When She's There pt.2

" i'll let you into my soul

... but wipe your feet at the door"-atticus

I'm sorry I couldn't fix you.

Why do things fall apart when things get good?

Why does he leave when things are just understood?

Why does the connection I thought we had and trusted touches mean nothing when she's around?

Why do you not find love in me anymore? And why do I still rely on your opinion?

Why would you seduce me if you wouldn't stay here?

Why is it so hard to make eye contact with me whenever I come around?

When I search for you 're no longer there.

When I let you go you no longer chase after me.

Why did you stay so long knowing I'm not what you need?

When things fall apart like this, I only hope that you stay around.

Why is it in you that I find my peace?

What spell did she put on you so well, that you just have to break everything else that doesn't

Feel, look or taste like her?

Who told you breaking hearts will fix yours?

sorry its been a while ya'll i have SM to tell you all ;)
