
"New Orleans has a serial killer who killed at least three men in pre-Katrina. Up until now, New Orleans Police Department believed that he was killed by Hurricane Katrina." I played with the remote in my hands.

"What's happened to tell them otherwise?" Derek looked up at me.

"Fourth was found right in the French Quarter last night." JJ continued as I pulled up the picture. "Same MO, another male. Throat slashed, eviscerated." She defined the similarities.

"A year and a half? That's a long cooling-off period." Emily pointed out. "Are we sure this is the same UnSub?" She asked me and JJ.

"Well, he has claimed to be." I nodded my head.

"He sent a letter to William Lamontagne, the detective on the case." JJ elaborated.

"Did Lamontagne have any leads?" Gideon inquired.

"Actually, he, um, died in Katrina." I stood up straight. "His son is leading the case now." I informed them.

"That can't be easy." Derek humphed.

"Well, we need to pour over the evidence from the first three murders and determine the pattern." Aaron said.

"Katrina washed everything away." JJ leaned forward against the table. "The three victims we know of, their autopsy reports, witness statements, DNA test results." She listed out.

"So, basically, all we have to go off of is the latest victim?" Spence summarized.

"Pretty much." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Until he kills again." My brother added. Up in the plane, JJ and I gathered up the materials.

"These are copies of the newspaper articles on the murders, dating back to early August 2005. It's all we have to go on." The two of us passed the papers around. Once that was done, Derek gently pulled me down to sit in the seat next to his.

"He killed three times, he stopped for eighteen months, then he started killing again." Aaron scanned through the various articles.

"We should have Garcia run a list of any offenders in the area. Anyone who spent the last year and a half doing time." Gideon suggested.

"Or anyone that relocated after Katrina and recently moved back." Spence thought out loud.

"What is the victimology in killing a mechanic, a real estate broker, and a cook, with ages ranging from 22 to 45?" Emily questioned us.

"And his latest is a 33-year-old taxi driver." JJ frowned. "They just don't seem to have very much in common." She shook her head.

"Besides being male and walking the French Quarter late in night." Derek correlated.

"Quite notorious for muggings right off the main drag." I glanced over at him.

"Yeah, but this guy isn't in a rush to flee the scene. A slaughter like this takes time." Emily shook her head.

"Andrei Chikatilo fantasized that the men he killed were his captives and torturing and mutilating them somehow made him a hero." Spencer spewed.

"The city's barely back to life. Something like this could cripple its psyche." Gideon raised his glasses further up the bridge of his nose.

"So where do we start?" JJ questioned.

"Well, with no case file, there's only one place we can start. At square one." My brother stared down at the latest article. JJ, Derek, Gideon, and I went to the crime scene.

"You must be BAU. Bill Lamontagne." The man introduced himself.

"Jennifer Jarreau. We spoke on the phone." She shook hands with him.

"Wow. Okay, then." Lamontagne smiled slightly. "I pictured you different." He pointed at her face.

"Uh, these are agents Suparna, Gideon, and Morgan." We nodded our heads respectfully. "This is Detective William Lamontagne, Jr." I guess this is the son.

"Appreciate you guys being here." Lamontagne shook our hands. "My daddy was too stubborn to ask for any help." He gave us a half smile.

"Sorry for you loss." Gideon wished him, the rest of us nodding our heads in respect. "I understand you received a letter." He changed the subject.

"Yeah. Before they were lost in Katrina, my daddy received two letters." He handed the evidence bag with the letter to Gideon. "This one came addressed to him yesterday. They passed it on to me." He informed us.

"How are you sure it's the same killer?" I looked over at Lamontagne.

"It's a detailed account of what he did to the body." Gideon scanned over the text.

We moved around the crime scene, except JJ made sure she was close enough to Lamontagne. They're definitely gonna fall for each other.

"It'd be pretty easy to hide out in one of these alcoves and wait for the victim without ever being seen." Derek scoped out the crime scene.

"All four murders occurred within a ten-block radius here inside the French Quarter." Lamontagne motioned towards the ground.

"On any given night, there'd have to be thousands of people walking through here from the bars." JJ walked over to the detective.

"Tens of thousands." He corrected her. "When I first started as a cop, I worked the quarter. It's like being in the riot squad every night." He looked around the place. "Every Sunday, I'd get off around sunrise, ready to pass out. My daddy'd be waiting for me at my house. Make me drive him uptown to Frankie and Johnny's for poorboys. Called it communing with New Orleans." He reminisced on old memories.

"Did your father tell you anything else about this case that we should know?" Gideon asked him.

"He tried to. But you guys should see that for yourself." He replied. Gideon stayed with the crime scene while the rest of us headed into Lamontagne, Sr.'s home. "This wall is still standing where Daddy carved the message right before he died." We trudged through the damage from the hurricane. "There's no doubt he's still working from the grave." We came to a stop in front of the wall.

"'Jones'." Derek read off the wall. "That name mean anything to you?" He questioned.

"No. I ran it through the database against every offender in New Orleans. And you can imagine how many hits I got. But nothing came up in connection with this case." He stared down at the wall.

"But in your father's final moments, it was the most important think he wanted to say." JJ pointed out.

"Learned how to play drums in this house, grew up with two dogs in the house." Lamontagne stood by the wreckage right across the room. "All it's gonna be now is the word 'Jones' carved into the wall." He glanced back.

"If that was meant to be the UnSub's name, Detective, you would have most likely found him by now." I stated.

"Jones was the last piece of the puzzle that your daddy did know. He trusted you to figure out the rest." Derek mentioned to him.

"Yeah, I know it." Lamontagne looked down at the ground. "But I've pored over it a thousand times, and I still can't put it together. I can't get it out of my head." He sighed sadly.

"You okay?" JJ stood in front of him.

"Yeah. I just don't want to disappoint him." He glanced up at her for a moment before walking away.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Derek muttered to me.

"They are so attracted to each other." I couldn't help but smile. The next morning, we had another victim on our hands. Once the others got back, we were ready with our profile.

"The offender we're looking for is friendly, agile, somewhere between 30 and 35." Aaron started us off.

"He'll allure with charm and kill with rage." Gideon continued.

"We believe he's murdering men to reclaim his power. This UnSub suffers from low self-esteem, but he probably covers it well. He dresses impeccably to feed the facade." Emily spoke up.

"Jack the Ripper was an impetuously arrogant lust murderer. Unlike him, our UnSub is much more organized and calculating. It's highly possible he stalks his victims for a number of days before actually killing them." I compared.

"We believe this killer identifies with Jack the Ripper because he's lost his own identity. Maybe through years of child abuse. . .or some catastrophic event." Gideon thought out loud.

"Because he overcompensates to hide his insecurities, we believe he may hold a position of authority at work." My brother added on.

"And since we think he's had medical training, consider EMTs, doctors, veterinarians." Emily suggested occupations to search through.

"Please be careful. For this UnSub, the French Quarter's a hunting ground. He's certainly already proven he knows the terrain." Gideon warned them.

Gideon and I were sitting at a desk when my phone rang.

"S. Hotch." I answered the call.

"What was the thing Jack the Ripper took from one of his victims? Besides, well, you know, her life?" Garcia.

"I'm not in the mood to be embarrassed by my lack of knowledge on him." I sank back into my chair.

"A kidney. How horrifyingly fantastic is that?" She could barely contain her excitement.

"That's nice. Now would be a great time to get to your point." I replied.

"Just that I found an unsolved murder that happened four months ago in Galveston, Texas, with the same M.O., the victim missing that very organ." She revealed new information. "I amaze myself." She let out a breath of air.

"Doesn't surprise me." I jotted down quick notes. "Keep up the great work." I hung up the phone.

"What's that?" Gideon looked over at me.

"Garcia managed to dig up a similar case all the way in Galveston, Texas." I let him know.

"A lot of Katrina refugees relocated there." He pointed out.

"This guy could be the UnSub. Like Jack the Ripper, he took the kidney." I added.

"Call Reid and Morgan. I want the three of you on a plane to Texas tonight." Gideon ordered me.

"Got it." I dialed Derek's number. Unfortunately, Spencer wouldn't pick up the phone, so I was really hoping he was with Derek or something.

"Hey." Derek brought in his bag.

"Where's Spencer?" I furrowed my brows.

"I was hoping he was with you." He grabbed the seat right next to me.

"I thought you said you would call him." He answered.

"Well, I tried to. At least five times. He didn't call back." I shook my head. "The victim's fiancΓ©e is already waiting for us." I checked my watch. "What do we do?" I questioned.

"We got one option. Wheels up." He stated. After speaking to the pilot, Derek came back. "You know, this isn't that bad. Just you. . .and me. . .alone." He pulled me in for a gentle kiss.

"I'm not complaining." I hummed against his lips. After an hour and a half, we were in the fiancΓ©e's home.

"Everybody kept saying crime's gonna skyrocket after the relocation. You just never think it's gonna happen to. you." Alice crossed her legs.

"The police report mentioned that your fiancΓ© had been bar-hopping on the night he was killed. The night of his bachelor party." I fidgeted with my fingers.

"We were supposed to be married in October. He was just out celebrating that with friends." She confirmed.

"Was there anyone at Leonard's bachelor party you didn't know?" Derek asked her.

"We all grew up together. They're like family to me. Whether they met somebody out, you know, that's a different story." She responded. "They're a rowdy bunch. And they'd party with anybody." She stated. Once we were done speaking to her, we got into the car.

"The last two victims were with a group the night they were killed. They were both bar-hopping and drinking in public areas. How in the world did there friends not see anything?" I shook my head in disbelief.

"It's like when a lion preys upon an antelope." Derek drummed his fingers against the steering wheel.

"Care to explain your theory?" I looked over at me.

"That's because you, Suparna Hotchner, have never been one of the antelope." His hand grazed my cheek.

"And you completely lost me." I let out a small laugh.

"Okay, check this out. The antelope travels in packs. So the lion just sits and waits. Waits for just one of the antelope to break away from its herd. So when he's aloneβ€”vulnerable and completely unprotectedβ€”that's when the lion strikes. That's when she makes her move." He explained the theory.

"Hold on a second. Did you just say her move?" I frowned in confusion.

"Suparna, there's only one thing that's gonna make a straight man leave his friends on guys' night out. And it'll make him leave every time. One of the victims was out for his bachelor party. Another one out with just the guys." Derek pulled out his cellphone. "What's the only temptation that's gonna lure these men away from each other?" He questioned.

"Right. A woman. Of course." I realized he was right. After Derek made a call to JJ, the two of us were on our way back to New Orleans.

"Hey, you guys are back from Galveston?" Spencer came in with a cup of coffee.

"First flight this morning. Where were you?" Derek questioned him.

"I was out with a friend. I already told you." He sat on the opposite end of the table.

"Spencer, I called you over four times yesterday afternoon." I shot him a look.

"I didn't have any cellphone reception, so I didn't get your message until late." He answered.

"Mm-hmm. Sure." I flipped through another file.

"What's going on?" Spencer questioned.

"Our UnSub's a woman." Derek let him know.

"We just found another body in the Quarter." My brother came in. Derek, Emily, Spencer, Gideon, and Detective Lamontagne headed to the crime scene to check out the victim.

Next thing I know, it's dark outside, and we're scattered around a club in the French Quarter.

"What do you think's up with Reid? He was giving you the cold shoulder this morning, and that's way out of character for him." Derek was the first to talk.

"Now I know how Emily's been feeling. There's something wrong with him, and he isn't telling any of us." I scanned the crowd for our possible UnSub. "Time to meet up with the others." I checked the time. Soon, we met up with Gideon, Spencer, and Emily.

"We got nothing." Derek shook his head.

"Well, the day's almost over, so if you're right, we just ran out of time." Gideon stated.

And then we had another body the next morning. Jones ended up being the name of a bar, not our UnSub. And it happened to be the bar where a woman had been raped roughly nine years ago. Gideon ended up bringing one of the guys who was accused of rape but set free.

"Mr. Tibideaux, we need you to answer a few questions about a disturbance you were involved with in 1998." Emily crossed her arms over her chest.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He played dumb.

"At a bar called Jones. It was Mardi Gras." JJ helped him jog his memory.

"Well, then, I must have been drinking some. . .'cause I don't remember a thing." So he's going to play hard to get.

"All we want to know is the name of the woman who accused you." I slowly paced behind JJ's chair.

"Look, I told you, I don't know what you're talking about." He stood by his argument.

"The statute of limitations is up." JJ pinched the bridge of her nose. "We just need a name." She repeated.

"Someone accuses me of rape, I'm going to remember her name." Emily sat down next to JJ.

"What can I tell you, cher? I guess she didn't make that good of an impression." He retorted.

"Kinda like you right about now." I cocked a challenging brow.

"You know, I'm guessing if someone did do something to that girl that night, then she was probably asking for it. Maybe even liked it." He sneered aggressively.

"Why you littleβ€”" I lunged at him, but the girls pulled me back. "I'm fine. I'm fine." I brushed their hands off of me. JJ grabbed the stack of photos from the desk behind.

"She murdered these men, and I'm guess it's only a matter of time before she works her way back to the one she really wants to kill." JJ showed him the gore-filled pictures.

"She make an impression now?" Emily inquired.

We got our name. Sarah Danlin. That evening, the guys brought her in and sent the guy she was about to kill straight to the hospital.

"Hey. You doing alright?" I held Derek's face in my hands. It was almost three in the morning by the time we flew back home.

"Of course." He smiled down at me. "It just got me thinking. . ." He cleared his throat.

"About what happened to me years ago." I let out a sigh. "Derek, it's in the past. He's long gone now. He can't hurt me anymore." I assured him.

"But he hurt you in the first place." His eyes glazed over.

"Some things just happen, Derek. I don't know why it happened, but it did. And all we can do is-is move on. We have to move on." I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "Now, how about I pop some popcorn and take out the ice cream and you find us a movie to watch?" I proposed an idea.

"Friday, here we come!" He rubbed his hands together excitedly.

"Oh, come on. We've watched that like thirty times already!" I groaned
