300 followers ( late )

finally getting around to doing this q&a- raven was the only one who bothered to ask anything so ty ml <33

If you could live in any fictional universe, which would you live in ?

oh shit thats a hard one . probably the riordanverse , only because the others i can come up with , id probably die within a day πŸ’€

What's your favorite planet?

i havent really thought about it , but i think itd be saturn or pluto . saturn bc of its awesome rings , and pluto bc of my lute :]

Why is your favorite season your favorite?

my favorite season is autumn , bc where i live , summer is unbearable and winter is just rain . autumn is when its actually nice out and also halloween .

If you could be a constellation in the sky, which one would you be?

i dont know that many constellations tbh ( big fault of mine , ik ) but id be the big dipper probably . just bc its a classic πŸ’…

What color do you think your aura would be?

light blue ish . idk why , i just think so

What aesthetic do you think you are vs. what aesthetic do you want to be?

a) i dont really have one , i think
b) all of them . it fluctuates sm

Do you have any cool plans for the future? What are they?

i want to own a bookstore , bc to be surrounded by books all the time would be amazing ngl

If you were in a horror movie, which role would you play?

i would die as the second or third person , for ✨suspense✨

if yg have any questions you want me to answer , comment them here for next time !
