The dinner was silent. Lisa and jungkook was dumbstruck from the moment they came, they didn't open their mouths since then. Lisa was sad to know that Taehyung was in town, he got a girlfriend who is basically her boyfriend's sister and he didn't even mind telling her, not even jennie.

Jungkook on the other side was shocked seeing Taehyung there. Jungkook knew that he was the guy who called lisa earlier. Jungkook looked at Taehyung who was feeding his food to jennie,Β  slowly his gaze fell on his girlfriend who was just eating her food with no emotions in her face.

Suddenly he saw Lisa's phone lighten she looked at Taehyung before excusing herself to the restroom. Jungkook's suspicion was confirmed when Taehyung went behind her.....

"Why did you wanna meet here"

Her voice was cold as ice.

"I wanted to see my lali clearly"

"Why didn't you tell me you were here? Why didn't you tell me you were jennie's boyfriend? Why didn't you call me for a week?"

There was wet tears on her cheeks by now.

"And why didn't you tell me you loved him for years? Why didn't you tell me you were his maid? Why did you hide it from me when everyone else know?"

These questions hit get like truck. More tears started to pour from her eyes. Looking at her crying state Taehyung came forward and held her shoulders.

"It's ok lali. I'm alright. Now that I'm here in Seoul, I promise that I'll never leave your side. As for your boyfriend I know you love me more than him."

This made the crying girl laugh. Seeing her laugh warmed his heart. Taehyung leaned in and kissed her cheeks before hugging her. Lisa was the happiest girl. Now that her brother is in love with her friend who is also the sister of her boyfriend.Β  She felt her life was full.

Little did they know that a certain someone was looking at then from the start. Little did they know that their conversation broke his heart.
