08 | dreams & goals

THE RED RAYS of sunshine from the sinking sun gently warmed the young genius's (s/c) skin as she lay on the blanket, drifting into a doze beside the seashore.

Hearing the melodies of the wind and waves calmed her nerves and eased her addled mind due to the recent events; feeling momentary freedom from discomfort. It has been quite some time since she visited the ocean and breathe the crispy salty air.

There came an oddity of relaxation in the presence of the sea. Apparently, (Y/N) wasn't the only one who thought so.

A few meters from her, there stood a figure; gazing into the vast ocean as the sun slowly sank. Midoriya found motivation in the seaside which he was instructed to clean as a form of training by his mentor. Looking back at the past and the hardships that he went through, reminded him of the reasons why he needed to pursue his goals and dreams.

Taking his sight off the ocean. He nearly shrieked seeing a figure laying flatly on the sand. Rushing towards the body, he immediately recognized the person and reluctantly called for them.

"(Y/N)?" he whispered, not wanting to disrupt her peace. Not receiving a reply, he went closer and calmed down seeing her chest going up and down; indicating she was breathing. "(Y/N)?" he repeated, this time a little louder.

"Hmm?" she hummed and stirred in her sleep. (Y/N) instantly sat up upon the realization that she fell asleep. "Midoriya?" she groaned, whilst rubbing off the sleepiness and the specks of dust of sand on her eyes.

"I saw you laying here and I was worried." he put out, "were you sleeping here all alone? It's dangerous."

In a daze, Y/n faced the greenette with an exhausted look. "I didn't mean to fall asleep. I guess I got tired." (Y/N) patted the white blanket underneath her. "Sit down. You'll get foot cramps if you crouch down and the sand is dirty."

Gulping in nervousness, the freckled teen sat down beside her. The fluffy blanket gave him such comfort that it made him understand why she fell asleep.

"You go to this place?" he asked, looking at the ethereal orange-hued sky with the sea glistening in the reflection of the sunlight.

"It's my first time, actually." she replied, "Just wanted to clear my mind." (Y/N) pursed her lips in regret; not liking the sentence that she used.

"You got a lot on your mind? I-its okay if you don't want to tell me!" he said, frantically waving his hands around in a panic. "I completely understand. We haven't even had a proper conversation before. But if you need someone to talk to, I'm here."

(Y/N) chuckled and glanced at him for a moment, "Thanks Midoriya." she started, "and yeah, I have a lot in my mind that I doubt you'd understand."

Midoriya looked at her in confusion but didn't pry further knowing well not to push past her privacy.

"If you want to know I have something in my mind that I think you know."

"What do you mean?" he asked, nervously.

"Remember when I overheard your conversation with Bakugo?"

He nodded, "Yeah?"

"You said something about your quirk being 'borrowed'."

"Yes?" Midoriya knew he would soon regret asking but he knew he has to. He knew well that (Y/N) was beyond smart and he could only fear to think that she already figure it out or at least had a suspicion about the origins of his quirk.

"I couldn't help but be curious about it. Whether this quirk of yours was passed through another person's quirk or if your quirk can actually be passed to others."

Midoriya felt a huge lump stuck in his throat.

"Additionally, during the USJ situation. I heard you telling All might about his time limit." (Y/N) turned to look at him, "How'd you know about that?"

"Wait, you know?"

(Y/N) smirked in success, "So you do know about it."

the greenette was confused but he knew that he'd been caught knowing one of All Might's secrets. "Thaβ€”"

(Y/N) interrupted, "No need to deny it. And yes, I do know about him having a time limit." She could see panic and worries written across his face, "How I knew about it isn't the point here."

"I doubt that you'd ever admit it but I think that's enough evidence." she smiled in success. (Y/N) had suspicions that the greenette's quirk case was somehow connected to All Might ever since he had slipped some contents during the villain attack.

There were tons of possibilities on how he could've gained his quirk but the theory of All Might being the owner of his 'borrowed' quirk was the closest thing she had evidence with. It wasn't particularly morally good to subtly suck out the information from him but it wasn't necessarily forcing.

It was merely a small battle of minds.

"Anyways, I don't really care about your relation to All Might or where your quirk came from." (Y/N) trailed on, "Just curious you know."

Midoriya could only blink. Not knowing what to say. "Midoriya, would you say that All Might trust you?" she asked, her sight remaining on the vast blue sea.

The question made Midoriya more confused than he already was. He was unsure of the answer. It took him a few seconds to contemplate his response. "I'm not sure, I think so?"

(Y/N) hummed. A comfortable silence fell between them. The cool gust of wind tingled against their skins creating an electric tense atmosphere that made them feel restless. For a moment, they both felt a wild feeling, as if a quiet voice whispering to them to pour out their thoughts and share them with each other.

"You know I think you're going to make it big one day," (Y/N) said, out of the blue. Midoriya became flustered. No one has ever complimented him so directly and he rarely even gets any. "Thank you!" he unconsciously exclaimed before he face-palm himself in embarrassment. "But what makes you say that?" he meekly asked.

"It just occurred to me that you and Bakugo have been childhood friends," she trailed on, "that means you've been quirkless and Bakugo has been bullying you for it until you revealed your quirk."

"It's a wonder to me how you never used your quirk against him despite him being an asshole." (Y/N) languidly laughed, "I very well know the pain of being taunted for being quirkless."

Midoriya just realized how they both have experienced the pain of being quirkless; dreams of becoming a hero getting crushed, hopelessness, mockery, and helplessness.

"If I were in your position, I would've already made a plan on how to make his life a living hell." (Y/N) laughed picturing herself scheming on how to aggravate the ash blonde-haired boy. "Even when you revealed your quirk, not once have you derided him or even use it against him."

"You have a kind heart, Midoriya." she looked at the freckled teen. For the first time, he saw genuineness and softness in her (e/c) eyes. A tingling sensation arose from his body, he didn't know whether if it was the complement, her dainty eyes, or the cool salty wind brushing against his skin.

"And never let anything change that. Power, money, or whatever. Don't let it tarnish your golden heart."

Butterflies fluttered furiously inside his stomach. He never expected anyone to complement him as such. Not less her, someone who he always thought to be someone way out of his league. Someone who he thought would never bat an eye on him. Someone who he thought would prefer to be comrades with people like Bakugo.

"I... I'm not- mph!" Midoriya buried his flushed face in the palm of his hands; unable to form a response. (Y/N) laughed, "What? Hasn't anyone told you that yet? I'm surprised."

"But yeah, I'm serious." her laughter died down, "Nowadays, these so-called heroes only want fame and money. It's rare to find people like you."

"But I think you're so much more amazing than I am!" he exclaimed, now gaining his composure and confidence. "Well, if it weren't for the owner of my borrowed quirk, I wouldn't be here. I was just lucky."

"But you, you managed to go past the bars of being quirkless. You, yourself, have broken the barriers of, with what people call, the 'impossible'." he continued, "You, alone, created your own path and success. While me, I had to rely on my quirk and its original owner."

Midoriya looked down at his calloused hands. He remembered asking his mentor about the young genius. The symbol of peace told him vague information about how she got in.

He remembered the look on his mentor's face foretelling how (Y/N) had led him into an epiphany on how he lackedΒ as the symbol of peace.

It amazed him how she could influence and enlighten even the most well-known noble pro-hero. It made him frown how (Y/N) didn't know how extraordinary she was.

Midoriya placed a hand on her shoulder. "I don't know if you know this but, you're more than what you think you are, (Y/N)."

(Y/N) looked back at him with a smile and patted his on her shoulder. "I could say the same to you, Midoriya."

She looked down at the sand as her smile faded. Hesitantly she spoke, "Can I ask you a big favor?"

"Anything but I'm not sure if I can do it perfectly." he rubbed his nape sheepishly.

"I'm sure you're more than capable of doing my favor."

"Okay, then what is it?"

"I'm entrusting you with... I'm not sure about the right term to use... my dream."

Midoriya's eyes enlarged both surprise and confusion. Before he could even open his mouth, (Y/N) began.

"It's my dream to truly change society," she said, "most people think that the start of society's change is by eliminating villains by being a 'pro hero'."

"But they're wrong. That's only a part of the process, what we truly need to do is take a first step. A new start." Midoriya could see the passion and determination glistening in her calculating eyes. "And this fresh start is by how we, heroes, influence others. We need to change the concept of society's ideal heroes."

"A hero is someone who does the right thing without hesitation because they know it must be done and it's right." (Y/N) expressed, "Not some person who aced all of their hero classes and has a fucking license."

(Y/N) looked at the greenette with pure intensity. "Don't let your shyness take over you. Teach the world that quirks don't define nor does it makes you a hero." She held his hand firmly, "Tell and show the world what a true hero is supposed to be. I know you can do it, Midoriya."

Midoriya was stunned. He hasn't met anyone so wise and morally correct. Not once have anyone taught him the important values and quality that makes a hero; not even the most prestigious hero school in the country, not even the symbol of peace himself.

Instead, it was his classmate.

A stranger once, an acquaintance yesterday, and a friend today.

Filled with joy and enlightenment. "Actually..." Midoriya placed his hand over her's and with the sincerest of smile, he spoke,

"We can do this."

(Y/N) smiled solemnly and nodded her head. The ambiance was calm and peaceful. Both of their hearts and soul are filled with true beatitude. Unfortunately, their lovely atmosphere was cut off by a call from the young genius's cell phone.

"Sorry, gonna take this for a moment," she said, seeing her guardian's name calling. Midoriya nodded before (Y/N) answered the phone. After a few seconds, he couldn't hear what the other line was saying but by her expression, it was clearly not good news.

"I'll take care of it," She groaned and ended the call. Pressing the bridge of her nose she turned back to the greenette and stood up, "I gotta go. I need to deal with some business."

Midoriya nodded in understanding, "Why are you the only one dealing with it though? What about your parents?" (Y/N) sighed, "They're incapable of doing so. They're only entitled as the owner because I'm still not legally allowed."

Midoriya watched her figure as she started to walk away. (Y/N) raised her hand into a wave of farewell, "See you later jelly green."

"Bye!" he replied before looking back at the ocean. His gaze kept at bay while his thoughts wandered around with their conversation earlier. Midoriya was puzzled as to why, a genius like her, would entrust something so important to her to a stranger like him.

In addition, why would she entrust it to somebody when she was in the hero course herself? Not to mention, she was already quite known for her intellectual abilities in engineering and technology. As he recollected his thoughts, Midoriya failed to notice a figure standing behind him.

"How'd your date go?"

Midoriya squeaked and flinched at the sudden voice. He looked craned his neck to his shoulder to see his mentor in his skinny form standing behind him.

"All Might!" he immediately stood up. Feeling the fabric that he was formerly sitting on, he quickly realized that (Y/N) had left her blanket. "She forgot her blanket!"

The symbol of peace chuckled, watching his successor hastily folding the blanket and failing miserably. "I didn't know you had it in you, young Midoriya." he said, "So young (Y/N) huh? You sure have some taste. I'm surprised that you were able to take her out. She's an extremely busy girl, you see."

Midoriya went red in the face as he realized what the pro hero was implying. "N-no! You got it all wrong!" he waved his hands around frantically in denial, "It was just a coincidence that we met here! I-i just saw her andwellisawherlayingdownheresoiwenttocheckonherandsawthatshewasokay-"

All might sweatdrop as the greenette continued to ramble. "It's okay young Midoriya, I understand." he patted the greenette's back, "If you want some advice, I'll be glad to help!"

Midoriya raised a brow, "You mean... advice for love?"

"Yeah, being a hero is not the only thing I'm good at!" the pro hero confidently raised a thumbs up along with a playful wink.

"I don't think physical appearance would be enough," muttered Midoriya.

"...What are you implying young Midoriya?"

"Nothing! I don't think I have time for relationships anyway!"

All might chuckled, "If you change your mind, don't hesitate to come to me. I'm also good at these things!"

"All might, you don't even have a significant other."

The pro hero faked a cough to brush off the embarrassment he felt. "Well, that doesn't mean I'm not good at it." Midoriya nodded but gave him a skeptical look with a raised brow. All might blink a few times before speaking, "I need to speak with you about some things. Let's drop the topic now, yeah?"

(Y/N) boredly sketched a blueprint of a support item that has been requested by her family's support company. Not listening to the discussion about the upcoming event 'UA Sports festival'.

Participating in such a big and famous event was obviously nerve-wracking. The thought of making a mistake with such a huge amount of people watching was terrifying.

"This has me so freaking pumped!" exclaimed Kirishima, "If we show our stuff here, that's one big step towards going pro!"

"Aren't you excited (Y/N)?" asked Sero.

"About what? People watching us break our bones by fighting each other?" she scoffed, "It's just another cock fight but without the cocks... well maybe there's one exception since Bakugo would be participating as well."

"By cock do you mean the animal or the other one?" piped Kaminari.

"It's (Y/N), I think we all know what she means." Sero laughed.


"I didn't know you were into kinky stuff, (Y/N)." drooled Mineta.

"And I think you should know that I can very much afford an extremely expensive sexual harassment lawsuit if you keep ogling me like that." (Y/N) stated, "or a restraining order. I'll let you pick."

Mineta shrieked in fear and shut his mouth close knowing he won't be able to pay or even defend himself. (Y/N) stood up and headed to the cafeteria without any word.

"Money?!" she heard Midoriya scream, "You wanna be a hero for the money?!"

"Who is?" (Y/N) joined in their conversation.

"Hello, (Y/N)!"


"It's me..." Uraraka admitted, cupping her flushed cheeks. "Sorry, I know it seems base and really embarrassing, considering Iida's noble motivations and all."

"But why?! There's really nothing wrong with seeking a more comfortable lifestyle!" Iida responded, frantically moving his hands in a weird motion. "Yeah, just a little unexpected." added the freckled teen.

"My family runs a construction company but business is bad. We're poorer than poor." the brunette sheepishly said, "Don't tell that to anyone okay?"

As the trio discussed how Uraraka could help her family and a little bit about her background. (Y/N) kept quiet. This was a new point of view for her in terms of becoming a hero. (Y/N) couldn't quite point out whether to be displeased or admire the brunette for it.

'She could've just taken another job like a doctor or something.'

A thought came to her mind but dismissed it. She had to admit it was quite mean for her to think as such; the brunette was only trying to help her family after all so in a way Uraraka's condition would be neutral.

(Y/N) stood firmly on her views on becoming a hero for she believed it was right. Hearing her classmate's condition truly popped questions into her mind. It reminded her that each individual has their own views and belief.

She won't admit it out loud but Uraraka's reason for becoming a hero left a bad taste in her mouth.


The sudden loud voice made their jolt. All Might popped out of the corner holding a bento box, "Wanna eat lunch with me?"

"Like a schoolgirl!" Uraraka spluttered.

With that, the greenette and symbol of peace separated their way from them. "I wonder what he wants from Deku." Uraraka pondered, "I heard he dashed in to help All might when he was attacked. Maybe it's about that?" Iida added.

"And as Asui mentioned, they have similar super strength."

"I'm calling favoritism," (Y/N) said.

"Perhaps All Might has taken a liking to him?"

"That's basically favoritism but with kinder words."

"Eh, true."


(Y/N)'s face grimaced in annoyance seeing a crowd of students flocking the room's doorway. "No way out, what are they here for?!" Mineta asked.

"Scooping out the competition, duh, small fry." Bakugo replied, "We're the ones who survived a real villain attack. Makes sense they'd want a look before the sports festival. No point though, move aside extras!"

"Can we please not resort to calling those who we don't even know 'extras'?" Iida scolded.

"No, no let them." (Y/N) piped in, "Think of them as museum visitors just wanting to take a piece of the artwork."

"But of course, every art works are on different levels," Bakugo added, confidently. (Y/N) nodded her head in agreement, "Totally, like me as the 'Starry Night' and Mineta as a painting drawn by a toddler."


"It's true. We came to get a look but you sure are modest." a familiar voice spoke, gaining everyone's attention. "Are all students in the hero course like this?"

Shinso entered the room. (Y/N)'s lips tugged upwards into a smirk seeing the boy. "Gotta say, I'm a little disillusioned if this is what you're offering."

"Hey Aizawa Junior!" greeted (Y/N), surprising her classmates. "As full as energy as ever," she sarcastically stated.

"Hey, (Y/N)." the purple-haired boy greeted, brushing his nape. A feeling of nervousness erupted in his stomach but he remained nonchalant and confident.

"Those of us who didn't make the hero course are stuck in general studies and other tracks." he continued, now facing the ash blonde who snarled at him. "There are quite a few of us. Did you know that?"

"Depending on the results of this sports festival, they might consider transferring us to the hero course." he added, "I understand the reverse is also possible for you. For a general studies like me... this will be the biggest opportunity to get into the hero course."

"You can replace the overgrown crusty toenail over there," (Y/N) said, pointing at the small purple boy who muttered curses at her under his breath.

(Y/N) smiled, feeling proud of the general studies student and delighted that he listened to her advice to never miss an opportunity.

"Consider this a declaration of war."

Shinso glanced at the young genius before leaving. He let out a faint smile seeing her smiling proudly at him. He had been thinking about doing this declaration of war for the past few days.

He had been contemplating whether to do it or not since he was too nervous and lacked the confidence to do so. Remembering her advice truly made a difference in him. It gave him inspiration and motivation.

"Wait you jerk. What're you doing to us?!" Kirishima yelled at the vermillion-eyed boy, "Thanks to you we have a bunch of haters."

"I don't give a crap. I'm heading for the top, why should I care?" Bakugo replied and left. Not seeing the point of staying, (Y/N) left following behind him.

As soon as they were the ones left alone. Bakugo suddenly turned around to face the young genius with a serious and determined expression written across his face.

"What is now, fireworks?"

"I'm going to defeat you and win the damn tournament." he firmly stated.

(Y/N) smirked, "Feel free to." Bakugo furrowed his brows in annoyance and frustration. "You better fucking take this tournament seriously."

"Oh, believe me, I'm very well serious and excited about beating everyone's asses," she replied. Satisfied with her answer, Bakugo continued on his tracks.

"Wanna go home together?"

"Go away."

"Jarvis, drop my needle," ordered (Y/N), as she stood in front of the room. The A.I obliged and played Back in Black by ACDC while she jammed onto the rock music.

Her suit of armor, one by one, flew towards her and attached itself to her body. She examined her body through the mirror seeing her not-so-old-barely-used Mark XLVI.

"I'm back baby, we better get ready cuz we're about to kick some asses."


i. y/n's views on uraraka's situation is one of the
instances where her toxic side is showing, and i
am very aware that not everyone will agree with it
as i don't agree with it myself. so that is intentional,
i've alr given a warning so please don't hate on anyone.Β 

don't forget to leave a vote

thank you so much for reading! stay safe and hydrated! <3
