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β”Šβ”ŠβΫͺΫͺཻུ♑ ͎. q˚ Β° μ‹œμž‘ο½‘ ⊹˚.⋆

❝ Griselda loooves to dramatize ❞


YOU merely rolled your eyes in response, the red-violet haired specialist grinning at your form

"You got him!"
"Now let's take him to jail"

"Relax, I've got him completely secured" Riven smugly said, keeping a tight grip on the rope

"I'm totally relaxed, it's you I'm worried about" said the brunette just as the troll flung Riven towards the three of you, making the specialist let go of the rope.

"Pardon me ladies, I've got work to do" you merely rolled your eyes at him, annoyed with his arrogant attitude.

"What an arrogant prick" you murmured, blasting the minion that latched itself into his shoulder, wincing when the ogre punched him away "deserve" you grinned while blasting the ogre along with the other two.

"See, told you you can do it"
"So I really am a fairy,"
"Of course you are, I'm never wrong"

You rolled your eyes at Stella, sighing once the ogre finally teleported away.

"Finally over," you murmured then went to introduce the specialists

"Bloom, meet the specialists, Riven" you gestured to the arrogant guy, him scowling in turn "Prince Sky," the brunette, "Timmy," glasses guy, "and Brandon, Prince Sky's squire" the blondie.

"Well introductions over," Riven said then went to arrest the troll

You sighed as he neared you after arresting the troll, "what do you want?"

"pissed for no reason princess," he teasingly said, getting really close to your face

"Uh, personal space please," you said, reaching forward to push him backwards

"Oh? But you enjoy my attention don't you princess?" he said, an arm wrapping around your waist with him pulling you close to him

"Riven, we gotta go" said Brandon

"Well that's my cue, till next time princess," he winked then went to back to his group, blowing you a goodbye kiss right as he went inside the portal.

You just shook your head at his flirtines, sighing as you went back inside the ruined house.

"Let me help you, I can fix everything with a little magic!" said Stella as she peeked into the room, you were helping Mike clean up, you already offered fixing the damage before but he insisted to do it the 'traditional way'

So here you were, sweeping the floor and secretly fixing some of the damage using magic while Mike's back is turned to you. You also left human money on their table, to cover the expenses for the damages.

"Bloom is ready," you turned your head to see bloom already carrying her luggage, ready to go to Alfea.

"You're sure about this sweetie?"
"Yes dad, I've got to learn to use my powers.. to be a fairy"
"I know, but we don't know anything about Alfea college, so we're coming with you" Mike said, then grabbed his coat from the rack

"Uh Stella, can we all go?"
"Of course! I can bring everybody, ready?"
"Then let's go!" She tossed her ring into the air, the magical item transforming into her scepter

She slammed it down on the ground, your bodies disappearing and reappearing on the woods near Alfea

"Holly guacamole! It really does exist"
"Of course it does, was there any doubt"
You crossed your arms as you boredly watched the earthlings get amazed by the sight of Alfea in the distance.

"Let's go, I'd like to get a closer look at-" he was cut off mid-sentence when he hit the barrier

"Hey.. it's like there's an invisible wall I can't get through!"

"Really? But I can't feel anything, are you guys pulling my leg?"

"No honey, honest"

"Y/n, did you um.. do that by any chance?"

You shook your head, "no bloom, it's a protective barrier. It keeps non-magical creatures out of Alfea"

"Sorry, I'm afraid you can't go any further" your sister said, obviously feeling sorry for the couple for not being able to help them send their daughter off to a school they hadn't known existed till now.

"Guess it's time to say goodbye Bloom," Vanessa disheartenedly said.

"Don't worry, you guys can keep in touch with each other" you smiled at them

They smiled back at you, Bloom saying her goodbyes to her parents before Stella sent them off, and with that, the short trip to Alfea goes

You guys entered through the gates along with many others, "so like- how's Bloom gonna get in? Her name's not on the list, and you know how strict Griselda is" you said, eyeing your sister when she smirked mischievously

"Yes she is! She's gonna pretend to be the Princess of Callisto!" You raised an eyebrow at her, then went to fetch the letter Varanda sent you "What happens to this then?" She ripped it away from your grasp then ripped it apart, your jaw hanging because of what she did

She cut you off before you could even say a thing "Anyway! No one here knows the princess of Callisto"

You shook your head at her then went to greet Griselda "Good morning miss Griselda!" you grinned at her, she smiled back at you, though she kept a wary eye on your sister.

"Well if it isn't the Princess of the Sun, I never thought I'd see you here. After what happened last year I'm surprised you've chosen to grace us with your presence once again" she adjusted her glasses, glaring at Stella slightly.

You already know what happened last year, as your sister ranted to it about you. You were also supposed to have been with her last year, but unfortunately you had an important project, now you're a year behind. Thankfully though, your manager decided to not have any major projects that contains most of your time so you would be able to focus on your studies, of course, that doesn't mean that your schedule isn't packed.

"Ah! The princess of Callisto. You three may come in, next!"

You entered alongside them, shaking your head at your twin's antics.

"By the way Stella, what happened last year?"

"Uh it was nothing! Griselda looves to dramatize"
You raised an eyebrow at that "Uh, it was not nothing?" you slightly glared at her, she merely shrugged her shoulders at you.

You all got in line as Griselda stood before you, "This school will be your home for the next five years, but! This home can cease to be yours at any moment. The rules of this institution are based on discipline, disregard these rules and I'll personally escort you to the front gate!" Cue her heatedly glaring at Stella

"This is not a magician school, you're not here to learn hocus pocus! Consequently you may not use your powers in the hallways or other common areas. In fact the only place where you may display your powers is in your classroom under teacher supervision, is that clear princess Stella?" She pointed at Stella, who only meekly grinned at her.

"Thanks to you and your antics, the potion laboratory will not be accessible until next month at the earliest! Now I think you know what to do if you wish to stay, huh? Hmph!"

"You did that?" Bloom asked bemusedly,
"So? My father paid for all the damages," your sister sassily replied.

"Sorry I'm late, I hope you'll excuse me." Said an older woman, walking alongside others who you could only assume as the professors.

"Ladies, here comes your headmistress. Attention!"

"Oh really, there's no need to be so stodgy. I hope miss Griselda hasn't frightened you too much." The older woman said

"Welcome to Alfea! The best fairy school in the whole of magix! Mind you it's also the only one. Come on in ladies!"

The headmistress guided you all inside, saying a few things before dismissing everyone to their own devices.

You followed your sister and Bloom as you guys headed to the dormitories . You and Stella shared a dorm, while Bloom shared with a girl named Flora Guthrie.

As Bloom stepped into her dorm, you heard shouting. Grimacing when you saw where her foot landed on, as the dorm mates introduced themselves, you giggled when Flora accidentally knocked the plant off with her hips.

As more girls came in, one with short pink hair and the other with blue pigtails, you went to your shared dorm with Stella to take a rest. It's been a long day after all.

β”Šβ”ŠβΫͺΫͺཻུ♑ ͎. q˚ Β° 쒅결q ⊹˚.⋆
