𝟏• 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 ~

Hastinapur :

The golden pinnacle of the Pandu's palace, today, has been adorned more gloriously by the first ray of sunshine. The new summer morning, enamoures with the joyous chirps of birds, the tiny grasses envelopes with little white butterfly who are flying the new enthusiasm giving a strong lively visibility throughout the palace. There's a prominent reason though, behind it, that's his first, eldest son has now become the crowned prince which was his ever wanted dream. Maybe he is not physically present beside his son, but, scattering the warmth from the sky he is assuring, "My son, I am with you".

Cladding in her as usual ivory colored attire, Kunti comes in front of the mirror adjoined table where her and Pandu's eldest son Yudhishthir has been sitting, straightening his fair bare back. The fine white cloak of him sliding from his left shoulder fluttering wildly in the wind exposing his stout muscular chest. His eyes are closed, pinkish tone lips are curved with a calm smile which is constant to him.

"Ma-" Hearing Kunti's footsteps, he opens his eyes and turns his head towards her. Folding his arms and joining his palms he gesture a gentle salutations towards her. "Why you take trouble when one of your call will make me appear in front of you?" Yudhishthir's serene voice with deep calmness speaks.

"My son, I know you have grown too much, but, it doesn't mean that I will stop fulfill my duties." Curving her eyebrows she speaks.

Yudhishthir faintly bits his lips. "No, no, I don't mean that Mata, I just-" he slightly embarrassed, promineting the ear pair into reddish hue.

"I understand everything." She settles herself in the adjoint couch of him after the maids settle her space, and another maid hands her a golden plate. "Now, open your mouth."

Yudhishthir silently and smilingly opens his mouth, but from his behind Nakul, who was till now busy in selecting jewels turned his face and asks. "What's this Maa?"

"Curd, for Yudhishthir" rolling her eyes at Nakul, she feeds a spoonful amount to Yudhishthir. Then, bringing the end of her veil she herself wipes his lips. "Today is a big day for Yudhishthir, I know my son, he will always be successful, still, I am blessing for his well being. May all these you be safe. Your journey be safe." Kunti joins her palms and murmurs by closing her eyes, then caresses his face.

"But can't we four go with Jyesth?" Bhim asks, who is always possessive enough for his family and this time too, this doesn't changes.

"No" Kunti firmly replies.

"It's just for crown prince only, he alone has to voyage in disguise over the Kingdom and nearby kingdom to get info." Yudhishthir clarifies passing a calm smile.

"But safety?" Sahadev who was silently hearing all these and rarely speaks, he now getting up from his writing desk asks.

"That's the test of crown prince you can say Sahadev." Yudhishthir looking deep into the eyes, smiles.

"Being a mother, I feel tensed, am feeling tensed, and for all this next upcoming month, I will be tensed, but, duty is duty my son. We mustn't be turn our face from it. Safety, wealth, luxury, companion everything is just insignificant when it comes near righteous abd duty. And he is going to be a king, the responsibility of whole Kingdom will be on his head in the form of crown, so, nothing to compromise."

Yudhishthir closing his broad eyes assured his mother silently.

"Should it be necessary to go?" Nakul asks raising his face.

"Nagar Parikrama is an important part of being king, Yudhishthir." She replies, "this phase is tough, challenging, but this is the predominant action. Here, a king direct steps into his kingdom, mixed with his people, knows about them, learn about them, learn about his own kingdom. This four walls of palace may you give the essentiality of working, but not the experience, for that the land, air and citizens are the teacher. I know in this you are unparallel. Luxury doesn't bother you."

"Maa, are you forgetting we are born in woods, nurtured in woods" Arjun coming forward says, embracing his eldest brother's shoulder. "Even we sometimes care for some comfort, but Jyesth" he proudly looks at Yudhishthir, "Jyesth never ever, like he is inspired to be sage."

"Arjun!" Kunti fakes a scolding glare. "My son won't be any sage. Your father preached him to be a king, to serve the kingdom which Kuru's created and honoured with their own blood and love. And yes, none of you all will. Vanprasth is havoc far, before that you all have to be Grihastha, remember this. I will made all my son marry, or-" Kunti pauses with a mischievous smile.

"Or Ma-?" Five of them surprisingly asks.

"Or-" Kunti again presses a smile. "You yourself will eager to marry. I don't think I have to take trouble regarding finding princess." Saying this Kunti gets up. Five of them too follows her, but, their mind are still revolving around her words and heart wanting to stop her to elaborate more. It's not that they haven't understand, but it's taking time to measure the thrum of heart which their mother has pointed out.

A monotonous silent around. Kunti understands everything, she remain standing. Then, suddenly, Nakul, "Jyesth-" Nakul smirks and Kunti immediately gives a scolding gaze to him. Nakul suppresses his smile.

"Nakul is not wrong Maa. Would you think Jyesth will ever-?" Bhim joins in teasing session.

"Everyone think about yourself, and Bhim, you too-" Kunti fakes a strictness again. "And there will be the princess who definitely made my son to fall in her love. Now leave my son. His disperse time is near."

"Yes, now Jyesth would be in own kingdom, there will be another time." Arjun says embracing Yudhishthir again.

"No Arjun, it's not totally in Kuru. I have to roam all the portion and lands of Kuru which our ancestors begat. So, I have to cross some other kingdoms too, especially the northerns. Do you forgot that like near Madra, we have one little landmass, ans there are scattered many, so-"

"So, sharp sharp chance-" Nakul again teases up.

Yudhishthir smiles again, a gentle coy one. "It's political purpose Nakul, not marital." He softly replies and then elaborating his two broad arms, he invites his brothers to embrace as a meant of farewell. All four, abruptly embraces him. Living separated with each other is the toughest task for them, they don't scare any people, goons, god, demon, demigod, nymph etc. but separation from any brother makes their eyes overflow with tears and heart seize with a with wound.

Yudhishthir ruffles his brothers hairs. From their birth, he is looking them and after the death of Pandu, he has became their guardian too.
"Just a matter of one month only!" He smilingly assures.

"Yeah! One month!" Arjun lifts his head. His eyes now looking deep, strongly, enamoured with that confidential power of victory, which Yudhishthir able to see and ignites more making him his desciple. "And after that, Hastinapur will get their righteous ruler, by Dharma."

All four now, breaking their hug nods giving permission to his eldest brother. Noding back to them, Yudhishthir turns towards the doorway.

"May Jyesth also get his heart's ruler too, who knows!" Sahadev speaks aloud, with a smile. He doesn't laugh, basically he rarely laughs. He always talk deep in deep voice, but, today his voice seems some indifferent. "Would it really be the time of blooming flower has come?" He thinks, pausing his feet, then, curves a broad smile. "Let it be." He utters to himself. "The flow of nature, the glow of cosmos is inevitable."

He proceeds his feet.

