cabrakan flicks off her helmet, he growls with a smile, "I'll be sure it's quick and painless, little one."

A wicked smile plasters in his face as he takes out a ragged blade and sharpens it on his wrist.

Cipactli was quick to head over to her husband, "Do not sacrifice this child."

"Liβ€”Listen to her. She's making a solid argument" Maya smiles back towards Cabrakan.

His wife continues, "Lord Mictlan is too powerful. We cannot hope to defeat him. Let's bring her to him like we planned!"

Maya was quick to disagree, "Wait, what? No! No. Bad argument. Bad!"

"Not. Another. Word!" Cabrakan jumps up, causing the ground to shake.

"I swear, if you do not control your..." She yells, "temper...! I will leave you."

From afar, (Y/n) sees boulders move from there spot down a mountain, she smirks and looks over to Maya who had the same idea as her.


From the pit, Rico struggles to get back up from the pit, he was on his own, he punches the floor in anger.

"Help!!" Maya yells.

Rico looks to the ground focusing, "Youβ€” You can do this. Mm-hmm. Youβ€” You can do this!"

He shuts his eyes before reopening them, they glowed purple.

"Rise me up, ahora mismo. No more fear, ya estoy listo!"

From his mouth purple words spilled out, they went down to his feet allowing him to rise, but he lost balance.

The spell buzz's around hitting every corner of the pit.

"Ah! Why is it not working?" He squeals. The spells charges for him.

"Hold on, ladies!" He shouts just before the spell crashes into him causing him to collapse into a daze.


From above, the girls and gods look seeing a purple light fade away.

Maya gasps, "Rico!"

(Y/n) quickly gasps but covers her mouth.

Her attention goes over to Cabrakan who shouts, Enough!

Maya gives a quick glance over to (Y/n) who nods, it was time for their plan to go into motion.

"Hey, what was your name again? ChupacaBrian?" Maya says joking around.

Cabrakan's eyes shrink as he raises all three of his fist, "It's Cabrakan!" He slams them into the ground, naturally it shook, and the boulders rolled.

Maya continues, presuming"Oh, and you're the god of tantrums. Or the god of terrible husbands?"

Cipaclti giggles at her.

"I am the god of earthquakes!" Her husband slams his fists once more causing boulders to move around.

Some boulders went into the pit Rico was in, he almost got squashed but made his way out, he looks over to see (Y/n) and Maya. He nods to them.

"God of Earthquakes? Really?" Maya cracks a laugh, she teases, "That's kind of... weak."

"Weak?! Que dices?" He shouts.

Cipactli facepalms herself, her husband is an idiot, "Ay, not again."

Cabrakan removes his head he jumps into the air, and kicks his head, "Does this look weak to you? Cabrakan has the power!"

Maya looks over with a bright smile their plan has worked, Cipactli on the other hand is done with everything.

Cabrakan's head hits close to where (Y/n) was at causing her to duck but now she could use this.

"I am hardcore! How do you like me now?"

He shouts as he kicks his head over to another boulder.

"I pity the fool!"

He hip bumps his head.


Boulders tumble and Cipactli facepalms herself yet again.

"Cabrakan is not weak!" He says proving a point, as he hits a hill. He goes to kick again but Cipactli catches his head.

"Enough. She is taunting you on purpose!" She tosses his head back to his body.

"She is?" He questions.

As the boulders tumble, Rico rushes shading them heading over to his staff.

"Come on, Estefan! We have to save Maya" He yells, the boulder frees Estefan from Eagle Claw and Hammer Time.

Cabrakan turns around "What?"

Just as Rico came close to reuniting with Estefan, Cabrakan jumps in between the two with a wicked smile, "You are nothing without your staff, wizard" Cabrakan begins to laugh grabbing Estefan acting as though he would snap him into two.

"Please don't hurt him" Rico begged with a stammer.

Cabrakan laughs, "Hurt him like this?"

Rico attempts to stand strong, "I am the most powerful wizard in the world" He states.

"You can do this, Rico!" Maya and (Y/n) shouts.

Rico stammers, his eyes glow purple once again, "DestrΓΊyelo, just leave dust!"

Cabrakan's eyes widen, he gasps at sight.

"Peasant Magic!" His wife breathes out.

"Apastalo, and self- combust!"

A purple dome appears out his mouth and shots at Cabrakan.

Everyone freezes, covering themselves as the purple ball exposes into a dome.

Cabrakan hides behind the staff and once the smoke cleared, Cabrakan was still in one piece, and Estefan had a purple line.

Estefan breaks in two. Cabrakan looks down confused before bursting out in a laugh tossing the staff that was now in to at Rico.

Rico collapsed onto his knees, his voice shrills, "What have I done?"

"You are the worst wizard that ever lived!" Cabrakan cackles, as he laughs a boulder rumbles before falling down a hill.

Maya notices this, and begins to grunt wiggling herself trying to break free from her restraint.

She dislocates her arm.

She screams out before pulling herself off the table, "Coming Rico!"

Hearing her scream (Y/n) rushes over to her nothing but a tree branch in her hands.

Boulders began to run around, Maya was grunts getting off the table.

Cabrakan growls seeing Maya get off and (Y/n) getting close to her. He charges over but just as he got close a boulder runs him over, dragging him away and crashing on his head.

"Mi amor!" Cipactli yells concerned. She scans around before raising her arms, "This has gone far enough."

Cipactli transforms just as (Y/n) gets close to Maya.

Maya stretches her arm out, "Rico!" She calls.

Rico quickly looks over to her, he gasps "Maya!" But then the three notices Cabrakan.

Rico ran, "We're gonna come back for you two! Don't die!"

"Rico! No, wait!" (Y/n) yells as she helps Maya up. The girl's faces fell as Cipactli stood in front of them.

Cipactli hissed at the two letting out a roar.

(Y/n) limps over with Maya, trying to back away from her. Maya screams out as she gets grabbed by her arm, (Y/n) immediately turns around and throws her branch at the goddess.

(Y/n) shouts raising her fist, "Let her go!"

Cipactli huffs and uses her other hand to relocate Maya's arm.

(Y/n) stood terrified as Maya yells.

Maya paused, "I was not expecting that."

"Save yourselves. Go" Cipactli whispers to them setting Maya down and hands (Y/n) her hammer, she looks up to the goddess shocked.

"Huh? You're really letting me go?" Maya asks confused as well.

Cipactli looks over to her husband and so do the girls to see him get up dusting himself.

He froze, "What? NO!"

Cabrakan yells, and his hat fumes out a beam of fire.

Cipactli stood in front of Maya and (Y/n), "I'm not going to let you sacrifice her. Lord Mictlan would kill us both."

"β€”Watch out!" Cipactl pushes the two out of the way when a boulder came rushing towards them and took the hit instead.

The girls look back at her with worry.

"Go, go!" The goddess yells, as another boulder hits her.

Maya turns and gasps grabbing (Y/n)'s attention. Together they watch as Cabrakan charges at them turning red.

Just as about (Y/n) was about to drag Maya way a boulder pushes her down.

Cabrakan spins and fires himself up, "Here comes Cabrakan!"

He rushes down like a meteorite. (Y/n) raises her hammer hoping to the celestials once again that her hammer could break anything.

Just as he would come into contact mid-air Chiapa head-butts his way into the scene knocking Cabrakan away, with Rico holding onto his back for dear life.

The girls awe seeing the battle cat back in action again.

Chiapa roars out and turns.

"Jump on!" Rico shouts reaching his hand out, Maya grabs it and (Y/n) hops on.

Chiapa snarls and runs away.

(Y/n) laughs, "That was amazing! Thanks you two!"

"Whoa, do not thank us yet" Rico replies.

Cabrakan's eyes went red, as before took off his head.

"We're not done yet" his voice growls as he raises his head above his hat, catching it on fire.

Cabrakan's upper body began to spin uncontrollably. "Behold the might of Cabrakan!"

As they run away, Rico manages to use broken Estefan to grab Maya's weapon and helmets banding it back to her.

Maya smiles putting it back on, but looks back confused, (Y/n) turns as well and her eyes widen.

Cabrakan's head bashes in front Chiapa causing them to fly up shouting. Chiapa however manages to balance himself and catch the three continuing his path.

Cabrakan notices, "SHE IS GETTING AWAY!" He yells now throwing a tantrum, he explodes quite literally.

Boulders fly up everywhere. Cabrakan spins setting boulders to a flame tossing them around, he was the source of so many fiery boulders flying around.

"Calm down!" Cipactli yells, unknowingly a boulder hits her causing her to transform back. Cipactli falls on her knees begging, "Cabrakan, please!"

Cipactli tries to run for cover from the boulders but another hits her causing her to tumble into a fallen statue. She lays trapped with a boulder convincer her, "Cabrakan, stop this." She continues to beg as another boulder traps her.

Maya gasps hearing her cry, "We can't just leave her."

She spoke to Rico whose main focus was to get the heck out of there. "Can't we?" He asks with a grin.

(Y/n) looks over to him, "If it is to be..."

Rico growls, he couldn't go against her, "It is up to me."

That was Chiapa's cue to turn around. Their new mission, Save Cipactli.

"Rico use your magic!" Maya shouts.

He stammers trying to focus, "Dale duro and to the source. P'alante, we're the force!"

Like before his eyes glow purple, the spell rings out of his mouth forming a purple hand, Rico raises his hand in a daze and pushes each incoming boulder away.

Maya and (Y/n) cheer, "You're doing it, Rico!"

The toddler god turns, "What? You think you're big time?!"

Cabrakan grunts as he grabs a boulder that was twice his size, he lifts it above his head setting it on fire, "You're going to die big time!"

The god launches it into the air using his hat to aid its attack.

Maya puts her hand on his shoulder, "You can do this, gallito."

Rico takes a deep breath putting his full concentration onto this spell, "Street hechizo spells your doom!"

"Entonces Boom!"

A long purple rooster launches out against the boulder, carousing it to explode creating a big purple and orange light.

A remaining piece of the boulder striked down a few feet ahead of four.

Cabrakan laughes in victory thinking that he destroyed the two.Β  His laugh comes to an abrupt end, "What theβ€”?"

Maya and (Y/n) yell and Chiapa roars as they leap about the fiery ball.

"Now Rico!" (Y/n) shouts.

Rico smirks raising a brow at Cabrakan. "Tadow! How you like me now?"

Rico's magic made Cabrakan's hat come off.

It seemed to move in slow motion, to Cipactli seeing her husband's hat fall off.

Everyone yells and Cabrakan screams as he sees (Y/n) holding Maya allowing her to use Eagle Claw to deliver the final blow to Cabrakan's head.

"No!" He yells out his eyes became normal once again as he fell down into the very pit that held the three.

He bounces.


*Grunt* *CLANK!!*


*Grunt* *RUMBLE!*

"...a rematch!"

(Y/n) smirks as she looks back to the headless body of the god, and whistles, "Over here, dumb dumb!"

The body quickly runs over to the direction of her voice, and tries to bring the four down, Chiapa smiles and moves away, and they all watch the body soar down.

Cabrakan yells, as the rest of his accessories came to assemble. That and including a a very large boulder to seal the whole.

Maya then gets off of Chiapa and heads over to Cipactli leaving, (Y/n), Rico and Chiapa.

"Wow! Being heroic, actually felt good" Rico smiles, causing (Y/n) to chuckle.


From there to the sun began to rise starting a new day, the four grunts as they all pushed the last boulder away from the trapped goddess.

"Are you all right, goddess?" Maya asks as (Y/n) helps her up.

"I am now, niΓ±os. Why didn't you go when you had the chance?" Cipactli questions.

Maya replies, "You let us go. We couldn't just leave you."

Rico adds with a grin, "Yeah, there's just a word for people who do heroic things."

"Heros" Cipactli smiles looking up in the sky.

"No. Dead. Yeah, the word is dead" Rico corrects.

Cipactli chuckles and looks down to the girls. "If you ever need me, Maya, I will be there."

"Farewell, Princess Teca" Cipactli kneels down opening her arms.

Maya fell into the embrace, "Adios, Cipactli."

Rico looked for his hug with the two, he tried to hug Chiapa but the cat refused, (Y/n) smiles and opens her arms out to him.

Rico smiles and accepts (Y/n)'s hug, he looks up to Chiapa, "Fine be that way but your missing out."

The women laugh, (Y/n) looks to Chiapa, "Yeah, you're missing out Chiapa."

"We should go now. Um. Which way to the Jungle Kingdom?" Maya questions sheepishly.

"Follow the Bee's and the sweet smell of jasmine towards the purple mist" Cipactli replies tilting her head up.

Maya looks up to her with a confused smile. Cipactli feels her confusion.

She looks down, "Head Northeast."

Maya smiles innocently.

(Y/n) sighs and turns Maya, "That way."

"Got it!" Maya smiles and marches ahead, Rico smiles goodbye to Cipactli.

Cipactli looks at (Y/n), "Thank you" she mouthed, the girl nods following Maya.

Chiapa was the last one, he purrs leaning into Cipactli's touch before leaping over to the warriors. Now it was time to look for their archer.

"Gracias, Cipactli!" Maya shouts.

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