01 | meeting the avengers

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โ”โ”โ” MEILANI MCCALL HAS BEEN THROUGH THINGS SHE HAD NEVER ONCE THOUGHT SHE'D EVER GO THROUGH. Never did she think that she'd be turned into a werewolf by Peter Hale the night before she was supposed to start her sophomore year of high school. Nor did she think that just a few months later her childhood best friend, Sawyer Bowen, would be turned next which only added onto the growing pack. Nor did she think that she'd become close with Apollo Hale of all people who was so much like his older brother Derek Hale that it was almost dizzying. Nor did she think that she'd pretty much die ( thank you Theo freakin' Raeken ) and come back as if nothing had happened.

However, the icing on the never ending cake of surprises that lead to Meilani's life was the fact that her old boss at the animal clinic, Alan Deaton, had called her up because Tony freakin' Stark had asked for her. He had heard all about her supernatural adventures during all the press releases when Meilani had finally come clean to the whole town of Beacon Hills that she existed along with other supernatural creatures โ€” like her best friend Adrian Martin who was a necromancer or Victor Blight who had the ability to either bring people pain or take it from them. The fact that Tony Stark had even thought of Meilani was absolutely mind boggling.

Tony had wanted her and the pack to help him and the Avengers so badly that he'd even sent over a private jet to take them to the Avengers Tower in Manhattan to talk about the mission they needed to go on. A mission that apparently could benefit from the hand of supernatural creatures, minus a few members of the pack like Stiles Stilinski or Meilani's brother Scott. Though, they were still a valuable member of the pack of Tony had all but asked for them to join as well.

Meilani had always dreamed of going to New York City, walking around the massive city that never slept. To see all the towering skyscrapers and get those "dirty water hot dogs" she always heard about in the TV shows and movies. To actually skate around Rockefeller Center during the winter and see the massive tree that was always set up just nearby that all the singers fought to sing at. To just be called "a fucking asshole" at least once by an irrationally angry New Yorker because they were always cursing and yelling about something, rushing to get wherever it is they needed to be.

Hell, Meilani had even always dreamed of meeting the Avengers. The true heroes of the world that always had their names and faces plastered all over the news, saving people and making sure the world was safe. They did everything that Meilani always wanted to do and what she had always tried to do while she was in high school protecting the town of Beacon Hills from homicidal alpha packs or Kanimas or Dread Doctors or Benefactors or quite literally any other supernatural thing one could think of that didn't involve vampires. Though, Meilani was still waiting for a vampire to randomly pop up out of nowhere and try to attack her like they were in some bootleg version of Twilight.

The second the private jet's wheels landed on the hover pad of the Avenger's Tower, a massive ship resting just on the other side that closely resembled something out of Star Wars. Naturally, that was something Stiles had excitedly called out to Adrian, who merely rolled his green eyes fondly at his boyfriend as he promised to watch the films if they survived this one. Which only resulted in Meilani punching him in the shoulder to shut up and earned herself a chuckle and side hug from the red haired boy who beamed boyishly down at her. Sometimes he was really lucky Meilani loved him.

A robotic voice that was apparently named JARVIS had spoken up from the speakers on the outside of roof and informed the pack to make their way inside the building as Tony and the team were waiting for their arrival. JARVIS continued to lead them through another three long hallways ( all of which were lined with photos and articles on the Avengers or Tony Stark himself ) and into a massive lab setting where a team of people rested inside, all sporadically placed around.

A man with dark hair and wore a lab coat stood near a holographic diagram of something that Meilani couldn't make out and Meilani realized that he was doctor Bruce Banner, also known as The Hulk from all the news channels she'd seen. She already knew Stiles and Bruce would be having long discussions about all his science experiments and projects as Stiles' hazel eyes swept around the massive lab in awe. A taller man with long blonde hair stood with Bruce with his arms crossed, peering over the man's shoulder as he typed something and judging by the accent that drifted from his voice Meilani knew him to be Thor, the God of Thunder.

Before Meilani could sweep her eyes to the other side of the room where had briefly glimpsed Black Widow, Hawkeye and Captain America, none other than Tony Stark appeared before them with a smile and throwing his arms out to the sides as if he were saying "ah, yes, isn't my lab i created amazing?" without actually saying it out loud. Meilani bit back her small laugh as Tony already briefly reminded her of Adrian and she rocked back on her heels as she waited for the billionaire Iron Man to speak.

"You know, I have to say . . . I thought you'd be taller," Tony remarked, tilting his head to the side as he scanned Meilani over with his brown eyes. His dark hair was styled perfectly atop his head and his smile only grew more as Meilani raised her eyebrows at him in amusement while he ran a hand across the air over her head.

"She's small, but trust me . . . you don't want to mess with her," Hugo O'Dell, another human of the pack and Meilani's closest friend, piped up from behind them with his soft British accent. "Not a fun time if you piss her off."

Tony grinned bigger and nodded in appreciation. "That makes two of this then. I'm Tony Stark, but I'm sure you already knew that."

Meilani snorted in amusement over Tony and nodded, reaching out to shake his hand when stuck it out for her. "Have heard many things about you from Deaton alone. He'd be charmed to know that the Tony Stark charm he's always spoken about was still there. I'm Meilani, but I assume you also already knew that since you ordered for me."

"No, no, I did not order for you. I simply requested and, naturally, you couldn't say no," Tony mused to Meilani, turning to lead the pack further into the lab as the rest of the Avengers finally turned their attentions over to the pack. "Team, this is Meilani McCall and her pack. The true alpha I've been telling you all about. She's going to help us track down Strucker."

"Actually, I haven't agreed to anything just yet," Meilani corrected Tony, crossing her arms as she shifted on her black Converse covered feet. "No offense, but I've stopped blindly jumping into things after high school. Unfortunately learned my lesson the hard way there with that. However, I am open to talking about it since we're here and I know you guys are all about saving people like I want to so . . ."

Steve Rogers chuckled softly at Meilani's words and stepped forward, blue eyes shining beautifully in the sunlight that streamed in through the massive floor to ceiling windows lining the one side of the lab. "I am glad to know that I am not the only one that likes to hear everything out first before I dive in. Steve Rogers."

Meilani blushed slightly at the soldier's comment, placing her hand into the warmth of his when he stuck it out for her to shake much like Tony. A small gasp passed her lips when a spark ignited from her hand, sending a warmth throughout her entire body. Her brown eyes flickered up to Steve's blue ones that blinked at her momentarily. She quickly, yet subtly took her hand back and cleared her throat, ignoring the way her heart picked up rapidly at his proximity even though there was a respectable distance between them. "Nice to meet you, Steve. Thank you for your, um, service."

"Thank you for your service?" Apollo Hale whispered from behind Meilani with a snort, only earning him brief pain through his head from Victor. "Okay, what? Since when is Meilani ever awkward?"

"Stop talking while you're ahead, love, yeah?" Victor suggested quietly, patting his boyfriend on the shoulder softly while Meilani sent him a small grateful look over her shoulder. Though, judging by the way he ticked an eyebrow at her, she knew that she wouldn't be getting away with that small blubber.

Steve dropped his hand back to his side and nodded in thanks, clearly putting whatever spark he felt to the side as he must have judged it as an electric shock. Even though there wasn't a single carpet in the room and Meilani wasn't even in socks. "Anything for my country. I am happy to have you on board, Meilani. It'll be nice to have someone other than me trying to keep Tony's ego in tact."

"My ego is just fine, Rogers," Tony retorted, waving off the captain with his hand and walked over to where Bruce and Thor stood to pick up a small device on the table. He pressed a few buttons and brought up a holographic image of a scepter that spun slowly in the blueish lights to show off the whole staff from all angles. "You want a run down, I can give you one. Loki, also known as Thor's charming brother who killed well over eighty people โ€” "

"He's adopted," Thor chimed in, holding up his finger as if asking the permission to speak as he did so. When he realized all eyes were on him, he quickly lowered his hand and stepped back and closer to the counter he stood near. "Not important, carry on."

"As I was saying, we have lost the scepter and is in the hands of a man named Strucker. He's located in Sokovia where he's using said scepter to experiment on humans, some willingly and many others against their own free will. We need to infiltrate his base where he's currently working on all of these experiments. The sooner we stop Strucker and get back the scepter, the sooner we can protect those being experimented on," Tony explained to the pack who all stare wide eyed at the man with varying expressions of shock. "Any questions?"

Sawyer raised his hand and skirted around Isaac Lahey โ€” another werewolf in the pack and Meilani's destined wolf mate ( a very long story that Meilani still tried to work out even years later of finding that information out ) โ€” and stood on Meilani's other side as Adrian occupied her other as he always did. "Uh . . . yeah. How can we help you with that? I mean . . . yeah Meilani, Isaac, Malia, Victor and I are supernaturally gifted but . . . we're not genetically enhanced like Steve is or can turn into a super green giant like the Hulk."

"You guys have claws, enhanced strength and enhanced hearing and can leap just as high as Bruce over there," Tony jerked his chin in Bruce's direction who shifted uncomfortably at the mention of his alter ego. "You guys can be a big help in trying to listen out for enemies your strength could help in taking down said enemies. Plus, I know Meilani has been through her own fair share of enemies and survived. The pack could be a good ally for this mission. Plus . . . who would ever turn down a chance to help out the Avengers?"

"We would appreciate the extra set of hands and power," Steve added in when the pack didn't move to answer just yet, strong arms crossed over his chest. It caused for his dark blue shirt to tug around his arms as he did so. "This is a big mission and Strucker does not play around. HYDRA is not an organization that we can handle lightly or without all the power and strength we could have. We have a whole plan sorted out if you guys are willing to help us out as well that we can go over."

"So . . . are you guys in or are you in?" Tony asked, diverting his attention away from the holographic scepter and over to the pack.

Meilani chewed the inside of her lip and looked over to her pack behind her. None of them looked like they wanted to turn down the opportunity. Sawyer and Apollo both looked like they were ready to tackle this thing, both of their blue eyes already shining with the anticipation to take down some enemies. Victor merely shrugged at Meilani when she looked to him, silently saying he didn't care as long as it was something she was sure about. Even Stiles, Scott and Isaac nodded along to say they were okay with the plan if she was, all of them willing to follow their alpha into whatever war she thought was right for them.

"Couldn't hurt, wolfie," Adrian mumbled from besides her, glancing over his shoulder to the Avengers before his green eyes flickered back to Meilani. "I mean . . . what's the worst that could happen, right? We've dealt with supernatural drama scarier than this."

Meilani nodded along to his words, knowing he was right and plus she did want to work with the Avengers. They always did their best by the people they were trying to save and that was the exact mind set that Meilani enjoyed working with. Plus, Adrian was right . . . what could be worse than what they'd already dealt during their high school years?

With a final nod and a smile in the direction of the Avengers, Meilani slapped her hands to her sides. "When do we start?"

word count: ( 2.4k )

โ€” welcome to CHAOS THEORY, folks! i know not all the Avengers spoke and not all of the pack spoke either, but everyone will get their time to shine. dunno how i feel about this chapter because i just can't fuck with first chapters, but i hope you all still enjoyed this little introduction! with the next chapter, we'll get into the beginning fight scene of AGE OF ULTRON and i am so stinkin' excited for it, ugh! this is just gonna be *chefs kiss*

โ€” also, you all can thank roscoeobrien cause we've been talking bout this fic nonstop and when i mentioned having inspiration for the first chapter . . . she yelled at me to write so . . . everyone say thank you ellis!

( banner by murdersongs )
